May 17, 2011 at 2:29 AM Post #2,011 of 4,593
Good to read your comments on the HD668b. I've been telling people to get this great <$50 can for a year or two now. It's good to see them getting some recognition finally. Did you know they make some REALLY decent microphones as well? 
I own a couple of Superlux headphones (HD669, HD668b, HD681, HD662, HD381) and they are all great value. The HD662 stands out for me since it's just so much fun and has a great soundstage for a closed can. The HD669 is nothing more than a closed version of the HD668b and just a great low budget closed studio monitor. Bright like the sun though. All Superlux headphones have a tendency towards sibilance. They need a warm source, like you said, and A LOT of burn-in. 

Interesting. I do think the HD668b is a bit on the bright side but nothing I can't handle. Wonder why a closed version would be even brighter... usually it goes the opposite way when sealing the drivers off.

Nice read on the HD668b. before getting my K601 i used the 668b a lot. they are great for some nice speed tech metal 

For me they are not so comfortable tho, the wings on the top on my head press a bit hard, a friend of mine  that had them for 1 month said they were the most comfortable pair he ever used so i guess, my head too egg shaped. 
besides fast music they are really good with games too.
I've always say this are not portable guys,,,I'll crack in laugh if I ever see someone walking in the park using this on,

More portable than the DT770 and JVC's HA-DX series, which I've used on the go for various reasons 
. I was surprised by how tame the HD668B looked on me compared to my K601 and K701. Maybe it's the color...

Any idea if / when the TMA-1s will be added? I used this thread mainly to decide between my M50 and HD25 purchase, and ended going w/ the M50 as it was cheaper and loved it :) but now looking to upgrade and deciding (mainly) between TMA-1s and HD25s as they are far more portable than the M50s (which I must say, look pretty weird even on my neck). Sorry if it sounds demanding. Can't find anything better than a comparison via charts showing average scores.

No plans for a TMA-1 at this time. I'd love a beyer 1350 as well but I'm afraid the next dozen or so reviews are confined to the <$200 range. 
May 17, 2011 at 3:40 AM Post #2,012 of 4,593

Interesting. I do think the HD668b is a bit on the bright side but nothing I can't handle. Wonder why a closed version would be even brighter... usually it goes the opposite way when sealing the drivers off.

The HD662 was sibilant at first but tamed after burn in and amplification. The HD669 remains the most sibilant can I own, beating the DT880, SR225i and HD668b in brightness. I still have to burn them in some more so that could cure them as well. All the HD669 is, design wise, is the cups of the HD662 with the headband/wings of the HD668b. It's like they had some spare parts laying around and decided to build a 662/668b hybrid. 
normal_smile .gif

You could try the HD651 as well. It's a great portable basshead's can that's only $20. 

May 17, 2011 at 9:25 AM Post #2,014 of 4,593
just read the post. awesome stuff. i recently bought the M50s, conducting burn in currently and the the changes i am noting down are interesting.
btw, just wanted to ask. have you ever heard the Technics DJ 1210 dj headphones? i tried em out few days back. the build quality is prolly the best i have ever seen on any headphone.
would like to hear your thoughts, and i might pick a pair up! :P
thanks.... and cheers.
May 17, 2011 at 12:47 PM Post #2,015 of 4,593
Has anyone heard the superlux HD668 and the JVC HA-RX700? Joker's writeup of the Superlux seems to be very similar to what I heard from my RX700 some time ago. I wouldn't be surprised if Superlux was the OEM or something.
May 17, 2011 at 2:08 PM Post #2,017 of 4,593
Just ordered the Superlux 668B. I was actually saving for a Denon HP700. I want to use it on my laptop, using an iBasso D4 with 1612 opamp. The RE0 was one of my favorite IEM's (traded it with iBasso T4 for iBasso D4). Now I use the RE-ZERO when on the move and DDM's on my laptop.
May 17, 2011 at 2:18 PM Post #2,018 of 4,593
Has anyone heard the superlux HD668 and the JVC HA-RX700? Joker's writeup of the Superlux seems to be very similar to what I heard from my RX700 some time ago. I wouldn't be surprised if Superlux was the OEM or something.
I have both at one point of time and they could not be anymore apart. 668B is bright, analytical, recessed but clear mid and have tight yet impactful bass (after burn-in period). while RX700 is very warm, never sibilance, also kinda recessed mid before you do the felt mod, rather boomy bass and very fun phone (even moreso after you fully mod them). I could not really enjoy my music (mostly jpop) with 668B and had sold them a long time ago, while my modded RX700 still going strong to this day.
May 17, 2011 at 2:36 PM Post #2,019 of 4,593

Has anyone heard the superlux HD668 and the JVC HA-RX700? Joker's writeup of the Superlux seems to be very similar to what I heard from my RX700 some time ago. I wouldn't be surprised if Superlux was the OEM or something.
I have both at one point of time and they could not be anymore apart. 668B is bright, analytical, recessed but clear mid and have tight yet impactful bass (after burn-in period). while RX700 is very warm, never sibilance, also kinda recessed mid before you do the felt mod, rather boomy bass and very fun phone (even moreso after you fully mod them). I could not really enjoy my music (mostly jpop) with 668B and had sold them a long time ago, while my modded RX700 still going strong to this day.

I have the Samson SR850, which is, according to impressions, like a bassier HD668B with a bit less detail, and my impressions are similar, except that I prefer the Samsons for their neutrality. The RX700 are still the best budget option out there if you want a really warm, smooth sound, imo. Mine are felt modded as well, but lose out to the Samson in detail resolution, bass impact/tightness, soundstage width and imaging. The RX700 may be more "musical" though, presenting a smoother and less analytical sound, although I don't consider the Samsons too analytical. The Bass on the RX700 is more of that smooth weighty type, whereas the Samson is faster and hits harder, despite the RX700 having more quantity. Both are wonderful budget options. I really like my Samson's though, preferring it to the M50(based on long impressions of those, never owned them), and my Denon D1100s, which are great bassy cans. Compared to the M50, the SR850 has bass that is more linear, mids a bit more forward(after burn-in), treble slightly less bright.
May 17, 2011 at 3:01 PM Post #2,020 of 4,593
I have the Samson SR850, which is, according to impressions, like a bassier HD668B with a bit less detail, and my impressions are similar, except that I prefer the Samsons for their neutrality. The RX700 are still the best budget option out there if you want a really warm, smooth sound, imo. Mine are felt modded as well, but lose out to the Samson in detail resolution, bass impact/tightness, soundstage width and imaging. The RX700 may be more "musical" though, presenting a smoother and less analytical sound, although I don't consider the Samsons too analytical. The Bass on the RX700 is more of that smooth weighty type, whereas the Samson is faster and hits harder, despite the RX700 having more quantity. Both are wonderful budget options. I really like my Samson's though, preferring it to the M50(based on long impressions of those, never owned them), and my Denon D1100s, which are great bassy cans. Compared to the M50, the SR850 has bass that is more linear, mids a bit more forward(after burn-in), treble slightly less bright.

If the samson really shares the same soundsig as 668B (but bassier eh? interesting) then I agree with you, I actually can't handle bright cans, that's a big factor for me to let go of the 668B. Also since then I have stuffed cotton ball (better than any other damping material I've tried) and recabled my RX700, and now even compared to higher tier cans I've auditioned I still prefer the RX700, for the music I listen to.

I also had the chance to borrow my friend's M50 for about a month, and based on memory I prefer 668B to M50, they have really strange mid that annoy the hell out of me everytime I listen to it. 

May 17, 2011 at 4:43 PM Post #2,022 of 4,593

You could try the HD651 as well. It's a great portable basshead's can that's only $20. 


Ooh colorful. Those plastics do make them look like industrial earmuffs, though.

Nice HD668B review. Spot on, I say.
How does it compare with the M50s in your opinion?

The M50 is bassier, smoother, and a little warmer/more neutral overall. The midrange has a bit of an opposite slant - the M50 is stronger in the lower mids while the HD668B picks up emphasis higher up. Presentation-wise I found the M50 to very well-layered and nuanced. The 668B is spacious but a bit more simplistic in how things are presented. Clarity is similar or may even be better with the Superluxes.

just read the post. awesome stuff. i recently bought the M50s, conducting burn in currently and the the changes i am noting down are interesting.
btw, just wanted to ask. have you ever heard the Technics DJ 1210 dj headphones? i tried em out few days back. the build quality is prolly the best i have ever seen on any headphone.
would like to hear your thoughts, and i might pick a pair up! :P

Never heard a Technics model, sorry.

Has anyone heard the superlux HD668 and the JVC HA-RX700? Joker's writeup of the Superlux seems to be very similar to what I heard from my RX700 some time ago. I wouldn't be surprised if Superlux was the OEM or something.

From memory I'd have to agree that the RX700 (modded and unmodded) is smoother, warmer, thicker, and slower than the Superlux. It doesn't quite have the same level of clarity, texture, or detail as the 668B and, while a good can, never really threatened my higher-end cans in any way. I think I've stated before that, if it were a portable, the RX700 would have scored around a 7 for sound here.

Like the review of the superlux HD668! Did you try them with the AKG pads? Any difference? Thank you!

I do not have any AKG pads of the correct size/type. The only full-size AKG cans I have are the K601 and K701.
May 18, 2011 at 10:43 AM Post #2,024 of 4,593

Sorry, I was on the impression that the AKG 601/701 pads provided a perfect match.

K601/K701 pads use a twist-on mechanism. Good for on-the-fly pad changes, bad for compatibility with other headphones.
May 18, 2011 at 1:24 PM Post #2,025 of 4,593
Joker and anyone who owns the MDR-V6's
Do you guys notice a clicking sound coming from the hinges?
I do, and I just bought them.
I tried to stick a piece of folded paper to stop the parts that go aroun your ear from moving and it stops the sound, but I can't fold it this way.
I'm gonna return it, but my question is...should I buy V6's again or should I buy something else ( I love these except for this issue)

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