Product Sneak Peaks, CanJam @ Rocky Mountain Audio Fest (RMAF) - Head-Fi TV, Episode 013
Oct 11, 2011 at 4:03 PM Post #47 of 82
Ahhhh, I wanna go. This would be a good excuse to see my brother in the Springs, but it's not possible :frowning2:
Have fun guys!
Oct 11, 2011 at 7:17 PM Post #49 of 82
Thanks for the vid, Jude - superb job getting it all into a single package like that !
Trade shows sound fantastic until you get there and half the state has the same idea you did. I can live with that when all I'm doing is looking at cars or whatever, but the idea of trying to listen to gear surrounded by people doesn't do it for me. Can you imagine the queue to listen to Aud'eze new phone ? Don't get me wrong - having access to all the vendors and their products would be awesome, I'm just way too selfish to share that experience with 10,000+ people, particularly when they drag bored kids along. A Head-Fi gathering should be more like a Trekkie convention, IMO, than a trade show - whether others here agree or not, we are geeks

Getting in, getting a few pics and getting out would be cool, but I wouldn't be sitting on a plane for 16+ hours just to get a few pics in a crowded (and noisy) exhibition hall - YMMV. I look forward to hearing feedback from the usual suspects over the next week or so.
Oct 11, 2011 at 8:11 PM Post #50 of 82

Thanks for the vid, Jude - superb job getting it all into a single package like that !
Trade shows sound fantastic until you get there and half the state has the same idea you did. I can live with that when all I'm doing is looking at cars or whatever, but the idea of trying to listen to gear surrounded by people doesn't do it for me. Can you imagine the queue to listen to Aud'eze new phone ? Don't get me wrong - having access to all the vendors and their products would be awesome, I'm just way too selfish to share that experience with 10,000+ people, particularly when they drag bored kids along. A Head-Fi gathering should be more like a Trekkie convention, IMO, than a trade show - whether others here agree or not, we are geeks
Getting in, getting a few pics and getting out would be cool, but I wouldn't be sitting on a plane for 16+ hours just to get a few pics in a crowded (and noisy) exhibition hall - YMMV. I look forward to hearing feedback from the usual suspects over the next week or so.

RMAF isn't typically massively crowded.  It's also not in an exhibition hall.  The way it works is that they empty out most of the rooms in a hotel, and then set up a Hi Fi in each room.  Then everyone goes from room to room to listen to each system.  The CanJam part of it is all in one large room, but it's typically not super crowded either.  Last year I got to listen to almost everything in the CanJam room, and that wouldn't have happened if there were long lines.
Oct 11, 2011 at 8:35 PM Post #51 of 82
OK - thanks for the clarification - sounds a lot better than the photos from other meets would have me believe. Enjoy CanJam.
Oct 12, 2011 at 3:08 PM Post #52 of 82
I think JHA's new innovative way to order IEM's has already been released? Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe they just updated their website so you can "visualize" your IEM in terms of color, artwork finish.. etc
Oct 12, 2011 at 7:23 PM Post #53 of 82
I'm really excited for the Audez'e announcement, I hope others will report about it quickly here. 
I have been tempted to purchase some LCD-2's this year, but will wait until after the show to see what's up ......
Thanks for any updates guys :)
Oct 13, 2011 at 3:20 PM Post #58 of 82
Oct 13, 2011 at 3:39 PM Post #59 of 82
From the verbiage they use to describe the LCD-3, I almost guarantee you the price of those headphones will be close to double what the current model costs. If the price is appropriately gapped between the two models, I wonder if they'll keep the LCD-2 in their line.
Lucky for me they have a dealer close by. I'll go take a listen to them when they come out. They'll have to better the LCD-2 by a fair margin for me to spend twice.
Oct 13, 2011 at 3:39 PM Post #60 of 82
The news about the LCD-3 is pretty exciting... though I'm a bit nervous to see how much it'll go for. I may still have to wind up settling for an LCD-2 if it's out of my price range.

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