
  1. ValkyrJunkie

    Non-peaky treble headphones

    Hi, I'm interested in picking up some $100-$150 headphones and I was looking at things like Sennheiser HD 558 or V-MODA Crossfade LP. However, I have a big concern. My only experience with $100 and up headphones was with my friends AKG240's, while using them I noticed a problem. Whenever a...
  2. JabJab90301

    Bass Headphones between 100-130 bucks.

    I am currently looking for nice pair of bass headphones.  I was looking at the V Moda Crossfade LP 1 but was quickly turned of by the amount of negative comments to positive comments.  People either love them or hate them like a scourge.  Any recommendations?  Listening to rap, electronic, dare...
  3. bjtuwf

    Worth it or not ? V-MODA crossfade LP1 for about 35 dollars

    Just found the V-MODA crossfade LP1 at special sales, charges only 35$, BOUGHT ONE.   A little bit preference on bass, listen to classic and popular, mostly, sometimes DJ. Don't know worth it or not. Any opinion?   I'll post my reviews as I get it.
  4. rob24g

    Which would you recommend for producing/mastering?

    Hey there guys, so I've been producing EDM (electro/dutch/house) for a little over 4 months now.  I use FL studio and crappy logitech speakers (here and there) and beats by dre to produce all my songs on. (yes I know beats by dre are **** on a stick, I got these as a gift.)    That being said...
  5. jenriquenunez

    logitech ue 6000 or v moda crossfade for on the go listening

    hey i will be starting college in january and i been looking at this two headphones, i mainly listen to pop dubstep linking park etc.. which one off this fits best for me   v moda crossfade lp $146 at amazon   logitech ue 6000 $95 in amazon and $79 at tigerdirect
  6. philip145123

    Sol Republic Hd Or Sol Republic Ultra?

    I Can't decide which to get and i'd love to be able to try them but i cant so i'm here to ask for your opinion on the headphones I love the bass on the Beats Solos Hd and the sounds it makes. Will The Sol Republic Ultra Tracks offer me the same Sound as the Beats solo Hd's? or even better 
  7. omar10wahab

    Best headphone to buy next

    I'm not an audiophile, but my main concern in headphones is audio clarity. I've had the audio technica m30s for awhile now and I was wondering what the next headphonesi should buy be. I was thinking m50s, Sony mdr-xb500, v-moda crossfade lp or something under $200 that doesn't need an amp...
  8. HeirOfHades

    V-Moda Crossfade LP or Ultrasone HFI-580

    Hello, made this account just so I could get this answer lol. Well, first of all I feel I am slowly becoming an audiophile after getting my first pair of klipsch image s-4 in-ear head phones last year and absolutely love them. I love them for listening to mainly dubstep and EDM, but now I wanna...
  9. Ptruslow

    need advice on a headphone mod

    does anyone know of any deep, about 1-1.25 inch on the inside, ear pads. i will be modding my v-moda crossfade lp, as the pads simply are not deep enough for me. they cause discomfort after about 20 minutes of use. they need to be about 3 7/8 inches tall and 2 3/4 wide oval or hexagonal pads...
  10. chalupa

    Should I buy a headphone amp sub-$200?

    I bought some V-MODA Crossfade LP2's a few months ago and will be buying a new computer where I can't have a sound card because it's a ITX board. With this in mind, I was going to look at buying a nice amp to make up for the lack of a sound card. What options do I have?
  11. DigitalEternal

    Looking for suggestions for comperable headphones to v-moda

    Hi Guys,   Wanted to see if someone could suggest a comparable pair of headphones to v-moda crossfade's, a family member put it on their wish list and I'm their 'secret santa', really wanted to get them a good pair of headphones but the v-moda crossfade's are a bit out of my price range...
  12. Gladzilla

    Christmas wishlist

    I currently have the Fiio e17 and the Topping D2. Ive been looking at the RSA  The Predator, I wanna give the vamp verza a look but just can't seem to want to commit. In my experence the E17 just falls short. I'd Listen to my topping D2 over Fiio E17 any day.    what other amps should i put on...
  13. Heitek

    Crossfade LP but with more accuracy and SQ?

    So yeah, is there any pair of portable cans that basically have the same sound quality (and bass), but with more Accuracy and SQ? I would like it to be under $150, but I can stretch my budget to $200. Btw, I listen to alot of Dubstep and Trap, if that helps.
  14. banjobiotic

    Best headphones for me

    I want to buy a new pair of headphones.   I will be listening primarily to rock music and acoustic Americana music.   I will be listening primarily on my iphone 4S and laptop. Sometimes a turntable.   I would prefer if the cable had a built in mic for handling calls, but not a...
  15. JohnLD

    V-Moda LP vs LP2 vs M-100?

    Is there a huge difference between the vmoda lp, vmoda lp2, and vmoda m-100? I know there are some minor differences, but would I be as happy with lp's than the others? Please only answer if you own two of these, or at least one of them. And do not answer based off opinion or what you read off...
  16. cbro94

    mom looking for gift for 11 yr old

    hi-  need some help finding a pair of headphones for my son-  dont really want to spend more that $75-100.-  i just cant stand him cranking his Ipod around the house anymore!! saw a pair of Monster Ncredible Ntune for around $50.00 on dealnews-but have no idea what is junk and what is good or if...
  17. NinjaMilez

    Headphones for Extreme Metal

    I currently own a pair of V-Moda Crossfade LP's and really like them because of the bass. I use them for listening to most genres of Heavy Metal but mainly the more extreme sub-genres (Death Metal, Thrash Metal and Black Metal)   I've had them for a little under two years now but I'm...
  18. ArchDragoon

    Basshead full-size headphone (not over 300$ and must be portable)

    Hi all,   I'm interesting to looking for a new headphone which i want to use with new mobile i will buy when it release sony xperia SP  Right now i have V-moda crossfade LP and iphone 4s. I'm impress with a sound quality from a headphone itself but not when use with a iphone (in other word...
  19. Denther

    XB 500's have Snapped and Looking for a Replacement

    Recently my XB 500's have snapped. I loved those headphones to death and very much enjoyed the bass in them. Essentially I need a good pair to replace them with. I've considered just getting another pair of XB500's but I'm not sure if that's worth it anymore since they've got up in price.   ...
  20. tydus

    Too much competition! What headphones should I get for $100-180?

    I have done A LOT of research on this. I originally was just going to get the ath-m50, but once I really looked into it I found out that the m50 might not be the best buy. There are just so many competing headphones that I'm not sure what to choose!     Some of the headphones:   Srh-840...
  21. TheBaron

    Best dubstep headphones for $100?

    Hello again guys, I'm looking to get a pair of nice headphones after getting used to my monster jamz. I have $100 to spend. Can you tell me your favorites (and why)? My favorite music to listen to is drum and bass and dubstep (The Prodigy, Pendulum, Nero, Doctor P, Rusko). I was really...
  22. Distinctionz

    Sony MDR-XB700 or V-MODA Crossfade LP

    Which one do you think is better for like dubstep/dnb/techno/elec/house and all that? I'm a basshead, and love my bass.    Thanks!
  23. TooPoorForHiFi

    How are the Audio Technica ATH WS99 & Philips Fidelio L2, Are they good?

    I'm looking into getting one of those headphones as an upgrade to V-Moda LP1. Does anyone have some experience w/ these Headphones and how are they compared to the LP? Thanks. 
  24. Realest

    Suggestions for decent quality headphones with a mic?

    Hey, everyone. I recently just got into this whole headphones thing and would like your suggestions on a a pair of headphones under $200 with a decent mic. A few that I've looked at are the V-MODA Crossfade LP or LP2 with the BoomPro attachment. I'm currently leaning towards the LP2 actually, so...
  25. aqua1837

    Audio-Technica ATH-M50S vs. V-MODA Crossfade LP Over-Ear Noise-Isolating Metal Headphone

    I want to buy a new set of headphones and I've narrowed it down to these two: the Audio-Technica ATH-M50S or the V-MODA Crossfade LP Over-Ear Noise-Isolating Metal Headphone. I can't make up my mind and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts comparing the two.   Thanks for your help!