Battle Of The Flagships (58 Headphones Compared)
Mar 19, 2013 at 7:19 PM Post #3,181 of 5,854
DavidMahler: I intend to acquire this headphone and have it be the final headphone which I will review for several years. /img/forum/go_quote.gif

We believe you. Never mind the fact you have "fifty-seven flagships". 

Mar 19, 2013 at 7:36 PM Post #3,182 of 5,854
What the FU**?
Not sure if serious or troll mode...
Dear BearBNF, nice analytical work (maybe you can use it for a job interview-- I'd sure hire you if I was a hiring manager), but save yourself some trouble and,
if you find them comfortable (the big determining factor), just get yerself the LCD3s and a decent tube amp. Yeah, maybe 009s do some special things and are better in ways, but,
the LCD3s seem to me to be the top of the heap sonicswise and certainly from a price/quality ratio standpoint after a lot of listening and ownership. Just my 2 cents. 
Try'em out from Audeze for comfort, and the sonics just go over the top after a good 6-months to a year of break in. You probably want a good cable too like a Q-audio or a Moon Silver Dragon (my favorite).
(Currawong said the LCD3s were the best bargain of the phones out there I think, and it sounded strange for a $2K phone, but now i fully understand and I'm a believer.)

Mar 19, 2013 at 7:46 PM Post #3,183 of 5,854
What the FU**?
Not sure if serious or troll mode...

Well the first indication would be "Dear BearBNF, nice analytical work (maybe you can use it for a job interview-- I'd sure hire you if I was a hiring manager)".  But I ignored it and addressed it seriously...
Mar 19, 2013 at 9:46 PM Post #3,184 of 5,854
Troll? Nah. Just like my Audezes (but the HE500s are way above their expected quality at their price point too. I have the HE500s too and really like them, but they do not have the image substance or provide the insight of the LCD3s). I'm an ex software/math guy myself. Weighted averages can be misleading because you are merging different factors. That's my problem with consumer reports on cars or anything.
Mar 20, 2013 at 12:15 AM Post #3,187 of 5,854
...just trying to help here and be friendly.  Here's some more help if you want BNF (and whoever is reading, of course)...
 I gave a good long  listen to the HE500s for a while tonight and recommend them highly. I forgot how much I like them. They kind of cast a big field of sound that has a live element to it that's just plain thrilling. And they are very comfy to me too, and I could easily be fooled into thinking they are $1500 phones, so I would buy them with no hesitation. They are actually pretty good to excellent with the stock cable, but I think Drew's Moon Silver Dragon is the best for them. (No, not trolling for Drew, just think  the world of his cables.)
The sound reminds me of my old Apogee Stage speakers, not hyper detailed but sort of like a big tall rectangular stage right in front of you with a very clear but not sharp sound,
and an in-the-room feel with real speed and NO overhang. (They're great on percussion especially. Lots of impact but not painfully strong.) There is kind of a unique Hifi-man sound signature that is beguiling. Forceful in a completely natural way. I feel they are easily in the league of HD800s but with a totally different approach. (And they are also up there with TH900s IMHO, but again very different than the dynamics.)
So good luck BNF, thanks for the work on the analysis, I enjoyed it, and I think you should absolutely go ahead with the HE500s. (And don't be swayed by some comments about their build quality or comfort, I think the build quality is great and they feel sturdy and thoughtfully assembled and I never had a problem with them or my previous HE6s, and I think the fit fine with no annoying pressure and I use the standard pleather pads.)
Mar 20, 2013 at 12:38 AM Post #3,188 of 5,854
Hi guys,
sorry to ask a silly question, but what does it means by aftermarket cable:
  1. HD600
  2. $399.95 (without aftermarket cable)
  3. $699.95 (with aftermarket cable)
Why is that second hand / used cable is more expensive than the built in cable that comes with the head phone ?
Mar 20, 2013 at 12:39 AM Post #3,189 of 5,854
...just trying to help here and be friendly.  Here's some more help if you want BNF (and whoever is reading, of course)...
 I gave a good long  listen to the HE500s for a while tonight and recommend them highly. I forgot how much I like them. They kind of cast a big field of sound that has a live element to it that's just plain thrilling. And they are very comfy to me too, and I could easily be fooled into thinking they are $1500 phones, so I would buy them with no hesitation. They are actually pretty good to excellent with the stock cable, but I think Drew's Moon Silver Dragon is the best for them. (No, not trolling for Drew, just think  the world of his cables.)
The sound reminds me of my old Apogee Stage speakers, not hyper detailed but sort of like a big tall rectangular stage right in front of you with a very clear but not sharp sound,
and an in-the-room feel with real speed and NO overhang. (They're great on percussion especially. Lots of impact but not painfully strong.) There is kind of a unique Hifi-man sound signature that is beguiling. Forceful in a completely natural way. I feel they are easily in the league of HD800s but with a totally different approach. (And they are also up there with TH900s IMHO, but again very different than the dynamics.)
So good luck BNF, thanks for the work on the analysis, I enjoyed it, and I think you should absolutely go ahead with the HE500s. (And don't be swayed by some comments about their build quality or comfort, I think the build quality is great and they feel sturdy and thoughtfully assembled and I never had a problem with them or my previous HE6s, and I think the fit fine with no annoying pressure and I use the standard pleather pads.)

In using the Planar Magnetic headphone such as HE-500, can you use Fiio E11 and normal iphone on the go ?
Mar 20, 2013 at 12:46 AM Post #3,190 of 5,854
Hi guys,

sorry to ask a silly question, but what does it means by aftermarket cable:
  • HD600
  • $399.95 (without aftermarket cable)
  • $699.95 (with aftermarket cable)

Why is that second hand / used cable is more expensive than the built in cable that comes with the head phone ?

Don't take the aftermarket cable comments too seriously. You can use the stock cable or you can use an aftermarket cable if you like and they don't all cost $300 either, there are many you can get at lower prices, usually starting around $100-150 and going up. Even if you need balanced, you can get a balanced stock cable from Headroom (link) for $100. Some people think fancy arrangements of wires or materials makes for a different sound so you can alter your listening by coloring your sound how you like via wires. I typically use the cheapest solution I can find that is balanced since I use balanced amplifiers.
Mar 20, 2013 at 1:11 AM Post #3,193 of 5,854
I think that by aftermarket he means that it's not stock, not that it's used. Custom cables take a lot of time to make so they can be pretty expensive. 

Having made many DIY cables, I can confirm that they can take a lot of time.  I've done some custom jobs that don't take much time at all and some that took me most of a weekend to complete.  If I were to sell them and charge my hourly rate for contract work (in my profession) and the full cost of materials, I could easily end up with a $400 cable.  I've never actually charged more than the cost of parts for any of my work and have done some custom work pro bono.  
Whether or not custom cables make a difference in sound, they certainly can reduce microphonics, improve aesthetics, and give more options for connectivity (like Maxvla uses for balanced amps).  I'd also suggest spending the money on improvements elsewhere in the chain first unless you've already got a balanced amp you'll be using or just can't stand a cable that's too long or short.
Mar 20, 2013 at 2:42 AM Post #3,195 of 5,854
Don't take the aftermarket cable comments too seriously. You can use the stock cable or you can use an aftermarket cable if you like and they don't all cost $300 either, there are many you can get at lower prices, usually starting around $100-150 and going up. Even if you need balanced, you can get a balanced stock cable from Headroom (link) for $100. Some people think fancy arrangements of wires or materials makes for a different sound so you can alter your listening by coloring your sound how you like via wires. I typically use the cheapest solution I can find that is balanced since I use balanced amplifiers.

Many thanks for the reply Maxvla,
Does Fiio E11 can be called as balance amp ?

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