Earbuds Round-Up
Feb 22, 2024 at 1:30 AM Post #74,027 of 76,509

I tried the new Bose Ultra Open 'Earbuds'.


I surprisingly liked them a lot. Super comfortable, unlike other 'ear clasp' types of buds that I've tried. Looks wise, I'd be happy to wear them anytime.

Sounds wise, when I turned them on, I had to double check that what I was hearing was from the buds and not from an external speaker. They sound very external to me who is used to flatheads.

They have way more bass than other clasp types. Don't sound thin at all. A bit far the opposite actually. I'd call them a bit boomy or bloated.

I kinda want them, and I'd prefer them over the Sony donuts or airpods (non pro), because of fit and style. There are times when I do want the convenience that true wireless gets you. But I would always miss the levels of detail and tuning that I'm used to from my normal earbuds.
Feb 22, 2024 at 5:38 AM Post #74,028 of 76,509

I tried the new Bose Ultra Open 'Earbuds'.


I surprisingly liked them a lot. Super comfortable, unlike other 'ear clasp' types of buds that I've tried. Looks wise, I'd be happy to wear them anytime.

Sounds wise, when I turned them on, I had to double check that what I was hearing was from the buds and not from an external speaker. They sound very external to me who is used to flatheads.

They have way more bass than other clasp types. Don't sound thin at all. A bit far the opposite actually. I'd call them a bit boomy or bloated.

I kinda want them, and I'd prefer them over the Sony donuts or airpods (non pro), because of fit and style. There are times when I do want the convenience that true wireless gets you. But I would always miss the levels of detail and tuning that I'm used to from my normal earbuds.
thank you for your impressions! i had the similar experience when i discovered the Tozo openbuds. They sound so much in front of me and out of my head, that none of my buds or other headphones come even close. i use them always for watching video and its not far off my dts system. i would even use them exclusively for everything, but i somehow still need to justify all my other gear..
Feb 22, 2024 at 8:09 AM Post #74,029 of 76,509
Alright..I don't know how some of you wear buds with the stem up. I tried today, and while I could find pretty good comfort out of this way of wearing them, I could not get a proper seal. At all.

I think I'm going to try again tomorrow with a thicker foam.
Judging by the "stem up", your earbuds have classic (MX500-like) shape. This shape isn't the best for wearing the earbuds "cable up" - bell-shaped earbuds are better suited for this.
Feb 22, 2024 at 1:33 PM Post #74,030 of 76,509
Rhino is a neutral sound or v-shaped such as RW2000?
I like RW3000, but it is much expensive than i want.
Rhino is not neutral, maybe V or U, hard to say because it depends on your source. If you're looking for neutral earbuds in your budget range, get the DUNU Alpha 3 or maybe the Temperament X6. I think you could be very happy with either of those earbuds.
Feb 22, 2024 at 2:39 PM Post #74,031 of 76,509
Rhino is not neutral, maybe V or U, hard to say because it depends on your source.
Thank you.
I'm not worried about some rise in the high frequencies. But I really don't want a failed midrange. I want good mid frequencies with high resolution. But so that the overall tone of the sound is lighter, not darker. So that the high frequencies were extended and added clarity and space to the sound.
Like that)

I will try listening to the headphones you suggested.
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Feb 22, 2024 at 2:58 PM Post #74,032 of 76,509
Thank you.
I'm not worried about some rise in the high frequencies. But I really don't want a failed midrange. I want good mid frequencies with high resolution. But so that the overall tone of the sound is lighter, not darker. So that the high frequencies were extended and added clarity and space to the sound.
Like that)
Link to post by @wskl with review of Temperament X6
Link to review of DUNU Alpha 3 by @baskingshark

As I said before, I think you could be very happy with either one of them.

The Temperament DB1 is another earbud with excellent midrange, but may cost more than you want to spend.
Link to my impressions of the Temperament DB1
Feb 23, 2024 at 7:39 AM Post #74,034 of 76,509
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Feb 23, 2024 at 12:36 PM Post #74,035 of 76,509
I want good mid frequencies with high resolution. But so that the overall tone of the sound is lighter, not darker. So that the high frequencies were extended and added clarity and space to the sound.
If I decided to spend more, which would be a better choice for my request - Yincrow RW3000 or DB1?
I think I will reconsider the budget and buy slightly better headphones)
Ok, I'm not pushing you to spend your money, but if you're willing to up your budget then I will suggest the Moondrop Chaconne as the top pick for smooth (lighter, not darker) sound signature, airy high frequencies with nice sound stage. It is available on Amazon US, so if you don't like it, it is easy to return. The other suggestions I already made are not exactly that style. The Chaconne is one earbud that fills the niche of excellent midrange with a smooth / lighter, not dark sound signature. This does not mean the Chaconne are missing bass, it is present and helps to give the sound a "fullness" so to speak. Maybe others will have other thoughts, but this will be my last suggestion for you.

EDIT: Here is an excellent post by @samandhi which describes what kind of sound the Chaconne have to offer.

Side note: Hey @samandhi, where you been man?

Keep your money in your pocket(my opinion... but you can do what you want)

You can choose any shell because it will sound good.
Excellent idea if they are keen and ready to jump into DIY.
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Feb 23, 2024 at 6:21 PM Post #74,037 of 76,509
Please suggest how can i order Draco ?
Apologies, but you cannot purchase these (AFAIK). After I posted about them (and the rest), I felt badly, and I should have posted on the Fran appreciation thread instead. FranQL is one of the best DIYers out there, but he does it for the joy of it, rather than for profit. He pays for ALL the materials out of his own pocket.

Ok, I'm not pushing you to spend your money, but if you're willing to up your budget then I will suggest the Moondrop Chaconne as the top pick for smooth (lighter, not darker) sound signature, airy high frequencies with nice sound stage. It is available on Amazon US, so if you don't like it, it is easy to return. The other suggestions I already made are not exactly that style. The Chaconne is one earbud that fills the niche of excellent midrange with a smooth / lighter, not dark sound signature. This does not mean the Chaconne are missing bass, it is present and helps to give the sound a "fullness" so to speak. Maybe others will have other thoughts, but this will be my last suggestion for you.

EDIT: Here is an excellent post by @samandhi which describes what kind of sound the Chaconne have to offer.

Side note: Hey @samandhi, where you been man?

Excellent idea if they are keen and ready to jump into DIY.
I second the Chaconne (as you know from reading that post you quoted LOL). And thank you, sir for the praise... it is highly appreciated, and part of why I love helping people on Head-Fi in general. :)

I have been really sick, for what seems forever. I started with a sinus infection, then went into Influenza A (the worst case I have ever had), then straight into Pneumonia, and ended up with a topping of (more) sinus infection, all of which I am over now, except the sinus infection. It seems to want to cling to me come hell or high water... :wink:

Apologies for not being around much, though I have managed to read most everything since I last posted, I was just not feeling able to post (or even "like" with only half a brain in my head)..

I hope everyone has been doing well, and enjoying all of their toys... :sunglasses: :thumbsup:

And last but not least for a "return to the fold" post, as opposed to my usual individual congrats phrase, I will just say to ALL: Congrats on your new shiny(s); be it store bought or DIY! :)

For those that have not yet given impressions on their new stuff, I would love to read about them.
Feb 23, 2024 at 6:56 PM Post #74,038 of 76,509
Apologies, but you cannot purchase these (AFAIK). After I posted about them (and the rest), I felt badly, and I should have posted on the Fran appreciation thread instead. FranQL is one of the best DIYers out there, but he does it for the joy of it, rather than for profit. He pays for ALL the materials out of his own pocket.

I second the Chaconne (as you know from reading that post you quoted LOL). And thank you, sir for the praise... it is highly appreciated, and part of why I love helping people on Head-Fi in general. :)

I have been really sick, for what seems forever. I started with a sinus infection, then went into Influenza A (the worst case I have ever had), then straight into Pneumonia, and ended up with a topping of (more) sinus infection, all of which I am over now, except the sinus infection. It seems to want to cling to me come hell or high water... :wink:

Apologies for not being around much, though I have managed to read most everything since I last posted, I was just not feeling able to post (or even "like" with only half a brain in my head)..

I hope everyone has been doing well, and enjoying all of their toys... :sunglasses: :thumbsup:

And last but not least for a "return to the fold" post, as opposed to my usual individual congrats phrase, I will just say to ALL: Congrats on your new shiny(s); be it store bought or DIY! :)

For those that have not yet given impressions on their new stuff, I would love to read about them.
Wow! Bro, you've been through a lot and I hope for your speedy recovery from the last bits of illness. I got a miserable cold this winter and after I recovered from that, I continued with a nagging after effect cough for about a month, so while not as bad... all I can say is getting sick sucks!
Feb 23, 2024 at 7:04 PM Post #74,039 of 76,509
Do any of you know what tips these are? They came with a set of Fir Audio RN6 demos. I like them on the Monarch MKIII IEMs. I reached out to Fir and haven't received
response, yet.
Feb 23, 2024 at 7:16 PM Post #74,040 of 76,509
Wow! Bro, you've been through a lot and I hope for your speedy recovery from the last bits of illness. I got a miserable cold this winter and after I recovered from that, I continued with a nagging after effect cough for about a month, so while not as bad... all I can say is getting sick sucks!
Thank you very much! I am indeed feeling much much better. And, even though I still have the sinus infection, I am only having coughing fits a couple times a day now (where, like you, it was pretty much all the time before). No words could be spoken better; it REALLY does suck! :wink:

On top of all that (this is all OT, sorry) the doctors here in the states, do NOT give medicine anymore. For my Flu A, and Pneumonia, I got prescribed some cough medicine with codeine in it, which might sound cool, but not what I was looking for (and I got NOTHING for the sinus infection, normally an antibiotic will work really fast for my body). I realize it is a virus, so antibiotics don't work, but they gave me nothing to ease the symptoms other than simply knocking me out. I ended up burning a huge chunk of my vacation time up (2 whole weeks) from work because of this... Of course the doctor told me, when asked, that they try to never prescribe antibiotics for anything anymore because the more they do, the quicker the body gets immune to them...... I am 53 years old, and have been taking them for my whole life, and even up to as long as before COVID, they have ALWAYS worked for me quickly... so I call BS on those such doctors... LOL

Anyhow, I see that you have been in the DIY mode as of late. I love what you have done, and that you are sharing builds with people on here. It is fantastic! Also, to add to your comments about the Yincrow RW4000 at one point, I am also waiting for the "discount days" to get them... I don't think I will be paying full price for these at any time (though I am sure they are fantastic as well as the others in the RW family). 🤷‍♂️

I am still (eagerly) awaiting impressions from @JAnonymous5150, unless I somehow missed his post while I was away?!

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