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      metrics reacted to droenald's post in the thread DIY Earbuds with Like Like.
      Wow, building a mx500 bud is pretty easy! A first aside from modding mx500. Building @mt877 's Artiste Nightingale was quite a bit...
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      metrics reacted to ttorbic's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      I can add some details :) Lavender Sounds is a Thai DIYer. I think he's well respected in Thailand...
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      metrics reacted to jeejack's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Don't you think you're asking too much? 😄
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      metrics reacted to droenald's post in the thread DIY Earbuds with Like Like.
      Hey! The Family is out of the house for a week and I have some time on hand do build an earbud. I have a few drivers and shells in store...
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      metrics reacted to h8uthemost's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Aika and Artiste comments, I've had each for at least a week now I think: The Aika is super impressive when it comes to bass. It's the...
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      metrics reacted to ttorbic's post in the thread Venture Electronics Thread with Like Like.
      Oh you have the Kaza? Nice! What are your impressions?
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      metrics reacted to droenald's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      The Aeolian Bells are quite divisive. 😊Please let us know your findings, once you have received your new sets!
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      metrics reacted to mt877's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Are you thinking up a name for the next successful build? That does have a good ring to it. Let me introduce you to the set of buds I...
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      metrics reacted to samandhi's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      So, it was destiny?! :) So, it WAS DESTINY?! lol
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      metrics reacted to rokushoo's post in the thread DIY Earbuds with Like Like.
      A couple new builds. First one uses 32ohm BG dd with Y4 filter, medium HS on shell, filled faux vents,and a brass bass tube. Second...
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      metrics reacted to mt877's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Congrats and welcome to the Yincrow RW series family! Of course I say this without even knowing how you feel about the buds, but I hope...
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      metrics reacted to droenald's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Just ask Riku! I think he will know best. 😊 Something else: I received the RW3000, listening to it now. 😁 Surprised by the amount of...
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      metrics reacted to frkasper's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Shout-out to @AsciiJC once again for the finding. Received my ARE-164r earlier today. Straight from 🇹🇭 The piece is well built. But...
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      metrics reacted to ttorbic's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Yeah I'm excited! But while I wait for the Artiste Nightingale, here are my impressions of the NiceHCK EBX25Ti, on loan from Ascii...
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      metrics reacted to ttorbic's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      That is...the most fantastic idea! I'll message Ascii and see if they have time :) thanks!
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