Earbuds Round-Up
Nov 11, 2018 at 7:42 AM Post #37,471 of 77,147
So I was asked to go try the new Audio Technica ATH-CM2000Ti a while ago and finally got around to go to the store and try it out for a few minutes.

Here are my thoughts on it.

For the fit, they were not that great. They were slightly bigger than the traditional buds, and kind of had that floating feeling in the ears. They were secure and didn't fall out, but they just didn't feel very secure or comfortable. It might be better with foams though, since the metal did feel quite cold and rigid as well.

The first thing that struck me when I put them on was that the soundstage was really deep. The music seemed to be coming from far away. I was expecting the mids to suffer a little because of this, but they came in crystal clear, and the highs were well extended and didn't sound sibilant or muted in any way. The bass didn't really have any impact though. The display version didn't have foams, so with foams it might be decent, but there was really almost no bass impact to speak of, and they didn't have any discerning "Wow!" factor at first, like I had with the Willsound MK2.

I started by listening to Blink-182's "All the small things" and was not really impressed by the rendition. I think that the bass and lower mids were not the best part, and my ears were still adjusting to the sound.
I moved on and listened to Panic at the Disco's "High Hopes" and enjoyed the trumpets, and started noticing just how clear the mids were even though they seemed so far away.

I noticed that the upper mids and treble was particularly nice, so I played a few songs by Adele, both studio and live, and really enjoyed the texture of her voice. The imaging and layering was very nice, and the live renditions sounded really realistic with the deep soundstage.

I wanted to see the width of the soundstage with "How Far I'll go" from Moana, and it was very detailed and satisfying, but the store was a little noisy to get just how good it was.

I decided to test the soundstage a little more by listening to Kanye West's "Black Skinhead", and can honestly say this was where I was completely blown away. The layering and imaging is stronger than most earbuds, and with that extremely deep and reasonably wide soundstage, it was possible to differentiate all the instruments and the layered screams in the song in a way that is very rare with other gear I have.

After that, I put them back, looked at the price again, and decided to try other earbuds they had on display. That is when I realized that the ATH-CM2000Tis are really good, because they made me instantly notice just how flawed some of them were. The cymbals felt muted as the highs were not fully extended, and the music overall just sounded too close. The imaging of the other earbuds was no where near as good, and they feel less realistic.

I really enjoyed them, but not enough to drop 500$ on. If they were 300$, I would definitely feel that they were worth it, and would be tempted to pick up a pair just for that super deep soundstage and those crystal clear mids and highs. I am usre they sound even better in a quiet environment!

Feel free to ask any questions and I will try to recall it. I will probably be looking at them for price drops in the future. Not perfect, but a very nice experience, especially for complex music with a lot of different sources. Maybe not for simple music or bass intensive music...

Nov 11, 2018 at 7:53 AM Post #37,472 of 77,147
Hi all,
Last month I bought the Snow Lotus 1.0 by mistake and am now thinking of getting the proper 1.0+. For comparison my current favourite buds are:

Sony E808+

I also have on order:


As I use EQ, I am less concerned with signature and more interested in things like soundstage, clarity and separation. So, will the SL 1.0+ offer anything that those above (or the others in my signature) don't deliver?
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Nov 11, 2018 at 10:51 AM Post #37,473 of 77,147
I ordered the fukubukuro, **** PT25 and Seahf AWK-F150C. Haven't heard much about the F150C (it always seem to be the 32 or 400ohm people talk about) but someone said they're good for aggressive or busy music so that seems like something I'd enjoy.
Nov 11, 2018 at 11:08 AM Post #37,474 of 77,147
I ordered the fukubukuro, **** PT25 and Seahf AWK-F150C. Haven't heard much about the F150C (it always seem to be the 32 or 400ohm people talk about) but someone said they're good for aggressive or busy music so that seems like something I'd enjoy.

I have the Seahf AWK-F150C. Excellent bud, great bass. It used to get recommended a lot but now there is so much more available. Some very good choices get overlooked. I like 150 ohm buds as they play well with my better daps.

The only bud I have ordered during 11:11 is that ZX1 with the wooden splitter. I also ordered a balanced cable for the PT15 as two of my daps have balanced output. I don't have many buds with removable cables but my Zen LL came fitted with a balanced cable. Also gettting the fukubukro (IEM) and a few iem tips. Plus I was able to get early deals on a couple of iems so one has already arrived and the other arrives tomorrow (or Tues).
Nov 11, 2018 at 1:42 PM Post #37,477 of 77,147
@RobinFood : Many Thanks, Mr. RobinFood. May I know which DAP did you use to play with and what plug type did you use? By the way, I saw many Twitter users, e.g. mIT_TAn, おににに, etc. complain about its lack of bass and peaky sibiliant. Perhaps it is all about matching and each own individual ear ergonomics shape. However, I do share your opinion. If I could get it as second-hand price from e-earphone about 250-300USD, I might buy it.

Is it possible to try CM2000Ti with 4.4 mm cable and DX200, SONY NW-WM1Z, LPG Touch, Cayin N8 or Cowon PLENUE L and share me further impression?
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Nov 11, 2018 at 3:24 PM Post #37,478 of 77,147
been ages since i read this thread :p
im looking for an earbud for under 50 usd any recommendations ?
whats good for vocal/mids nowdays? best for the buck earbud ?

i listen to asian pop,, anime music, ballad and vocal music.
will use it with my sansa clip+ but i think i would buy shanling m0 or ap80 soon.

a quick read seems like ry4s and faaeal datura x seems popular ?
how are they for my needs? which one is better ? or do u guys recommend something else ?

anything that have hifiman he-500 mids/vocal out there ? :grin:
Nov 11, 2018 at 5:32 PM Post #37,480 of 77,147
Ok so I got the Audio Technica ATH-C200iS. Putting them thru their paces but had a quick question to some of you guys that have a lot more experience then me with Earbuds. Looking at the picture, would you consider these earbuds or earpods? Or maybe earpuds?

So, @BadReligionPunk , time for our update on the C200iS :) How are you finding them??
Nov 11, 2018 at 6:18 PM Post #37,481 of 77,147
So, @BadReligionPunk , time for our update on the C200iS :) How are you finding them??
You know what. They are not the best, and they are not the worst. I like them. Its straight up Audio Technica house sound at $19.

They are built pretty nice. Cord is thin rubber though and kind of scares me. I run the cable up thru my jacket or hoodie as to keep snags down. Sound sig is crisp and geared towards vocals. Female and male vocals sound really friggen good to me. Sub bass is present but rolled off. A bit more subbass then monk+ but only by a smidge. Mid bass is boosted and has good impact. Bass quality is fast and tight. Mids and treble are typical AT. Clean and bright. Everything is pretty balanced. Great for Pop, Jpop, Kpop, Vocal Trance/EDM. I have also enjoyed old timey country and western and bluegrass on these.

For the first few days I felt that instrument separation and stage were very cramped and cluttered. It got a bit distracting at times. Placement was weird and things that were panned far left and far right, were pretty much sitting on my shoulders behind everything else. After a week of use, I noticed things starting to widen up a small bit. Its still very small, the smallest I have heard on an earbud, but its not bad enough to keep me from using these. I also don't know if my brain just figured out where to put things or if the buds actually burned in a bit.

Still have not played around with foams. maybe this week I will stick some donuts and VE thins on em and see how that plays out.
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Nov 11, 2018 at 6:26 PM Post #37,482 of 77,147
Hey guys, sorry, but i will ask that kind of question

I have e]a EMX 500 that after i grabbed a desktop amp, i found out that earbuds can indeed sound similar to a full size earphones and the interest on earbuds came back

So i am looking for a budget high impedance option to be a upgrade for my emx500. So my questions are, ty-hi 150 ohm, or penon he-150 would be a upgrade from emx500 indeed ?
Nov 11, 2018 at 6:38 PM Post #37,483 of 77,147
So I was asked to go try the new Audio Technica ATH-CM2000Ti a while ago and finally got around to go to the store and try it out for a few minutes.
They were secure and didn't fall out, but they just didn't feel very secure or comfortable. It might be better with foams though, since the metal did feel quite cold and rigid as well.
The bass didn't really have any impact though. The display version didn't have foams, so with foams it might be decent, but there was really almost no bass impact to speak of
Thanks for your impressions. It's unfortunate that you didn't have a chance to try with foams. If anybody else has an opportunity to try the CM2000Ti, please bring foams with you! It seems promising except for the bass, which might be corrected with foams.

I always need foams for every earbud I use, both for secure fit and forming a seal for bass. The CM2000Ti specs say that it comes with "earpads", and they will probably perform best with them.
Nov 11, 2018 at 7:16 PM Post #37,485 of 77,147
Trying to get in on this 11/11 sale. My current earbud is the BS1 Experience Ver. Anyone got any recomendations to something similar or better for around the same price? It has currently the best sound ive heard on an earbud for thr past year.

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