Earbuds Round-Up
Feb 10, 2018 at 2:12 PM Post #28,216 of 77,147
So what are good buds for bands like opeth?
Feb 10, 2018 at 2:26 PM Post #28,217 of 77,147
So what are good buds for bands like opeth?

Whichever buds I currently have in my ears! j/k - someone else with better metal bud knowledge will need to jump in. But for my ears, Opeth + monk lite 120's are sounding pretty darned good.
Feb 10, 2018 at 2:53 PM Post #28,218 of 77,147
So what are good buds for bands like opeth?
Whichever buds I currently have in my ears! j/k - someone else with better metal bud knowledge will need to jump in. But for my ears, Opeth + monk lite 120's are sounding pretty darned good.
Haha I know I only got them yesterday, but so far the BS1 Official are pretty good too. From a good source the music really shines (I've played it from my AK Jr., iBasso Dx50 and O2 Dac/Amp so far).
Feb 10, 2018 at 3:03 PM Post #28,219 of 77,147
So what are good buds for bands like opeth?
The Tomahawk is good for most types of metal, although the source pairing might be important to determine whether it sounds cold/piercing high’s or neutral and extended.

For the source I recommend something warm and smooth. In the right source it can sound excellent.
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Feb 10, 2018 at 4:25 PM Post #28,220 of 77,147
I must be a rarity finding the MX985 a bit boring after really getting into earbuds. I'm not sure I've used mine in the past year or so. There's nothing I find engaging about it's sound.
Feb 10, 2018 at 5:26 PM Post #28,221 of 77,147
Hello fellow Opeth fan:fist: Haha well I don't have many to pick from at the moment :p But while my Monk+ was decent for Opeth, they weren't as immersive or powerful as the BS1 Official are. I listened to Harvest (from Blackwater Park) last night before bed and the thrum of the guitars and the positioning of the instruments were awesome. What earbuds do you have now?

They definitely are (as are Katatonia). I like that there's variety in their albums too so that whether you want mainly softer prog songs or harder metal songs they have an album to listen to. And of course it's still somewhat wintery where I am so the music fits the mood. I will check out your band recommendation shortly, thank you for that.
Not that much right now im in need of saving a little bit of money thats why im keeping myself away for the forum lol. From what i own, the seahf 64 are pretty good for metal, good energy on guitars, Funeral Portrait for example sounds amazing. stay away from the Graphenes, they are praised here and are good but not for metal, they sound thin and veiled.
Feb 10, 2018 at 9:13 PM Post #28,222 of 77,147
I must be a rarity finding the MX985 a bit boring after really getting into earbuds. I'm not sure I've used mine in the past year or so. There's nothing I find engaging about it's sound.

you're not the only one :)
Feb 10, 2018 at 9:50 PM Post #28,223 of 77,147
Haha I know I only got them yesterday, but so far the BS1 Official are pretty good too. From a good source the music really shines (I've played it from my AK Jr., iBasso Dx50 and O2 Dac/Amp so far).
For me, I find the BS1 Official benefits from a brighter sounding dap.
Feb 11, 2018 at 12:51 AM Post #28,224 of 77,147
(prefaced with IMO) Been listening to the BS1 for a few days and coming from the days of Yuin, earbuds have come a long way. Hats off to Penon for producing a damn fine earbud with the best presentation and materials I've seen and owned among earbuds. I haven't been keeping up with the pace of all the earbuds churning out, and most appears to be clones in one way or more to each other, but the BS1 really sets itself apart. It's $99 price is a true bargain compared to what I paid for the PK1/OK1 back in the day. Tonality wise, it reminds me of the PK2, but the BS1 is a huge upgrade on all accounts.

My other and only earbud is the BK and that is truly a special earbud. It has much sweeter mids and more intimate stage over the BS1. Like many have described before, the BK is the closest thing to analog (vinyl and reel tape). The BS1 spanks the BK in sound stage width, but for my taste the BK's sweet mid-range provides better stage depth and renders female vocals better. However, when it comes to a large stage presentation like orchestra and live concert, the BS1 shines its magic.

The BK and BS1 compliments each other near perfectly for me. Sadly, my wife with a classical ear more or less took ownership of my beloved BK.

Finishing off with the BS1, I think a leather pouch instead of the velvet one would seal the packaging and presentation deal. The metal clip doesn't really match, and I don't use it despite the significant weight difference between the BK as I wear the BS1 inverted and loop the cable over my ears.

Well done Shozy and Penon - well done.
Feb 11, 2018 at 9:03 AM Post #28,227 of 77,147
hey guys, out of nowhere my friend (non audio savvy person) said her earbuds cable sleeving is broken. i asked her what buds it is and ask her to send the pic. and it's a mx985...
so i asked her for it, and she gave me!

now my question is, what good cables are there to recable the senn? i got told by a friend here that it can't be too big. anyone with past experience here?

I've seen many people (foreigners included) sent their mx985 to B Rabbit Shop for mod. You might check their photos. There are plenty of mx985 mod works using GPS, GPC, Pure Silver or SPC cables.
Feb 11, 2018 at 10:04 AM Post #28,228 of 77,147
I must be a rarity finding the MX985 a bit boring after really getting into earbuds. I'm not sure I've used mine in the past year or so. There's nothing I find engaging about it's sound.

You're not the only one +2. I've also not touched my OMX980 in ages. Next time will probably be when I sell it to whoever would want it nowadays..
Feb 11, 2018 at 10:24 AM Post #28,230 of 77,147
i don't really want to send it overseas. maybe i'll just order some good, small OD cable and ask some local modders to recable it.
There’s a few nice looking cables on aliexpress from stores like nicehck from around $30-120. From copper to silver to gold. Some may be thin enough for your needs.

Although some caution might be advised if buying from spurious sellers. Nicehck seems pretty well recommend so maybe search his store first.

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