Earbuds Round-Up
May 20, 2023 at 6:41 PM Post #69,901 of 75,868
A nice and unusually temperate evening here in the UK. Spending it with the APWS and I'm reminded why I fell down this rabbit hole in the first place. To enjoy, to feel and to escape my left-sided brain.

who needs anything else?

There you have everything you need to enjoy music.

What good taste!
May 20, 2023 at 8:25 PM Post #69,902 of 75,868
Hi guys, is the new PK1 worth it or should I buy another one with the same price range?
I think the best PK style earbud available for purchase right now is the Shozy BK. It's more expensive the the 'new' Yuin PK1, but I think it will perform better. Another stand out is the Shozy Cygnus. I have not heard it, but many reviewers like the Cygnus. Penon Audio also has a newer model, Shozy BKSE (Special Edition) which is less expensive than standard BK and about the same price as Cygnus. Nobody has reviewed the BKSE version, but I would expect it to be a good performer as well.
May 21, 2023 at 2:15 AM Post #69,904 of 75,868
You are right, @JAnonymous5150 actually picked up a second pair for his girl not too long ago, they both like them so much. I have read a couple of good reviews on them also. Even after all this time, I still haven't made up my mind as to whether I want to try that whole "fiasco" again... ROFL

Thank you for the info! :)
Btw, they are releasing ES-P2 😀
May 21, 2023 at 3:07 AM Post #69,905 of 75,868
Interesting! I may order the same one with a different parachord color but ill know once i get the war bag and see which one tickles my fancy =)

It has a very unique sound that flatters acoustic and vocal. It's definitely a specialist. Zen SU is the best all rounder I have heard. Interested to hear which sets you like the most.
May 21, 2023 at 5:10 AM Post #69,906 of 75,868
I was not ignoring you, I just have never heard either of those (or even heard "of" them). They sound intriguing though. I had the same problem with the Ucotech ES-P1 (also from South Korea) and finally gave up trying to get them (even though they have them on the US Amazon site).
Hi, I think there was some misunderstanding. I did not at all try to imply that I was being ignored by you or any others. It was just a generic question to everyone. Please do not think I was low-key hinting at being ignored by you or anybody else :sweat_smile:.

That said, I have found a way to acquire a near entry-level bud of them. Mr. Daeil Lee has most generously agreed to help me with that. That man is one of the nicest and helpful human beings I have met in this hobby. I will let you know once I get them...hopefully in July. He also spoke very highly of burubeatsound's buds.
May 21, 2023 at 10:03 AM Post #69,907 of 75,868
Btw, they are releasing ES-P2 😀
Oh! Very interesting indeed. I will have to look into these and see what has changed since the ES-P1. Thank you for the information. :)
Hi, I think there was some misunderstanding. I did not at all try to imply that I was being ignored by you or any others. It was just a generic question to everyone. Please do not think I was low-key hinting at being ignored by you or anybody else :sweat_smile:.

That said, I have found a way to acquire a near entry-level bud of them. Mr. Daeil Lee has most generously agreed to help me with that. That man is one of the nicest and helpful human beings I have met in this hobby. I will let you know once I get them...hopefully in July. He also spoke very highly of burubeatsound's buds.
OH no, I was not implying that you said or implied that either. :) I was only making the comment (also) in general because no one addressed the question either way, and it was sort of my way of saying that I am interested to hear about these (new to me) buds, if a bit late.

Do you have a link to their site so that I could have a look at them? Do let us know your thoughts when you get a set?! I love it when someone discovers something I have not seen before, but especially when it isn't ChiFi. This was one of the reasons I was initially excited about the ES-P1. I don't think that I own a set that isn't Chinese made (with the exception of DIY). I think even the Chinese recognize that there are just SO many Chinese brands and will use tactics like "has a Japanese Driver", or "German crafted", and etc... to entice new potential customers... LOL
May 21, 2023 at 10:04 PM Post #69,908 of 75,868
Do you have a link to their site so that I could have a look at them? Do let us know your thoughts when you get a set?! I love it when someone discovers something I have not seen before, but especially when it isn't ChiFi. This was one of the reasons I was initially excited about the ES-P1. I don't think that I own a set that isn't Chinese made (with the exception of DIY). I think even the Chinese recognize that there are just SO many Chinese brands and will use tactics like "has a Japanese Driver", or "German crafted", and etc... to entice new potential customers... LOL

Actually, I think with the exception of DIY, and a few boutique brands or SummitFI type gear, majority of audio gear are made or assembled in China. Even in the rare cases they are made in say Japan or USA, the parts more often than not come from China haha.

When I was quite new to the hobby a decade ago and bought a few Westone IEMs, I was quite chuffed to see them proudly declare "designed in the USA". But when I looked at the fine print in the product insert, it was made in China LOLOL.
May 21, 2023 at 11:36 PM Post #69,909 of 75,868

I currently have a Megatron, and it's been good to me, but my favorite buds are my Yinman 600s, and I want to get the best out of them! Several people have posted that the Megatron is “good” with the Yinman 600s, but won’t bring out their full potential. I also have Sundaras, which I’m sure would open out more with additional power, and a Serratus and FF3. I want to be able to drive other high impedance buds if I get them.

So I’m looking for an amp, or amp/dac, hopefully under $200. I listen to classical, jazz, blues, male/female vocals, classic rock, world. I like some bass, but I’m not a basshead and don’t listen to metal, rap, or hip-hop.

@samandhi has recommended many times that an amp should have 1 W to 1.2 W @ 32 ohms for the Yinman 600s, and at least 80mW @ 600 ohms.

  • Many of you have one
  • DAC: SABRE ESS9018K2M, bitcoding up to 24bit/96khz.
  • MAIN QUESTION: Would it be good enough as a DAC with any of the amps below, or would I need to get something else? If so, what would you recommend?
Here are some of the amp and dac/amps I’ve been looking at, but I’m open to any brilliant suggestions!

Topping L50
  • Lots of power @ balanced output
    • 2800mW x2 @32Ω
    • 290mW x2 @600Ω
  • 3 gain settings
  • Very high ratings from ASR (AudioScienceReview)
    • Too sterile?? Your opinions?
Schiit Vali ++
  • Tube rolling sounds like fun (as long as I keep it sensible)
  • I like a warmer sound. Love my Yinman 600s. (But also want soundstage, separation, detail, and timbre.)
  • Looks like enough power for the Yinman 600s, right?
    • Maximum Power, 32 ohms: 1500mW RMS per channel
    • Maximum Power, 600 ohms: 200mW RMS per channel
  • No balanced output – does this matter?
  • Low gain/high gain settings
Fiio K7
  • Love to hear comments/recs from those who have one @o0genesis0o (especially comparing it to Megatron, especially with Yinman 600s)
  • Integrated DAC/AMP
  • Balanced output: 2W @ 32 ohm; 560 mw @ 300 ohm
  • 3 gain settings

Thanks for all your input!
May 21, 2023 at 11:44 PM Post #69,910 of 75,868

I currently have a Megatron, and it's been good to me, but my favorite buds are my Yinman 600s, and I want to get the best out of them! Several people have posted that the Megatron is “good” with the Yinman 600s, but won’t bring out their full potential. I also have Sundaras, which I’m sure would open out more with additional power, and a Serratus and FF3. I want to be able to drive other high impedance buds if I get them.

So I’m looking for an amp, or amp/dac, hopefully under $200. I listen to classical, jazz, blues, male/female vocals, classic rock, world. I like some bass, but I’m not a basshead and don’t listen to metal, rap, or hip-hop.

@samandhi has recommended many times that an amp should have 1 W to 1.2 W @ 32 ohms for the Yinman 600s, and at least 80mW @ 600 ohms.

  • Many of you have one
  • DAC: SABRE ESS9018K2M, bitcoding up to 24bit/96khz.
  • MAIN QUESTION: Would it be good enough as a DAC with any of the amps below, or would I need to get something else? If so, what would you recommend?
Here are some of the amp and dac/amps I’ve been looking at, but I’m open to any brilliant suggestions!

Topping L50
  • Lots of power @ balanced output
    • 2800mW x2 @32Ω
    • 290mW x2 @600Ω
  • 3 gain settings
  • Very high ratings from ASR (AudioScienceReview)
    • Too sterile?? Your opinions?
Schiit Vali ++
  • Tube rolling sounds like fun (as long as I keep it sensible)
  • I like a warmer sound. Love my Yinman 600s. (But also want soundstage, separation, detail, and timbre.)
  • Looks like enough power for the Yinman 600s, right?
    • Maximum Power, 32 ohms: 1500mW RMS per channel
    • Maximum Power, 600 ohms: 200mW RMS per channel
  • No balanced output – does this matter?
  • Low gain/high gain settings
Fiio K7
  • Love to hear comments/recs from those who have one @o0genesis0o (especially comparing it to Megatron, especially with Yinman 600s)
  • Integrated DAC/AMP
  • Balanced output: 2W @ 32 ohm; 560 mw @ 300 ohm
  • 3 gain settings

Thanks for all your input!

My desktop amp is the Schiit Asgard 3. Bought it at $200 USD.

Maximum Power, 16 ohms: 5W RMS per channel
Maximum Power, 32 ohms: 3.5W RMS per channel
Maximum Power, 50 ohms: 2.5W RMS per channel
Maximum Power, 300 ohms: 600mW RMS per channel
Maximum Power, 600 ohms: 300mW RMS per channel
Output Impedance: Less than 0.2 ohms in high or low gain mode

The Asgard 3 is warm neutral, very musical yet preserving good technical chops.

It is only single-ended, but it has 2 gain options and can drive stuff like the 650 ohm HD650, and the Yinmans very well. What I like is also the low output impedance, so the Asgard 3 can power high sensitive IEMs/earbuds too, all the way to those high ohm/low sensitivity behemoths.
May 22, 2023 at 12:04 AM Post #69,911 of 75,868
My desktop amp is the Schiit Asgard 3. Bought it at $200 USD.

Maximum Power, 16 ohms: 5W RMS per channel
Maximum Power, 32 ohms: 3.5W RMS per channel
Maximum Power, 50 ohms: 2.5W RMS per channel
Maximum Power, 300 ohms: 600mW RMS per channel
Maximum Power, 600 ohms: 300mW RMS per channel
Output Impedance: Less than 0.2 ohms in high or low gain mode

The Asgard 3 is warm neutral, very musical yet preserving good technical chops.

It is only single-ended, but it has 2 gain options and can drive stuff like the 650 ohm HD650, and the Yinmans very well. What I like is also the low output impedance, so the Asgard 3 can power high sensitive IEMs/earbuds too, all the way to those high ohm/low sensitivity behemoths.
Thanks for the reply! I'll keep an eye out for one under $200. (Now $249 on Schiit site.)
May 22, 2023 at 12:09 AM Post #69,912 of 75,868

I currently have a Megatron, and it's been good to me, but my favorite buds are my Yinman 600s, and I want to get the best out of them! Several people have posted that the Megatron is “good” with the Yinman 600s, but won’t bring out their full potential. I also have Sundaras, which I’m sure would open out more with additional power, and a Serratus and FF3. I want to be able to drive other high impedance buds if I get them.

So I’m looking for an amp, or amp/dac, hopefully under $200. I listen to classical, jazz, blues, male/female vocals, classic rock, world. I like some bass, but I’m not a basshead and don’t listen to metal, rap, or hip-hop.

@samandhi has recommended many times that an amp should have 1 W to 1.2 W @ 32 ohms for the Yinman 600s, and at least 80mW @ 600 ohms.

  • Many of you have one
  • DAC: SABRE ESS9018K2M, bitcoding up to 24bit/96khz.
  • MAIN QUESTION: Would it be good enough as a DAC with any of the amps below, or would I need to get something else? If so, what would you recommend?
Here are some of the amp and dac/amps I’ve been looking at, but I’m open to any brilliant suggestions!

Topping L50
  • Lots of power @ balanced output
    • 2800mW x2 @32Ω
    • 290mW x2 @600Ω
  • 3 gain settings
  • Very high ratings from ASR (AudioScienceReview)
    • Too sterile?? Your opinions?
Schiit Vali ++
  • Tube rolling sounds like fun (as long as I keep it sensible)
  • I like a warmer sound. Love my Yinman 600s. (But also want soundstage, separation, detail, and timbre.)
  • Looks like enough power for the Yinman 600s, right?
    • Maximum Power, 32 ohms: 1500mW RMS per channel
    • Maximum Power, 600 ohms: 200mW RMS per channel
  • No balanced output – does this matter?
  • Low gain/high gain settings
Fiio K7
  • Love to hear comments/recs from those who have one @o0genesis0o (especially comparing it to Megatron, especially with Yinman 600s)
  • Integrated DAC/AMP
  • Balanced output: 2W @ 32 ohm; 560 mw @ 300 ohm
  • 3 gain settings

Thanks for all your input!

Well, there are a quite few points to discuss. I’ll just put them all in no particular order:
  • What I’ve learned via experimentation is that amp is very beneficial, especially if you pay attention to the placement of instruments (imaging / soundstage). (If you don’t care about these, you will go to Reddit and complain about being scammed by audiophiles into buying amps). Some IEMs / earbuds show clearer improvement than others.
  • I don’t think max power serves a good indicator here, especially since most of our portable devices can get deafeningly loud out of almost everything. Yet, the powerful K7 does not control the Serratus as well as the tiny (and ultra expensive) music player called P6 Pro. It has something to do with the “control” of the amp, particularly the current. At least that‘s the hypothesis of an amp maker with whom I had a quick chat recently.
  • The K7 is perfectly competent. You can grab it and have the peace of mind about the DAC/amp side of the equation. The P6 Pro I mentioned above does sound better, but it’s $4000. I can argue that my contraption of DAC + amp can sound a bit better than K7, but K7 is cheaper and more convenient, and it sounds head and shoulder above any dongle that I have come across.
  • The K7 only has 2 gain settings. I recommend keeping on high-gain all the time. The dynamic of the sound drops a bit on low gain (not as significant as G5, due to Topping’s implementation of low-gain).
  • Regarding the Megatron: I don’t like its DAC. The sense of depth is not as pronounced as other dongles, even the Apple dongle.
What I personally use after a lot of tweaking and testing: old phone (max volume) -> Creative SFXI dongle (75% hardware volume) -> Topping G5 (pure amp) -> transducers. This contraption nearly matches that $4000 P6 Pro, but not quite there.

I hope these are somewhat helpful to you.
May 22, 2023 at 12:24 AM Post #69,913 of 75,868
Oh! Very interesting indeed. I will have to look into these and see what has changed since the ES-P1. Thank you for the information. :)

OH no, I was not implying that you said or implied that either. :) I was only making the comment (also) in general because no one addressed the question either way, and it was sort of my way of saying that I am interested to hear about these (new to me) buds, if a bit late.

Do you have a link to their site so that I could have a look at them? Do let us know your thoughts when you get a set?! I love it when someone discovers something I have not seen before, but especially when it isn't ChiFi. This was one of the reasons I was initially excited about the ES-P1. I don't think that I own a set that isn't Chinese made (with the exception of DIY). I think even the Chinese recognize that there are just SO many Chinese brands and will use tactics like "has a Japanese Driver", or "German crafted", and etc... to entice new potential customers... LOL

Here you go. Not just earbuds, they also have cables and other accessories. I am after the Mithril (Berserker 4), because of the mmcx bell shaped shells.

I did a quick check and so far, I do not have ANY CHi-FI earbuds in my collection! It started with Swedish and Canadian, then Korean, Indonesian, Filipino, British...hmm, may be someday a Singaporean (Blur) will add to my collection. I am not sure if I will go for Chi-Fi before auditioning them. I have given preference to the Artisan earbud makers over Chi-Fi because of the ability to consult with the makers directly before deciding on a purchase.
Last edited:
May 22, 2023 at 12:29 AM Post #69,914 of 75,868
Well, there are a quite few points to discuss. I’ll just put them all in no particular order:
  • What I’ve learned via experimentation is that amp is very beneficial, especially if you pay attention to the placement of instruments (imaging / soundstage). (If you don’t care about these, you will go to Reddit and complain about being scammed by audiophiles into buying amps). Some IEMs / earbuds show clearer improvement than others.
  • I don’t think max power serves a good indicator here, especially since most of our portable devices can get deafeningly loud out of almost everything. Yet, the powerful K7 does not control the Serratus as well as the tiny (and ultra expensive) music player called P6 Pro. It has something to do with the “control” of the amp, particularly the current. At least that‘s the hypothesis of an amp maker with whom I had a quick chat recently.
  • The K7 is perfectly competent. You can grab it and have the peace of mind about the DAC/amp side of the equation. The P6 Pro I mentioned above does sound better, but it’s $4000. I can argue that my contraption of DAC + amp can sound a bit better than K7, but K7 is cheaper and more convenient, and it sounds head and shoulder above any dongle that I have come across.
  • The K7 only has 2 gain settings. I recommend keeping on high-gain all the time. The dynamic of the sound drops a bit on low gain (not as significant as G5, due to Topping’s implementation of low-gain).
  • Regarding the Megatron: I don’t like its DAC. The sense of depth is not as pronounced as other dongles, even the Apple dongle.
What I personally use after a lot of tweaking and testing: old phone (max volume) -> Creative SFXI dongle (75% hardware volume) -> Topping G5 (pure amp) -> transducers. This contraption nearly matches that $4000 P6 Pro, but not quite there.

I hope these are somewhat helpful to you.
Thanks! Very interesting and detailed response!
May 22, 2023 at 1:15 AM Post #69,915 of 75,868

I currently have a Megatron, and it's been good to me, but my favorite buds are my Yinman 600s, and I want to get the best out of them! Several people have posted that the Megatron is “good” with the Yinman 600s, but won’t bring out their full potential. I also have Sundaras, which I’m sure would open out more with additional power, and a Serratus and FF3. I want to be able to drive other high impedance buds if I get them.

So I’m looking for an amp, or amp/dac, hopefully under $200. I listen to classical, jazz, blues, male/female vocals, classic rock, world. I like some bass, but I’m not a basshead and don’t listen to metal, rap, or hip-hop.

@samandhi has recommended many times that an amp should have 1 W to 1.2 W @ 32 ohms for the Yinman 600s, and at least 80mW @ 600 ohms.

  • Many of you have one
  • DAC: SABRE ESS9018K2M, bitcoding up to 24bit/96khz.
  • MAIN QUESTION: Would it be good enough as a DAC with any of the amps below, or would I need to get something else? If so, what would you recommend?
Here are some of the amp and dac/amps I’ve been looking at, but I’m open to any brilliant suggestions!

Topping L50
  • Lots of power @ balanced output
    • 2800mW x2 @32Ω
    • 290mW x2 @600Ω
  • 3 gain settings
  • Very high ratings from ASR (AudioScienceReview)
    • Too sterile?? Your opinions?
Schiit Vali ++
  • Tube rolling sounds like fun (as long as I keep it sensible)
  • I like a warmer sound. Love my Yinman 600s. (But also want soundstage, separation, detail, and timbre.)
  • Looks like enough power for the Yinman 600s, right?
    • Maximum Power, 32 ohms: 1500mW RMS per channel
    • Maximum Power, 600 ohms: 200mW RMS per channel
  • No balanced output – does this matter?
  • Low gain/high gain settings
Fiio K7
  • Love to hear comments/recs from those who have one @o0genesis0o (especially comparing it to Megatron, especially with Yinman 600s)
  • Integrated DAC/AMP
  • Balanced output: 2W @ 32 ohm; 560 mw @ 300 ohm
  • 3 gain settings

Thanks for all your input!
Glad to see another person finding the Yinman 600s to be their favorite earbuds :wink: I been quite happy with the THX 789 (paired to a RME ADI-2 DAC FS but any decent DAC should do). I run 12 o'clock on medium gain with the Yinmans. I believe you can get these used for sub-200 (they were selling new for 250 a while back and it easily beats the options you mentioned from a sheer performance standpoint. If you want to add some coloration to your mix, just get a cheap tube pre-amp (Joshua Valour has a video on that actually). I know previously you were recommended 1W @32 ohms but that is at the bare MINIMUM. Depending on your listening level, you might need a lot more power. The THX 789 can provide that in spades without breaking a sweat and still give you enough power to run even the most demanding headphones on the market.

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