Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Apr 25, 2016 at 11:03 AM Post #35,086 of 48,583
That's... complicated. Wonder how it sounds though.

Once you get started, with some work it can sound like anything you damn well want. It's a one way ticket to audio madness. :p

...provided you get it all up and running. :blink:
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Apr 25, 2016 at 11:11 AM Post #35,087 of 48,583
Apr 25, 2016 at 11:17 AM Post #35,088 of 48,583
  Hy guys,
Im trying to use AKGs 712s with the V-moda (or that Beyerdynamic one) mic so i have only one cable.
Do you think it will work if i use a Adapter?
I have found this on Amazon:
Did anyone try that before? Is there any other way to mod K702s/712s?
Thanks for the help

Going off the description it'd probably work fine. Personally I'd grab this one.
Note that there is a short backorder with the Mimic Cables one.
Apr 25, 2016 at 2:29 PM Post #35,089 of 48,583
Joe, holy hell. I usually complain about configuring virtual surround on typical virtual surround capable soundcards, but damn, your stuff is a LOT more complicated. I'm gonna save the page, and try it out at some point.
Apr 26, 2016 at 2:33 AM Post #35,090 of 48,583
So I noticed the OOYH software has a mind of its own with my PC, where no matter what I do to lower gain on specific presets and save them, it will save them at completely different values, sometimes mismatched. Say, I want all channels at -4.29, I'll save, go back to the preset, restart the program, etc, and the values will be like at -3ish, with one channel being at 0, etc. It's been a product of frustration for me, so I told Darin I'm kinda over testing the software. Whether the software is the issue or my PC isn't the problem. I just don't have the patience personally to troubleshoot this anymore. My experiences with it have been good and bad, and I'm sure others will have better experiences. I just have some buggy ghost or something. Not to mention my laptop is on its last legs, and I don't feel its fair to Darin and you guys to review this thing with questionable gear.

I'll just stick to the simple external stuff.
Apr 26, 2016 at 2:40 AM Post #35,091 of 48,583
That's the price You pay for PC gaming.
Apr 26, 2016 at 3:26 AM Post #35,092 of 48,583
My internal Creative soundcard loves to default to stereo whenever I restart the computer, plug in headphones, or even sneeze in another room. The X7... those who follow that thread know the problems that thing has. So yeah, PC gaming can be a hassle at times. I can always count on the Xonar U3 though. That's a miraculous, affordable piece of kit. Never, ever had a problem with it.

Darin has assured me the gain issue is the software and will get it fixed, so at least there's still hope for OOYH testing in the future. I spent the better half of an hour trying to figure out why it was doing it. :/

You learn to appreciate simplicity. I guess that is why consoles are so popular. Plug and play, most of the time. PC stuff is always better in the end, but it can be a chore at times. All the tweaks, and drivers, updates, etc. It can be daunting, especially for those more on the casual side of things, that aren't about constntly tweaking.

I've been itching to upgrade my PC, but I'm waiting on Pascal and perhaps even the next Intel CPU line. That and I need a TV, lol. I'm displayless atm, other than the laptop screen. Thank god for its HDMI input, though the screen has never been great. (ghosting, IPS glow, super washed out colors, 60hz-80hz ugliness)

I miss my Panny plasma.

I was a display guy long before I became an audio guy.
Apr 26, 2016 at 9:21 PM Post #35,097 of 48,583
I listened to the comparison video and I thought that THX sounded the best. The Dolby sounded like i was in a small room but the THX felt more outdoors and open. 
Apr 26, 2016 at 11:55 PM Post #35,099 of 48,583
I'm all in for the PS4 Neo. I'm tired of my console games that run sub-30fps, with screen tearing and whatever other unpolished, underpowered nonsense we get.

If it weren't for exclusives and JRPGs mainly, I'd have done away with the PS4 and whatever consoles there are.

If the Neo can at last, AT LAST run games at the very least 1080p/30fps without those fps drops, it's worthwhile. I expect more than that, so I will be happy. Considering games will be optimized for bare PS4 as it has always been, this means, we can expect moderate improvements all around as long as you have a Neo.

I love how people think the Neo means that games will be badly optimizied on the basic PS4. News flash, they already are. Seen Bloodbourne at its 20fps drops? Yeah. That's not all the sudden gonna change. It just means demanding games like this will at least be more consistent and at the very least above 30fps at all times. The restrictions Sony put in place made it clear that games had to perform better on the Neo, at the very least. So no raising sliders and keeping performance the same with shinier graphics.
Apr 27, 2016 at 12:19 AM Post #35,100 of 48,583
So will this new Hifiman be the next go to ~$100 headphone for gaming? I know it's (still) not what we are looking for in a true 400 successor, but being a flat/neutral open dynamic at that price may be worth recommending over the regulars now.

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