Chastity replied to the thread Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please....Noting the number of New Yorkers in this thread....
Chastity replied to the thread Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO // DT 1990 PRO MK II -- Impressions Thread.Depends how much you spend on them. I love Thomann's for shopping BeyerDynamic...
Chastity replied to the thread Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please....If you adore dynamics, then you should try out some AMT ribbon headphones, as it's a hallmark of the drivers. Planars come across as...
Chastity replied to the thread Any old fart head-fi'ers still around?.Started in this hobby back in the 90's with a HD-580 Precision, and soon after a Sony MDR-SA5000 (when the street price hit $325)...
Chastity replied to the thread Schiit Jotunheim 2 - Impressions Thread.I know why you don't enjoy the Asgard 3... same reason I do not. It's the squarewave module they added to synthesize "tubeyness" flavor...
Chastity reacted to hottyson's post in the thread Schiit Jotunheim 2 - Impressions Thread with Like.I have a large amplifier collection https://www.head-fi.org/members/hottyson.7590/#about I own both the Schiit Asgard 3 and the Schiit...
Chastity replied to the thread Monoprice Monolith AMT Headphones.Been awhile since I've watched a movie with my AMT cans, due to the decaying tube in the LP amp. So I decided to watch MI: Dead...
Chastity replied to the thread Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please....He lives in Hifiman HQ, and drops over to the warehouse and grabs samples.
Chastity replied to the thread Monoprice Monolith AMT Headphones.I looked at those bands on Amazon, and I would select the 2.5" one. The headband is only 1.75" wide, but it's thick due to the leather...
Chastity reacted to frkasper's post in the thread Monoprice Monolith Liquid Platinum - By Alex Cavalli with Like.Could not make my very first post on Head-Fi, but certainly can make my 1000th. Here is an old image from my unboxing day, more than 4...
Chastity replied to the thread Monoprice Monolith AMT Headphones.Preamp: -4.5 dB Filter: ON LSC Fc 135 Hz Gain 8 dB Q 0.7 Filter: ON PK Fc 3385 Hz Gain 6.1 dB Q 0.92 Filter: ON PK Fc 8567 Hz Gain 4.1...
Chastity replied to the thread Monolith M1570 Over Ear Open Back Balanced Planar Headphones.Looking forward to your comparisons.
Chastity replied to the thread Monoprice Monolith AMT Headphones.The AMT have their own kind of presentation, and sound less like headphones, but rather an immersion of sound. You don't have that Left...
Chastity reacted to WoodyLuvr's post in the thread Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please... with Like.
Chastity replied to the thread Monoprice Monolith AMT Headphones.Since I have good tubes again, I decided to test the old set, and oddly enough, the bad tube is not the one producing noise in it's...