Earbuds Round-Up
Jul 24, 2017 at 10:08 AM Post #21,692 of 75,785
Thank you for your impression! I checked your profile, and I saw:

Have you received those buds after this whole time? Actually, it blows my mind how a lot of people got scammed by vapman and nothing happened to him. Btw, right now vapman's site has a gif which looks like "I can scam people and my head-fi friends gonna vouch for me!".
What, oh well yeah, I got very nicely scammed by Vapman too... This is unbelievable. How can he dare be so cocky about this?
I also found out he has been banned from a retro game console forum and a second hand thinkpad forum, doing more or less the same thing... selling stuff that never arrives, forget about it, etc...
Jul 24, 2017 at 10:09 AM Post #21,693 of 75,785
Looking for a new warm / mid-champion bud too, since I'm not feeling the QFred's anymore, so I might do another Ali order with other competing buds. What other TOTL warm / mid-focused buds are there? Maybe Yinman 600, Rose Masya, and TY Hi-Z HP650?

Might I suggest that you skip the TY Hi-Z HP650? I think you have heard to many TOTL buds to be impressed by them. Vido has shown us that price doesn't mean much.
If you can get your hands on a pair of Seahf Smart 1.0 or Seahf LD-3.0 320, I suggest you try them. I seem to prefer the more smooth and coherent Seahf tuning over the more aggressive TY Hi-Z tuning.
And as always, K's Earphone 500, is my standing recommendation.
Jul 24, 2017 at 10:23 AM Post #21,695 of 75,785
If you can get your hands on a pair of Seahf Smart 1.0 or Seahf LD-3.0 320, I suggest you try them. I seem to prefer the more smooth and coherent Seahf tuning over the more aggressive TY Hi-Z tuning.

I agree with but just a thing : the tuning of the TY Hi-Z HP650 a not as aggressive than the rest of the TY Hi-Z range... But more in the Seahf LD-3.0 320 way : smooth, coherent, ... (I have HP650 and I have LD-3.0 320 before). Really same kind of feeling and philosophy!
Jul 24, 2017 at 10:47 AM Post #21,696 of 75,785
> How much of your budget?
Price is flexible, but under $75 would be nice. I'm more just trying to figure out what's the best that's out there and if any of them hold up against IEMs/on-ear/over-ear in absolute terms.

> which plug do you prefer (2.5TRRS or 3.5TRS)?
I kinda don't even care, this is for desktop computer use. A normal 3.5 headphone plug is ultimately what I need, but I'm sure I can pick up adapters to convert anything else.

> what sound signature do you like
This is a big, BIG question.
Like most people I've always bought typical consumer stuff but never really been happy with it. My old Apple iPod earbuds died and I decided it was finally time to get something good for once. After a whole bunch of discussion at various places I was eventually steered towards Sennheiser HD558s. I bought them, and I think they sound like foggy boomy crap. I honestly can't tell the difference between them and something you'd buy in the grocery store's electronic aisle. (I have a whole thread about it: https://www.head-fi.org/f/threads/h...ers-i-dont-know-if-i-know-what-i-want.856051/). I listen to basically everything, I *thought* I wanted something "neutral" and a good all-arounder. The HD558s were supposed to be that, but somehow aren't. I honestly don't know what I'm looking for anymore. The most I can say is that I thought my iPod earbuds weren't too terrible.

> and what source do you use?
I'm using a Mac's onboard 3.5 jack. I've asked around before if I should get a separate DAC or amp and the unanimous answer was no; that Mac onboard sound is good enough that I'd never notice the difference unless I got much more expensive headphones. File-wise, it's usually 320k mp3 and/or FLAC.

> earpod
I don't know about the newer Apple earpods, I have old iPod earbuds (pre-mic days).

> if you find out they don't fit well
Are any/either design closer to the old Apple style? Those were super comfortable for me, I can wear them basically forever.

> Monk Plus
I hear a lot about these, but they always seem to be a case of "amazing for $5". I can afford a lot more than $5, so I'm ok with something better if it's available. What few sites mention them in the same breath as Apple gear seem to say that they're not much better than what comes with an iPhone.

People have mentioned the PK2 and PK3. I've also heard of the VE Zen and Asura, the Sennheiser MX300 series, and the Fiio EM3, but nothing that really compares any of them.
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Jul 24, 2017 at 10:54 AM Post #21,697 of 75,785
...but I like the HD 558, more than the 598 anyways. 558 isn't neutral compared to the 598 for example, and focused on adding a little bit of bass for fun.

The suggestion I should probably make is your first earbud purchases should be a Vido and Monk+. They're inexpensive, high quality for a beginner, and will give you a point of reference to figure out what you might like. And on that note with your comment about the HD558, forget the Vido. You might be more suited by Monk+, or perhaps something like **** PT15 if you find out you're a treble-head, or maybe Auglamour RX-1. Once you have a better point of reference, suggestions are easier to make.

Where in the USA are you located? I might be able to help a little.
Jul 24, 2017 at 10:55 AM Post #21,698 of 75,785
I'm currently using Apple earpods with my phone (S7 Edge with Exynos) and MBP and with the phone and Viper4Android, it sounds really good to me. But you know, we are always left for wanting more. I feel the bass in the earpods is a little bloated although there is a lot of it (both sub and mid bass). When I use it with any other source without V4A installed in it, I don't like it much.

So I thought of getting a better one for around 50-100$. To start off with, I like quality bass in my music, in fact a lot of it. But not at the cost of mids and highs. Almost everything I checked (online reviews) had less bass and good treble or good bass or less clarity.

After reading and searching for a lot of days, I came to the conclusion that Sony XB75AP will be the best for me. Since the XB50 and XB70 are some of the highest rated earphones on Amazon (.in and .com) and pretty much every online store, I decided to go for it.

When I got this thing, I was so really disappointed. There was so less bass contrary to what the company claims and the mids and highs were really harsh (compared to my Earpods which produced really decent and smooth mids and highs with V4A). I was able to increase the bass with the help of EQ, but no amount EQ tinkering could solve the sibilance issue.

I guess I'm really sensitive to sibilance, but this thing produces the kind of harsh noise that really cheap speakers and headphones produce. Even after a lot of tweaking the EQ, it sounds only a little better than my cheap Earpods (that too only on the bass terms - slightly better clarity on the bass). Sibilance of instruments mostly.
If I cut down the sibilance with an EQ, the entire highs and mids get affected. They sound muddy and tinny. Please don't confused as I want toned down highs. I like very clear highs but with no sibilance.

Also, last year, I've bought the KZ ED9 which is highly praised here by Head-fiers and I was disappointed with it as well. There was no bass and clarity was at the cost of sibilance and my Earpods with V4A actually sounded more hi-fi. It felt more high end.

What should I do? I've a few days remaining to return the XB75AP and even then I'll lose 15% of the price (stupid return policies).

tl;dr: Please suggest an earphone under 100$ that has little to no sibilance but with amazing clarity.

NOTE: Please don't suggest me to get another pair of earpods as I really want something better.

I'm sorry for my immature language, I hope you can understand what I'm trying to convey.

Or should I get a headphone?
Jul 24, 2017 at 11:00 AM Post #21,699 of 75,785
> Monk+
Is there anywhere you can buy these things that doesn't have a one month lead time?

> Where in the USA are you located?
MA. The only places I have near me are the usual BestBuy, Target, and Walmart. I can order online, but returning stuff bought online is a royal pain because I have to drive out to a facility.
Jul 24, 2017 at 11:08 AM Post #21,701 of 75,785
> Monk+
Is there anywhere you can buy these things that doesn't have a one month lead time?

> Where in the USA are you located?
MA. The only places I have near me are the usual BestBuy, Target, and Walmart. I can order online, but returning stuff bought online is a royal pain because I have to drive out to a facility.

https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B01N5RBJCH/ if you don't mind dealing with Amazon. It won't be back in stock for a few days, but still you won't have to wait a month.
Jul 24, 2017 at 11:12 AM Post #21,702 of 75,785
> if you don't mind dealing with Amazon
Eh, they're kinda annoying for stuff like this. Shipping isn't free under $25, I either have to buy another random item I don't need or pay extra. People say they're worth $5, but how does that change when I'm paying more like $18? At that price I feel like I should just get something better in the first place.
Jul 24, 2017 at 11:26 AM Post #21,704 of 75,785
> I'm okay with both provided they fit good in my ears.
That's fine, but generally speaking earbuds are typically inferior to IEMs overall, especially with regards to bass. If you want bass and you're OK with IEMs, you should definitely go that route and ask about them in one of the IEM threads instead of this one.
Jul 24, 2017 at 11:29 AM Post #21,705 of 75,785
ok, after finally tasting the forbidden fruit of a almost totl IEM, my Lz A4, I finally understood what was all the hype was about. the unbelievable clarity, resolution and a 3d feel, incredible bass quality and clarity, making all my earbuds and iems look embarrassing in front of them. I have settled with black / black filters as they provide the best balance and soundstage, even though they are a bit bright for my taste but I am soundstage nut.

But still its not enough, I can wear an iem for 1hr max before getting quite uncomfy, got used to earbuds so much. and I feel there is room for improvement, besides trading with more comfy form in earbuds.

I believe the biggest advantage of an earbud is the soundstage and comfy feel, that's why I am look for my TOTL earbud to complement my lz a4 and act like a over ear replacement.

I am looking for something that makes my lz a4 soundstage small in comparison, I want something with much deeper soundstage and 3d, right left up and down kind of soundstage making it feel like its happening in real time. I want the same high quality layered bass that a4 provides and better if possible, like the one in those big speakers that oozes clarity and boom. I want treble to be with extreme clarity but not bright, and real life like sound. I want the separation of all of it likes everything has its place as its happening in real life.

I like thick vocals and warm sound, don't like bright stuff at all but I don't want to take clarity away and I want to keep the treble shimmers and cymbal's. the best balance of sound that has my preferred features is xiaomi piston 2 as its not bright at all but still shimmery feel of instruments. my a4 black / black causes me headaches sometimes because its a bit bright despite sounding superior, so less brighter then that.

So basically I want something that seems impossible, or is it? is there anything that comes close to what I want.

thanks for reading lol.

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