Earbuds Round-Up
Sep 22, 2018 at 8:46 PM Post #35,491 of 75,762
Hey guys, I'm in the search for some TOTLs and I'm curious for your opinions. I want some earbuds that are similar to my iSine10s, particularly with linear bass, quick decay, and good detail. Based on my research, I think the EBX might be a good fit. Are they? Are there some others that might be better?
Tbh...I returned my iSine10s - in my opinion I thought they were vastly overpriced. You could try EBX....or EB2 - for a smaller form factor & more comfortable fit.....
Sep 22, 2018 at 8:55 PM Post #35,492 of 75,762
Tbh...I returned my iSine10s - in my opinion I thought they were vastly overpriced. You could try EBX....or EB2 - for a smaller form factor & more comfortable fit.....
I like my iSines, but man are they are uncomfortable. That's why I'm leaning towards buds, but I want a TOTL pair that has the level of detail of the iSines. Do you think the EBX or the EB2 are at that level?
Sep 22, 2018 at 9:18 PM Post #35,493 of 75,762
I like my iSines, but man are they are uncomfortable. That's why I'm leaning towards buds, but I want a TOTL pair that has the level of detail of the iSines. Do you think the EBX or the EB2 are at that level?
I thought they were ridiculously uncomfortable.....they're a distant memory now thankfully! (got refunded within days!)
I'd totally recommend EB2 ...great detail retrieval with none of the harsh sibilance of the iSines..and the small matter of being $426 less!!! lol
Sep 22, 2018 at 10:06 PM Post #35,497 of 75,762
Sep 22, 2018 at 10:11 PM Post #35,498 of 75,762
Herry told me when we met that he even looks to buy used CampFred 1 to get the driver for use with White CampFred, but that second hand CF 1 rarely are sold.

same as the Abnormal guys, they would buy people's old monks and diomnes lv1 so they can make the Diomnes Lv2. just last week there's also Dipios (the rarest pokemon buds from abnormal) being sold at my local forum's auction
Sep 22, 2018 at 11:51 PM Post #35,499 of 75,762
Man, for only $30 I think I'll definitely get a pair now. Thanks!
You should get a pair they are excellent for the price... But I don't think they will live up to your expectations bass wise without EQ though. It's not extended flat enough into the sub bass to be considered 'linear' IMO.

I'm hard pressed to think of an earbud I own that truly has close to linear bass with only some drop off at the 20-30 hz range. K's Ling is the best I have for that but it has slightly more than 'flat' mid bass and slightly less than neutral sub bass (so it's more like a regular dynamic driver headphone bass level)

Your best bet is to get an earbud known for it's bass extension and then EQ it to sound as flat as possible. Otherwise you'll have to except the limitations of the form factor here.
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Sep 23, 2018 at 12:15 AM Post #35,500 of 75,762
You should get a pair they are excellent for the price... But I don't think they will live up to your expectations bass wise without EQ though. It's not extended flat enough into the sub bass to be considered 'linear' IMO.

I'm hard pressed to think of an earbud I own that truly has close to linear bass with only some drop off at the 20-30 hz range. K's Ling is the best I have for that but it has slightly more than 'flat' mid bass and slightly less than neutral sub bass (so it's more like a regular dynamic driver headphone bass level)

Your best bet is to get an earbud known for it's bass extension and then EQ it to sound as flat as possible. Otherwise you'll have to except the limitations of the form factor here.
Hmm...what do you think are some earbuds with good bass extension other than the Ling? Do you have recommendations for earbuds that are fairly neutral, maybe not with a linear bass, but that can be EQ'ed to have one(I do like a little more sub though. lol)? To be honest, I really just want an earbud that comes as close as possible to a full headphone experience.
Sep 23, 2018 at 12:32 AM Post #35,502 of 75,762
About 10 years ago about $35 was my limit for earbuds or earphones (Yuin PK3). A couple of months later it was $60 (Yuin PK2). Then I got into vintage Sony and Aiwa earbuds and the spending limit increased a lot. Now I can spend up to $400 without a problem. I have spent over $400 once on a pair of earbuds (Cypherus Red Dragon). I do not regret is as they truly can compete with high end headphones. Really! Also it was the only pair in existence at the time and when I had a chance to buy them second hand I just had to do it!
Herry of Cypherus told me that 2 more orders for Red Dragon has been made this year - both asking for different custom tunings. One asked for tuning like Audeze LCD 3 and one asked for tuning like Focal Elear. Not sure if my pair is tuned to replicate any particular headphone sound signature. It's just perfectly balanced between lows, mids and highs with exquisite and ultra realistic timbre of instruments and a wide and deep soundstage with first class instrument layering and positioning. The only earbuds I've ever heard that do not lack in any aspect what so ever. Except for the thick cable which makes them useless for portable use.

Anyway, your spending limit might go up with time. You might become tempted to try other TOTL earbuds once you get to hear Shozy BK. That's how it's been like for me. I am 100% sure that Red Dragon is my endgame earbud and that it can never be topped. But I still have ordered Blox TM9 and Simphonio Dragon 2+ in the last month.. A couple of months ago I bought Moondrop Liebesleid while in Japan (now for sale since it's not really my type of sound signature). This hobby can become like a poison. But a sweet poison it is!

I have not had fit issues with the RW-777. Have you tried with silicone rings under the foams?

Thanks for the background Danny. I know expensive headphones aren't in the cards for awhile as the wife and I are on a tight budget until the kids get out of daycare ($2k a month for daycare zomfg. Could buy Focal Elears every month and have left over money!).

I do not have any silicone rings, though I'd be more than open to try some to potentially get a better and more comfortable fit with the yincrows as really like their sound. Just got the Willsound PK16, and I'm quite happy with them though I think the Yincrows are a little more natural across the frequency range, but the Willsounds fit perfectly.
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Sep 23, 2018 at 12:37 AM Post #35,503 of 75,762
Hmm...what do you think are some earbuds with good bass extension other than the Ling? Do you have recommendations for earbuds that are fairly neutral, maybe not with a linear bass, but that can be EQ'ed to have one(I do like a little more sub though. lol)? To be honest, I really just want an earbud that comes as close as possible to a full headphone experience.
What's your budget approximately it will help us get an idea of what to suggest.

There's a few that may give you that experience of full size cans with high quality bass but they would be a bit pricey.

Also anyone new to earbuds should try one of the budget ones first and then if all is good opt for a higher end earbud. That way you will not be disappointed by fit issues or anything.
Sep 23, 2018 at 12:44 AM Post #35,504 of 75,762
What's your budget approximately it will help us get an idea of what to suggest.

There's a few that may give you that experience of full size cans with high quality bass but they would be a bit pricey.

Also anyone new to earbuds should try one of the budget ones first and then if all is good opt for a higher end earbud. That way you will not be disappointed by fit issues or anything.
Don't worry about the budget, I just want a pair that really sound the best. I do have a couple of cheaper earbuds (monks, yincrow x6, diy graphenes), I'm just ready to get some top-tier earbuds now.
Sep 23, 2018 at 12:50 AM Post #35,505 of 75,762
I got the zoomfred (used) and I am very impressed. I wrote to CAX asking for a quote on the red dragons and they quoted $680...that's crazy. How good can those be? Anyone own them?
Danny owns them, and he sounds like a man that could die happy with them. Having said that, $680 is a bit too close in price to the Focal Elex. I personally couldn't justify that kind of money for earbuds unless I heard them, and the Elex, and the earbuds were better. AND they came with a lifetime warranty.

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