Earbuds Round-Up
Jan 11, 2016 at 9:03 AM Post #1,953 of 75,731
  Then sometimes, they get lost in the mail.  Then you have to start the whole process over.  


This almost happened with my Suvov order. I chose Singpost as the carrier in MisterTao. I guess that was a mistake. The tracking info got stuck at "shipped to overseas" and I had no further info for more than 10 days. I was almost resigning myself to assuming it is lost. But, it just appeared on my mailbox yesterday. No update on the tracking in the website yet though :)
Jan 13, 2016 at 5:38 AM Post #1,955 of 75,731
  Are there any info, impression or review of Shozy Cygnus on Head-Fi? I've seen them at 89USD on Penonaudio.

 I have heard the are more detailed then the zen but that is due to the fact that they are bright.... from my understanding is that the Zen is more enjoyable to listen to.
Jan 14, 2016 at 1:08 PM Post #1,956 of 75,731

Sadly for Shozy Cygnus, the cable easily turns green when exposed to moisture... 
(Original source of the picture is on the bottom right)
Jan 14, 2016 at 1:25 PM Post #1,957 of 75,731
Sadly for Shozy Cygnus, the cable easily turns green when exposed to moisture... 
(Original source of the picture is on the bottom right)

Thank you for the heads up on this.  I was interested in them.  Now, not so much.
On another note, I have a few more earbuds coming, the Suvov M360 and the Cogoo DX550.  So in about a month I will report on how those sound.
Jan 14, 2016 at 1:40 PM Post #1,958 of 75,731
Okay Guys, so here is the rundown, I am planning to save up for an "end game" earbud right now.

I have owned the SIDY KT100 and is loving every minute of it. I have asked for he opinion of Mr Golov and Mr Ceil before and both would agree that the VE Asura is the next way to go. However, the Asuras are no longer being produced as VE has the Asura 2.0 in the works which I heard from Mr Golov and read on VE's Official Taoba Store.

So I thought, why not save up and buy an end game ear bud. My list are

1. Zen 2.0

2. Ostry KC-08

3. SeaHF 320Ohm v2 (https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5-c.w4002-2612110495.35.jYEBOo&id=525608265905

4. Earphone Association "MX500" style 300Ohm (https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c.w4002-1958545936.32.dSpwNE&id=524820529079)

5*. Earphone Association 400Ohm  (https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c.w4002-1958545936.20.dSpwNE&id=525116914319)
6. Shozy Cygnus

* A note on number 5, I was referred to by SeaHF to Earphone Association if I wanted to buy the 400Ohm version of earbud. SeaHF does not currently sell any 400Ohm Earbuds and thus recommended that I look at Earphone Association's 400Ohm.

So, which should I choose? The ZEN 2.0 is the most expensive, followed by the OSTRY. 

Thanks for bringing those earbuds to my attention, I did some research on Chinese forums, the #3 #4 #5 are developed by the same team, #5 being the newest. From the very limited reviews, opinions seem to favor the #5, 400ohm version. 
http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4209779979 (in Chinese)
very oddly, some say that the new 300ohm version is harder to drive than the 400ohm version
Anyway, I have ordered the 400ohm just now, will put up my impressions after I receive them, but my experience in describing earphones is very scanty, so, plz bear with me... 
Jan 14, 2016 at 7:37 PM Post #1,959 of 75,731
Sadly for Shozy Cygnus, the cable easily turns green when exposed to moisture... 
(Original source of the picture is on the bottom right)

That is cool! Nothing wrong with that. A natural process.

Here in NY we admire the lovely green patina. Not sadly she turned green :) Not we are no longer interested now that she turned green!
To quote "Why do our earphone cable turn green" article...
"Unlike other destructive oxidation, the patina acts as a protective layer. This is the reason as to why copper is considered as an important metal, as it is resistant to corrosion. The patina prevents further corrosion of the copper beneath the oxidized layer

Whilst not necessarily being that attractive to the eye, oxidation of your earphone cable does not affect the sound of them. Note also that oxidation occurs regardless of the color of your cable, so even if the outer part of your cable is black, white, beige or any other color, the copper on the inside we still turn green, you just can’t see it!"
Jan 14, 2016 at 7:49 PM Post #1,960 of 75,731
  Thanks for bringing those earbuds to my attention, I did some research on Chinese forums, the #3 #4 #5 are developed by the same team, #5 being the newest. From the very limited reviews, opinions seem to favor the #5, 400ohm version. 
http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4209779979 (in Chinese)
very oddly, some say that the new 300ohm version is harder to drive than the 400ohm version
Anyway, I have ordered the 400ohm just now, will put up my impressions after I receive them, but my experience in describing earphones is very scanty, so, plz bear with me... 

You are welcome mate. I have personally seen and read most of the baidu teiba myself.

However, I have personally contacted "bug bro" and according to him, the 320ohm v2 (灵动2.0)is the newer version of the old 320ohm and "bug bro" has fixed the issue of the 320ohm being harder to drive than the 400ohms. Interestingly, he also mentioned that there are 2 versions of the 灵动2.0 due to the fact that he was provided with 2 different types of 320ohm drivers by the manufacturer. But rest assured, according to "bug bro", he has meticulously tuned both types of drivers  so that both of them come out having the same or very similar signature.

Let me know how you like them 400ohms mate.

Link for new 320ohm review

Also Edit:
After reading this Baidu, it seems that "bug bro" or 虫哥 is also the supplier for Ventura Electronics. There Zen 1.0 uses the same driver as the old 300Ohm of "bug bro"
Jan 15, 2016 at 8:51 AM Post #1,964 of 75,731
Having VE monk for 30 hours, here are my impressions:
Comfort-wise: I see posts stating how well they stay in their ears, but this is not the case for me, the rim of the earbuds is just too hard, my ears get sore after 10 minutes.
I currently have a Flare audio r2a in my possession, so did some A-B of the two. To put it in a nutshell, Monk wins on Clarity, R2a wins on refinement. The immediate impression you get switching from r2a to Monk is like stepping out of a little bar into a grand concert hall, the sound stage is phenomenal, and Monk seems to able to pick up more details, but its shortcomings are equally apparent. Imaging is definitely inferior to r2a, instruments tend to be bigger than they actually are on the Monk, wile on r2a they are precise and stable. The gentle plucking of violins is so delicious on r2a, but not on the Monk.
To my ears, Monk has some problem with "the reality of sound" , esp when it come to man's voice and ultra-treble. If they can improve on that, this earbud can be "it".
That being said, I do enjoy music more on Monk than on r2a. I seriously recommend them to everyone. As for the ear-comfort problem, I will see a doctor about it later, no worries. 
Jan 15, 2016 at 8:58 AM Post #1,965 of 75,731
  You are welcome mate. I have personally seen and read most of the baidu teiba myself.

However, I have personally contacted "bug bro" and according to him, the 320ohm v2 (灵动2.0)is the newer version of the old 320ohm and "bug bro" has fixed the issue of the 320ohm being harder to drive than the 400ohms. Interestingly, he also mentioned that there are 2 versions of the 灵动2.0 due to the fact that he was provided with 2 different types of 320ohm drivers by the manufacturer. But rest assured, according to "bug bro", he has meticulously tuned both types of drivers  so that both of them come out having the same or very similar signature.

Let me know how you like them 400ohms mate.

Link for new 320ohm review

Also Edit:
After reading this Baidu, it seems that "bug bro" or 虫哥 is also the supplier for Ventura Electronics. There Zen 1.0 uses the same driver as the old 300Ohm of "bug bro"

So you can speak Chinese? 
I talked to "bug bro" myself, very nice guy. He says he will have something good to offer after the Chinese New year, I'm very much looking forward to it. 
His partnership with VE ended last November, it seems there is a love/feud goes on, I don't want to probe into that. 
But he did say that he was behind Monk and Zen 1.0, while he has nothing to do with Zen 2.0

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