Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Oct 19, 2012 at 10:25 AM Post #8,521 of 48,580
Oct 19, 2012 at 10:30 AM Post #8,522 of 48,580
Amazingly: Skype!
We're recording from multiple locations because some of us have to travel, so we're forced to do that.

Dave and Joel just got Blue Yeti's, and are loving the mic so far. I recorded on site with Joel for episode 3, and we found the Yeti can switch pick-up patterns to "interview" mode--2 of us on either side of the mic.

When I'm at home, I just use my AntLion ModMic plugged into my PC's mobo mic-in jack.

The girls seem to be using their laptop mics.

For audio capture and editing, I'll have to ask Dave.
Oct 19, 2012 at 10:36 AM Post #8,523 of 48,580
The other new feature of the mixamp is the live streaming feature. Supposedly, it takes all the audio going through the mixamp(game audio, chat, and your mic) and streams it out to your computer. I was trying to get this to work, but there wasn't any instruction manual included with the A40s(just a quick start guide) and the people on Astro's support page weren't all that helpful anyway. 

I tried this a couple of weeks ago. You just plug a 3.5 -> 3.5 cable from the stream port to the line in port on the computer, then you record with whatever software you use on your computer. When you play it back, it sounds exactly like it did through your headset.
Oct 19, 2012 at 3:20 PM Post #8,524 of 48,580
So, I've had two solid sessions with the DT 990/32 and the E09K hooked up to my DSS2.  I'm really impressed by the fact that the DSS2 produces very little hiss - even cranked to max - through the E09K, even at very loud volume levels.  It is there if you really push the 'phones, but you're also pushing your eardrums at that point.
The 32 ohm models really need a powerful amp and are harder to drive than you'd expect.  Granted, I think the output from the DSS/2 is slightly weaker than the Mixamp, but even at max volume, the E09K (on low gain) still needs to get to the 11 o'clock position to hit a sweet spot for volume and SQ.  Fortunately, from everything that I have read, this area on the amp is actually its sweetspot, generally, so that's good.
As for SQ, the cans still need burn-in time, but they already sound amazing out of the E09K.  Playing Dishonored last night was incredibly immersive and enemy gunshots produced a perfect, boomy pop that really hightened the tension of being caught after sneaking through a level.  Also popped in FIFA 13.  While the sports genre isn't necessarily known for making incredible use of surround sound, crowd chants we crystal clear to the point where you could hear separation of different voices and distinctly make out certain speakers' words as they sang over the match.  Building up an attack brought a huge roar to the crowd and the DT 990 made it seem incredibly authentic and powerful out of the E09K.  This sort of 'oomph' for lack of a better phrase was not present when using the 990s unamped.
While the positioning may not exactly be head and shoulders over my foam-mod HD555s, the clarity, quality, and power of the DT 990s out of the amp is really impressive.  At this point, my only gripe could easily be filed into the OCD category, as I'm miffed by the relatively loose headband adjustment system utilized by Beyer on the DTXX0 line.  Compared to the mechanism on the HD555 (cracking aside), it is really inexact and poor.  Fortunately, I read about that issue all over the internet so I don't think I'm suffering alone or using a defective unit.  Annoying, none the less.
Haven't had much time to test everything with music.  I'm frightened that I'm going to get sucked into purchasing the E17 as a DAC eventually, but I'll need to spend more time with music before I make that sort of move.  In sum, very pleased with my purchases.  The amped DT 990s are a huge step up in SQ, and especially FUN SQ, over the HD555.  I like the flexibility of being able to drive the 32 ohm unamped, but the SQ is so flat sounding compared to being output from the E09K. 
Oct 19, 2012 at 3:32 PM Post #8,525 of 48,580
That's quite a bit of money there...still not enough for a lot of things (like a high-end graphics card, or a Stax Lambda setup), but you could get a nice X-Fi Titanium HD for your desktop, or a lot of games (just wait 'til the Steam sales get rolling this holiday season!), or maybe a 3DS and a game...ultimately, you decide.

Too bad I can't send you any ice cream cake over the Internet for your birthday...

Aw, I really appreciate the sentiment! If it helps, I treated myself to a Dairy Queen Blizzard in Pumpkin Pie, it was good for a change but I don't think I'd eat it all year. So I'll pretend you got it for me :wink:

Honestly I'm not sure what to spend it on, I think I'm gonna buy a new pair of shoes to last a few years, but I might save the rest for something as mundane as bills. Though, another possibility has occurred to me, along the same lines and Mad wishing his incoming amp makes his sound super-saiyan:

Originally Posted by SleepyMellow

Thanks for the quick and knowledgeable reply, but unfortunately I never seem to be in the right place at the same time as when the deals appear. lol.
So back to looking for a comfortable set of cans that have AD700 staging but with some ~60Hz bass capabilities for under $200.
I am not interested in a V shaped EQ curve, just a little thump - is that asking too much?
(End Quote)

Maybe? I've heard several people recommend a new headphone I've not heard called the Takstar, but I can't personally vouch for it.

Last night I played Oblivion with my Recon3D and AD700, it's amazing how strong the virtual surround works, even better than the Q701. I'm sincerely hoping the Q701's soundstage expands and directional positioning becomes more accurate with an extra amp, but... If not, then I may just get an E11, use the bass boost, and sell my Q701. I waffle on wether the Q701 was worth it at 2x the price... But it is really an amazing headphone when used for music.
Oct 19, 2012 at 5:20 PM Post #8,527 of 48,580
So back to looking for a comfortable set of cans that have AD700 staging but with some ~60Hz bass capabilities for under $200.
I am not interested in a V shaped EQ curve, just a little thump - is that asking too much?

Last night I played Oblivion with my Recon3D and AD700, it's amazing how strong the virtual surround works, even better than the Q701. I'm sincerely hoping the Q701's soundstage expands and becomes more accurate with an extra amp, but... If not, then I may just get an E11, use the bass boost, and sell my Q701. I waffle on wether the Q701 was worth it at 2x the price... But it is really an amazing headphone when used for music.

The Q701 soundstage does improve slightly with an extra amp, but I would only expect this from a decent desktop amp.  I don't remember any improvements with the E9 even, and I checked it a few times, but when I hooked up the M-stage I had to do a double take to check the sound as it was a bit airier and wider sounding.  Don't expect the Q701, or just about any headphone for that matter, to reach AD700 size soundstage.  AD700 has the largest soundstage I've ever heard (you can check my profile for what I've heard), but its got some serious balance issues.
On the flip side, I wouldn't expect the AD700 to even come close to the Q701 on bass and overall signature balance.  You can boost it, yes, but it will never have the body and impact from headphones like the Q701 - which keep in mind has only a mild mid-bass hump.  Believe me, I've tried boosting the AD700 bass, and it definitely helps, but it still sounds a bit artificial and the quality and texture of the bass gets pretty homogenous after boosting.  The AD700's bass starts to all sound the same and comes from the same spot in the soundstage.
For me, the balance and naturalness of the Q701 is definitely worth the price difference.  The AD700 is great at what it does, but its weaknesses really show when you put against some fuller sounding headphones.  The treble sounds sibilant and grainy and the bass is sad
.  The Q701 was what made me finally sell my AD700s, as I finally found something that had the best compromise I'd heard between soundstage and signature, to my ears.  I just don't think there's much out there that will keep the "AD700 staging but with some ~60Hz bass capabilities for under $200."  You will have to lose some soundstage.  Honestly, I think the Q701 is the best bet for what you said your looking for - and it's what would've recommend if you didn't already have it.  If the Q701 isn't doing it for you, the soundstages only get smaller from there.  The HD5xx are pretty darn large, and they also have more bass than the AD700 (less than the Q701 though).  Still smaller stage than the AD700.  The Beyer's I think are slightly  smaller than HD5xx and Q701.  The Q701 is just about the same size as the DT990, maybe slightly larger - but I prefer the positioning on the Q701.
Also, the jump from the Recon's THX to Dolby Headphone may be a better investment.  I can't really say as I haven't heard it, but MLE and Nameless are favoring the mixamp.
You could keep your eye on the AD700x and what not, but I'd be surprised if they're a huge improvement in bass over the current AD700.  They look even more open, and I think improvements in bass will come from the new pads sealing a bit more.
Oct 19, 2012 at 6:14 PM Post #8,528 of 48,580
Hi guys. Been using my HD 558's for a few week's now and I love the hell out of them.:)
Been useing them for gaming and music (fire and flames from dragonforce kick ass on these) and for me there great for both, been able to hear alot more detail then before.

Hear some people say the bass isn't very good, but I say the bass is fine, punchy without going overboard.

So in a few weeks I'm gonna get the money to build my own PC (been wondering how the world of PC gaming is for some time now) and I want to know should I get a sound card or just wait for the new astro mix amp, or just go for an EG like the FiiO amp's?
Oct 19, 2012 at 6:58 PM Post #8,529 of 48,580
Hey MLE. I saw your posts on the engadget website (recognized the pascal picture right away). You mentioned that it's much better to get a headphone + seperate mic rather than a gaming headset which is true. Were you referring to pc gaming only though? Is there any way to use a headphone with a seperate mic on the xbox? 
Oct 19, 2012 at 7:19 PM Post #8,530 of 48,580
Hey MLE. I saw your posts on the engadget website (recognized the pascal picture right away). You mentioned that it's much better to get a headphone + seperate mic rather than a gaming headset which is true. Were you referring to pc gaming only though? Is there any way to use a headphone with a seperate mic on the xbox? 

You use a mixamp.
Oct 19, 2012 at 7:24 PM Post #8,531 of 48,580
I was even using a rather nice Audio Technica mic and a preamp with the Mixamp at one point. Being able to control the sensitivity of the mic on the fly was awesome.
Oct 19, 2012 at 7:46 PM Post #8,532 of 48,580
So you can plug in your headphones and a separate mic into the mixamp? Do you set the voice in the xbox menu to play through speakers or play through headset? If it plays through speakers on my current headphone the voice can't be adjusted. I've got the TurtleBeach X41's at the moment, but I'm looking to upgrade.
Oct 19, 2012 at 7:55 PM Post #8,533 of 48,580
Yes, you can hook up a Y splitter to the Mixamp and be able to hook up any headphone/mic you want.
I think you set it to play through the headset. Then you have a dial on the Mixamp to keep the chat/game volume balanced how you want it.
Oct 19, 2012 at 8:02 PM Post #8,535 of 48,580
So you can plug in your headphones and a separate mic into the mixamp? Do you set the voice in the xbox menu to play through speakers or play through headset? If it plays through speakers on my current headphone the voice can't be adjusted. I've got the TurtleBeach X41's at the moment, but I'm looking to upgrade.

First off what headphones do you plan on getting?
I use the HD 558's and I personally feel there an awesome set of cans for the money, though I can see why bass heads won't like them.

And you don't need to go though any settings for it to play through the headset though it will play from the speakers at the same time.

Also how are the X41's? I personally gave up on turtle beach after how bad my PX21's broke.

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