Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Feb 27, 2012 at 5:13 PM Post #4,381 of 48,601
The steelseries is what it says it is, a mixer. It will take any stereo audio and mix it with chat audio. The dss1/2 output in stereo so it will work. The thing is, it's also an amp which is why it needs the USB power and can only work when it is powered. That is where the downfall was with their xbox only mixer, it had a crappy amp that introduced hiss/hum/static into the chain that any good headphone will pick up on. I have my doubts on the universal model and that steelseries probably only "tuned" that thing for their own headsets. I may be wrong but I don't feel like being a guinea pig again.
Feb 27, 2012 at 9:05 PM Post #4,382 of 48,601
I just wanted to put a warning out there to anyone thinking of purchasing the new Tritton AX720 7.1 2012 headset.  It's so much worse than the old model, I returned it immediately.
Compared to the older model, the 7.1 has a significant amount more hum.  Hum is loud enough that it can be heard during quieter parts of games.

Thar's a shame

DSS2 headphone out -> M-stage -> steelseries -> Q701 ?
DSS2 USB                  ------------------> Steelseries-> mod mic
What do you guys think?

The first setup would be triple amping, and probably wouldn't sound great.  Having the M-stage in the middle would probably be pointless as the signal would end up just going to the steelseries which is the weakest link in the amplification chain.  The M-stage should be the last thing in a chain and the amp your headphones plug into - but it would still be triple amping at that point with it's source being the steelseries mixer  :\ 
I guess it could work, although it would be messy
Feb 27, 2012 at 11:23 PM Post #4,383 of 48,601
To the guy wanting to get the DSS2, if you want chat, just get the wired Mixamp. Its just a little more than getting the DSS2+whatever mic amp, and will be significantly quieter, and easier to deal with.

The DSS2 should only be for those of us that don't need chat functions.

Going from the MStage to the Mixer is Just, no.
Feb 28, 2012 at 3:50 AM Post #4,384 of 48,601
Wow, my first post in this topic was gonna be about my experience with it today. I bought them on the way home since I've seen it recommended for people on a budget, but the sound quality is pretty bad. It also looks like it did not come with the adapter to use any other headphones you have laying around. Might just be me but i think my KSC72/portapros sound much clearer lol. I'm definitely gonna return them. I would get the AD700 since they're right around the price point I'm looking for but I hear they lack bass 

I just wanted to put a warning out there to anyone thinking of purchasing the new Tritton AX720 7.1 2012 headset.  It's so much worse than the old model, I returned it immediately.
Compared to the older model, the 7.1 has a significant amount more hum.  Hum is loud enough that it can be heard during quieter parts of games.
I bought it for the amp which offers nothing over the older model.  I thought the volume knob was analog, but just a circular shaped digital volume button.  As with everything Madcatz puts there hands on, the build quality of everything feels cheaper than the older model IMHO.
The headset is SIGNIFICANTLY more veiled than the old headset.  Detail retrieval in shooters is non-existent.

Feb 28, 2012 at 5:24 AM Post #4,386 of 48,601
Once again...

If the new AX720 has an inline puck, it should break away like this.

No reason to return the AX720 if so, as it's the same price as the wired Mixamp and does the same thing and comes with the headset (think of it as FREE).
Feb 28, 2012 at 7:25 AM Post #4,387 of 48,601
Hey MLE, think this optical switcher would actually work? It looks like it's pretty straightforward (all mechanical) so I doubt it'd interfere with the quality all that much.

Its cheap and broke on me in a few days of turning the knob

I've had this switcher for about two years and it's done a good job.  However I do tend to end up playing consoles in phases so I only end up using the switcher a couple times a week if that. If your only using two devices it's ok nothing special if your using three I wouldn't buy it because the middle port seems to act strange compare to the other two.  
On a side note has anyone tried the pc320
Feb 28, 2012 at 9:12 AM Post #4,388 of 48,601
Feb 28, 2012 at 9:14 AM Post #4,389 of 48,601
The X320 is a lower end model to the PC360. A youtube video had a comparison, and was said the PC360 was clearly superior, but the X320 wasn't bad for the price, and is more comfy. I can believe that, as Sennheisers were never particularly comfy for me.
Feb 28, 2012 at 9:50 AM Post #4,390 of 48,601
Feb 28, 2012 at 12:11 PM Post #4,391 of 48,601
Looks like that will probably work ok for the PS3. Won't work on the 360 though.

So I rented SSX on the 360. I would've bought it but finances have to be allocated a little more on games I REALLY want, and since Mass Effect 3 is about to come out, SSX can wait a few months, after I'm done with the games coming out soon...

Tales of Graces F

and probably picking up

Atelier Totori
Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk. II

Both games I didn't play the earlier installments of, though I read the earlier ones weren't really worth it.

I just need some JRPGs... I'm seriously deprived, and FFXIII-2 was a letdown (beat it).

Feb 28, 2012 at 12:39 PM Post #4,392 of 48,601

Looks like that will probably work ok for the PS3. Won't work on the 360 though.
So I rented SSX on the 360. I would've bought it but finances have to be allocated a little more on games I REALLY want, and since Mass Effect 3 is about to come out, SSX can wait a few months, after I'm done with the games coming out soon...
Tales of Graces F
and probably picking up
Atelier Totori
Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk. II
Both games I didn't play the earlier installments of, though I read the earlier ones weren't really worth it.
I just need some JRPGs... I'm seriously deprived, and FFXIII-2 was a letdown (beat it).

Got my pre-order for Mass Effect 3 so the wait begins. Now to decide if I want the collectors edition or not. 
Been playing a lot of Dead Island with my brothers to tide me over til Borderlands 2. It's to bad that glitched weapons have destroyed the online scene.
Been watching a ton of Witcher2 content for the 360 release since I don't have the want or drive to upgrade my PC to a playable level.
I really want SSX but I am another one that will most likely be stuck waiting for a price drop. Tales games have never hooked me. Sucks Last Story and Xenoblade are Wii exclusive. /sigh
Feb 28, 2012 at 12:55 PM Post #4,393 of 48,601
Tales of Vesperia is awesome! I just wish they'd localize the PS3 version since its the complete version.
Feb 28, 2012 at 1:08 PM Post #4,394 of 48,601
Namco apparently hates non-Japanese Tales fans. I'm already hearing that Tales of the Abyss 3DS is selling out a mere week or two after its US release, and eBay scalpers are already showing up.
Speaking of which, I still haven't played that copy of Tales of Symphonia I bought a while back...maybe now would be a good time.
Also, while I generally don't consider pre-ordering games these days because they usually get much cheaper later on, there are rumors going around that Xenoblade's US release will only have enough copies printed to meet pre-order demand. I can only hope that's not really the case, but given that low print runs for highly sought-after JRPGs are hardly a new thing...
Sucks Last Story and Xenoblade are Wii exclusive. /sigh

I know the feeling. For instance, I'd like to try Tales of Vesperia, but don't feel like buying an X360 to play it. (Or a PS3, but they haven't localized that version.)

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