Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Oct 22, 2015 at 4:19 AM Post #32,566 of 48,601
Have you guys seen the new all black 598 Special Edition?

Oct 22, 2015 at 8:19 AM Post #32,569 of 48,601
AD700x, AKG Q/K701, AKG K7xx, AKG K612, Sony MA900... The first two and the Sony are pretty much the top choices for competitive at-home sound whoring, nothing else below the HD800's cost has come close to the ideal traits for the niche. If you want something more revealing with also great expansive soundstage after the K/Q701, the next step pretty much is just deciding between the HD800 and open Ether, and maybe the HiFiman Edition X once that comes out, or the Dharma.

If you want to improve the experience upon the AKGs, you're better off experiencing an upgrade to your DAC and amp. Those contribute to the soundstage and separation... The AKGs scale up well past their initial price range if you feed them well, and $1k+ headphones can really be a quite small improvement if you don't have a very clean and capable system anyway.

(I know this won't "help," but I can confirm that listening to "Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes" in high-res FLAC on a setup of HD800+Cavalli Liquid Carbon (balanced)+ Audio GD DAC19... was a truly stunning moment that really haunted me and stuck with me throughout that night, one of the speechless moments at RMAF... But the next day, at the Cavalli booth, overall I preferred the slightly less airy Ether over the same HD800 on an even higher-end setup, and later the Fostex HP900 + the $8k Fostex tube amp and I don't even know what DAC absolutely blew me away with stunning musicality with Radiohead's "Weird Fishes/Arppegio" compared to the same headphone and same song file on a decent couple-hundred-$ transportable DAC/amp combo before it)

wow, thanks for the detailed response, i appreciate it. I have decided on the Q701 or ma900. I found a wrap around for the headband on amazon for 5 bucks incase the bumps are uncomfortable.
Can anyone confirm that if i do the bass mod on the Q701, would it lose some of its sound stage or audio positional accuracy?(win/loss) or is it a completely win win situation? I have found many bass mods for for the Q701, can someone link me the one they found to be the best one?(I'm not being lazy, just safe to prevent irreparable damage once I get the Q701's) I was looking at the ma900 as well. hmm now to decide which of the two..
Oct 22, 2015 at 9:10 AM Post #32,570 of 48,601
Worth looking at the K7xx's on massdrop before you buy?
From all account's they're pretty much the Q701's, but with better bass and no headband bumps?
Which seem to be the 2 things you want to improve on with the 701's
Oct 22, 2015 at 10:10 AM Post #32,571 of 48,601
Some clarifications and personal opinions, folks, but aiming to help!
Well, the DSS "original" is recommended because it's easily found on eBay for $30 or less. At least, it was super easy last year, I saw a seller with a bunch of them and many other sellers. FiiO does make an optical converter, the D03k or D05k, but I'm pretty sure it costs more anyway. There's also a FiiO stereo wireless transmitter too; again, more $$.
Dolby Headphone and licensing adds to the manufacturing cost, yes. The DSS2 has a Cirrus Logic DAC chip, and actually sounds pretty good from what I've read (search user i95north in this thread for owner impressions). It still has Dolby decoding, but after that step it uses Cirrus' headphone surround mix. If you don't need headphone surround, apparently the DAC/amp is supposed to be slightly clearer.
This has been re-tread a few times in this thread too, both units can receive the same Dolby 7.1 signal and decode it properly, it's just that Turtle Beach's marketing gave people the impression (with a picture of 4 speakers in a video, and 5.1 written on the box) that it wouldn't "read" the 7 speaker directions. The DSS2 does, it just uses Cirrus' headphone algorythm for the output while the original DSS licensed a different Dolby product, "Dolby Headphone," for it's output.

Confused yet? Both have Dolby Digital Live (5.1/7.1) input, but they have slightly different headphone surround outputs. If AngryGoldfish is in a headphone surround thread and he doesn't want to use headphone surround, then either will probably be fine.

The DSS2 is £15 on Amazon at the moment. I've seen a few of the original DSS' on eBay, but it's not always easy buying from eBay when you live in Ireland. I'll keep my eye out. For £15, either the DSS1 or DSS2 would be a nice addition, even if I did still want to pick up something better as well later on. And it would be nice to experience virtual 7.1 for films like Looper and Saving Private Ryan.
Oct 22, 2015 at 11:47 AM Post #32,573 of 48,601
£15 is a good price! Again, I haven't heard the DSS2 myself, but I've read good thins and it should at least be quite good for your purposes.

I've seen a lot of people attach a mod mic to the larger outer circle of the earcup, right on the grilles but aligned with the headphone cable so they could coil the cables together.
Oct 22, 2015 at 12:51 PM Post #32,574 of 48,601
Guys. My modmic v4 arrived today.
I tried different ways to put the mic.
But it's not optimal.
Anyone of you found a good way to put them on akg q701?

Lemme take a picture of what I did with mine when I get home, I had to change how the mic bends, but it works well.
Oct 22, 2015 at 3:40 PM Post #32,576 of 48,601
That's always good to see some ideas.
No matter where u put it. It get stuck somewhere.

Not the best pictures, but you should get the idea. The boom basically makes a 90 degree downward turn and runs along the cable plug.


Originally Posted by Darkangelpt /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I like to switch them from mouth area to the top. Like my sennheiser game one

The boom will clear if you flip it up, but the part that I bent down kind of juts out a little. My desk has a few bolts on the side that are the perfect size to serve as a storage point for the mic, so I never flip mine up, but if you got creative with the bends you could probably make it work.

Oct 22, 2015 at 3:46 PM Post #32,577 of 48,601
Not the best pictures, but you should get the idea. The boom basically makes a 90 degree downward turn and runs along the cable plug.

The boom will clear if you flip it up, but the part that I bent down kind of juts out a little. My desk has a few bolts on the side that are the perfect size to serve as a storage point for the mic, so I never flip mine up, but if you got creative with the bends you could probably make it work.

From the images looks like I have the same way.
But when I flip them down I have to mold the mic cause it's very far away from the mouth.
Oct 22, 2015 at 9:46 PM Post #32,578 of 48,601
SennheiserPLZ. Why does the need to have an unholy pleather headband padding while the ear pads are velour? Commit to one or the other, preferably velour. Some of us keep our hair scalp short, and a sweaty ass pleather headband is not my idea for comfort. The 558/PC360/Game One uses all velour. Should've done the same for the 598.
Oct 22, 2015 at 11:33 PM Post #32,579 of 48,601
So I picked up those Logitech G933s. They're the best and worst headset I've ever owned.
Wireless signal is flawless. Sound is pretty good, although I still prefer the sound of the PLYR1s by a bit. It's still far better than anything Logitech has put out in the past, and I could totally live with it. Comfort is decent...a little heavy and tight, but nice large earcups and good isolation. Good build quality overall and I like the look of them. Lots of silly features like RGB lights, seriously who cares, but whatever.
The mic is awesome IMO - it literally disappears into the headset. When you want to use it, you just fold it down and extend the wire, which holds its place perfectly.. If it's muted a red light comes on, and the amount of sidetone is customizable. Sounds nice and clear too. Really great job overall on the mic.
The best part by far is the DTS Headphone X. Compared to DH and SBX, it has far more convincing rear/side cues. Way better than any other virtual surround I've ever heard. You have some control over the "room", and the first person shooter preset is pretty dry sounding with crystal clear positioning around you. Seriously I wish I could just buy headphone X software on it's own, or there was at least one other decent headset that used it. I really don't want to go back to DH or SBX.
Now here's where it gets ugly - there's a driver bug that forces the headphones to appear to windows as stereo only, not 5.1/7.1. That means the vast majority of games won't output the 6/8 channels needed to do true virtual surround. The only game I ever heard the VS work properly is CS:GO, where you can force 5.1 in game. The DTSX sounded awesome in it. Everything else was just expanded stereo, and sounded like garbage. Normally I'd assume that's something that will be fixed promptly, but judging by the Logitech forums this has been an issue for months. And not only for the G933, but their software for the past few months has killed VS across the board for their entire lineup. And they're not even fully acknowledging the problem. It's completely and utterly baffling that it's gone on that long - it's like NVidia releasing a GPU that cant do 3d acceleration. I don't even have the proper words for how ridiculous this situation is.'s a well built, pretty good sounding headset with a great mic and by far the best virtual surround (for my ears at least)...and under no circumstances should anyone even consider it for a second, until that bug is fixed. They've got a week before I return it and write them off forever, and I'm not holding my breath.   
Oct 23, 2015 at 3:10 AM Post #32,580 of 48,601
Yeah the Logitech Game Software bug has been super great fun for the past month or two, they've "fixed" it twice for foreign language Windows installs and neither fix did a damn thing, and they're basically ignoring everyone telling them that the issue also exists on English language Windows installs.
I don't think any of their forum staff even realizes that the headsets are supposed to be detected as 7.1 devices in Windows, it's ridiculous.

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