Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Feb 4, 2015 at 11:47 PM Post #28,831 of 48,580
That's probably because the frequency of gun sounds is in a range that is emphasized on the K612. Lots of other headphones have upper mid DIPS, not bumps, which is why it may so different to you. That's the one bad thing about forward upper mids. It brings extra fatigue.
Feb 4, 2015 at 11:48 PM Post #28,832 of 48,580
Played the Hardline Beta for a bit... Then promptly uninstalled it. I will never understand how anyone can play such an unresponsive shooter. Battlefield is forever dead to me if they keep using that system. Its like playing with noodle arms and legs. Not my idea of fun at all. Reminds me why I haven't enjoyed Battlefield since BF2: Modern Combat.

BF2 for PC or BF2 for the consoles? the console version, which i believe was on PS2 and Xbox or xobx 360 sucked. If you mean the PC BF2, now that was a game.
And Honestly, BF Bad Company 2 was epic, too bad no one really plays it. BF3 is probably still my favorite though. But Im sure you are still into the COD series, which therefore, you feel this game is bad for you. I speak in terms of responsiveness and controls....
Feb 4, 2015 at 11:56 PM Post #28,833 of 48,580
No. The console one. And it didn't suck. It was the game that got me into FPS games in the first place. Something no BF after it could hit. And I owned and played Bad Company quite a bit. Yet, it didn't do much for me for long. I've also owned BF3 (still do), and that game does nothing for me either. So yes, I know how to play these games. Doesn't make them any more appealing, with their 'life' like controls. Lifelike = boring. If I wanted lifelike, I'd go to the military. I play games for fun.
Feb 5, 2015 at 12:02 AM Post #28,834 of 48,580
First impressions of the Sound Blaster X7: Everything was easy to set up. I just put the Xbone's chat out through the Line-in of the soundblaster, and output my blue yeti into the mic part of the One's controller through "what you hear" of my soundblaster Z. Music sounds great, and you can tell this was suppose to be a bit more of a warm device. There's still a noticeable lack of headroom for my HE560 though. The line out does use the same processing as the headphone settings, so you're good to go there. 
It sounds surprisingly good, that's for sure.
Also, MLE, I still haven't gotten into a Battlefield since BC2 myself. Then again, I haven't gotten into a COD since MW2.
Feb 5, 2015 at 12:06 AM Post #28,835 of 48,580
No. The console one. And it didn't suck. It was the game that got me into FPS games in the first place. Something no BF after it could hit. And I owned and played Bad Company quite a bit. Yet, it didn't do much for me for long. I've also owned BF3 (still do), and that game does nothing for me either. So yes, I know how to play these games. Doesn't make them any more appealing, with their 'life' like controls. Lifelike = boring. If I wanted lifelike, I'd go to the military. I play games for fun.

Well, I want life-like, but I'd rather play BF than join the military. I only have one life... in real life...

Funny you say that, though. Isn't BF the video game of preference for people that are actually in the military?

It's like racing games. Some people prefer realistic controls, others prefer arcade-like controls. I prefer the former, bit it doesn't mean I want to do it in real life :p
Feb 5, 2015 at 12:39 AM Post #28,836 of 48,580
No. The console one. And it didn't suck. It was the game that got me into FPS games in the first place. Something no BF after it could hit. And I owned and played Bad Company quite a bit. Yet, it didn't do much for me for long. I've also owned BF3 (still do), and that game does nothing for me either. So yes, I know how to play these games. Doesn't make them any more appealing, with their 'life' like controls. Lifelike = boring. If I wanted lifelike, I'd go to the military. I play games for fun.

The console one was looked down upon ver badly. The Real BF2 on PC was the best and preferred one. But I kind of understand what you mean by it. Unrealism is your cup of tea I suppose lol. You wont see that happening with Military FPS anytime soon or ever, or at least within AAA titles. Some people also like Red Orchestra 2, which is more realistic in a sense compared to BF or even COD. And it really isnt about lifelike controls....controls on PC or Console are beyond life like lol. Movements, some, are life like but then again, when you have a high sensitivity, you are doing 1080 turns like nothing and thats not being realistic lol.

I think its just your preference on games and not about its true intentions in gaming mechanics.

Actually, you like something that has more of a fun overall game that doesnt have so much stuff going on, simplicity and that is understandable.
Right now, I was trying to figure out Hardlines whole interface on loudouts and attachments and honestly its a mess SMH. Terrible layout IMO.

Hotwire is fun though, I like it. When you squad up, its fun.....lonewolf, not so much at all. I guess thats what they are aiming for with Hardline since in BF3/BF4 you have alot of snipers or people with DMRs shooting you from far away or that dam UCAV right when you spawn..........I hate that

Feb 5, 2015 at 12:43 AM Post #28,837 of 48,580
That's just it. MLE is the ultimate run and gun lone wolf shooter. It's been made clear that BF is not his steelo. It's a squad based game that relies on teamwork to succeed, not to mention the slow mechamics. It's just not a good match.
Feb 5, 2015 at 1:07 AM Post #28,838 of 48,580
That's just it. MLE is the ultimate run and gun lone wolf shooter. It's been made clear that BF is not his steelo. It's a squad based game that relies on teamwork to succeed, not to mention the slow mechamics. It's just not a good match.

I mean, I said lonewolf because from what I have read, he loved the COD series and you know that really isnt team based and is more about skill and its a fast paced game. Im sure he plays with friends of course but his type of game is more on the unrealism side, hence why he said about Mass Effect 4 and Battlefront. They both will use the Frostbite engine but by no means will it play out like the current BF titles....its an engine that can be configured to the developers liking.
MLE should worry about giving us that X2 review though....
Im still waiting........ lol

Feb 5, 2015 at 1:11 AM Post #28,839 of 48,580
I just got my K612 and the gun sounds are much louder than all the other sounds is this what its supposed to sound like?
It gets really uncomfortable and when I turn it down I can't hear all the positioning details

My current set up is PS4>Recon3d>Schiit Magni>K612
I really like the soundstage and positioning of this headphone
Now I know why you guys keep recommending it 

Yeah, the k612 has a lot going for it :)
For your gun sounds fatigue... Yeah guns are usually loudest in every game. However, I also recommend turning off Crystalizer in the Recon3D, it's a fatiguing combination with AKGs, and check out my Recon3D USB review (in my signature) for a few recommended settings. You can tweak them afterwards to your taste, for example some people might like a small amount of smart volume to make loud sounds a little softer and quiet sounds a little louder (but don't overdo it as that might mess up the soundstage depth) or using the EQ to tame a frequency that feels too aggressive for you. The Recon3D has a lot of adjustability (gotta plug into PC to adjust it), and that's a powerful tool I recommend you take advantage of.

Feb 5, 2015 at 1:11 AM Post #28,840 of 48,580
Mle is a great teammate, when he wants to be :p

Battlefront actually WILL play like BF, I assume, because DICE is developing it, correct? Isn't their selling point the fact that it's going to be BF in Star Wars universe? Kind of like a BF:2142? I'm in, if so...
Feb 5, 2015 at 1:14 AM Post #28,841 of 48,580
Hey, if you want really responsive FPSs, there's always the fast-pacedness of stuff like Quake III Arena/Quake Live, Unreal Tournament, Tribes, so on and so forth from the golden age of FPSs.
Not that MLE would ever play them because they're the sort of games which don't cater to gamepad players, console ports notwithstanding. Even the console ports had the distinction of being the few console FPSs to actually have keyboard and mouse support in some form. (Quake III on Dreamcast could even network with PC clients in certain cases, and yes, it supported the Dreamcast keyboard and mouse. Take that, Microsoft!)
Actually, now I have to ask: was TimeSplitters 2 or Future Perfect fast-paced enough? Now that's what I'm talking about when it comes to console FPSs! Actually, I'd kill for a TimeSplitters 4 on PC, but Free Radical/Crytek Nottingham can't find a publisher for it, argh...
Feb 5, 2015 at 1:16 AM Post #28,842 of 48,580
I don't need it to be twitch based. I've played slower stuff too, but at least with some semblance of response. games like Killzone and Battlefield though... Christ, they control like crap.
Feb 5, 2015 at 1:36 AM Post #28,843 of 48,580
  Hey, if you want really responsive FPSs, there's always the fast-pacedness of stuff like Quake III Arena/Quake Live, Unreal Tournament, Tribes, so on and so forth from the golden age of FPSs.

Those were my bread and butter back in the day. These days I just assume every mouse movement will end a second after I actually stop moving the mouse. I guess it makes all those 360noscopes more fun.
Feb 5, 2015 at 2:02 AM Post #28,844 of 48,580
Yeah, the k612 has a lot going for it

For your gun sounds fatigue... Yeah guns are usually loudest in every game. However, I also recommend turning off Crystalizer in the Recon3D, it's a fatiguing combination with AKGs, and check out my Recon3D USB review (in my signature) for a few recommended settings. You can tweak them afterwards to your taste, for example some people might like a small amount of smart volume to make loud sounds a little softer and quiet sounds a little louder (but don't overdo it as that might mess up the soundstage depth) or using the EQ to tame a frequency that feels too aggressive for you. The Recon3D has a lot of adjustability (gotta plug into PC to adjust it), and that's a powerful tool I recommend you take advantage of.


Thanx for the reply. Your review was the reason I bought the Recon3D
I thought the gun sounds were kinda loud because I've used this setup with my MA900,HD598,HE400,AD900x and the K612 was the only one with this problem
I just couldn't get a balance where I could hear the details and the soundstage without going deaf from the gun shots
Feb 5, 2015 at 2:18 AM Post #28,845 of 48,580
I don't need it to be twitch based. I've played slower stuff too, but at least with some semblance of response. games like Killzone and Battlefield though... Christ, they control like crap.

Have you tried Titanfall yet?

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