Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Dec 3, 2016 at 10:36 PM Post #37,321 of 48,583
Yethal, you may want to check out that new 'Let it Die' free to play game that just released on PS4 today. It's very much like the souls games but less forgiving like Necropolis. I haven't fully grasped how everything works but it sure does not feel like your average F2P game... feels and plays more like a AAA title.

Not sure yet on how the microtransactions play a role. I believe they are there to buy in case you want to continue right where you died rather than starting over, among other things.

Definitely not pay to win, though. Not even sure how the PvP works yet haha, but I think it's asynchronous multiplayer rather than traditional.
Dec 3, 2016 at 10:46 PM Post #37,323 of 48,583
Marvel vs capcom 4... going to have to dust off the fight stick next year! Ugh ugh ugh!!!!!

Did Capcom rid the always seperate one year later super edition version? I hated having SF4 and MvC3 only to see a new 'super' edition release later on as seperate title without the option to buy the extra content as DLC. It's why I haven't even bothered with SF5 yet.

Edit: Not to mention the seperate online servers because the super editions were seperate titles, not extended versions of vanilla. Such a pain in the ars, grrr.
Dec 3, 2016 at 11:26 PM Post #37,324 of 48,583
Did Capcom rid the always seperate one year later super edition version? I hated having SF4 and MvC3 only to see a new 'super' edition release later on as seperate title without the option to buy the extra content as DLC. It's why I haven't even bothered with SF5 yet.

Edit: Not to mention the seperate online servers because the super editions were seperate titles, not extended versions of vanilla. Such a pain in the ars, grrr.

I don't care... give me content! :grimacing:
Dec 4, 2016 at 12:24 AM Post #37,325 of 48,583
What? Am I the only one excited about Cash Bandicoot and Full Throttle remasters? Haha

But yeah, I'm anticipating a much bigger emotional roller coaster for Joel and Ellie on 2. Great times ahead for gaming.

Whenever someone releases a remaster, it always disappoints me. That's why I can't get hyped for Crash Bandicoot or Full Throttle.......IDK but some games should just be left alone and be classics.
Just like Capcom is going to remaster RE2 and RE3 I believe. I don't think they will be able to top it off especially since the OG director of those games (Shinji Mikami) isn't with them ever since RE4 I believe. I haven't touched my PS2 in a while but when I did, I would pop in RE2 or RE3 and man, I still forget where something is going to pop out. Plus the frustrating controls and camera views really added more to dark atmosphere and made my anxiety even worse lol. But if they remaster RE2 or any of the first ones without those odd camera angles and controls, I won't be buying it.
With that said, I am looking forward to TLOU Part 2. Probably the only reason why I got a PS4 (Because you know PCMASTERRACCE!!), well there is Gran Turismo Sport I am also waiting for since I recently got a G29 from Logitech sending it as a replacement for my G27 (I only had a problem with my shifter not working and they decided to just give me a brand new G29, cool huh? lol).
Unless I am missing out on another game, PS4 won't be seeing much use after I am done with those 2 games......unless something else comes out that catches my eyes.
Dec 4, 2016 at 12:52 AM Post #37,326 of 48,583
Rudy, I feel ya but the some oldies have actually been done right. I absolutely loved replaying Grim Fandango on the PS4. Double Fine worked on that, and are also the ones behind Full Throttle. I think they also remastered Maniac Mansion II (Day of the Tentacle), another Schafer classic.

But you have a fair point. Remasters from last gen are being overdone, though I guess it's a plus for those who misses out in them.

I honestly don't mind remasters as long as they are actual remakes from the ground up of real classics from 3 gens ago. RE and Grim Fandango remasters were good, imo, and have heard good things of Day of the Tentacle. I'm anticipating the same with Full Throttle and hopefully Crash (though I'm skeptical of everything Activision). Fingers crossed.
Dec 4, 2016 at 1:37 AM Post #37,327 of 48,583
I did get a LE. I've been so busy lately that I haven't been on here. I wish i still had access to MW2. I played that game so much and knew the sound so well. I'm having difficulty finding a game with enough sound cues to really do a fair comparison. I guess I should play the new COD and see how that is. I have almost every new FPS shooter out, so I haven't even touched infinite warfare multiplayer. I'm going to use my AKG K702 65ths since that is the headphone I prefer for online. I've owned it a few years so I know it well.

I need to get through all the new posts to see what you've said so far. I do really love the X7. Just amazing all it can do.

So far it's been great. I sold my mixamp and removed my O2 from my desk. It's nice having just one sound device for both my PC and consoles.
@Yethal I'm sorry I called your review mini. On a positive note, it's convinced me to order some.
And regarding all this PSX news..I'm going to admit I never played The Last of Us. When I bought my PS4 it came with the game, but I haven't even played it yet..just got FFXV too..
Dec 4, 2016 at 4:15 AM Post #37,328 of 48,583
Yethal, you may want to check out that new 'Let it Die' free to play game that just released on PS4 today. It's very much like the souls games but less forgiving like Necropolis. I haven't fully grasped how everything works but it sure does not feel like your average F2P game... feels and plays more like a AAA title.

Not sure yet on how the microtransactions play a role. I believe they are there to buy in case you want to continue right where you died rather than starting over, among other things.

Definitely not pay to win, though. Not even sure how the PvP works yet haha, but I think it's asynchronous multiplayer rather than traditional.

I have over a thousand hours in Necropolis, got all the trophies without using cheats and beaten the game in under two hours. At this point I'm like

  @Yethal I'm sorry I called your review mini. On a positive note, it's convinced me to order some.

I don't know if my reviewhood will ever be able to recover from that but I accept Your apology.
Dec 4, 2016 at 5:52 AM Post #37,329 of 48,583
I'm someone who passed on TLOU when it first released. I rented it and was a bit disappointed in the little I played. When the remaster came out, I thought I'd give it another chance. Man, I have never been so upset at myself for not continuing to play it last gen. The game blew me the hell away. 10/10, Masterpiece, would bang again.

I'm very, very excited about TLOU II. Not gonna lie though, I was expecting a FFVII Remake trailer. But this was a very nice consolation prize.

The Chloe DLC trailer for Uncharted 4 for me mad hype though. I love me some Chloe and was super disappointed she wasn't in UC4 at all. This totally made me forgive them. If ANYONE knows how to do DLC, It's Naughty Dog. Can't wait.

I beat Ratchet and Clank yesterday. Contemplating on buying Exist Archive. I have no plans to get FFXV. Don't need to waste time on open world bullcrap, tedium, fetch questing drivel. I have ZERO interest in that game. This is coming from a huge FF fan. Reading the reviews and seeing that there's a lot of the bad open world habits was enough. I already didn't like the game from the demos, but that confirmed my suspicions.
Dec 4, 2016 at 9:17 AM Post #37,330 of 48,583
I am about halfway through R&C.
I also initially passed on TLoU as just "another zombie game". Boy, did I underestimate Naughty Dog :D
Also, Yakuza 6 and Kiwami coming west next year and the year after! I still have to finish 5. but 3 and 4 absolutely kicked ass!
Dec 4, 2016 at 1:23 PM Post #37,331 of 48,583
And regarding all this PSX news..I'm going to admit I never played The Last of Us. When I bought my PS4 it came with the game, but I haven't even played it yet..just got FFXV too..

Well now you have a reason to! As for FFXV, pretty good so far. Not too thrilled about the fetch quest side missions. They are almost Dragon Age Inquisition bad.

I have over a thousand hours in Necropolis, got all the trophies without using cheats and beaten the game in under two hours. At this point I'm like

It should feel right at home for you then, especially the floor levels. You progress upwards on Let it Die rather than down like Necropolis.

I have no plans to get FFXV. Don't need to waste time on open world bullcrap, tedium, fetch questing drivel. I have ZERO interest in that game. This is coming from a huge FF fan. Reading the reviews and seeing that there's a lot of the bad open world habits was enough. I already didn't like the game from the demos, but that confirmed my suspicions.

It's actually way better than the demos suggest. But yeah, fetch quests galore as I just mentioned. Just skip em, not required. The story, which is much better than I anticipated, does get linear about half way through from what I've read. You're doing yourself no justice as a fan by skipping this just because it's open world. I don't like linear games that require you to replay a whole chapter if you missed anything, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying Last of Us.

Edit: I swear, you're a worst Negative Nancy than I am. Haha. We some disgruntled Hispanics haha.
Dec 4, 2016 at 3:46 PM Post #37,332 of 48,583
I think I'm going to start playing TLOU before I dive into FFXV. Been testing out Titanfall 2 since it's been free to play this weekend. Fun game, but not something I'm going to buy. Would probably rather buy Rainbow Six: Siege. I didn't even realize FFXV was coming out this week, and I went into Gamespot to claim $50 in reservation credit that I had no idea I had. Basically got the game for $15, and it was the day one edition so got "A King's Tale" as well. At $15 that was at least worth a shot for me even without reading any opinions on the game. Never played the demo either.
Dec 4, 2016 at 4:51 PM Post #37,333 of 48,583
the many last postings remind me I need to play a lot of games. Been playing Dark Souls 3 and GTA:O a lot in the last many months.
still to go:
Uncharted 4
TLOU (yes, TLOU)
Dishonored 2
Ratchet and Clank
Dec 4, 2016 at 5:39 PM Post #37,334 of 48,583
  the many last postings remind me I need to play a lot of games. Been playing Dark Souls 3 and GTA:O a lot in the last many months.
still to go:
Uncharted 4
TLOU (yes, TLOU)
Dishonored 2
Ratchet and Clank

And Bloodborne.

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