Earbuds Round-Up
Sep 28, 2022 at 11:25 PM Post #65,491 of 75,769
If you haven't yet, try them with some Vulfpeck. The base lines are just so good.

Dude! I love me some Vulfpeck and somehow I hadn't even thought of them during my Black Edition sessions. Thanks for the lightbulb moment!

For anyone else who likes to get funky, Vulfpeck is a top shelf rec! Give them a listen and thank @fooltoque later.😎

Edit: P.P.S To anyone checking out Umphrey's McGee @waynes world and @samandhi are right about the Anchor Drops Redux. The reason I always mention the Redux rather than just Anchor Drops is because the remasters on that album are better than the OG version, but you get the OG version as a second disc anyways. So much musical goodness in a single stream or download.
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Sep 28, 2022 at 11:34 PM Post #65,492 of 75,769
Yeah well, keep'em coming! I have a ways to go yet, but I'm really enjoying the tunes :)

Ask and you shall receive! Charlie Griffiths from Haken put out a solo album that's pretty great. If you like epic prog-metal that goes hard the album is called Tiktaalika. It's intense so no bedtime listening, okay kids? 😜😈🤘

Edit: This album sounds HUGE on the FF3s!

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Sep 29, 2022 at 12:15 AM Post #65,493 of 75,769
In @Ronion's defense I am truly beginning to wonder if the pandemic and his being a medical/healthcare professional has had an ill effect on him as he was not like this before. I remember having a lot of nice exchanges with him before. Perhaps due to being overworked and emotionally exhausted his judgement has become clouded; his attitude has darkened; and his patience severely shortened and now easily tested. If you read his earlier posts and replies they were all kindly, extremely informative, fun to read, and quite humble with not an ounce of ego in them.

He is a pianist and a skilled one at that. He kindly shared some SoundCloud pieces with us before that he was composing with/his niece. Gosh, I really miss that @Ronion.
The pandemic did have me 2 steps from the great dirt nap a few years ago, but that really has nothing to do with the situation. Earbuds were really a Great help at that time as were you, Misery and several others who regularly participate in this thread. I’m 100% that same guy. I just don’t like being slighted, condescended or patronized. Never have. I told you that the first time you did it when you demanded I publicly tell my secrets. I lost a lot of respect for you then and it never fully recovered. I’ve lost a lot more now. You had no good reason then or now to act the way you have though I do admit I intentionally stoked the flames after you put your nose in where it didn’t belong and tried to argue against me. I don’t like that behavior either. You’ll respect me or you’ll see this same me.

thank you 🙏, but I am just a mediocre pianist. I’ve only been paid to record on the acoustic guitar. I do spend more time on piano than any other instrument by a long shot. It inspires me to play it the most and I think it’s because I find it most cantankerous.
Sorry you lost me there... I was simply saying that your "better ingredients" analogy was much better said (exactly what I meant to say) than my "upgraded items". I do hope you took my first post in friendly jest as if I made anything now in under ten minutes, drunk, with no lights I doubt they would look like earbuds at all let alone function properly!
It was just a joke. It’ll definitely lose its humor if I go through the explanation unfortunately.
You seriously expect people to know your post history here on Head fi before they adress you? Because that is how you act.

You did help me save money by crossing Smabat S20pro off my list, so I thank you for that.
No, I just do expect people to be respectful of others when they comment. Just think before you post “does that sound like a slight or can that easily be interpreted in a negative light given the context?” I did try to explain to you politely why your statement was a slight and you tried to say you were just being blunt because you are a Swede/Japanese. That’s actually when I got annoyed. Anywhere I’ve ever been when you tell someone that they need to do something to be good enough, wether you know if they’re good or not, it means you don’t think they are good. You have admitted you don’t know of me, so what would make you think such a thing? I know plenty of Swedes and Hundreds of Japanese. I’ve never heard any of them say anything like that unless they are intentionally slighting someone. It would be different if we knew each other. Nonetheless, it’s water under the bridge as far as I’m concerned and I’m glad I saved you some money. Hopefully you can spend that money on something you enjoy like some crazy good ramen or udon.
A question for the DIYers, what do you guys use for tuning materials? I've got these horseshoe tuning papers in my basket, and I'm looking at these meshes but I'm not sure what size to go for (I'm gonna order several thicknesses to experiment with) as they come in 4, 4.2, 4.5 and 5mm sizes. I was also looking at this tuning cotton.
I can’t get those links to work, but all the various types and densities of tuning supplies are useful. You can’t necessarily believe their descriptions as to the effects of using them. Earbud tuning is like playing whak-a-mole.
Well to be fare IEM does to to a certain degree. I think measuring earbuds must have been very frustrating for him
Consistent measurements are far more difficult in a realistic rig. IEMs are definitely easier.
I'm enjoying the "Score" album by 2CELLOS. I practice violin but I like to listen to 2CELLOS and learn their bowing. Their tone is so strong and stable yet sensible. When I try the "strong" part, I tense up and sound like a robot. When I try the "sensible" part, my teacher (in the past, no more teacher nowadays) politely but firmly told me to stand still and play properly :dt880smile:
Brother, I should have known you were a musician—and a multi-instrumentalist at that. Violin is too difficult for me LOL. Try piano 🎹 The only fretless instrument I play is a sanshin. In Okinawa they say that a gentleman is someone who knows how to play the sanshin but doesn’t. (Joke) I love the instrument though and learned to play it there.
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Sep 29, 2022 at 12:21 AM Post #65,494 of 75,769
Dude! I love me some Vulfpeck and somehow I hadn't even thought of them during my Black Edition sessions. Thanks for the lightbulb moment!

For anyone else who likes to get funky, Vulfpeck is a top shelf rec! Give them a listen and thank @fooltoque later.😎
I first heard them earlier on this year at my favorite seedy meat-skewer bar on the outskirts of Tokyo. At first I was just like, "this is the weirdest music for this kind of place." (It was 'Funky Duck'), but I looked them up and they basically completely changed the music I listen to over the last year. I also made a friend of the part-timer who was in charge of music that night :beerchug:
Sep 29, 2022 at 1:14 AM Post #65,495 of 75,769
I first heard them earlier on this year at my favorite seedy meat-skewer bar on the outskirts of Tokyo. At first I was just like, "this is the weirdest music for this kind of place." (It was 'Funky Duck'), but I looked them up and they basically completely changed the music I listen to over the last year. I also made a friend of the part-timer who was in charge of music that night :beerchug:
Getting to see Vulfpeck in Tokyo must have been awesome! The first time I saw Buddy Guy was there. I actually consider that the second best show I’ve ever heard. He put me into a state where I lost all control of myself. The Tokyo crowd actually played a huge role in that.
Sep 29, 2022 at 1:41 AM Post #65,496 of 75,769
Getting to see Vulfpeck in Tokyo must have been awesome! The first time I saw Buddy Guy was there. I actually consider that the second best show I’ve ever heard. He put me into a state where I lost all control of myself. The Tokyo crowd actually played a huge role in that.
No I wish I got to see them live! I meant that they were playing a CD of Vulfpeck for bar music in the meat-skewer place. I asked who was in charge of the music, and the cook pointed me to this part-timer guy and said, "whenever there is weird music playing, it's always his fault." We had a good chat :D

Sorry to mislead :p
Sep 29, 2022 at 1:46 AM Post #65,497 of 75,769
No I wish I got to see them live! I meant that they were playing a CD of Vulfpeck for bar music in the meat-skewer place. I asked who was in charge of the music, and the cook pointed me to this part-timer guy and said, "whenever there is weird music playing, it's always his fault." We had a good chat :D

Sorry to mislead :p

Don't trip! I thought I misunderstood because I thought you just meant that the worker (your friend) was playing Vulfpeck lol! Turns out I was right for once.
Sep 29, 2022 at 2:08 AM Post #65,498 of 75,769
No I wish I got to see them live! I meant that they were playing a CD of Vulfpeck for bar music in the meat-skewer place. I asked who was in charge of the music, and the cook pointed me to this part-timer guy and said, "whenever there is weird music playing, it's always his fault." We had a good chat :D

Sorry to mislead :p
I must have missed that LOL! Nonetheless, I’m glad you found them.
Sep 29, 2022 at 2:13 AM Post #65,499 of 75,769
Don't trip! I thought I misunderstood because I thought you just meant that the worker (your friend) was playing Vulfpeck lol! Turns out I was right for once.
I didn’t even get that far. I saw Wulfpeck in a seedy bar in Tokyo and lost my mind for a second. Sounded like a dream come true. I literally thought he stumbled into such a situation.
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Sep 29, 2022 at 2:21 AM Post #65,500 of 75,769
P.S. I know most of my recs are music and earbud related, but I am having some ridiculously good Thai food right now and just thought I'd recommend that anyone out there who's hungry find their local Thai joint and order some Pad Woon Sen. Even if it's not on the menu the chef will know how to make it. If they don't, you probably picked the wrong Thai place.

Delicious glass noodles with such good veggies and seasoning. Plus, it goes great with some Arrogant person IPA from Stone Brewing Co. for my American friends if you can track some down. If you can't, something similarly hoppy with that bitter floral bite goes so perfectly with the spices of the Pad Woon Sen. And if you drink enough, you can call back the Thai place and order some Pad Kee Mao! 😂 Get it? Because Pad Kee Mao means "drunkard's noodles."

Such a good night right now...I hope you guys are having as good a night/day as I am!

Edit: The profanity filter won't let me say b a s t a r d which should replace person after Arrogant as the name of the beer.
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Sep 29, 2022 at 2:40 AM Post #65,501 of 75,769
Unfortunately I still haven’t found great Thai food in the Bay Area. A couple are certainly good, but So Cal generally has better Thai IMHO. Even Santa Barbara has great Thai food. Why is it so hard to find here where the Thai population is much larger? My bet is that they are engineers instead of restauranteurs, but I really have no idea. In LA it seems common.
Sep 29, 2022 at 2:58 AM Post #65,502 of 75,769
Unfortunately I still haven’t found great Thai food in the Bay Area. A couple are certainly good, but So Cal generally has better Thai IMHO. Even Santa Barbara has great Thai food. Why is it so hard to find here where the Thai population is much larger? My bet is that they are engineers instead of restauranteurs, but I really have no idea. In LA it seems common.

Berkeley Thai House is pretty good! I used to eat there when I went to Cal. My fraternity is right up the street on Channing Circle so it was perfectly placed. Plus, they used to have 2AM to 4AM takeout on Thursday through Saturday for when the bars closed lol! That ended my senior year though.

Edit One last music recfor the night. Look up an LA based neo-prog outfit named Perfect Beings and check out their Self-Titled album from 2014 to start with. Good stuff. Highly recommended!
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Sep 29, 2022 at 3:32 AM Post #65,504 of 75,769
Just got a tracking update and it looks like my Penon BS1 Officials should be here tomorrow. I'm excited to give them a whirl. I have read/heard some things that definitely peaked my interest and after two weeks I'm finally gonna get to see what these bad boys are all about.

I also spent a bit more time with the M4s today with the stock driver and the Super One driver and so far I'm not really clicking with them. They're not bad by any means and I really need to take the time to run a lot more musical genres through them, but so far I'm finding them to be a bit boring I guess. If anyone has source, music, driver, or other relevant suggestions that might help me find their wheelhouse I'd appreciate it.

I should have more listening time for them coming up over the next few days.
Sep 29, 2022 at 3:39 AM Post #65,505 of 75,769
I am not sure why the need for you to show up here (from nowhere) and pick apart what I have to say, and (seemingly and or possibly purposely) misunderstand what it is I'm trying to say.
I didn’t realize we needed to be head-fi credentialed to post here… (appeal to authority! come on… we are better than that - this is an anonymous Internet forum after all)

A forum shouldn’t be a popularity contest - for me it is a legitimate place to learn from people who have more experience or knowledge with a particular medium than I myself have. I don’t need to have daily posting numbers as if Head-fi is my job in order to make a valid contribution.

So I am happy to sit back and passively learn from people like @WoodyLuvr as I appreciate his knowledge and willingness to share this openly to help advance a hobby. As I am an earbud novice I don’t blindly offer information on things I do not know about. When I have enough knowledge of earbuds to make a valuable contribution that may change. Until then - I limit my contribution to topics I am able to add information to.

No one was targeting you - you made an assertion and I offered some factual context.

Saying that masters are usually kept in .wav being one of those. That is an irrelevant statement, because it is still PCM not DSD (in which case there ARE some artists that DO indeed record to DSD).
And what was your point here… that people don’t generally master in DSD due to R2R…? I was unaware that R2R represented such a high proportion of DAC sales instead of it being an expensive niche… Could an alternative reason be due to streaming services only accepting Wav files and hardly any offering DSD…? Or many DAWs not working with DSD directly…? Hence the non-“irrelevant” clarification.

Yes - DSD mastering also happens (in smaller and smaller numbers) but I didn’t feel like I needed to clarify that as that is exactly what you stated in your post and that part was correct.
My OG post was not inaccurate (other than the one item I apologized for) and we could argue day in and day out, citing opposing information until "the cows come home" (of which I am sure there is an abundant amount on either side, just like the argument whether cables make the difference in sound or not, for instance), and it would solve nothing.
What information have you cited…? - I am always happy to further educate myself but it seems to just have been broad sweeping statements or analogies that you have provided.

Further, these are not really points to argue, it’s factual information or where results could be subjective I stated YMMV. I am not really sure I said anything controversial since you seem to agree with most of what I said when you write it out as an analogy but seem to want to suggest you don’t solely as I clarified your point…
Why would you bother to ask me for a repost of a link that you are only determined to refute to begin with?
Please, do not pre-judge everyone by your own standards or misconceptions. What do they call assumption - the mother of all *** ups…

I asked because I genuinely came here to educate myself so I was actually interested in checking it out / why I didn’t ignore it (I would hope you would have browsed at least, the links I posted to you) and asked you if you could repost it. Good to know you are also clairvoyant and understand my motivations better than myself though…
Maybe you should have this argument with the creator of the Neutron app (which is where I pulled the information from). https://neutroncode.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=6143
Why would I argue about something I have now multiple times stated solves a technical shortcoming. Are you actually reading the posts…
Another "for instance", I could be passive aggressive and tell you that DSD is actually NOT a transmission/playback format (which appears to be the sort of thing you are doing with all that I say). It was created as a storage format for archived recordings, in which case I would be correct. Then you would say "it may have begun its life as such, but is no longer used in that manner", in which case you would also be right. There are "unmeasurable" characteristics about sound that can neither be qualified nor quantified whether you spout quotes from others or are an engineer yourself.
Just because someone disagrees with you or provides information on something doesn’t mean you need to shut down. It’s OK to not know everything or be incorrect on something. Being open minded is hardly a problem.
Sometimes math DOES indeed get in the way of being correct where sound is concerned.
How do you know you are correct…
Bold assertion.

Because so far people can’t use science, can’t use evidence and they also better not post information or opinion in any forum you are a member of unless they have at least contributed an arbitrary number of posts regardless of topic and they most importantly agree with you…
I am not going to continue this (pointless) conversation with you (especially parts where you try and "school" me about what a lossless file is and such, as an example).
I am sorry you feel this way. That was not my intention and that is why I constantly qualified (where appropriate). I was not attacking you personally in any way. Providing information is not schooling someone - it is just providing information. Please don’t project.
If you feel the need to correct (with your version of whatever it is that you are arguing) feel free to hop on over to the "Sound Science" threads.
Happy right here. Sorry if that triggers you - you may need to find a new safe space
I hear they love arguing with each other over there. I don't need to spend all day/every day doing a write-up just to apply added knowledge to back up @JAnonymous5150's post, which was in reply to @o0genesis0o's query.

I came to this thread to get away from elitists that think they are better or like to "flex" or show off by trying to discredit others with three-page write-ups.
Your not honestly complaining about a post length - how long have you been in this thread - there have been some absurdly long posts here and no one ever cares.

Sharing knowledge is hardly being elitist.
Please stop attributing everything to malice and taking things so personal.

As you can see the OP actually continued engaging in a completely normal manner and my reply to him was cordial where I asked about the sources to see if I could add to his individual query and he has subsequently replied listing them. Why is that “flexing” but your forum contribution seemingly isn’t…?

I came here to get factual information about this hobby - seems we are both disappointed.
So please don't come in here and try and "talk down" to me as if I were a child that doesn't know any better
Wow… daddy issues???

Is that not exactly what you are trying to do to me here - “Don’t come in here and try and “talk down” to me”
What makes you so special…?
and cite whatever statistics that make you seem 100% right. You're not, and (as mentioned earlier) I could find opposing citations that would oppose some of what you say.
Please do, as I said before please excuse me and correct me if I am wrong, I am always happy to educate myself further. But again what is it we are disagreeing on other than I offered some technical clarifications and you have become offended that your authority has been seemingly questioned.
I'm not saying you are totally wrong, you're not.
Not what you said above - notice that I have never stated “you are wrong” anywhere in my posts.
But you are focusing on something that is actually irrelevant (not pertinent) the the actual conversation.
The original question was your statement responding to the OP stating that sources sound differently and he doesn’t understand. You provided some suggestions and I clarified them.

Maybe ask the OP if it was pertinent since he has responded to it. Just because you don’t see it as having value does not mean that everyone is the same. By the same token I could have said the same about your posts about colleges, life stories or music suggestions you have made in this thread since they are irrelevant to most people - but that is not how the earbud community or thread works - or so I thought.
You have yourself a great day sir/madam!

@samanadhi presses the ignore button for @Kenyon
Grow up

Just wanting to listen or talk solely to people that agree with you makes a person’s worldview very small - SMH.

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