Earbuds Round-Up
Jan 7, 2022 at 2:30 AM Post #59,581 of 75,718
sorry i have other question there was a lucky bag discount for ebx21 earbud .maybe later similar price will be on sale so i want to ask you which one(pt2021 vs ebx21) will beat other in soundstage wideness ,detail,sepearation,can you give some comparions about ebx21 vs pt2021.
I recently discussed and plotted the NiceHCK EBX21 signature in comparison to the Rose Technics Maria I & II (here).

Personally, I find the PT2021 offers better staging and perhaps the type of timbre and imaging that you are after, more than the EBX21, which is still a very good earbud in it's own right. I consider the EBX21 to be an excellent reference option for critical listening... that is if you can handle their bright cold analytical nature. I really liked the EBX21 but sadly it was way too fatiguing and gave me horrendous head/earaches. The PT2021 is far less offensive in these regards.

My recommendation would be to choose the PT2021 in any of it's higher impedances... neither I or ClieOs were able to discern any major difference between any of the higher impedance versions besides perhaps maybe a sliver of more bass extension offered by the ~147Ω model but that was questionable. All the higher impedances scale remarkably well and offer the very same signature which is astounding. One would be hard pressed to discern and identify (readily and repeatedly) the three (3) higher impedances. The PT2021 line is probably the only series of earbuds that I have ever heard that has successfully tuned the same signature across multiple different impedances. Remarkable to say the least!
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Jan 7, 2022 at 3:07 AM Post #59,582 of 75,718
He speaks of the two (2) models teased by Rose on their IG account:

Rose Technics Martini (32Ω)
Rose Technics Maxim Project (??Ω)
We are all biting at the bit in anxious anticipation.
ahh... thx for the info. I'm not sure I"m a fan of the Rose house sound, especially after listening to the Chaconne these last few days. I think the Chaconne sounds phenomenal out of the box, the tuning is perfect for my tastes... well actually I'd add a +2db bass shelf from around 75hz but that's about it. Moondrop did an awesome job with the Chaconne.
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Jan 7, 2022 at 8:11 AM Post #59,583 of 75,718
Jan 7, 2022 at 8:35 AM Post #59,585 of 75,718
Thanks @WoodyLuvr & @Star Ace for your warm reply about the Chaconne fit.

I have recently listened to Moondrop Blessing2, and found the soundstage to be phenomenal! I love it, but the IEM factor make me reconsider whether I should buy it or not. I have tried Blur 266 pk32, but I found Moondrop Blessing2 soundstage to be wider and more directional compared to blur 266 pk32.

I will have the Chaconne in a month or so, lets hope it will have the similar soundstage as the Blessing2
Jan 7, 2022 at 2:14 PM Post #59,586 of 75,718
I'm not really a classical music lover but I am listening to Georg Solti's recording of Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen using my EBX21 stock and it is literally giving me goosebumps. These definitely excel at treble/soundstage focused recordings with plenty of dynamics.
Jan 8, 2022 at 4:39 AM Post #59,587 of 75,718
ahh... thx for the info. I'm not sure I"m a fan of the Rose house sound, especially after listening to the Chaconne these last few days. I think the Chaconne sounds phenomenal out of the box, the tuning is perfect for my tastes... well actually I'd add a +2db bass shelf from around 75hz but that's about it. Moondrop did an awesome job with the Chaconne.
I totally agree about the Chaconne. It's actually funny, because I wasn't even going to get the Chaconne. I wanted a different TOTL bud (can't remember which now), and I ended up getting the Chaconne as a hold-over while I waited to try and get the ones I wanted. It was on Amazon (US), and I could get it in 2 days while awaiting the potential 2 month shipment of the others. Long story longer, I never got the other ones from Korea, and never bothered to try again, because well..... they are the Chaconne.

If you've read my recent posts, I also add some bass down low, and in all honesty that makes them so much better as an all-rounder to me. I only wish it had a replaceable cable and weren't quit as heavy, but those are small niggles that I am willing to live with for the sound you get from them.

On the other hand, I am seriously considering the Yincrow RW3000. If they are as, others have said thus far, better than the RW2000 without straying too far from the winning formula, then count me in. Those have been a fantastic bud with no changes needed, the best cable in the market (on a bud), and are some of the most comfy in my ears I have run across thus far.

As for the Maria II, I have a love/hate relationship with those. They are absolutely fantastic for the right music listening experience, but they are so hot in the upper mid region, they get fatiguing quickly. My point is, that if they were cheaper they would be more of a great buy (being so niche) to me. Don't get me wrong, I won't part with them at this point because I DO have some music they sound great with. But, would I buy them again if I knew then what I know now? Not 100% sure, but maybe.
Jan 8, 2022 at 8:09 AM Post #59,588 of 75,718
Would definitely consider something like Maria II at a lower price, as I have an idea of how it should sound like. But even the Chaconne I bought during the Black Friday holiday weekend, so it was not $320 (still almost $300 with tax.) Not saying it's bad-especially without trying it-but I lack the funds to purchase it even if it was great, and the Moondrop Chaconne is too good as it is.

Frankly I am not tempted by the well-received Blessing2 IEM, because the Chaconne is similarly priced-I do not equalize, but can tell it just sounds "different" in a good way, even compared to quite good headphones and IEMs.
Jan 8, 2022 at 9:04 AM Post #59,589 of 75,718
Frankly I am not tempted by the well-received Blessing2 IEM, because the Chaconne is similarly priced-I do not equalize, but can tell it just sounds "different" in a good way, even compared to quite good headphones and IEMs.
Chaconne wipes the floor with the B2, no need to get it.
Jan 8, 2022 at 12:27 PM Post #59,590 of 75,718
Hey guys could I ask you to take a picture of your LBBS box if you have it?
So we can check the S/N number on them.

Because it seems that @Szymon The Crackhead got a unit from Jietu with the LBBS check mark but the cable is actually the LBB cable. @WoodyLuvr is currently investigating this with NiceHCK. But more data might be needed.

here is my unit:
Jan 8, 2022 at 1:42 PM Post #59,591 of 75,718
Hey guys could I ask you to take a picture of your LBBS box if you have it?
So we can check the S/N number on them.

Because it seems that @Szymon The Crackhead got a unit from Jietu with the LBBS check mark but the cable is actually the LBB cable. @WoodyLuvr is currently investigating this with NiceHCK. But more data might be needed.

here is my unit:

My OG LBB on top, the 2020 white LBB (re-tune #1) below.

Jan 8, 2022 at 2:24 PM Post #59,592 of 75,718
Hey guys could I ask you to take a picture of your LBBS box if you have it?
So we can check the S/N number on them.

Because it seems that @Szymon The Crackhead got a unit from Jietu with the LBBS check mark but the cable is actually the LBB cable. @WoodyLuvr is currently investigating this with NiceHCK. But more data might be needed.

here is my unit:
Will look for my box. Think must be in the storage room

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