Ultrasone Fan Club! (Roll Call)
Dec 23, 2023 at 9:31 PM Post #2,251 of 2,312
Just tried the 11s recently and these are amazing pair of headphones. They also do not sound like Ultrasone's usual v-shaped tuning either.
Had tried a few of their headphones in the past and w/ the exception of the Signature Pros the rest was not too my taste....too much treble energy usually.

The 11s have excellent separation and lots of depth to the music. Coming from Fostex's biocellulose drivers, I expected a more v-shaped signature w/ tons of low end and sharp highs but these have excellenttuning. The highs extends but its non-fatiguing. Bass extends and still controlled and doesn't bleed much into the mids.
This may be my favorite headphones from Ultrasone so far.

They're out of stock on the official website and wondering if this product is no longer supported?
Anybody know what's a good alternative ear pads to these down the line. I've read that they're glued in like Audeze pads?
Jan 5, 2024 at 2:39 PM Post #2,253 of 2,312
Am quickly a/b-ing the Focal Clear OG [w/NeoTech UPOCC 4x 28AWG solid core silver + 4x 24AWG solid core copper cable] vs. Edition Eleven [w/ NeoTech UPOCC 4x 22AWG solid core copper cable].
The Ultrasones are quicker, much more resolving, cleaner-sounding and tonally more sophisticated.
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Jan 5, 2024 at 3:59 PM Post #2,254 of 2,312
The Elevens are quite unique IMO. Their resolution is just a bit less than higher end Planars (Arya, HE-500, HE-6se, Era-1, etc..), but it's close enough to be comparable. What they do offer in return is a kind of hybrid between an open headphones sound stage & detail, mixed with the sound density and mid bass of a closed back. That sound density becomes important for getting immersed, and the 11's just nail it as an immersive headphone. Great headphones that are going to become rarer and rarer as time goes on.
Jan 19, 2024 at 3:59 PM Post #2,255 of 2,312
Just bought my 3rd ultrasone I've had ed11 I have Sig Dj and now Ed M Black Pearl, I found them from an online storefront seller on Amazon that had them new for 198.00 (after I purchased I noticed they raised the price to 499.00) but I have to say these are brilliant headphones! How these tiny little 30mm sound this good is beyond me...
Jan 20, 2024 at 8:17 PM Post #2,257 of 2,312
Ultrasone is the most disrespected audio brand out there, many of their models are fantastic and one of my favorite aspects is how wonderful they sound without external amplifiers - right into a macbook gives fantastic results.
Feb 8, 2024 at 7:20 PM Post #2,258 of 2,312
Wow where have these Ed5 been all my life? These are incredible sounding headphones with transparency up there with the best, like my Susvara and my Raal Ca1a. Incredible stage, separation, detail, imaging. One of the best headphones I've ever heard imo. Really want to try the limited and jubilee now 😆
Feb 8, 2024 at 9:08 PM Post #2,259 of 2,312
Wow where have these Ed5 been all my life? These are incredible sounding headphones with transparency up there with the best, like my Susvara and my Raal Ca1a. Incredible stage, separation, detail, imaging. One of the best headphones I've ever heard imo. Really want to try the limited and jubilee now 😆

ED 5 was one of the very few Ultrasone I didn't enjoy so much. It's so funny how this stuff works. Their Signature Naturals ended up being one of my favorites from them, I've basically been done with Ultrasone since I picked up that one and it's my go to closed back (even though I've come to prefer open, in general). I didn't think when I bought it that it would end up being so favorable either - ("natural" wouldn't be the go to adjective of what I want from a headphone) - but so it goes.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess!

To me the 5's sounded a little strange with very little bass. It seemed more mid and treble centric and the Ultrasone bass is one of my favorite things about Ultrasone.
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Feb 8, 2024 at 9:25 PM Post #2,260 of 2,312
ED 5 was one of the very few Ultrasone I didn't enjoy so much. It's so funny how this stuff works. Their Signature Naturals ended up being one of my favorites from them, I've basically been done with Ultrasone since I picked up that one and it's my go to closed back (even though I've come to prefer open, in general). I didn't think when I bought it that it would end up being so favorable either - ("natural" wouldn't be the go to adjective of what I want from a headphone) - but so it goes.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess!

To me the 5's sounded a little strange with very little bass. It seemed more mid and treble centric and the Ultrasone bass is one of my favorite things about Ultrasone.

Wow yeah like totally different experiences lol. These have deep impactful bass and beautiful mids. I didnt think so at first however took some burn in but these sounded like tin cans when I first got them, now they are so beautiful sounding. Huge soundstage, detailed just really good. Sounds like your pair may of been defective or maybe each individual just heard that drastically different 😆
Feb 9, 2024 at 10:05 AM Post #2,262 of 2,312
The 5's are the strangest headphones I've ever tried. When you put them on after a long break they sound like you are listening to everything through a coffee can. After about 30 minutes they sound good. After about 60 minutes they sound sublime, and they will continue to sound sublime until you take a long (weeks long) break from them. They are my favorite closed backs, as once your brain adjusts to the sound they are nothing short of incredible for music.
Feb 9, 2024 at 10:37 AM Post #2,263 of 2,312
The 5's are the strangest headphones I've ever tried. When you put them on after a long break they sound like you are listening to everything through a coffee can. After about 30 minutes they sound good. After about 60 minutes they sound sublime, and they will continue to sound sublime until you take a long (weeks long) break from them. They are my favorite closed backs, as once your brain adjusts to the sound they are nothing short of incredible for music.
What is strange is I experience the same thing except I noticed that when I first get that tin can sound I wanted to see if it was the cans or my ears adjusting, so I sat them down for about 20 mins and came back to find the tin can sound was gone!

I remember when I first got these I messaged the seller and told him these sound like hot garbage and id probably sell them, he cautioned not to judge them to soon and man am I glad I didn't these are very strange cans indeed, bit seem to be possessed with incredible sound!

I confirmed this to my self by using them back and forth on my two main rigs along side Susvara and my Ca1a and these are definitely worthy of totl. Unfortunately they will probably remain hidden gems because people like me will judge them to quickly and miss out on an incredible headphone
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Feb 9, 2024 at 10:53 AM Post #2,264 of 2,312
That's good info-- I never tried to leave them running, I just assumed it was brain burn in. Well.. at first I thought it was the cables or something internal. I was convinced the headphones were actually broken with a faulty ground when I got them, but luckily I stuck with them enough to hear their true sound. Great headphones. It's a shame that replacement pads aren't available any more, and their non-standard sized MMCX connectors make cable swapping almost impossible. Both of those issues make it hard to recommend the headphones to others. But, if someone is able to find one with good pads then they are keepers for life.
Feb 9, 2024 at 10:58 AM Post #2,265 of 2,312
That's good info-- I never tried to leave them running, I just assumed it was brain burn in. Well.. at first I thought it was the cables or something internal. I was convinced the headphones were actually broken with a faulty ground when I got them, but luckily I stuck with them enough to hear their true sound. Great headphones. It's a shame that replacement pads aren't available any more, and their non-standard sized MMCX connectors make cable swapping almost impossible. Both of those issues make it hard to recommend the headphones to others. But, if someone is able to find one with good pads then they are keepers for life.
Man didn't know that about the pads, as I saw some on eBay but guess they are third party, and didn't know about the mmcx cable thing either, but was fortunate to buy a like new pair. I have already asked Moon Audio if they'd reterminate it, they said no unfortunately. Might have to find a Ed 25 if one ever comes up for a reasonable price I'll probably grab one knowing how good the Ed5 is.

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