Based on my history which headphone is best for me or should i stick with CIEM?
Really need some advice on which full size headphone I should get given my history and requirements. Requirements: -First of all the headphones I select must be closed headphones with good enough isolation/sound leak profile to be used on planes at moderate/high volume. I travel...- bscheffel
- Thread
- denon-ah-d5000-reference-headphones denon-ah-d7000-headphones fostex-th-900 fostex-th600-dynamic-headphones headphones jh-audio-jh16-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors se535-cl-triple-high-definition-microdriver-sound-isolating-in-ear-earphones-clear ultrasone-signature-dj
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
The best basshead 'phones?
Hey guys, im in search for the ultimate basshead pair of headphones, and my budget is around 1300$. Quality is more important than quantity, but i would like as much quantity as possible without losing anything. Right now i have the Ultrasone hfi 580's (yeah i know its a huge leap...- sloomingbla
- Thread
- denon-ah-d7000-headphones ultrasone-signature-dj ultrasone-hfi-580 audeze-lcd2-rev-2-planar-magnetic-headphones
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Sony's new flagship 2014 - MDR-Z7
Sony just put this rather "mysterious" picture on their official site in China http://www.sonystyle.com.cn/products/headphone/index.htm Something alone the line of "1,500 days of anticipation" and then "Sony's BRAND NEW milestone about to be revealed" on the second line. ...- seeteeyou
- Thread
- sennheiser-hd8-dj-on-ear-headphones ultrasone-signature-dj fostex-th-900 sony-mdr-z7 sony-mdr-7550-in-ear-monitors-iem sony a5-pro-philips-headphones fostex-th600-dynamic-headphones sony-mdr-xb-1000
- Replies: 9,184
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
The Hardest hitting Headphones are.. ( "The EXTREME BASS Club")
What are the best bass headphones? This is the hunt for the "Top 10" Bass headphones on the consumer market. The list will be compiled and based on identical set-ups (or similar) and tracks with identical Eq sloping/boosting...- Hawaiibadboy
- Thread
- audio-technica-ath-pro700-mk2 audio-technica-ath-ws99-solid-bass-portable-headphones-japan-import cowon-iaudio-10-i10-portable-media-players-32gb-black denon-ah-d5000-reference-headphones denon-ah-d600 denon-ah-d7000-headphones denon-ah-d7100-music-maniac fiio fiio-e09k fiio-e11 fiio-e12-diy-limited-edition-portable-amp-headphone-slim-amplifier fiio-e12-mont-blanc fiio-e17 fiio-kilimanjaro-2-e11k-portable-headphone-amplifier final-audio-design-pandora-hope-vi-headphones fostex fostex-th-900 fostex-th600-dynamic-headphones hercules hifiman-he-6-planar-headphone jvc jvc-ha-mr77x-xtreme-xplosives-headphones jvc-kenwood-victer-stereo-headphones-ha-sz1000 jvc-kenwood-victer-stereo-headphones-ha-sz2000-japan-import jvc-victor-hp-dx1000 lafayette-f-990-headphones m-audio-studiophile-q40-closed-back-dynamic-headphones numark-electrowave-premium-isolating-headphones philips-fidelio-x1 philips-fidelio-x2 pioneer pioneer-se-mx9-t-headphones-bright-copper razer razer-kraken-over-ear-headphones-green razer-kraken-pro-circumaural-analog-gaming-headset-black sennheiser-adidas-hd-25-1-ii-orginals-headphones-black-blue sennheiser-hd8-dj-on-ear-headphones sennheiser-urbanite-on-ear-headphones sennheiser-urbanite-xl-black-over-ear-headphones sms-wd-blk-street-by-50-professionally-tuned-over-ear-headphones-black sony sony-mdr-xb-1000 sony-mdr-xb700-50mm-xb-diaphragm-driver-extra-bass-headphones ultrasone-pro-900 ultrasone-signature-dj v-moda-crossfade-m-100 velodyne velodyne-vtrue vibe-vhblackdeath3-v1-over-ear-headphone yamaha-pro-500
- Replies: 13,135
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
~$1000 budget for Cans for on the go
Hello, I commute 4 hours a day and am looking for a pair of cans on the go. My source is Theorem 720 DAC/AMP taking it's digital signal from my iphone 5. Headphones used currently are Ultrasone Pro 900 with silver plated OCC copper cable. I love the sound however the isolation and leakage...- Scorpion667
- Thread
- martinlogan-mikros-90-reference-on-ear-headphones cypher-labs-theorem-720-dac-headphone-amplifier sony-mdr-7520-professional-headphones audio-technica-ath-w1000x fostex-th-900 ultrasone-signature-dj mrspeakers-alpha-dog-t50rp-mod apple-iphone-5 sennheiser-hd-700-headphone hifiman-he-500 ultrasone-pro-900
- Replies: 21
- Forum: Introductions, Help and Recommendations
Ultrasone HFI-580 to Signature DJ driver mod
Because the Signature DJ and the HFI-580 use the same construction and you can get spare parts of ultrasone headphones (I live in europe), I decided to replace the drivers with the SigDj drivers to get the sound of the SigDj in the casing of the HFI-580. The drivers of both headphones look...- Hans Waider
- Thread
- ultrasone-signature-dj ultrasone-hfi-580
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Portable Amp/Dac for Signature DJs
Hello! I've been lurking Head-fi for quite a while now and recently bought a pair of Ultrasone Signature DJs for portable use. Now i'm searching for a portable amp/dac to further improve my current setup (xperia z1>firestone fireye mini+>sigdj). To my knowledge, SigDjs don't really need a heavy...- Taistelu-Jaska
- Thread
- ultrasone-signature-dj
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Introductions, Help and Recommendations
Ultrasone Signature DJ or Denon D7100?
I've been struggling between these two for some time. Just want some opinions from you guys. First, here's the music I listen. 30% of punk/rock, favorite band is Sum 41/Yellowcard/Green Day. 25% of rap, 2Pac/DMX/Lupe Fiasco/Eminem are my favorite. 15% of electronic and dance music, for...- ldzhjn
- Thread
- denon-ah-d7100-music-maniac ultrasone-signature-dj
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Introductions, Help and Recommendations
Ultrasone Signature DJ or Pro or used Edition 8 for portable use
I'd like to hear from people that have heard both of these... I use the Edition 8 at home and absolutely love its synergy with the Buffalo dac & Meier concerto with my custom built cables. Just put together a portable rig (iPod classic + solo-db dac + Larocco PRii mk2) and looking for a...- musicmaker
- Thread
- ultrasone-signature-dj
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
In a zombie apocalypse, which headphone would you take with you and which would make the most effective weapon?
The concept of this thread is inspired by The Walking Dead as I just watched last Sunday's premier and am a huge fan. My one headphone for listening, assuming I had a way to charge my player, would be the Ultrasone Signature DJ- great sound, durable and closed to isolate groans of the undead...- Craigster75
- Thread
- sennheiser-hd-25-studio-monitor-headphones ultrasone-signature-dj beyerdynamic-dt250
- Replies: 17
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Best full-sized headphones for trance w/ no price restrictions?
Hello everyone! I'm not a new audiophile and I've had a J3 and XB1000 rig for a while (yes I know, very muddy). I'm new to these forums and am finally deciding to create different rigs for different EDM genres that I listen to. I blow enough money on everything else, why not blow some cash on...- CodyBanks
- Thread
- ultrasone-signature-pro sennheiser-hd-25-studio-monitor-headphones ultrasone-signature-dj sennheiser-amperior-on-ear-headphones sony-mdr-xb-1000 ultrasone-pro-900
- Replies: 15
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Ultrasone Edition 8 too much treble? Will an amp dramatically change the sound profile?
I recently bought a pair of the Ultrasone Edition 8s. I also bought the Woo Audio WA7 but it's backordered so I haven't received it yet. For now I'm listening to the Ultrasone's plugged directly into my Macbook Air. I'm finding that the sound has far too much treble for my taste. The...- danyal711
- Thread
- ultrasone-signature-dj grado-rs1i-reference-series-headphones ultrasone-edition-8
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Ultrasone Signature Pro vs Signature DJ vs HD600
I'm looking at high end non-IEM portables for an upcoming trip, and settled on the SigPro, but I couldn't put the sound into perspective very well from the limited reviews of them available. My question is, keeping in mind that I love the HD600, which Sig should I be looking at, and how does...- IzzyAxel
- Thread
- ultrasone-signature-pro sennheiser-hd-600 ultrasone-signature-dj
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Dac & Amp recommendations for Ultrasone Signature Dj?
I'm upgrading from DT770 pro and no amp/no dac and I'm pretty sure signature Dj's will be my next headphones. I could use some recommendations :) Got around 600-700$ to spend.- Stratok
- Thread
- ultrasone-signature-dj
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Ultrasone Signature DJ
a new headphone from Ultrasone, i believe it's called signature dj. basically has the same build as the signature pro. i tried it some some schiit amp. it does have more bass than SP. it was at the Hong Kong Hifi Audio show last week. pictures i took from the show- fhuang
- Thread
- stax-sr-009-electrostatic-headphones ultrasone-signature-dj ultrasone
- Replies: 2,701
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
These look... really, really nice. Can't wait to read some reviews! Priced at 1049 dollars MSRP, it's not a toss-em' around can, and most of us hope it's got a price/performance ratio not at all similar to the edition 10. ...- MaximumSandvich
- Thread
- ultrasone-signature-dj
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
*NEW* Ultrasone Signature DJ Headphones - IN STOCK - FREE Shipping and $20 off International Shipping with code on Moon-audio.com/specials page!!
*NEW* Ultrasone Signature DJ Headphones - NOW in Stock!!! Free Shipping in the U.S. and $20 off Shipping for International Orders - Limited Time!!! See the Moon Audio "Specials" Page and Facebook Page for coupon codes and Limited Specials!! Strong, Emotional...- drubrew
- Thread
- ultrasone-signature-dj moon-audio
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Moon Audio Premier Sponsor Forum
Ultrasone Fan Club! (Roll Call)
Well, from my searching there has not been an official "fan" thread for Ultrasone. A huge "There's Something About Ultrasone" thread that was started by dexdexter almost five years ago (I have read that entire thread through the years), is the closest. There's various specific Ultrasone...- HeatFan12
- Thread
- headphones over-ear ultrasone-edition-10 ultrasone-edition-7 ultrasone-edition-8 ultrasone-edition-9 ultrasone-hfi-2200-ule ultrasone-hfi-2400 ultrasone-hfi-680 ultrasone-pro-550 ultrasone-pro-650 ultrasone-pro-750 ultrasone-pro-900 ultrasone-proline-2500 ultrasone-signature-dj ultrasone-signature-pro
- Replies: 2,329
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Graduation gift for my cousin (She loves music)
She loves music but she only uses her iPhone earphones. She helped me out economically many years back and I want to get her some special headphones. I will spend up to $1000. What are some good closed headphones that cover the whole ear? Some headphones with clear vocals, great mids...- AudioGurl
- Thread
- hifiman-he-400 denon-ah-d7000-headphones ultrasone-signature-dj sennheiser-amperior-on-ear-headphones hifiman-he-500
- Replies: 12
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Best solid state amp/dac in one unit
I'm about to order the Ultrasone Signature Pro or Signature DJ (haven't fully decided) headphones, and was looking for a little source/amp guidance. I was looking at the Fostex HP-A8 due to good reviews and the fact that I find the two-in-one package of the amp/dac to be very convenient...- aviusmc
- Thread
- ultrasone-signature-pro fostex-hp-a8-c ultrasone-signature-dj asus-xonar-essence-one
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Headphones with THE biggest bass
I am looking for some headphones that have utterly enormous bass, that is fast, deep and BIG. However, if there is anything that I hate more than a headphone with insufficient bass, it is a headphone that muddies up the other frequencies with the bass. I will be driving these through an iPhone 5...- Luv My BASS 1
- Thread
- digizoid-zo2-personal-hi-fi-experience m-audio-studiophile-q40-closed-back-dynamic-headphones sony-mdr-xb500-40mm-xb-diaphragm-driver-extra-bass-headphones v-moda-crossfade-m-100 ultrasone-signature-dj fiio-e6-headphone-amplifier denon-ah-d5000-reference-headphones nuforce-hp-800 denon-ahd2000-high-performance-over-ear-headphones
- Replies: 90
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Need new amp, need help
I really need a new amp but i'm trying to find one that fits my specific needs. I don't know why but there's something about my ipod mini that i just really like, but after recently aquiring the Ultrasone Signature DJ as my portable can i really need a new amp. I'm looking for an amp that will...- noxa
- Thread
- fiio-e11 fiio-e12-mont-blanc ultrasone-signature-dj
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
Ultrasone Signature DJ
This isn't going to be the typical post about sound quality. They sound great easily equaling my Denon D7000 and Senn HD650's. Of course they are different from those but the sound is still worthy of the price. However they went back for credit and here is why. Isolation: Several posts...- ltgem612
- Thread
- ultrasone-signature-dj
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Ultrasone Signature DJ
Ultrasone Signature DJ - 50mm driver