The Hardest hitting Headphones are.. ( "The EXTREME BASS Club")
Apr 30, 2014 at 4:44 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13,090


Feb 2, 2014
Hawaii/Japan/Your Head
What are the best bass headphones?


This is the hunt for the "Top 10" Bass headphones on the consumer market.
The list will be compiled and based on identical set-ups (or similar) and tracks with identical Eq sloping/boosting.


TOP 10
PM me to update
Tests and confirmation required :wink:

1. J.V.C HA-SZ2000


Driver size: 55mm "Sub-woofer"/ 30mm CNT

Impedance:16 Ohm
Amp Headroom: Exceptional +30dB @45Hz
EQ: Needs
Genre' (anything)
Weakness: Veiled , Poor stock pads.

DAP: COWON iAudio10

5 Band (Flat)

JetEffects :
Mach3Bass +9
Volume: 34

AMP: FiiO e12

Bass Boost "on"
Gain switch "on"
Vol 50-60%

2. Taction KANNON


Driver size:
Acoustic Driver size is 40 mm
Tactile Driver size is 1200 mm3

Impedance: 32 Ohm
Amp Headroom: Exceptional
EQ: Needs
Genre' (anything)
Weakness: Needs to be charged

Tactile Performance

  • Lowest tactile bass note (>5 mm/s): 12 Hz
  • Highest tactile bass note (>5 mm/s): 120 Hz
  • Rise time: 0.008 sec
  • Top speed of ear cup: 50 mm/s
  • Intensity: Adjustable 0-50 mm/s, flat to ±3dB, 15Hz–85Hz
Acoustic Performance

  • Impedance: 32 Ohm
  • Frequency response (with Taction): 15Hz – 20kHz
  • Acoustic THD: less than 1%, 80Hz – 20kHz
  • Efficiency: 90dB at 0.11V

  • Weight: 0.352 kg
  • Batteries: 2 x 500 mA/Hr
  • Battery life: varies depending upon program material and Taction intensity, but typically 8-15 hours.



Driver size: 50mm dia Nd magnet

Impedance 25 Ohm
Amp Headroom:

EQ: Needs (raise bass only)
Genre' Anything

AP: COWON iAudio10
5 Band (Flat)

JetEffects :
Mach3Bass +9
Volume: 34

AMP: FiiO e12

Bass Boost "on"
Gain switch "on"
Vol 50-60%

4. Sony XB1000


Driver size: 70mm Mylar (PET)

Impedance 24 Ohm
Amp Headroom: ?
EQ: Needs
Genre' (HipHop/EDM/?)
Weakness:pillow pads absorb too much of the hit.

DAP: COWON iAudio10

5 Band (Flat)

JetEffects :
Mach3Bass +9
Volume: 34

AMP: FiiO e12

Bass Boost "on"
Gain switch "on"
Vol 50-60%

5. J.V.C HA-SZ1000


Driver size: 55mm "Sub-woofer"/ 30mm CNT

Impedance 16 Ohm
Amp Headroom: Exceptional +30dB @45Hz
EQ: Needs
Genre' (anything)
Weakness: less veiled than sz2k but veiled , Poor stock pads.

DAP: ipad
"Equalizer" app
42Hz Q 1.000 +7.9dB
51Hz Q 1.000 +7.7dB
78Hz Q 5.000 +2.8dB

AMP: FiiO e12

Bass Boost "on"
Gain switch "on"
Vol 50-60%

6. FOSTEX TH600 / Massdrop THX-00


Driver size: Driver:50mm dia Nd magnet / bio-dynamic diaphragm

Impedance 25 Ohm
Amp Headroom:
EQ: Needs (raise bass only)
Genre' Anything


(for TH600 below)

AP: COWON iAudio10

5 Band (Flat)

JetEffects :
Mach3Bass +9
Volume: 34

AMP: FiiO e12

Bass Boost "on"
Gain switch "on"
Vol 50-60%

For TH-X00

    Fostex TH-X00 (Mahogany)

    Apple iPhone 6S Plus

    Equalizer App by Audioforge Labs
    40 Hz Q=0.308 6.000 dB
    156 Hz Q=0.545 2.700 dB

    Chord Mojo
    Bass Boost N/A
    Gain Switch N/A

7.Technics RP-DH1250


Driver size: Driver:50mm mylar P.E.T

Impedance 50 Ohm
Amp Headroom: Enormous
EQ: Needs (raise bass only)
Genre' Anything

8. JVC HA-MR77x


Driver size: 57mm Mylar (PET)

Impedance 46 Ohm
Amp Headroom: Good/Great 16-20dB @45Hz

EQ: Needs (to raise mids)
Genre' (Hip-Hop)
Weakness: mids sound like ass.

DAP: COWON iAudio10

5 Band (Flat)

JetEffects :
Mach3Bass +9
Volume: 34

AMP: FiiO e12

Bass Boost "on"
Gain switch "on"
Vol 50-60%

9. HPH Yamaha Pro 500


Driver size: 50mm Mylar (PET)

Impedance 23 Ohm
Amp Headroom: ?
EQ: Needs (raise bass only)
Genre' (Anything)
Weakness:pad size (shallow)

DAP: COWON iAudio10

5 Band (Flat)

JetEffects :
Mach3Bass +9
Volume: 34

AMP: FiiO e12

Bass Boost "on"
Gain switch "on"
Vol 50-60%

10.Audio Technica -ATH Pro700mk2

Driver size: 53mm Mylar (PET)

Impedance 68 Ohm
Amp Headroom: ?
EQ: Needs (raise bass only)
Genre' (Anything)
Weakness:pad size (shallow)

DAP: COWON iAudio10

5 Band (Flat)

JetEffects :
Mach3Bass +9
Volume: 34

AMP: FiiO e12

Bass Boost "on"
Gain switch "on"
Vol 50-60%

Configurations used

  1. Source
Cowon iAudio10
flat eq,
Mach3Bass +9

Fiio E12 - 16db gain,
bass boost on,


  1. Source
Sony NWZ E473
Clear Bass +3,
flat eq,

Fiio E12 - 16db gain,
bass boost on,


  1. Source
Apple Ipad
App - "Equalizer",
42Hz Q 1.000 +7.9dB
51Hz Q 1.000 +7.7dB
78Hz Q 5.000 +2.8dB

Fiio E12 - 16db gain,
bass boost on,


  1. Source
Apple iPhone 6S Plus

Equalizer App by Audioforge Labs
20 Hz Q=0.308 10.00 dB
63 Hz Q=0.545 14.00 dB
156 Hz Q=1.000 6.00 dB

Chord Mojo
Bass Boost N/A
Gain Switch N/A

Notes & Thoughts

The bass paper test is just a visual of what is heard and felt on ear. It's pretty damn accurate. The cans you think will do well usually do and the ones that you don't think will... often don't.
Thanks to the folks that participate and take the time to show new ways to get to basstopia.
If I had a set of cans that hit harder than one on the list I'd do it in a heartbeat, share the exact settings and let my vid replace 500 words of stuff already said about can "A".

If you can lounge around threads talking about not too much really... you could put a face to the bass. I'll eventually get to em' anyway .

Oh I'm not playing that's dumb


**plays dumb game...kicks major azz .....and waaaalks away laughing**

I'd do the 2nd one cuz I'm competitive like that.

There wasn't a wiki or a list to even argue about much less anyone even trying to be creative with an easy to mimic way of showing low energy force. Nada. Just words.

If you disagree with the list be a productive member and shave 5 minutes off your life showing something. If you're not a basshead you should just enjoy the view. I don't troll Stax threads or any other thread that is not in my range of interest. This thread is 149 pages of non flaming and name calling. It's been great sans 4 events and one needed a mod and 3 were worked out among adults and self edited. If you have a bad moment I'll ask you to get a hold of yourself
(it happens...we all get wound up sometimes) if you don't edit I'll flag ya and the folks who need to know ...they know this thread is clean. It will stay that way. You have the tracks and EXACT settings from multiple hardware sources.


This is a collection of the hardest hitting cans. Nothing more.
Nobody is claiming anything besides the fact that these 10 will thump your head.
There are no links provided. We do not do sales by proxy. Find your own links.
You proceed with the knowledge that nothing is better than a personal listening experience.

Q) Who listens to headphones like this?
A) If you're wondering,.... probably not you.

Q) Who are you?
A) I'm a former Car Audio IASCA dB drag competitor. I am pure-breed basshead. I'm used to measuring things. Words like "Cannon" mean nothing to me without some visual proof.
Low frequency audio signals will give you that visual.
Charts, and words like separation,staging, are not of interest to me. A typical mastered Hip-Hop track is going to live along the "V" response anyway.

Q) Why?
A) Because nobody else is. (simple answer). Also because it's fun.
I'm a basshead.
There is room enough on Head-fi for everyone. We do our thing.

B) Low frequency audio signals
using no more than a portable amp and DAP can deliver a vibration to the head that can be felt.
Well...if that's true....and it is (that you can feel it) then that sensation can be captured...on video. You don't need to ask anyone. You don't need to listen to stuff like "smashes my skull" "melts my face" etc etc. Just look. The driver size, the pad type, the amount of energy (amp) are all relevant. The gear and settings are ALWAYS shared. That should be the default for anyone who rec's bass cans.

I came to Head-fi with one goal.
Hardest hitters are????
Which ones again?


If anyone did answer they never gave the equipment, the track, the settings
. Useless. How can I follow that?

Guy comes on and claims the Yamaha Pro 500 need to be on the Wiki "Cannon" section.

Oh really?

Show me.

He does.

Now they are.

From the moment of claim to visual proof captured and uploaded took under 25 minutes.

Think about that. His claim to a prove on a public forum in a thread devoted to that...confirmed in 25 minutes.

How long has Youtube been around? How long have decent portable cams on phones been available?

Put the french up or shut the french up. It's too frenching easy.

Q) Why are these not "Cannon's" on the Wiki?
A) Good question. These are the 10 hardest hitters that I have heard but they are not all cannons automatically. Some may be as that Wiki is updated as often as possible. Also many ....7 of 10 with the 77x ,American Audio, and XB700 being the most Genre and can hammer. 70% of the list is not even Basshead. It's not what the cans's what the cans can do.



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Apr 30, 2014 at 11:18 PM Post #4 of 13,090
§ The High Fidelity Contradiction
The term "basshead" is usually pronounced with a snobbish snort around here at Head-Fi. This elitism has justifications ranging from the more rational high fidelity argument, where any frequency response that attenuates or emphasizes a particular frequency is inaccurate by definition, to the less intelligent prejudice against bass driven music, especially rap and its Black English Vernacular. The latter is, in fact, a more acceptable rationale than the former in the sense that such prejudice frequently betrays an underlying, pitiable mental disability, while the stamp of high fidelity is problematic in the context that its ascription often contradicts its definition. Audiophile headphones are associated with a flat frequency response to reproduce the original signal as accurately as possible; however, headphone frequency response is trivial to shape with the use of a digital/analog equalizer, thus a flat frequency response is not worth putting a premium in a practical perspective. The immutable aspect of high fidelity is the lack of distortion, and this definition is much overlooked. Given that most modern music is bass driven, and that front row rock concert loudness is a norm among the contemporary generation, low frequency reproduction at normal loud intensities should be a criterion of high fidelity. However, in objective stress testing, only a rare few of such audiophile headphones can sustain the nether frequencies at loud volumes.
The Maximum Bass Extreme edits in the last section of this article feature pure sound signal. If your headphones distort those edits +24dB over normal listening volume, you have a sh!t pair.
§ Measurements
My Maximum Bass Extreme setup uses the built-in Windows sound modules to boost a 25Hz central frequency to +30dB (the digiZoid ZO2.3 in comparison can only reach a maximum +13dB 25Hz boost), but it is a two-step post-processing that sounds much more powerful than simply boosting 25Hz in a parametric EQ. Here is a frequency response comparison between my current and previous setups (the Cyanogenmod setup sounds bloated in comparison due to the 50Hz boosted +10dB than the Windows setup):

See that sharp peak above? That is the "Peak of Mt. Bass."
Tutorial and more measurements in spoiler:





§ Tutorial
This only works for some Realtek drivers and the default Windows sound drivers under Windows Vista, 7, or 8/8.1. The built-in Windows "Bass Boost" is used with Equalizer APO (here is a head-fi thread dedicated to the latter). Basically, Equalizer APO allows detailed control of the built-in Windows sound modules, so it only installs the controller (no GUI) and you set the settings in the file "config.txt" under "C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\config". Any changes you make in config.txt affects the sound in real-time. You can read the head-fi thread for very quick tutorials, but I promise that it only looks complex at first. Inside my config.txt is this:
Filter 1: ON PEQ Fc 25,0 Hz Gain 15,0 dB Q 1,000
Filter 2: ON PEQ Fc 3000,0 Hz Gain 5,0 dB Q 1,000
Red is the center frequency in Hz (comma means decimal), blue is the level, and green is the width of the curve (when using "Q", 0 is the widest, and affects the entire spectrum, while 10 limits the boost to just the center frequency).

Some head-fiers made a GUI for it, most used is jiiteepee's FPEQGUI-10MC, head-fi thread here. Using the GUI, Filter 1 above looks like this:

For the built-in Bass Boost in Windows (your sound card driver may or may not support this):

I am currently writing a simple portable application that .
§ How it sounds
I recorded my PC output directly and uploaded sample songs to YouTube. This way, you can set your settings to flat and the songs will sound exactly as I hear them, minus the Fiio E12 bass boost. If you have the E12, use it. Below are comparisons between the original recordings and the Maximum Bass Extreme edits. The edits are preamped to -24dB to avoid clipping, so you have to raise your volume to +24dB from normal.
Wiz Khalifa - On My Level [Rap]
(Unedited) Listen to normal volume:

(Maximum Bass Extreme) Raise volume to +24dB:

Download "On My Level (Maximum Bass Extreme Edit)" FLAC
(Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.)
More Maximum Bass Extreme comparisons in different genres (heavy metal, denpa, and so on) in spoiler:
MOSAIC.WAV - Welcome to 'Akiba-Pop'!! [Denpa]
(Unedited) Listen to normal volume:

(Maximum Bass Extreme) Raise volume to +24dB:

Judas Priest - Painkiller [Heavy Metal]
(Unedited) Listen to normal volume:

(Maximum Bass Extreme) Raise volume to +24dB:

Amon Amarth - Death in Fire [Death/Viking Metal]
(Unedited) Listen to normal volume:

(Maximum Bass Extreme) Raise volume to +24dB:

Attack on Titan OST 1 [EDM]
(Unedited) Listen to normal volume:

(Maximum Bass Extreme) Raise volume to +24dB:
Dragonland - Neverending Story [Power Metal]
(Unedited) Listen to normal volume:

(Maximum Bass Extreme) Raise volume to +24dB:
Skrillex - Kyoto [Dubstep]
(Unedited) Listen to normal volume:

(Maximum Bass Extreme) Raise volume to +24dB:

Flo Rida - Low [Rap/Hip-Hop]
(Unedited) Listen to normal volume:

(Maximum Bass Extreme) Raise volume to +24dB:

Perfume - Nee [Chiptune]
(Unedited) Listen to normal volume:

(Maximum Bass Extreme) Raise volume to +24dB:

May 1, 2014 at 5:14 PM Post #8 of 13,090
  BADASS!!! Subbed 


Welcome to the Extreme Bass Committee, @fnkcow!
This place is the closest headphone equivalent to car audio SPL competitions, and we are possibly the only ones among an obscure few who test bass headroom in headphones. Car audio is in fact mainstream, but it seems that almost all extreme bassheads among car audio enthusiasts either refuse to compromise with a mere simulator (headphones) or they are ignorant of the existence of headphones that can approximate the full body bone conduction of a loud speaker system.
You won't get lost in a maze of ambiguous language in here. The cans either slam or not--the rest are passionate hymns. If there is an apparent bias for a specific pair, it is only because there is a clear hierarchy when it comes to testing the bass limit. Challengers are always welcomed, or sought persistently. The crown is only as valuable as its methodology.
BTW, I'll try to chronicle some of Hawaii's best posts around Head-Fi and share them in here later. For now, here is his latest adventures in his quest for a worthy successor that can dethrone the JVC HA-SZ2000 (spoiler alert: he didn't find any):
Originally Posted by Hawaiibadboy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
SZ Series is getting Bass Table treatment and going up in price.
That staff guy is not pleased with my pic taking












DO NOT quote all these pics!!
I want folks to know that while I call these the Kings of Bass I listen to everything. If you own the sz2000 you own a very nice set and they are priced too low. The price is going up. I wouldn't take anything made of wood for bass and frankly nothing touches them in that area. The T1 are another level of clarity but they kick the hell out of the HD800 and those cost $1,500.
Make no mistake. These cans...the sz are very nice. If you have listened to all this stuff enough you start to appreciate them more. 
Be proud. These cans are awesome. 
I will buy the T1 someday when I feel the need but otherwise I'm set.
Some folks buy and listen.
I listen and buy.
I'm very happy with these sz and would never lose em'. 

We're talking about Summit-Fi headphones up there. More than any Head-Fi Meet has ever had up for testing.
Some more pics:




















I think some folks get very confused because I'm a basshead that somehow I don't appreciate/understand have access to everything.
I 'm a bass audiophile. I look down on crushers and 40mm drivers that crinkle crackle way too soon. I hear what is what. Every other weekend. I don't take pics at boutique shops as that is a no-no.
The Beats get respect as they should and the sz sales are strangely growing.

Sorry Hawaii, these are just too world-shattering not to share in here.
May 1, 2014 at 10:04 PM Post #9 of 13,090

Black Death extra bass headphones by Vibe are not for the screamish. The cans come with their own headphone skull stand and definitely come with a macabre air about them. The ghoulish theme runs with slogan "Death by Bass"......
With cans like these you can forget about ghostbusters or scoobie doo & the mystery machine - bassbusters are in order here methinks - and luckily I'm qualified to investigate this strange bass beast from the deep....but just how deep is the bass on these Black Death Bass Bins?
Let's take a step into the darkness to find out....(lol)
Ok then, these cans come from UK based Vibe Audio ( whom state these cans have the below features:



Novelty Black Death theme aside, these are over ear full size cans aimed at bassheads and DJ's, with extra bass tuning and design cues of rotating earcups for ease of use sound monitoring, coiled DJ cable with locking mechanism.
The build of these cans is very much a plasticky affair throughout which does give them a cheap feel, but these are cheap cans, the UK RRP is £99.99 GBP ($169 USD), however, searching on Amazon, you can pick them up for a bargain price of £59 GBP ($99.60 USD), almost 50% below list price.
The top part of the headband is padded pleather with Vibe embossed, finished with red stitching and the earpads similarly are finished in black pleather over what seems like a memory foam. Red material covering the 50mm drivers feels quite thick which adds comfort to the relatively comfortable fit of the earpads, which openings for your ears aren't exactly generous for over ear cans, so people with larger ears may find things bit of a squash. Clamping force is noticeable, but expected for DJ cans, though passive noise isolation is not as good as you might expect. Due to the design of these cans, the headband contacts directly on the top of your head with no side parts of headband contacting which may cause discomfort on prolonged use causing a hot spot, though for normal listening times, this was not an issue.

The singular supplied coiled cable is very good quality and is housed in beats style red rubber coating. The 3.5mm jack end that connects to the single entry left ear cup also has a cable lock feature, handy for DJ application and the other 3.5mm jack has a screw on quarter inch adapter.


A pleather carry bag with red pull cord and branding is also included, and fit the headphones and cable nicely.[/CENTER]

So, the sound, and bearing in mind these feature extra bass tuning for bass lovers - for budget headphones, they perform very well with a noticeable elevated bass that is quite punchy, mids are slightly elevated, likely so as not to be drowned out by the bass and the highs are respectable without being strident.
These headphones are easily driven from smart phone, iPod etc and play to decent volume.
Using a amplifier does improve sound quality, I used the Fiio E17, which gave more detailing. Pushing the bass EQ to max to see how hard the bass slams with Wiz Khalifa's bastion of bass track, on my level does cause these cans to vibrate on your head, but not to the extent of more expensive bass canons such as the JVC HA-SZ2000's which offers much more refinement all around.



So, to sum up these cans, I'd say they do deliver the goods regarding the extra bass feature and a very good overall sound signature. They fold up for easy storage and portability and come with a quality cable that fits all bills of use. Suitable for DJing or just personal music listening, these cans do have broad applications, two cans in one you could say. Build quality is good despite all plastic construction, but they don't feel fragile at all and the ear cups rotate smoothly and silently, though I'm unsure how they would stand up to the wears and tears as a dedicated DJ can, which can take a battering. Styling is subjective as is the Black Death macabre theme which does distinguish these cans from others, especially the skull headphone stand included, but I'd recommend these cans to any basshead or DJ on a budget and to anyone who wants a good all rounder can for personal listening with scope to use as a monitoring can for mixing music.
Pretty decent all round bass cans with a spooky vibe for sure.




May 1, 2014 at 10:10 PM Post #10 of 13,090
You are a true basshead and a science major. That gives you gravitas. Makes you respected by some and loathed by others. That's a compliment.  (being loathed) if you were blowing smoke you'd just get ignored . I challenge anyone to read and pick apart your eq post. It'll never's Science

For hit and run testers out there you need a mini to XLR converter to test most Audiophile cans. Typically/thankfully a mini to 1/4 converter will work fine at most shops.

Pocket can you test the 77's? 1st. There can be multiple reviews of identical cans so you can go atomic with the sz later.  A review using the tracks in the OP would be best. A vid of the paper flutter is  (I'm gonna do another post after this describing that) important and a comparison to another pair not on the hammer list would be nice. These gladiators will be pitted against one another after 10 have been gathered.
Everybody is busy with stuff so no rush. Quality over all else when it comes to the reviews. Take your sweet time.
May 1, 2014 at 10:44 PM Post #11 of 13,090
Death by Bass.
biggrin.gif JVC hire these guys to spice up their marketing division? JVC is .....well....nevermind. Not a buncha Einsteins at JVC final marketing approval team.
Paper flutter
Regular laser print A4 stock

Some cans like the sz can hold the paper in place on 1 side


Below is a bad seal. Gotta get that flat

This is better

For many headphones a custom setup to hold down the one side flat and just covering the pads is necessary.
Wiz track starting at 3:25 to 4:00 before that weird bass comes in 

Can you give it a try on Death by Bass? Put the vid on the shared youtube.
My default is 34 on cowon volume and e12 gain at 50%
Btw.....awesome pics!! Thank you!!
May 2, 2014 at 12:46 AM Post #13 of 13,090
Will definitely test the 77's, but I'm looking at next Wednesday night at least. I'm really loving that paper test thing lol (and really, really looking forward to see that paper not moving on most other headphones)
And yeah, I think that post was more philosophy (pointing out errors in reasoning and use of language) than science. I did say that it was trivial to flatten FR, but I meant a rough calibration by ear with a couple dB deviation. As I shared in here, accurately calibrating FR is complicated by "acoustic impedance mismatch between transducer, ear canal, and eardrum," and that includes the "room gain" from earpads. It's nice to have an accurate starting reference when you play around with EQ, but it's not worth the trouble for my extreme filters. I wish good measurement mics weren't as expensive as the headphones I'd measure with them.
May 2, 2014 at 2:02 AM Post #14 of 13,090
Actually it is . You may not have spoke directly about Thiele but the performance evaluation of dynamic drivers is a clear Science
It's cherry pick time to try and apply it to mini dynamic drivers but's not apples to oranges it's apples to...smaller apples
...and other STUFF
The visceral sensation...the paper taking the place of your skin.
This is the SMS DJ PRO
Very nice and like the V-Moda M-100
Same setting as the sz....


People say "melt my face type bass" or other bizarre and wild claims that cause folks to believe that which is not true. Impact can be measured to an extent.
This thread exists because calling out a "face melt" claim in another thread would be rude? I guess? 
In this thread it isn't. So long as the attack stays aimed at hardware and not hardware's all good.
May 2, 2014 at 6:37 PM Post #15 of 13,090
Death by Bass.:D JVC hire these guys to spice up their marketing division? JVC is .....well....nevermind. Not a buncha Einsteins at JVC final marketing approval team.

Can you give it a try on Death by Bass? Put the vid on the shared youtube.
My default is 34 on cowon volume and e12 gain at 50%

Btw.....awesome pics!! Thank you!!

Ok, first up - my SZ2000's - followed by my Vibe Black Death cans.

I used strips of paper for testing rather than one large sheet covering ear pad (just couldn't get paper to sit correctly by that method).



Both cans tested at same vol (40) and bass EQ (10) using Fiio E17, with iPod touch playing test track via YouTube as source.

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