musicmaker reacted to up late's post in the thread Sony Z1R....listening impressions only with Like.interesting, particularly in comparison to the th900
musicmaker reacted to number1sixerfan's post in the thread How do you know when you have reached TOTL? with Like.I'm just getting back into the hobby. When I was first in it, I felt very much at an end game state but I didn't feel comfortable having...
musicmaker replied to the thread Bowers & Wilkins PX7 noise-cancelling over ear headphones.I tried the PX7 and now have the NC700. The PX7 is the better sounding headphone, no doubt. However the NC700 has much better anc. The...
musicmaker replied to the thread Violectric HPA V281 - Vorsprung durch Balanced (September 2023 Update: Limited Reissue Edition up for preorder!).I've been through several amps - including a GS-X mk2, Moon 430HA and a few others. Listening to a v281 with the 128 step and remote now...
musicmaker replied to the thread SPL Phonitor X / Phonitor E impressions and Discussion thread.Thanks for letting me know. Appreciate it.
musicmaker replied to the thread SPL Phonitor X / Phonitor E impressions and Discussion thread.Oh boy ! Really ? Its crazy how hard it is to understand the differences between their model line up reading their website.
musicmaker replied to the thread SPL Phonitor X / Phonitor E impressions and Discussion thread.Yes I already have a Holo Spring Kitsune and RME. Was just trying to ensure there's no other advantage to gettiong the xe. Think I'll...
musicmaker reacted to Gadget67's post in the thread SPL Phonitor X / Phonitor E impressions and Discussion thread with Like.I have finally finished setup of my Phonitor 2. My Moon audio cable order arrived today and I replaced my RCA cables connecting the...
musicmaker replied to the thread SPL Phonitor X / Phonitor E impressions and Discussion thread.If I have no interest in the Phinitor's dac (which I dont) and I'm ok with connecting balanced headphones to the back of the unit, I'd...
musicmaker reacted to Gadget67's post in the thread SPL Phonitor X / Phonitor E impressions and Discussion thread with Like.The Phonitor matrix function really make the Stellia soundstage expand (at least to my ears); worth a listen if you get the chance!
musicmaker reacted to RobertSM's post in the thread SPL Phonitor X / Phonitor E impressions and Discussion thread with Like.@musicmaker I too own Violectric V281. I love it! As I love my Phonitor X. They are like children, you love them both. I honestly...
musicmaker replied to the thread SPL Phonitor X / Phonitor E impressions and Discussion thread.I liked the Stellia and the focal house sound in general. Love my Z1R (with the neotech cable upgrade). If only the Stellia had a better...
musicmaker reacted to Afsa's post in the thread Meze EMPYREAN - the First Isodynamic Hybrid Array Headphone with Like.The ADI2 has one of the best crossfeads you can get! The manual has an entire entry just on that.
musicmaker reacted to RobertSM's post in the thread SPL Phonitor X / Phonitor E impressions and Discussion thread with Like.That's a good price. Especially if warranty is apart of the deal.
musicmaker replied to the thread SPL Phonitor X / Phonitor E impressions and Discussion thread.I dont know the used market for these but is $1299 a good price for the Phonitor xe (B stock, which is a return I believe with full...