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    • noxa
      noxa replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
      Thank you for this
    • noxa
      noxa reacted to VolumusMaximus's post in the thread Grado Fan Club! with Like Like.
      I have the RS2X with the ZMF Beyer pads. It's a wonderful combination. These are the most comfortable pads I have ever experienced on...
    • noxa
      noxa replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
      cats4cans I’m going to have to keep a close eye on your posts then! My thought process right now is in the U.K. RS2x on sale for...
    • noxa
      noxa reacted to cats4cans's post in the thread Grado Fan Club! with Like Like.
      I just got the ring adapters for my RS-2x. I have a bunch of ZMF pads. Using the OG Aeolus pads now. I wanted a thinner pad to keep the...
    • noxa
      noxa reacted to SomeGuyDude's post in the thread Grado Fan Club! with Like Like.
      I really, really wish reviewers would stop using the fact that they're open back and thus don't isolate as a point in the review. It's...
    • noxa
      noxa replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
      Thinking I’m likely going to go for the RS2x with the ZMF beyer pads… Might get everything I want I’m hoping.
    • noxa
      noxa reacted to Gradostax fan's post in the thread Grado Fan Club! with Like Like.
      Same here , my rs2x has seen more usage than rs1x , rs1e, gs3000e and hemp
    • noxa
      noxa replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
      Plautus001 thank you! You’ve been really very helpful, literally anything else you can add as a comparison between them all, perhaps...
    • noxa
      noxa replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
      Thanks for that, I know it’s hard to quantify but how much less bass does the RS2x have do you think? Like crazy amount less, or a bit...
    • noxa
      noxa replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .
      Anyone help me out, I’ve used the search bar but not too much luck, I bought the 325x and thought they were pretty awesome tbh, perhaps...
    • noxa
      noxa replied to the thread One and done Amp?.
      Sounds like a great place to start digging, and go from there, thanks man.
    • noxa
      I’ve been in this hobby on and off for nearly 2 decades now, I’ve owned a few portable amps, nothing high end and nothing really dang to...
    • noxa
      noxa reacted to cgiammona's post in the thread ZMF BOKEH - Closed Back (Semi-Portable) with Like Like.
      I have the RU7, the Chord Mojo, an ifi Go Bar arrives today and I borrowed a Woo Audio mini tube and the Gryphon for testing. So far, I...
    • noxa
      Thank you Daniel, great description, really helped. And thanks roeschel, I think my heart wants the Woo tube mini but head is saying...
    • noxa
      I really love the Tube mini for almost everything, but for the Bokeh i‘d get the Mojo. It‘s more precise and the mids of the Bokeh...
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