• FiGuY1017
      FiGuY1017 reacted to EasyCheese's comment on classifieds listing Burson Soloist GT 2023 w/SP2 Modules & V7 Opamps with Like Like.
      Edit: Still on market, did not go through with purchase.
    • FiGuY1017
      FiGuY1017 reacted to pr0l0w's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      I still see the issue here that some want more of the same by something different. Why even bother trying something new when you´d still...
    • FiGuY1017
      You could not sure if you still can, buy refurbished MySphere for pretty cheap
    • FiGuY1017
      FiGuY1017 reacted to Rob80b's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      Good. :thumbsup:. Problem with the easy accessibility to EQ, every Tom, Dick and Harry is jumping on board without really having any...
    • FiGuY1017
      FiGuY1017 replied to the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1.
      One thing that my MySphere taught me and has helped me perhaps in regards to OAE1 Is they taught me patience. When I first got my...
    • FiGuY1017
      FiGuY1017 reacted to 4udio7ool's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      I suspected something along these lines but I've never seen the B&K 4128 angle HRTF comparison. I don't think you need a special rig...
    • FiGuY1017
      FiGuY1017 reacted to Rob80b's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      I would love to but my hearing, although very good at my age, only goes up to 10KHz. : ) But yes, relative to what is expected in a...
    • FiGuY1017
      FiGuY1017 reacted to Rob80b's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      This album, George Crumb's "An Idyll for the Misbegotten/Vox Balaenae/Madrigals", I listened to dozens of times over the years and is...
    • FiGuY1017
      FiGuY1017 replied to the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1.
      I have a MySphere 3.2 and OAE1 definitely gives you a taste of that experience seeing that you likewise take the time with placement...
    • FiGuY1017
      FiGuY1017 reacted to FritzS's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      GRELL OAE1 is certainly an interesting headphone, which in my opinion should be compared with AKG K1000 or Mysphere 3. I contacted Axel...
    • FiGuY1017
      FiGuY1017 reacted to FritzS's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      My opinion: Strictly speaking, there are two worlds of headphones - those of professionals who want to sound as neutral as possible...
    • FiGuY1017
      FiGuY1017 reacted to kman1211's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      Sadly it seems anytime a uniquely designed and/or tuned headphone comes out that defies common conventions it often stirs up controversy...
    • FiGuY1017
      FiGuY1017 reacted to Evshrug's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      It’s late and I could only read a few of the new pages of discussion, but a few thoughts nonetheless: There’s a difference between “I...
    • FiGuY1017
      FiGuY1017 reacted to Rob80b's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      Hi Guys, something has been bugging me and excuse my ignorance, I'm seeing measurements of the OAE1 posted and compared to other...
    • FiGuY1017
      FiGuY1017 reacted to Rob80b's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
      Well lets hope you get to hear Axel’s new headphone, you just might like it. Music making is a part of my everyday life, cannot imagine...
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