Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Nov 20, 2012 at 11:57 AM Post #9,106 of 48,583
Lol I used the UZI and P90 the same way. Generally avoid using them because you run out of enemies too quickly, or they resort to noob tubes!

Your trigger finger is ridonkulous! I can max out the fire rate on some guns without double tap... but I dunno if I can twitch a trigger that fast!
Lol you make me want to iPad video upload my fire rate...
Nov 20, 2012 at 12:04 PM Post #9,107 of 48,583
Also, I always felt Double-Tap increased your deadliness at short-med range, but at longer range, someone with stopping power can achieve a better DPS on a target. IMO it's about the distance you want to engage your target... You can certainly draw enemies to fight on grounds favoring your fighting style.

I prefer the one-shot kill and slightly better range of the W1200 shotty, hip-fire and you don't miss :)

Not sure what my fav classes are anymore, I get in different moods. Usually go 'round between assault rifles, whichever one I'm doing better with that day. In general, though, I pick M21 for sniping, mostly because I had over half of my kills as headshots with that gun before I finished it's ACOG stat meter.
Nov 20, 2012 at 12:10 PM Post #9,108 of 48,583
Yeah, I stopped using the G3 because of all the constant negative reps I got on my 360 account, calling me a cheater and stuff. I literally made myself slow down the trigger when using the M9, because of constant complaints of using a modded controller. :rolleyes:

Had a problem in Black Ops too, where the FAL would stop shooting if it detected the gun firing faster than they deem humanly possible. I'd die a lot because of it.

Almost all my Barrette 50 cal kills in CoD4 were close range hip fire spray. I'm not a very good sniper unless I use an ACOG. Takes me forever to get my 150 kills to get the ACOG on my Snipers. M40 w/ACOG all day err day. :D
Nov 20, 2012 at 12:19 PM Post #9,109 of 48,583
Oh, I actually had G3 confused with the G36.  The G3's iron sights are decent, and that was my go-to gun for hardcore.  One shot kill.
I've never ever experienced double tap increasing kill-potential in close range though, and my buddy and I both had around 60days' worth of playtime on cod4 each.  Giving up that extra bullet to kill people in favor of a faster fire-rate wasn't the best.  It's especially not good with silencer, as silencer already decreases the gun's effective range.
My favorite classes were, at the time:
M16 red dot, fragx3, stopping power, deep impact
P90 silenced, fragx3, stopping power, extreme conditioning
ak47 red dot, fragx3, stopping power, steady aim
Nov 20, 2012 at 12:28 PM Post #9,110 of 48,583
A47 w/Red dot = AK47 w/silencer in terms of power. It was glitched. It's stronger with no attachments, ACOG, or noobtube. 40/30 without RDS or Silencer, 40/20 with.

And trust me, use double tap with the right weapons. It WILL be more effective than Stopping Power, unless you're more of a long range shooter. I'm more of a close/medium range gamer, so double tap is more useful with certain weapons.

The range stat is pretty useless as is, as all it does is change damage output after a certain distance. With most guns, it's not a factor. For instance, the Skorpion is incredibly devastating at close range (2 shot kil). However, that range is so short, that just a few feet changes from tasking two shots, to taking 5 to kill an enemy. It's like shotgun range. So using a silencer is more beneficial for the Skorpion, as the range where it goes from high damage, to low damage is already so tiny. Just expect to take 5 shoots to down an enemy no matter what attachment unless it's headshots and/or they are Juggernauts.

IF you're using a gun that isn't the most accurate at longer distance, SP is definitely more useful. AK47 has that large vertical recoil, so it benefits more from Stopping Power, not to mention it has a slowish fire rate to begin with, so double tap isn't too useful.
Nov 20, 2012 at 12:40 PM Post #9,111 of 48,583
Oh trust me, by effective range I'm not talking about the bar graphs the in-game screens give you.  I looked up all the true numbers on all the weapons years ago.  I never used AK47 at range anyways, so I preferred the red dot sight for more vision.
There's actually been math and calculations done.  The only time double tap wins out over stopping power is on 30/20 guns at range.  Besides that, stopping power always kills faster.  (except M60 where stopping power is useless)
This all takes into effect a no-lag scenario, so there's always the possibility of double tapping playing better with a certain latency issue than stopping power, but that's a case-by-case scenario dependent on the connection itself.  I know there'd be no reason for me to use P90 over MP5, and MP5 was actually my go-to rush weapon before christmas hit after cod4's release.  After christmas though, I had to switch to P90.
Nov 20, 2012 at 12:47 PM Post #9,112 of 48,583
I'm more speaking of double taps usefulness in a sudden close range encounter where you have to hip fire. The faster rate of fire ensures more chances of hitting a target with hip fire. This is what makes the P90 so effective. It's the best alternative to a shotgun in sudden close range encounters. If you're mostly a ranged attacker, it's definitely best to use Stopping Power for most situations. I still prefer DT for the M16 though. I'm not a fan of burst fire weapons, unless they have a faster RoF, like the G11 in BLOPS, Famas in MW2, Type 95 in MW3, etc. I always found the M16 to have a horrible RoF without DT, personally. I know lots of people are evil with it, but I wasn't.

I've always been a medium/close range gamer, so SP isn't as useful when things get ugly.
Nov 20, 2012 at 1:23 PM Post #9,113 of 48,583
Aw... My tube hybrid amp finally arrived. It is handsome to look at, yet cute in size. The craftsmanship is very good.
the tube was smashed in the mail T_T

DT is close-range king because aiming down the sight slows you down too much. SP rocks at range because timing and recoil become so important. UAV Jam is devastating against people without headphones.

Gosh... I have the weirdest luck.
Nov 20, 2012 at 1:30 PM Post #9,114 of 48,583
Just finished the campaign in Halo 4. I was just wondering if anyone with a Mixamp and DT990 has massive distortion on things like ship engine sounds when they are flying over head. Gravity hammer also causes this. I think I have almost stopped it but I had to turn the volume on my mixamp to 50% then turn my Fiio E9 to high gain and just turn the volume up to match the old volume which was about 10 or 11 o'clock when I was on low gain. I also had a few moments like this while playing Uncharted 3 whenever something loud happened. There were 3 really bad moments.

Another quick question I had was what would be an upgrade from the DT990pro? I have my Christmas bonus coming and I am thinking I should upgrade either my amp or headphones. That or I am going to grab a pair of closed headphones or wait for reviews on the AD900x.:atsmile:

Did you detect what I mean about Star Wars reference? Also, smaller thing, the lights along Laskey's spine make me think of Dead Space's distinctive health bars. I loved the story, how about you?

I don't have the same setup as you... I notice nothing strange vs gravity hammers or overhead ships, with my Q701 and Recon3D. I did hear some strange distortions on Reach's start screen, but only there.
Nov 20, 2012 at 2:01 PM Post #9,115 of 48,583
Bah, the KSC75's clips are just not good for the KSC35. I mean it sounds good, but the point where the clips connect to the KSC35 allow too much freedom and distance for the drivers and pulls it away from the ear, losing bass. Ironically, the KSC35 clips make the KSC75 sound better than the stock clips. Still, the KSC75 sounds better than the KSC35 when compairing them both with the KSC75 rubber clips, and the KSC35 sounds better than the KSC75 when using the KSC35 clips. All in all, best to keep the KSC35 clips on both for sound quality, and using the KSC75 with it's stock clips for comfort. What's interesting is that the KSC75 clips are actually harder to put on my ears than the KSC35.

So what I'm gonna do is use the KSC75 for work, when and only when the KSC35 starts to bother my ears, which is usually halfway through the shift, so they will definitely be getting their use. Put the KSC75 on, and immediately fell in love with them again. :ksc75smile:

I wanna get some thin electrical tape and see if I can wrap it around the KSC35's clips so the hard edge doesn't dig into my ears.

Wanna know what's funny? My HE400 literally came in 2 minutes before the KSC75, and yet I haven't bothered with them yet. Lol. I did open them, and was happy to see the spare velour pads were packed in the HE400 box (though the pleather was on the HE400 itself.)

edit: Holy crap, I put on the HE400 (hooked up just to the E17 on Gain 0, and that SQ boost is ridonkulous. Holy crap. Lol. Insta-love.
Nov 20, 2012 at 2:28 PM Post #9,116 of 48,583
Did you detect what I mean about Star Wars reference? Also, smaller thing, the lights along Laskey's spine make me think of Dead Space's distinctive health bars. I loved the story, how about you?
I don't have the same setup as you... I notice nothing strange vs gravity hammers or overhead ships, with my Q701 and Recon3D. I did hear some strange distortions on Reach's start screen, but only there.

No sorry I didn't catch the Star Wars reference I can be a tad dense sometimes if I am caught up in the story. Laskey's thing did remind me of Dead Space yes. Of course there Issac's armor alwayed looked like a pre-spartan armor to me. Of course there are not a lot of directions you can take with space armor.
I did love the story but I am sucker for Halo stories. I even felt bad for Chief at the end of the game. It very much can feel like a sci-fi soap opera. Which I guess OG Star Wars basically is as well. I enjoyed the after credits moments wish more games did that. The only thing I was confused on was the main villain. But I never read the books or researched any of waypoint before the game dropped. The part with Chief and the Librarian cleared some of it up but not enough I felt.
After having to suffer through half of AC3 it was a welcome light fun romp with excellent shooting mechanics. The bob and weave spastic game play of COD/MW/BLOPS just leaves me stressed, Halo just feels like a comfortable old friend. I know I am probably alone in this thread on that feeling.
I almost snatched a Recon 3D up for 30 bucks last months just to say I tried it, but with no DTS decoding I didn't see the point because it has the same tech as the astro at the most basic level. I wouldn't have probably heard it in Reach since my setup was new then and I wasn't double amping at that time.
Still debating whether to upgrade my amp, my dt990pros or try a bigger nicer closed set over my CALs with the HM5 pads.(Which I FRIGGIN love to death)
Nov 20, 2012 at 2:35 PM Post #9,117 of 48,583
Lol, can you take a pic of the CAL with the HM5 pads? I'm curious as to what it looks like.
Nov 20, 2012 at 2:46 PM Post #9,118 of 48,583
I was referring to the Death Star Run -type moment. As I said, 343i paid a lot of attention to making you feel for the characters, especially the Chief and Cortana. The thing about Didact, without having read extra stuff, is he REALLY was determined to stop the humans, because they were once the forerunner's greatest threat (until the Flood, I assume). He also thought he was doing the moral thing by digitizing our race so we could be controlled, instead of outright exterminating us. Basically, in the game, he is trying to pick up where he left off. The Crucible thing — no, wait, I mean the Composer — was for humans what the Halos were for the flood. Forerunners think up the strangest solutions. Oh, also, I think composer technology messed up Didact's mind a bit, but that's just a guess. I doubt we've seen the last of him.

It looks like a sailor hopped up on Spinach. Wearing CAL! headphones.
Nov 20, 2012 at 3:09 PM Post #9,119 of 48,583
My favorite classes:
AK47 with no attachments
Ak74u with no attachments
RPD with grip
r700 with no attachments.
m1014 with no attachments.
I used stopping power on all of them except for the shotgun. I used juggernaut with that class. I also used RPG's with all of my classes lulz (except for the RPD, because the grip takes that option away). I liked the 74u because it had the bullet penetration capability of an assault rifle. I'd rarely ever see anyone else using it. Pretty much everyone else used "MP5 host connection" as we nerd-rageingly referred to it. lol
We mostly played team tactical (and I played a lot of cage matches), so I usually ran with dead silence as well. Sound whoring was HUGE in CoD4. Now you can barely hear people, or in the case of BO2, you can't hear people jumping up and down behind you even when using the Awareness perk.
Nov 20, 2012 at 3:20 PM Post #9,120 of 48,583
I was referring to the Death Star Run -type moment. As I said, 343i paid a lot of attention to making you feel for the characters, especially the Chief and Cortana. The thing about Didact, without having read extra stuff, is he REALLY was determined to stop the humans, because they were once the forerunner's greatest threat (until the Flood, I assume). He also thought he was doing the moral thing by digitizing our race so we could be controlled, instead of outright exterminating us. Basically, in the game, he is trying to pick up where he left off. The Crucible thing — no, wait, I mean the Composer — was for humans what the Halos were for the flood. Forerunners think up the strangest solutions. Oh, also, I think composer technology messed up Didact's mind a bit, but that's just a guess. I doubt we've seen the last of him.
It looks like a sailor hopped up on Spinach. Wearing CAL! headphones.

OH ok I understand the SW reference now. Only part I didn't enjoy.
I see where you are going with ME now too. Thanks for clearing that up and it does make perfect sense. Guess the Didact is going to be Jason Vorhees.
Lol, can you take a pic of the CAL with the HM5 pads? I'm curious as to what it looks like.

Yup I will do so when I get home tonight.

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