Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Oct 21, 2012 at 12:12 AM Post #8,581 of 48,601
Still,those vids are a taste. You really have to play games to get a feel for it.I found virtual surround works best when you're busy with action, where it really helps to locate sounds around you. When you're just watching a movie or something, I found it to be considerably worse.

Also, even though I found out how to use DH for BD movies, I feel like its not as good as the true DTS decoding on the SU-DH1.

And yes, rear positioning is indeed quieter than front. Even the Headzone does that.
Oct 21, 2012 at 12:16 AM Post #8,582 of 48,601
I'm beginning to think that buying the Recon3D USB solely to review really wasn't the best of decisions.
I'm not truly satisfied with it, and especially now that Mad Lust Envy wasn't truly satisfied with it, I'm left with a $70 device I can't sell.
You forgot Stax. Seriously, a typical Lambda-series set is AD700 on super-steroids. More atmospheric soundstage, more clarity, more speed, and heck, even some bass presence.
The amp requirements can be ridiculously demanding if you don't already have a nice speaker amp/receiver, but I can definitely say it's a natural progression for AD700 fans.
That said, even my "AD700s on super steroids" couldn't really help THX TruStudio Surround compared to CMSS-3D Headphone for PC gaming. The deficiencies in positioning were still noticeable in my comparisons, and I'd expect no less even if I still had my AD700s.

Put it up on eBay ASAP!
Ya, I figured he wouldn't be springing for Stax anytime soon, so I left that out.
Oct 21, 2012 at 12:19 AM Post #8,583 of 48,601
Also Nameless, don't feel too bad, if we've learned one thing on Head-Fi, it's that YMMV. I'm not entirely sure that the difference between CMSS-3D, DH modes, and THX TSP don't just come down to personal preference and inner-ear shape. Rear positioning didn't work as well as DH for Mad, and he's honest for not trying to mislead people, but it works better for me than I would've guessed from his description. And CMSS-3D works better than both, for you, right? $70 is cheap for what the Recon3D is, which is a decent console+pc processor. It'll be a good buy for someone :)

Yup, can't afford Stax ATM! Tho I wonder if my receiver has the right connectors for NO, CAN'T SPEND! MUST SAVE FOR WINTER!!! XD

I hear what you are saying, and I do get more involved and adjusted while playing a game, but considering that DH and many of these other codecs were developed first for watching cinema movies... I watched my Dark Night DVD on my laptop, through the Recon3D and Q701 a few weeks ago: I "got" it right away (busting glass and zip line), and enjoyed the whole movie very muchly. So it can't be a complete fail-test.

Eh, I love talking with you guys and all, but I'm about to complete the Mages Guild questline in Oblivion! TTYL!
Oct 21, 2012 at 12:37 AM Post #8,584 of 48,601
To be more specific about DTS on BD through the PS3's bitstream mix option. It doesn't sound as great as the real DTS decoding on the SU-DH1 from memory.

And for movies YMwilldefinitelyV, as some movies have really good directional cues, and some are really lazy with it. I mainly like to test the jackals in Avatar, because it was really impressive with the Headzone and SU-DH1. It was great through the Mixamp/Bitstream mix, but not as prominent in surround cues as I remember.
Oct 21, 2012 at 12:52 AM Post #8,585 of 48,601
Hey everyone!
Im looking to get the AKG Q701's; along with the mix amp pro, an amp, and a mic. My question is, is there any problems with this setup for use on the 360/pc? and what amps should i be looking at?
Thanks for the help, Im ordering it all on Monday so please help soon!
Oct 21, 2012 at 1:04 AM Post #8,586 of 48,601
Ev, when I had MLE's Q701 before sending it off to you, I had a lovely time with it with DH. Even with MW3, everything sounded good and I got better than usual scores with it. Really, don't get rid of them until you've tried them with a true DH source and even better if it's amped a little. I've tried DH, yamaha, and sony, DH is still the best imo.
Oct 21, 2012 at 1:12 AM Post #8,587 of 48,601
Calpis, I bet the Pro 2900 would sound amazing with the SA-31 and its extra warmth options. :D

That's really the only thing the Pro 2900 needs for me, some warmth.

I'll have to see just how the SA-31's warmth settings alter the sound of all headphones though.

Maaaan, this would probably be the perfect amp for the Q701 too! All that powah!

I'll be able to A/B the SA-31 and E9K hopefully. The E9K has a line out, so I'll be...

ODAC - E9K - Line out - SA-31 - DT990s

That way I can quickly switch from one amp to another. I'll try and borrow the CAL and M50 (maybe even the ES7s) as well for the tests, though not sure the E9K will play nice with those due to the high output impedance.
Oct 21, 2012 at 1:17 AM Post #8,588 of 48,601
Hey everyone!
Im looking to get the AKG Q701's; along with the mix amp pro, an amp, and a mic. My question is, is there any problems with this setup for use on the 360/pc? and what amps should i be looking at?
Thanks for the help, Im ordering it all on Monday so please help soon!

How much can you pay for an amp?

My logical assumptions for amps:

JDS Labs O2 ($150) - very neutral and may make the Q701 more analytical
Matrix M Stage ($250), more powerful and may add some smoothness which can help the Q701

Problems with 360? Not at all. PC? If your PC doesn't output Dolby Digital through its optical out, you won't get Dolby Headphone for the Mixamp. Ask Nameless, as he knows how it'd work.
Oct 21, 2012 at 1:32 AM Post #8,589 of 48,601
Calpis, I bet the Pro 2900 would sound amazing with the SA-31 and its extra warmth options.

That's really the only thing the Pro 2900 needs for me, some warmth.
I'll have to see just how the SA-31's warmth settings alter the sound of all headphones though.
Maaaan, this would probably be the perfect amp for the Q701 too! All that powah!
I'll be able to A/B the SA-31 and E9K hopefully. The E9K has a line out, so I'll be...
ODAC - E9K - Line out - SA-31 - DT990s
That way I can quickly switch from one amp to another. I'll try and borrow the CAL and M50 (maybe even the ES7s) as well for the tests, though not sure the E9K will play nice with those due to the high output impedance.

Haha, I bet they would. Would love to try out the SA-31 since I recently bought a NOS vintage Pioneer SE-305 and it's all mids and highs out of my mstage and would love to be able to tweak it because it does have good bass but the mids and highs are just so prominent. I EQ'd all the mids and highs down in foobar and sounded great and well balanced. Hooked them up to a very vintage Denon stereo receiver and did the same thing and got a very good sound out of them. I have a Technics EQ laying around in the garage that I should hook up to the mstage but I'm out of desktop space lol.
Oct 21, 2012 at 1:40 AM Post #8,590 of 48,601
Later on we may have to swap again :D. Not sure if you ever tried the 990s. I think they wouldn't be far off from what you're used to in the Pro 900s except more bass and similar edgy treble. Not sure which is edgier. Probably the 990s, though you're not against EQ, so you may love them.

How much you pay for the Pioneers? They look interesting, though the pads scare me.
Oct 21, 2012 at 1:52 AM Post #8,591 of 48,601
Hehe, I dunno... ever since I opened up the holes in the back of the drivers the bass has been bumpin. I still gotta cover them back up again because I've already forgotten how it sounded like before. You've also really got my interest spiked up on the 990s so that could be a thing that happens again. As far as the SE-305, spent $20 on them and came with the original storage case and manual and they were in spectacular condition considering they're roughly 30-40 years old. You wouldn't like the earpads... but winter is coming :)
Oct 21, 2012 at 2:26 AM Post #8,592 of 48,601
Brace ourselves? Lol.

I wish winter was actually a thing down here. :frowning2:

It hit low 90s the other day. Its still very much Summer here. :rolleyes:

I don't belong down here, that's for sure.
Oct 21, 2012 at 2:45 AM Post #8,594 of 48,601
Dec/Jan/Feb CAN hit 40's for highs, but its rare. 60/70s for a few weeks during Xmas time sounds about right.

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