Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Jul 28, 2011 at 12:33 AM Post #1,966 of 48,580
Hey guys, been awhile. Kinda stepped away from audiophilia in general and have been happy with the little that I have now. I honestly don't use headphones outside of gaming use, which is a major reason why I downsized so much.

Let me play catch up.

HD598 - NEEDS an amp. I won't stress this enough. It's not as sensitive as people lead you to believe. For gaming use, the Mixamp will be fine.

32ohm Beyers are VERY insensitive for that ohm rating, and will also benefit quite a bit from amping. Seriously felt it needed almost as much as the 600ohm, though didn't distort the way the 600ohm did with underamping.

DT770 Pro 80 - Unless you love a whopping amount of bass, you might wanna skip this. It has a LOT of sub bass, you've been warned. Outside of the bass bloat, yes it performs amazingly well with Dolby Headphone. Easiest in terms of locating rear positioning. Actually felt it didn't require as MUCH amping as the 32ohm Beyers. Mind does not compute.

Wireless Mixamp - Just as good as the wired Mixamp (though it does have minor hiss at loud volumes, the wired one doesn't, though it's a non-issue for the most part), but quite costly. MAKE SURE to buy the Astro rechargeable battery pack. me. This thing eats batteries, and non-astro branded rechargeables won't charge via USB. Save yourself the hassle.

These recommendations for those not inclined to read the first page:

For MOSTLY gaming:

Headset: PC360 (seriously, if you need a mic'd headset, this is worth it).

Headphone: HD598 (I recommend it over the K701 due to it not needing the supah juice the way the AKG K70x does, but outside of gaming, you will want amping)

Gaming Amps: Mixamp or AX720

Don't expect a reply, since I'm not really active on this forum anymore. My last post prior to this one was almost 20 days ago, so there you have it... :D
Jul 28, 2011 at 6:15 AM Post #1,967 of 48,580
First headphone, and you want to use them for gaming? Sans mic?
Is the Senn PC 360 not being considered?

Not just for gaming, for listening to music and general entertainment on my PC. I was looking at the PC 360, a friend at work has them and rates them but i do not require a mic'd headset. He is more of a competitive gamer unlike myself. If i game online i do it for my own enjoyment and not to get the best score in the round. The bass is lacking on the 360's, i will need something with a little more bass. Sounds like the 770 has a load more bass, maybe too much. Reason why i'm leaning to those is the price and the fact i can return them before the 30 days is up if im not happy with them.
Jul 28, 2011 at 11:14 AM Post #1,968 of 48,580

I would check out an open pair of Ultrasones, they don't have a huge soundstage, but the positioning is amazing, If you want the airy feel you won't get it, but for gaming positioning > air

I don't need the most accurate positioning, it's more about total immersion in singleplayer. The K701 delivers that pretty good but I can't have an amp everywhere unfortunately.
Jul 28, 2011 at 4:04 PM Post #1,969 of 48,580
What cable do I need to connect my astro mixamp to the fiio e9 ?  So xbox 360 then mixamp(optical) then E9 and headphones. The headphone out on the astro to the E9 via 3.5 mm cable? I have to go to work right now so I cant google it. thanks mike.
Jul 28, 2011 at 7:40 PM Post #1,970 of 48,580

What cable do I need to connect my astro mixamp to the fiio e9 ?  So xbox 360 then mixamp(optical) then E9 and headphones. The headphone out on the astro to the E9 via 3.5 mm cable?

Yes, that.
Jul 28, 2011 at 11:37 PM Post #1,971 of 48,580
So I returned my Sennheiser HD558. They were alright but I wanted something with more bass. I'm now looking at the DT770 Pro-80. I can get them new on ebay for $180 shipped to Canada. The lowest I found here was at Long and Mcquade but they don't have any stock and cost $200 + 13% taxes. Is $180 a good deal for the DT770 Pro-80?
Jul 29, 2011 at 5:57 AM Post #1,972 of 48,580
Sorry for all the noob questions, I got it hooked up so do I put E9 on high gain? and crank the volume up on the E9 plus mixamp? I have the E9 at 1200-100 oclock and mixamp at 1100 oclock. I'm a nooooob! Thanks again Mike. I have the dt 990's too.
Jul 29, 2011 at 8:26 AM Post #1,973 of 48,580
Hi mafiamike:
The gain setting is determined by the headphones you're using. In this case, your DT 990 has an impedance of 250 Ω right? High gain should be just fine. 
(Keep it on low for in-ears)
The MixAmp should be cranked more than that--try going for 60% to 80%. Normally you'd have everything before the final amp (in this case, the E9) at full, but I remember folks in this thread saying you'll want the MixAmp at a little less than that for this particular pairing. 
Just in case you're not used to powering up a system with amps and stuff, here's the safest step-by-step, to avoid damaging any components:
1. Plug everything in. The 360 to the MixAmp to the E9 to the headphones.
2. Make sure your E9 and MixAmp volume dials are at 0%.
3. Power up the 360.
    i) If the MixAmp has an on/off switch, power up the MixAmp next.
    ii) If the E9 has an on/off switch, power up the E9 next.
4. Dial the MixAmp to 60-80%.
5. Run a game and dial the E9 to whatever volume you're comfortable with.
Jul 29, 2011 at 3:40 PM Post #1,974 of 48,580
Thanks for the response, I'll try it out tonight. All these headphones, amps and cables are new to me.
Jul 30, 2011 at 7:16 AM Post #1,975 of 48,580

I don't need the most accurate positioning, it's more about total immersion in singleplayer. The K701 delivers that pretty good but I can't have an amp everywhere unfortunately.

[No sarcasm] Isn't accurate positioning a component of total immersion?  I can understand how factors such as the overall soundstage or tonal quality would be more important, but having an exceptional and precise surround field just adds even more to the experience.  Otherwise, Prologic, or even just stereo should suffice.
Jul 30, 2011 at 11:32 AM Post #1,976 of 48,580
The PRO2900 is the best I have heard immersion wise, what it does in Fallout NV is jaw dropping, the ambient sounds sound so lifelike you won't want to fast travel anymore.
Jul 31, 2011 at 6:20 AM Post #1,979 of 48,580
I haven't tried those yet, Audiosurf looks cool.
The thing is Audiosurf is just listening to music, I play Lunatic Rave 2, and in that game the music is keysounded, which means you hit notes flowing down the screen and each note makes a sound, the notes range from 100 to 2000 (depending on difficulty) and the song length is around 1 1/2 to 2 minutes, I find IEM's with good imaging and speed make Lunatic Rave 2 (LR2) a more enjoyable - and accurate - experience.
For anyone into gaming, music, and quality HP's/IEM's, I recommend LR2.  It's a hassle to set up and takes a while to learn but it's worth it =) It's free, but it's actually a clone of an arcade game, here's a video of the best player in the world at it

Jul 31, 2011 at 6:51 PM Post #1,980 of 48,580
i purchased my 5.8 mixamp this weekend :) now time to find some headphones 
i know i said 100$ limit i could stretch it to 150 
but would you pick the hd555 or the ad700...i would do the mod on the 555 (hope i dont mess anything up lol) i would the headphones to be great for gaming but i needed to use them for a movie or music that they would be fine also, you guys said the ad700 is only good for gaming 

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