Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Jun 10, 2011 at 4:46 PM Post #1,471 of 48,583
Jun 10, 2011 at 5:06 PM Post #1,472 of 48,583

I've always wondered why this does nothing for me. Voice volume is identical 1-10 volume, it's only muted at 0. Game volume is identical from 0-10. Both with the mixamp+cans and PX5s. Why is this?

IIRC, that mixer only applies to when you have the chat audio set to speakers. It'll lower the game audio when someone on the other end is talking. 
Jun 12, 2011 at 1:17 AM Post #1,475 of 48,583
Uh, what? You have an adapter that works? Just use it if you do.
Jun 12, 2011 at 2:32 AM Post #1,476 of 48,583
Mad Lust Envy (and whomever else that has extensive experience with the DT770 and DT880),
I own the Monster Turbine Pro Copper IEMs. I am a BIG fan of music. I use Logitech's 5300 5.1 computer speaker setup for my non-headphone gaming sessions, although a speaker upgrade is coming (another discussion for another day). And now, just the other day, I went out and bought a pair of Turtle Beach's P11 gaming headset, and I am REALLY disappointed. I used $60 on-ear Logitech's that I was really happy with - I picked them up one day and they literally snapped and broke. I'm not joking. Picking them up, and they broke. Just like that. Never buying Logitech again - I'm done. They don't support their keyboard/mice accessories either (sorry, mini rant).
A few months back I was obsessed about getting a pair of Beyerdynamics. I had auditioned the Audio Technica M50 and Beyer DT770 (I believe Pro 80) at Guitar Center and fell in love with the DT770's sound. I had bought some Audio Technica AD700 and hated them. I couldn't get over their purple color, and the utter lack of bass (use them as a reference for me). Comfort was good, although I had to keep my head basically within a 20 degree window of tilt. Too loose...
After reading up on Beyer's DT line though, I thought - and still think - I wanted the DT 880 32ohm model. But now, throwing gaming into the mix, and loving music more than ever this is my dilemma. Here are a couple of points that may guide you in advising me... if possible, please address every question in as much detail as possible please (and that please in sincere by the way - from one music lover/gamer to the other).   :)
1. Music quality over gaming quality.
2. I'm not really into FPS (I like RTS like Company of Heroes, and when Diablo 3 comes out, I'll probably be served divorce papers, lol)
3. I game and listen to music at night in a room sometimes accompanied by my wife when she reads. This isn't to be considered priority, just more info. She always asks me to turn my speakers down - hence the headphone search. If they're open, and leak sound then so be it - it's better than speakers jamming out.
4. I really, REALLY like my Monster Turbine Pro Copper IEMs. I think I lucked out and got a pair of IEMs that match my listening taste - I did a lot of research and it paid off in spades. If I can mimic these in a headphone for music (and gaming second) then awesome... And, I can't use them for gaming. Just can't.
5. The mic... yeah... that stingy mic. The one thing I love about gaming headsets are that they're for gaming, and they're a headset - hence the mic. So what are my options on this if I get a DT line headphone? I have a Zalman and my bro-in-law doesn't like the sound compared to my old Logitech and current TB P11. Can you recommend a better mic solution than the Zalman clip-on type?
6. I couldn't read all 99 pages of this thread (wanted to, but let's be honest here... time is of the essence, and is something I'm not rich in), but I'm very interested in, A. amping via amp and B. Mixamp for gaming and possibly combing the two. What are my best options for a desktop or portable amp and about the Mixamp - is it worth it? Is there anything better? And is it enough to "amp" with another dedicated amp (music, etc...)?
7. With all this said, it will be bought in stages over the course of probably 2 years. Headphones/mic first. Then Mixamp/amp second, etc... please take this into account for the "long run" as I don't have the time, money, patience to go through buying and auditioning. I know it's a tall order, but I'd really like to "hit it big" like I did with my Pro Copper. I would say $200 is the max on anything except the headphones in which $300 would be the max.
Now, like I mentioned earlier, I've heard the DT770. I LOVED it for the short time I heard it but I was scared by the closed design (always heard "bad things" about no soundstage and too much bass, blah, blah, blah, etc, etc, etc - you know how it is). But, overall the DT880 seemed to "fit" me better when I read descriptions. I read your descriptions of both and I would like further clarification as I assume the DT770 were bass monsters, the DT880 were in between (more Pro Copper like) and the DT990 were for treble. This isn't the case I suspect so please-oh-please clarify in depth with all the experience you have in you. I truly believe the Beyerdynamic line is where it's at for me, so if at all possible, please don't recommend something else. If you have to fine, but I'm completely in the dark. I at least know that the DT770 were the best headphones (and that I'd be satisfied with that sound forever) I have ever listened to. Now, if what I'm asking for doesn't exist... then please  recommend for me headphones for gaming and headphones for music. The music I listen that comes to mind is in the order of Coldplay, Maroon 5, Over the Rhine, Dr. Dre, Blue October, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Sara Mclaughlin, The Avett Brothers, The Beatles, "decade" music (60s, 70s, 80s, 90s) and other bands which highlight the mid and upper with detailed sharp sound. I'm not a bass head, and Dr. Dre-type music is only occasional, but I do appreciate good bass. I understand the DT770 Pro 80 are more bass-prone, so I would probably aim for the 32ohm of both the DT770 and DT880 unless you recommend the 600ohm with an amp later on - even though that amp would come a year later. These will only be listened to at home by the way - hence the Pro Copper for the road.
I really appreciate all you have done for this forum by the way. You have saved us a lot of time and frustration...
With a lot of thanks and a lot of audio love,
Jun 12, 2011 at 3:41 AM Post #1,477 of 48,583
Since you're not really into FPS gaming, go straight for the DT880. they won't let you down. They're not bass monsters by any means (the DT770 Pro 80 you demoed are bass monsters, so any other Beyer won't have as much bass. However, the DT880 is very well balanced, and isn't really lacking anything. If it weren't for their lack of supreme rear positioning for FPS, they would be my fave open gaming headphone, after the HE4 in terms of catering to practically everything you can throw at it.

The DT990 actually has MORE bass and more treble than the DT880, if you don't wanna give up too much bass having demoed the DT770 pro 80, the DT990 would be the next logical step, though the treble is up there so you have to be wary.

Actually the DT770 pro 80 has a VERY large soundstage for a closed headphone. Larger than quite a few open headphones.

1. DT880 for the most balance. DT990 for more bass and treble. I prefer both to the DT770s, though I wanted more bass than the DT880 for music, though the bass is NOT lacking.

2. Understood.

3. Though headphones leak, if she doesn't mind speakers at low volume, then headphones shouldn't pose a problem even at loud volumes, even the DT880/990.

4. Sorry, I don't know the Pro Copper's sound signature.

5. Dealextreme clip on mic. MUCH better than the Zalman, and you should feel right at home, as they are similar, expect the Dealextreme clip on actually works.

Yes they're cheap, and effective. They'll just take a month to get to you though.

6. Mixamp can drive 600ohm beyers without voice chat, and they work well for gaming purposes, though I'd get a 250ohm instead as the 600ohms tend to clip and distort at times through the Mixamp. However, the Mixamp is not suitable for music. I personally think that the Mixamp makes gaming SO much more enjoyable. I would never game without it. If you're gonna choose between a game and music amp... I dunno. I'd save up and get both, though I guess if you can live with plain stereo and not virtual surround, a music amp first.

7. If you're getting a Beyer, an AMP MUST be bought with them. They sound like piss without one. Even the 32ohms... Beyers are bright, so probably a tube amp would benefit them most, though the E9 is an affordable and powerful amp that works well with them, though treble won't be tamed.

Jun 12, 2011 at 4:29 AM Post #1,479 of 48,583
Hey MLE,
So I've had the DT990/600ohm for a while now, just decided to give em a shot with the mixamp. Very weird experience. Although they sound very similar to the 32ohm for music (but better), they are completely different in combination with the mixamp. Like an entirely different signature from the 32ohm version while gaming, although I can't say if it's for worse or better.What happened here?  The easy thing to say would be it isn't amped enough, but my T1 sounds amazing with the mixamp and very much akin to it's musical signature so that's not it. I also couldn't mix in voice chat and still maintain high game volume with the 32ohm, let alone the 600ohm 990.
Jun 12, 2011 at 6:33 AM Post #1,480 of 48,583
I dunno. I didn't use the 320hm 990, but the 32ohm 880. I had the 600ohm DT990, which played fine off the Mixamp alone if game/voice is set to game 100% (meaning no voice chat). Fine as in most of the time. It did tend to clip/distort during some bass heavy scenes, but the E9 between the Mixamp and the cans helped out with that.

Eric_C, I never used the MMX300, let alone the 32ohm DT770s, so I don't know how well they perform. Can't recommend something I haven't tried myself. I only used the DT770/600 and DT770 Pro 80...
Jun 12, 2011 at 7:04 AM Post #1,481 of 48,583
5. Dealextreme clip on mic. MUCH better than the Zalman, and you should feel right at home, as they are similar, expect the Dealextreme clip on actually works.

Yes they're cheap, and effective. They'll just take a month to get to you though.

LOL, for 2 bucks I'll order one anyway.
Jun 12, 2011 at 7:44 AM Post #1,482 of 48,583
Exactly. You're not losing out anything, and gaining something that actually works. Like the KSC75, it doesn't hurt just to buy them on impulse.

Damn, I really wanna hear the Yuin G1A and Yuin G2A.... <__<
Jun 12, 2011 at 2:33 PM Post #1,483 of 48,583


I've always wondered why this does nothing for me. Voice volume is identical 1-10 volume, it's only muted at 0. Game volume is identical from 0-10. Both with the mixamp+cans and PX5s. Why is this?

IIRC, that mixer only applies to when you have the chat audio set to speakers. It'll lower the game audio when someone on the other end is talking. 

@Alghazanth, I wish I knew why the mixer doesn't do anything for you.  But I can confirm that it does work for me.  However, calpis's explanation makes perfect sense.
@calpis, if that's true, that makes so much sense.  In the instructions for the xjacker amp, they tell you to output the chat through the speakers.  Actually they tell you to output chat through both speakers and controller for some reason.  But anyway, it does work.  One would use the Xbox 360's soft mixer to adjust the mix going to their speakers (the xjacker amp in this case), which then amps the resulting mix.
Jun 12, 2011 at 5:04 PM Post #1,485 of 48,583
MLE when using the e9 with the mixamp and the 600 ohm dt 990s, when you ran the 3.5 male from the mixamp to the line in on the e9 did you have the cable going straight into the mixamp or through the green connecter on the astro y adaptor?

Got clipping and loss of sound the other week with the cable going straight into the mixamp, mixamp audio was 50/50 on game/voice, master volume was at max volume and e9 volume was quite low so was bit shocked at the audio problems

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