Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Dec 28, 2015 at 7:14 PM Post #33,571 of 48,580
When you toggle that DH button from stereo to DH, it's like someone blew out the walls and converted the area into an open room. With SBX, toggling the surround button is like... "Oh, okay, now I get decent positional cues". It's not as impressive to me, not in the same way. I can see the benefoit of SBX, since it doesn't alter a headphone's inherent sound nowhere near as much DH, which makes it no longer sound like a headphone at all, but speakers.

I got my x7 hooked up a couple days ago and have done a lot of testing but mostly just with one game - Destiny on PS4.  Now having disclosed that part....
I get what you are saying with DH in that it sounds tremendously different once engaged.  I find that to be the major flaw of the mixamp, I despise the "box" feel of the audio.  The x7 has been a blessing with SBX at 100%.  For my simple testing I went to patrol in cosmodrome and headed to the waterfall in the gratto/loot cave area.  I closed my eyes and spun my character in a 360 to see how well I could discern where the waterfall was.  With DH, it gets incredibly hard to distinguish once behind you.  With SBX it is like having a high res radar. :)  The ability of SBX to track behind for me is vastly superior to DH.  Taking that into account and the box/cave reverb of DH being gone is amazing.
Having said all that I still much prefer DH implementation on the Xonar cards over the mixamp where the difference would probably not be so drastic.
I do agree with you about height though.  CMSS-3D was able to do it well in games written with the proper audio API -  which was damn near like cheating.  Unfortunately, those days are long gone.
Just sharing as these things can be so subjective.
Dec 28, 2015 at 7:20 PM Post #33,572 of 48,580
I had DHP for years, the problem is the loss of quality and the echo. The better your headphone the more obvious it gets. When you walk over grass in Skyrim or in the Witcher in an open landscape and you get reverb/echo it's immerion killing. I'm often in the mountains and I don't get echo when running over the field. CMSS-3D was a pain in a few games and certain headphones. 
I get the blending effect though, it's like a classic cinema of life and death, no microscopic scientific analysis. Pure Arnie vs. Predator immersion. 
We're moving towards geometry/object based audio anyway so sooner or later speaker rooms will be gone. 
Dec 28, 2015 at 10:41 PM Post #33,575 of 48,580
Yeah any headphones with integrated surround sound are pretty much always bad. My dad uses Krakens, I tried them out and I found stereo to be better for positional audio. I don't even want to get started on the sound quality!
Btw, thanks a ton Mad Lust Envy for the ebay link to the Mixamp Pro 2011, I just ordered it to replace my 2013 Mixamp. I've never needed any of the presets anyway, and if the mic quality and hissing is improved then it is definitely worth it for me.
Dec 28, 2015 at 11:54 PM Post #33,577 of 48,580
Mixamp 2011 has NO USB PS4 chat function, IIRC. You'd have to buy the Turtle Beach PS4 chat cable that goes from the DS4 to the Mixamp's controller input.

It does. I was using the one I bought from you way back when before picking up a 5.8
Dec 29, 2015 at 12:36 AM Post #33,578 of 48,580
What am I thinking of then? I'm confusing myself. My friend has a Mixamp and uses the USB function.

SMH, my bad. I'm confusing something. Now I can't remember.

edit: THE 5.8. DUH.

Disregard guys, I'm an idiot. You need the TB chat cable if you have a Mixamp 5.8 without that special usb cable that is ridiculously hard to find now.
Dec 29, 2015 at 1:27 AM Post #33,579 of 48,580
Hi, I just cant find the answer for this so I´m asking here.
I´ve got PS4 hooked to my pc monitor via HDMI->DVI so there´s no sound that way. As of now I´m using controller headphone out to pc line-in. So I can hear both, PC and PS4 on my speakers and headphones (both connected to onboard pc card). That way my controller isn´t "wireless" and sound lvl from my headphones connected via front panel on pc are kinda low. So what I need to make it better? There are some ideas:
1) PS4 optical out -> Fiio D03k Taishan -> PC line in. I guess this is more or less the same as above. If so volume lvls will be still somewhat low. But I get rid of chord connected to ps4 controller
2)PS4 optical out -> Fiio E17 -> PC line in . Its DAC/AMP so the volume should be much better. But can I use headphone out to PC line in? I guess that mean double amping? Can I do this without sound degradation? Advantage is I can use E17 for PC,notebook etc. if needed.
3) PS4 optical out -> Creative Sound Blaster Z - It should work as above + it has built in headphone amp. So I guess that should work ok. How about sound wise? Seems like drivers from creative are pretty bad and that heapdhone amp isn´t great either.

Or can i use D03k to pc line-in and then use some amp just for headphones from pc? Thing is I´m using both - headset and speakers 50:50 and I don´t want to fiddle with cables every time.

What is Your budget?
Dec 29, 2015 at 7:14 AM Post #33,581 of 48,580
Maybe something around 100-150USD?

Well, Mixamps do have a lot of inputs. See if Your motherboard has coaxial output and if it does buy a 2011 mixamp then connect it to both the pc and ps4.
Dec 29, 2015 at 7:21 AM Post #33,582 of 48,580
Hey everyone so I asked all you wonderful people a year ago about a possible setup I was doing with my ps4 and which headphones I should get. Well long story short I settled on the vmoda m-100 with boompro And was blown away at the upgrade from my old turtle beaches. Well I did a lot of researched since then and just a few minutes ago I bought on impulse a pair of Philips Fidelio x2's for about 186 and now to my question. Would it be worth it to get the uber schiit stack for gaming/listening to music or does it not even matter.
Dec 29, 2015 at 2:43 PM Post #33,583 of 48,580
Hey everyone so I asked all you wonderful people a year ago about a possible setup I was doing with my ps4 and which headphones I should get. Well long story short I settled on the vmoda m-100 with boompro And was blown away at the upgrade from my old turtle beaches. Well I did a lot of researched since then and just a few minutes ago I bought on impulse a pair of Philips Fidelio x2's for about 186 and now to my question. Would it be worth it to get the uber schiit stack for gaming/listening to music or does it not even matter.

Are you already using a Mixamp or similar for gaming surround sound? If you don't have a surround processor, I'd recommend taking care of that first to enhance your gaming fun. Then worry about amp and DAC for your music needs. Schiit stack will make a moderate improvement for music. Surround processor will make a large improvement for gaming. :)
Dec 29, 2015 at 4:21 PM Post #33,584 of 48,580
Yeah, no kidding. I'm absolutely regretting basically giving my 5.8 with all the goodies away for practically nothing to some lucky person here.

I can agree with this sentiment. I had the 5.8 once and sold it. Eventually I missed the little Mixamp and ordered another. I won't be letting this one go any time soon.
Dec 29, 2015 at 10:35 PM Post #33,585 of 48,580
Are you already using a Mixamp or similar for gaming surround sound? If you don't have a surround processor, I'd recommend taking care of that first to enhance your gaming fun. Then worry about amp and DAC for your music needs. Schiit stack will make a moderate improvement for music. Surround processor will make a large improvement for gaming. :)

Yeah I've actually delt with surround sound for gaming multiple times within my lifetime and I'm actually not a big fan of the whole virtual surround sound to me it actually doesn't sound as good as stereo but to each their own some of my friends love it some hate it I personally think its fun but not necessarily needed I pick up all the directional queues on my vmoda m-100's just fine and personally love the sound of stereo I just wanted an opinion on whether or not a dac and amp would improve the sound quality of music or gaming enough to justify buying the uber schiit stack.

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