Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Sep 2, 2013 at 2:28 AM Post #16,321 of 48,583
The HE400 is lighter in weight.

The HE-4 is even lighter and it's about as heavy as I'd like nowadays (it's actually incredibly comfortable).

I'd definitely go for the TV/monitor first, as the MA900 sounds great off the E17. The desktop amp/dac is more of a guilty pleasure that I have no real need for.

I'm trying to write in my review now. I just woke up, and I feel like finishing it up. Hopefully to send out the MA900 on Tuesday. I really don't want to now, lol, but I'll do it for you guys.

You might get spoiled by the MA900's comfort and decide to sell off everything else and be happy with just that. :wink:

Seriously. Until Sony makes a higher end version of it, I do NOT see myself buying anything else that's heavier or even just a little less than godly in comfort. The X1 is quite comfy, and yet, next to the MA900, it may as well be mediocre.
Sep 2, 2013 at 2:34 AM Post #16,322 of 48,583
Make sure I'm last on the list because like I've mentioned my hands are tied until mid month.
As for the HE500... I think subconsciously the size really is what's been putting me off, too. What would you do if you had the MDs and $300-$400. Would you keep them and get the K712 PRO or upgrade them to the Alphas. Pretend you don't have the Anniversary, ok? I think you're going to say you would just keep what you have if so 

Edit: and pretend you don't have the MA900 or X1 too

Sep 2, 2013 at 2:45 AM Post #16,323 of 48,583
Bah, the MA900 has spoiled me. I'm of the type to wanna sell off everything and get the MA900 if I were in your shoes. It's left that kind of impression on me.

But if you're going by an SQ standpoint, I'd go for the K712 Pro, sell off the MD, or just keep them for closed applications.

I don't really have a need for closed headphones, no matter how amazing they are. IF I was gonna get a closed headphone, you know it'd be the D7000, or something REALLY portable with cloth/velour pads. In fact, I kind of really wanna get the Momentum on ears.
Sep 2, 2013 at 2:47 AM Post #16,324 of 48,583
Yea those momentum on ears are nice. You check those new Onkyos I linked? Slightly V-shaped sound, also.
I sold my M500s a couple weeks back. Needed the funds...
Sep 2, 2013 at 2:48 AM Post #16,325 of 48,583
The Onkyos are on ear, closed and pleather. Insta-fail for me.

I think you're overthinking the improvement from the Annie to the K712. I have a feeling it's just not gonna be worth the money loss. But that's just me.

I still have the HP-800. No one is biting, so I may just give it away to the aunt, and ask for the SLYR back (actually have the Slyr at home atm). I feel I'll get use out of the SLYR once the PS4 comes out.
Sep 2, 2013 at 2:51 AM Post #16,326 of 48,583
The Onkyos are on ear, closed and pleather. Insta-fail for me.

I think you're overthinking the improvement from the Annie to the K712. I have a feeling it's just not gonna be worth the money loss. But that's just me.

After an extensive session with the MDs I can see the peak in the upper mids chico is talking about... and has led me to prefer my MDs overall, now. If the K712 fixes that... then I can justify the loss. But that's just me... too

It all started when I asked you which had the more forward mids... and coexisted with chico's further impressions.
Sep 2, 2013 at 2:52 AM Post #16,327 of 48,583
That upper mid peak is still there. I dunno just how different that's gonna be. That's an AKG thing.

If I ever wanted the Annie again, I would've went for it. I would prefer the more intimate mids that it has over the more pushed back presentation. Hell, that's why I still prefer the HD650 over the Annies for it's mids. The HD650 is intimate and up close...
Sep 2, 2013 at 2:55 AM Post #16,328 of 48,583
Oh, I know it will still be there. What I'm saying is if the difference is subtle enough then I'm for the improvement. Even if its ever so slight.
But you're right. To someone who has had neither and is deciding which to chose... the differences won't matter unless they are basing their preferences off another headphone they have (which is in my case).
Sep 2, 2013 at 3:00 AM Post #16,329 of 48,583
The only thing I preferred on the MD over the Annie was the bass. That's it. There's just nothing I ever found wrong on the Annie. Ever. The only thing that interests me about the K712 Pro is that the pads are deeper. That is one thing I missed about the Q701 pads vs the Annie pads. Those deep pads are probably my favorite out of all the headphones I ever worn. If the Slyr's pads had a larger diameter, they'd probably be right there too.

Of course, if you don't own either, and it comes down to Annie prices, then and only then would I feel the K712 is worth it over the Annies.
Sep 2, 2013 at 3:01 AM Post #16,330 of 48,583
If I ever wanted the Annie again, I would've went for it.

It's all good, man. I'm sure they will sell soon enough.
I'm actually curious as to how big the soundstage on the Alpha Dogs is. If it's wide enough with a sense of air and pin point accuracy then there is no need for the K712 PRO. The bass adjustment on it will also allow me to sell my equipment and get a much stronger amp that is better suited for planars.
The bass adjustment will also be a plus when gaming and watching movies. Turn in up while watching a Sci-Fi thriller and tone it down when I feel like jumping in the battlefield.
Sep 2, 2013 at 3:02 AM Post #16,331 of 48,583
I hear the bass adjustment isn't going to be something you want to constantly mess with. It's gonna be a bitch to adjust on a frequent basis due to it not being easily accessible and adjustable.

As far as soundstage... I dunno. I love the MD, but I just don't see the soundstage ever impressing me on the AD. For a closed headphone, sure, but I have my doubts that it'll touch open headphone soundstage.

That and I just love an open headphone's breathable nature.
Sep 2, 2013 at 3:06 AM Post #16,332 of 48,583
Ahh... then I will just be keeping my MDs and going for the K712 then.
As for what you said about the MD compared to the Annie... different preferences, my friend. I have no issue about the Annie except for the slight edginess in its mids. And that has only come up recently after extensively comparing the two. Overall the Annie's sound is better to me except for the slight peak as I mentioned. It was my favorite until then...
I believe the K712 will fix that, IMO... along with the dense pads issue as you mentioned. While comparing I then noticed my huge ears touch the drivers (not a big issue unless you obsess over it).
Edit: But like I've said these are issues that went unnoticed for two months. We both can agree that the Annie at my price is a better value then the K712 at its current price. I just have OCD and a different preference...

As for the closed vs open denate; I prefer to have my music closed rather than so open. I guess it's me preferring to be in a studio rather than a concert. The only time I prefer an open sound is when gaming, watching movies, and listening to classical and jazz.
Sep 2, 2013 at 3:15 AM Post #16,333 of 48,583
Yeah, I hear the AD bass adjustment is more for setting and then forgetting. People who signed up for the demo were complaining that they didn't want the bass adjustment to be touched to hear the AD in it's neutral state. I was like "Hell, I know for damn sure I'm gonna be messing with it, because I wanna hear what the AD is capable of."
Sep 2, 2013 at 3:21 AM Post #16,334 of 48,583
Yeah, I hear the AD bass adjustment is more for setting and then forgetting. People who signed up for the demo were complaining that they didn't want the bass adjustment to be touched to hear the AD in it's neutral state. I was like "Hell, I know for damn sure I'm gonna be messing with it, because I wanna hear what the AD is capable of."

I wanted no bass screw adjustments for the touring Alpha Dog because people later in the tour might not hear what the stock, factory-tuned Alpha Dog will sound like. This unit is travelling internationally too, so it wouldn't be courteous for people outside of the USA to receive an altered unit when the point of the tour is for people to hear it as if it was from the factory. I bet people who have already heard the Alpha Dog at meets didn't adjust the bass screws for that exact reason.
Sep 2, 2013 at 3:23 AM Post #16,335 of 48,583
Yeah, I hear the AD bass adjustment is more for setting and then forgetting. People who signed up for the demo were complaining that they didn't want the bass adjustment to be touched to hear the AD in it's neutral state. I was like "Hell, I know for damn sure I'm gonna be messing with it, because I wanna hear what the AD is capable of."

Well, that scratches the AD off my list, then. Not because of what it can't do, but because the bass can be adjusted I know my OCDish behind will be ruining it every other month... resulting in more money in Dan's pocket for adjusting it back to stock. No no no... they won't be getting me like that!


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