Headphones you regretted buying the most
Dec 6, 2011 at 5:01 PM Post #766 of 1,852
AKG K450. I know they have a fan club here, but I hate them. OK they have BIG bass, but bass isn't everything, the other frequencies?..dull, dull, boxy mids and dull.
Dec 8, 2011 at 10:10 PM Post #769 of 1,852

Sen HD-600. It makes my other cans sound so awful. The worst part is that I could not wear it in office. That makes my life miserable. 

Umm, which cans?
Dec 9, 2011 at 8:12 AM Post #770 of 1,852
Vmoda vibes because it left me wanting more. If I didn't buy those, I wouldn't have got into head-fi and bought all the other phones/iems I currently have.

Same story here. I have TWO Vibes still lying around for everyday use.
Dec 9, 2011 at 3:24 PM Post #771 of 1,852
I've owned: 
Lots of cheapie Walmart headphones/iBuds: No comments necessary. Total ****.
Sennheiser HD202: I thought these were amazing at the time I had them, which was before I had started any foray into high(er) end audio. Thinking back at them, I now realize I only thought they were good because they had bass. I realize now that the bass was really flabby sounding and not at all detailed. I loved them, and probably put several thousand hours of listening time on them.
Bose Triports: I instantly thought 'These are the best headphones in the world' when I heard them for the first time because they had the same bass as the HD202s, but combined with "highs" (which I now realize aren't good). They are built like soggy crepe paper and even LOOKING at them will break them. They broke and I was sick of gluing them back together (Bose wouldn't replace them for me. Too far out of warranty), so then I discovered Head-Fi.org: 
Sennheiser HD595: I bought these expecting them to be this lush soundscape with massive details, warm, inviting lows, and smooth, detailed highs, with everything in between. I excitedly opened the package, plugged them in and fired up a David Gilmour track (On An Island) in FLAC and ...was underwhelmed. A lot. I let them burn in for hours and hours and only noticed slight improvement. Due to some financial concerns, I ended up keeping them and not buying another pair of cans. Not going to lie, I love them now. I don't know if it is because I've gotten used to the sound or what, but they always sound good to me now. They definitely don't have punchy bass, but it isn't hard to get used to it. I don't regret the purchase of these now, even though I did when I first bought them.
Klipsch S4i: My first pair of in-ears. Deep, uncontrolled bass. Piercing highs. I'd rate these highly in the 'Headphones for fun' category. Definitely not accurate. Still, I loved them. I have them still, but they got sent through the washer :frowning2: Serves me right for leaving them in my pants pocket. 
Sony MDR-V6: Seems to be one of the most polarizing cans on the forums. You either love them or you hate them with an unholy passion. Honestly, I fall into the former category. These are great cans for heavier music. They isolate decently, so also good if you are using them at work or around sleeping wives/children. Because these are studio monitors, they are built like a tank. They can easily be thrown around and won't be damaged.
As you can see, I don't really regret any purchases of headphones. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. The journey will continue soon as I will be buying a LDMKIV SE and DT880/600 in the next month or two. 
Dec 9, 2011 at 5:26 PM Post #772 of 1,852
Sony MDR V150....they produce sound, I'll give them that much.  Other than that, there isn't much good to say. 
Panasonic RP-HTF600-S...awful for music unless all you want is boomy bass.  Put them on my second computer so my 11yr old nephew can use them for games.  Even he complains about how sweaty he gets wearing them. 
Dec 9, 2011 at 6:37 PM Post #773 of 1,852
Buying Sennheiser CX300's the second time. I wasn't at any point satisfied with their sound while I had them, maybe it had to do with the whole refresh they went through, I remember them sounding better the first time around.
Dec 9, 2011 at 6:40 PM Post #774 of 1,852
Some Logitech stuff back in the day. I started out with computers long before I found out about audiophile equipment, so there was a phase where I thought Creative + Logitech = quality.
Don't flog me, please.
Dec 9, 2011 at 7:09 PM Post #775 of 1,852
Ultrasone pro 2900.. Suffers from pronounced sibiliance, and as soon as you start to give them a bit of volume the bass just dissapears all together and you're left with mids and highs that are distorted and screaming in your ear. They sound terrible. Out of the ones I've bought so far (sony xb700, xb1000, audio technica m50, beyerdynamic dt770 80hm) the ultrasone pro 2900's are the biggest turds I've had the missfortune to listen to.And I've tried them on both "regular" stereo amps, and the schiit asgard. Sounds terrible no matter what.
Dec 9, 2011 at 7:40 PM Post #776 of 1,852
How many hours have you put on them, they can change a lot from the first listening impressions. It does not mean that they will be better at the end of the burn in ( as with my ultrasone pro 550).
Dec 9, 2011 at 7:50 PM Post #777 of 1,852
I've left them playing for about 15-20 hours now, hoping they would loosen up and sound much better (like the DT770 and M50 did after a while) but so far no luck. Which is a shame because I got carried away and ordered some moon audio black dragon cables for them aswell (that hasn't arrived yet). I'll give them another 10-20 hours before I give up on them compleatly.
Dec 9, 2011 at 8:09 PM Post #778 of 1,852
Bose. Stay away from Bose. Both me and my girlfriend got Bose, different models, and BOTH broke. The wire, just before the jack, lost proper contact, and there go 300 Euros. Models were AE2 for me and an even more expensive one for her. I forgot the exact number, but they were on-ear and had really good bass.
Dec 9, 2011 at 8:18 PM Post #779 of 1,852

I've left them playing for about 15-20 hours now, hoping they would loosen up and sound much better (like the DT770 and M50 did after a while) but so far no luck. Which is a shame because I got carried away and ordered some moon audio black dragon cables for them aswell (that hasn't arrived yet). I'll give them another 10-20 hours before I give up on them compleatly.

Aren't Ultrasones generally said to take around 200 hours to fully burn in?

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