Ultrasone or Grado
I have narrowed down my search for new headphones to some Ultrasones and Grados. I have a $200 budget and I know that some of these go over but I have been able to find them for cheaper prices. These are the headphones I am thinking about: Ultrasone Pro 2500 and HFI-780 or 580. I also am...- llamatimelord
- Thread
- ultrasone-pro-2500 grado-sr80i-headphones ultrasone-hfi-780 ultrasone-hfi-580
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Advice on Buying Used Ultrasone Pro 2500
Hi All, I am new to Head-Fi. I am looking at buying a used Ultrasone Pro 2500. After browsing around I come to understand that the product is no longer being manufactured(?) I have been using In-Ear so far and this will be my pair of cans. So from the forums here I shortlisted the...- sorroundsound
- Thread
- ultrasone-pro-2900 ultrasone-pro-2500 ultrasone-dj-pro ultrasone-pro-550
- Replies: 6
- Forum: Introductions, Help and Recommendations
Help me: Ultrasone Pro 2900 OR Stick with HFI 580 & Get AMP-DAC
Here is my first post guys... I'm now really indecisive as I own HFI 580. It works well for me except that I had a try of Pro 2900 last week and it sticks in my mind! However, Pro 2900's price is quite too expensive for me, plus I'll use it only for movie. I'd like to ask if DAC could...- nananan
- Thread
- ultrasone-pro-2900 ultrasone-pro-2500 ultrasone-hfi-580
- Replies: 6
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Need amp for Ultrasone Pro 2500
Hey guys, Just recently purchased a set of Ultrasone 2500 Pros from this site. Although I'm not to keen on their open design, almost want to trade them in and save for 900 Pros. I also have a Headroom Airhead amp that I've been using to power it but to tell you the truth it doesn't...- narcispy
- Thread
- ultrasone-pro-2500
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Ultrasone Pro 2500 vs. Pro 2900
The beginning of this thread was transferred from a post originally put up on the Pro 2900 Appreciation thread. Just out of the box: The UPS man delivered the PRO 2900 moments ago, and I just gave them a quick listen: stock headphone cord, my old, RAM-modded Samsung DVD-HD841, Virtue...- pataburd
- Thread
- ultrasone-pro-2500
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
If I was to change my DT-990 Premiums for something else...*updated*
Edit: The question is not relevant anymore, I just replied with an update to the situation. This is more like a "what if..." scenario at the moment, I'm not seriously considering it at least yet. But yea, I got my pair of Beyerdynamic DT-990 Premium headphones, and while they do sound...- spittis
- Thread
- hifiman-he-400 ultrasone-pro-2900 ultrasone-hfi-2400 ultrasone-pro-2500 sennheiser-hd-600 beyer-dynamic-dt-990-premium-600-ohm-headphones sennheiser-hd-650-headphones
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Headphones with soundstage of ad700 but also bass?
Do such headphones exist? I'm a pc gamer but also listen to techno, jazz, classical. Looking for something that has the nice soundstage for games but also has great bass. I just picked up the superlux 668b and so far really liking them. Haven't tested in gaming yet but music is a big step up...- smodtactical
- Thread
- hifiman-he-400 beyerdynamic-dt-990-pro-headphones ultrasone-pro-2900 superlux-hd-668-b beyerdynamic-dt-880-pro-250-ohm-semi-open-reference-headphone ultrasone-hfi-2400 ultrasone-pro-2500 hifiman-he-300 audio-technica-ath-ad700
- Replies: 20
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Great sounding headphones under 350
Hey I'm looking for a pair of headphones that are good for gaming, listening to dubstep, and watching tv shows. I don't need them to be portable or wireless. So can anyone help me in the right direction?- noremac258
- Thread
- akg-k167-tiesto-closed-back-dj-studio-headphones audio-technica-ath-a900x-art-monitor-headphones-japan-import beyerdynamic-dt-770-pro-80-closed-studio-headphones headphones hifiman-he-300 hifiman-he-400 sennheiser-hd-558 ultrasone-hfi-2400 ultrasone-pro-2500 ultrasone-pro-750
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Looking for Headphones with good bass impact without hurting the treble and mids.
I'm looking to get a new pair of headphones on a budget of 300 dollars. I listen to a lot of dubstep and really any other music with a strong bass line, but at the same time I listen to a lot of classical music and classic rock. So I don't want a headphone with over powering bass. I'm...- CurtCorps
- Thread
- hifiman-he-400 akg-k167-tiesto-closed-back-dj-studio-headphones beyerdynamic-dt-770-pro-80-closed-studio-headphones akg-k267 ultrasone-hfi-2400 audio-technica-ath-a900x-art-monitor-headphones-japan-import ultrasone-pro-2500 sennheiser-hd-595-headphones beyer-dynamic-dt-990-premium-600-ohm-headphones beyer-dynamic-dt-880-premium-600-ohm-headphones ultrasone-pro-750
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
In Search for Alternative for Beyerdynamic T70--> Lack of Bass
Hi all, I have the Beyerdynamic T70 in loan use now. I completely unlike the sound it produces on my set! (DIY TPA BIII, IVYIII with Ventus EZ headphone amps) It is quite detailed but for the rest the sound is penetrating my head on a manner that it hurts my tooth and the sound is...- jordi81
- Thread
- hifiman-he-400 denon-ah-d600 ultrasone-pro-2900 beyerdynamic-t-70-over-ear-headphone-black-grey ultrasone-hfi-2400 ultrasone-pro-2500 audio-technica-ath-a900x-art-monitor-headphones-japan-import denon-ah-d5000-reference-headphones denon-ahd2000-high-performance-over-ear-headphones ultrasone-pro-750 akg-k-550
- Replies: 7
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Best open headphones under $300
Hey. I have a pair of m50s with an e10 amp recommended by a friend. I'm in the market for a new pair. Hopefully an upgrade from m50s and people suggested to check out head fi. I'm looking for an open pair of headphones great for movies and games. And also if possible I prefer if it has very...- Dont say beats
- Thread
- audio-technica-ath-a900x-art-monitor-headphones-japan-import audio-technica-ath-m50-studio-monitor-headphones beyerdynamic-dt-880-pro-250-ohm-semi-open-reference-headphone beyerdynamic-dt990-250-ohm fiio-e10 headphones hifiman-he-300 hifiman-he-400 sennheiser-hd-600 ultrasone-hfi-2400 ultrasone-pro-2500
- Replies: 15
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
So gaming isnt as enjoyable with closed headphones vs open?
I understand that with closed you get really good bass! which is great in games like call of duty etc when someone throw a grenade right at you! and you feel the explosion!. With open headphones I hear people mention about better soundstage, so I am guessing this makes the environments you...- jamieuk147
- Thread
- beyerdynamic-dt990-250-ohm ultrasone-pro-2900 beyerdynamic-dt-770-pro-80-closed-studio-headphones ultrasone-hfi-2400 beyerdynamic-dt-880-pro-250-ohm-semi-open-reference-headphone sony-mdr-ma900-over-the-head-style-headphones akg-q701-premium-class-reference-headphones-quincy-jones-signature-line soundmagic-hp200 ultrasone-pro-2500 asus-xonar-essence-stx sennheiser-pc-360-headset-for-pro-gaming sr850-professional-studio-reference-headphones gaming-headsets soundmagic-hp100-premium-over-the-ear-folding-headphone
- Replies: 9
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Best addition under $150 (Phones? DAC? Amp?)
Hi, I listen to Spotify ALL day at work. Current setup - Grado SR60i, Fiio E11 Amp. Have about 150 to spend and want to improve my listening experience as best as I can - new headphones (Love Grado), DAC (Tried NuForce and was sorely disappointed), Upgrade to E17? Would love to hear your...- rsbaran
- Thread
- fiio-e11 grado-sr60i-headphones jds-labs-odac ultrasone-pro-2500 fiio-e17
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Computer Audio
Rock, Gaming and TV Steams - Asus Xonar STX - Which Headphones?
I was hoping for some help in choosing some headphones for a gift. Budget is $100-200 and as it says in the title the user has an Essence STX and listens mainly to Rock with some gaming and TV streaming too. Any suggestions appreciated.- Krobar
- Thread
- beyerdynamic-dt990-250-ohm mrspeakers-mad-dog-t50rp-mod beyerdynamic-dt-880-pro-250-ohm-semi-open-reference-headphone ultrasone-hfi-2400 sennheiser-hd-598 beyerdynamic-dt-770-pro-closed-studio-headphones-250-ohms akg-q701-premium-class-reference-headphones-quincy-jones-signature-line hifiman-he-300 ultrasone-pro-2500 audio-technica-ath-a900x-art-monitor-headphones-japan-import asus-xonar-essence-stx ultrasone-pro-750 denon-ahd2000-high-performance-over-ear-headphones
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Summit-Fi headphones?
Aside from Stax, HD800, T1, & Audeze LCDx what else are on the market if you own those already?- HiFiGuy528
- Thread
- akg-k1000 audeze-lcd2-rev-2-planar-magnetic-headphones audio-technica-l3000 beyerdynamic-tesla-t1 fostex-th-900 grado-gs1000 grado-ps1000-headphones headphones hifiman-he-6-planar-headphone jvc-ha-dx1000 jvc-hp-dx700 koss-esp-950-electrostatic-stereophone mrspeakers-mad-dog-t50rp-mod sennheiser-hd-700-headphone sennheiser-hd-800-headphones sony-mdr-cd3000 sony-mdr-r10 sony-mdr-sa5000-dj-stereo-headphones stax-sr-009-electrostatic-headphones taket-h2 ultrasone-pro-2500 ultrasone-pro-2900
- Replies: 17
- Forum: High-end Audio Forum
Best open back cans for electronic music and others for around £250 mark?
Right semi-lurker here. In the past I've posted questions when I've needed help/advice and I've found members here to be really helpful. I've made the mistake of venturing onto the forum a bit too much over the last few weeks and now I will be paying the price as I have decided I need...- Dizzle77
- Thread
- atrio-future-sonics audio-technica-ath-m50-studio-monitor-headphones beyer-dynamic-dt-990-premium-600-ohm-headphones beyerdynamic-dt-990-pro-headphones denon-ahd2000-high-performance-over-ear-headphones headphones philips-fidelio-x1 sennheiser-hd-650-headphones ultrasone-hfi-2400 ultrasone-pro-2500
- Replies: 18
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
First time buying new headphones. HELP PLEASE :)
Hello! This is my first post ever on this forum. I'm only 19 years old so I wouldn't consider myself old enough to be an audiophile, but I do have an affinity for good quality music. I have a decent Onkyo/Focal stereo setup back at home but I'm back in college now, and it's not practical for...- xspiritdannyx
- Thread
- akg-q701-premium-class-reference-headphones-quincy-jones-signature-line audio-technica-ath-ad900 beyerdynamic-dt-880-pro-250-ohm-semi-open-reference-headphone beyerdynamic-dt990-250-ohm fiio-e10 fischer-audio-fa-002 headphones hifiman-he-300 sennheiser-hd-558 sennheiser-hd-598 sennheiser-hd-600 ultrasone-hfi-2400 ultrasone-pro-2500
- Replies: 25
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Serious Problem with My Ultrasone DJ1s
I got a pair of DJ1s a little over a month ago from amazon.com and they were great for about 2 weeks. My friends and I all loved them they were very bassy and had excellent sound, but recently there has been a rather serious problem with them. They have lost like in my estimation maybe 60 to 70...- Rinx7
- Thread
- ultrasone-dj1-pro ultrasone-pro-2500 ultrasone-dj1
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Headphones for about $200
I have been looking at headphones for a while and I cant decide what to get. I want some portable cans that are good for pop and rap. As from the title you know that it has to be about $200 with a comfortable fit for long peroids of time. They will be used for listining calmly and on the bus...- sherby42
- Thread
- aiaiai-tma-1 audio-technica-ath-m50-studio-monitor-headphones fischer-audio-fa-004 headphones sennheiser-hd-25-1-ii-professional-headphone ultrasone-pro-2500 ultrasone-pro-750 v-moda-lp2
- Replies: 9
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Koss dj100 vs HD598 vs HD650 for Odac/O2 combo?
i got three three headphones: dj100 with m50 pad, hd598 and hd 650. using odac with build in o2 amp. listening to mainly k-pop. j-pop. c-pop. ballad. female voice. the thing is i cant decide which one to keep. cant aford to have all. Going to sell 2 and keep 1. i like hd650 and hd598 more...- oopeteroo
- Thread
- koss-prodj100 hifiman-he-400 jds-labs-odac jds-labs-assembled-objective2-headphone-amplifier audio-technica-ath-a900x-art-monitor-headphones-japan-import ultrasone-pro-2500 sennheiser-hd-598 hifiman-he-500 jds-labs-o2-odac hifiman-he-300 sennheiser-hd-650-headphones akg-k-550
- Replies: 14
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Which of these headphones are best
Well i have literally been doing anything possible to find the correct headphone because im really nervous about spending my money and then not liking the headphone so i was wondering i have these options (i listen to dubstep, rock, pop, hip hop, alternative, reggae, R&B, classical almost all...- milk
- Thread
- audio-technica-ath-m50-studio-monitor-headphones audio-technica-ath-pro700-mk2 beyerdynamic-dt-770-pro-80-closed-studio-headphones beyerdynamic-dt-990-pro-headphones bose-quietcomfort-15-acoustic-noise-cancelling-headphones denon-ahd2000-high-performance-over-ear-headphones fiio-e7-usb-dac-and-portable-headphone-amplifier headphones sennheiser-hd-580 sennheiser-hd-598 ultrasone-hfi-780 ultrasone-pro-2500 ultrasone-pro-550
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Need upgrade advice!
Hello guys. I'm looking to upgrade from my first set of audiophile cans (Grado SR60i) and I'm not sure what to get. I like the sound of the Grados, but I don't have much to compare them to. While I want good accurate sound, I wouldn't mind if my new pair had a little more low-end punch than the...- jeskinner
- Thread
- audio-technica-ath-ad900 beyerdynamic-dt-880-pro-250-ohm-semi-open-reference-headphone beyerdynamic-dt-990-pro-headphones goldring-dr150-high-fidelity-stereo-headphones grado-sr60i-headphones headphones hifiman-he-300 over-ear sennheiser-hd-518 sennheiser-hd-555-headphones sennheiser-hd-558 sennheiser-hd-595-headphones sennheiser-hd-598 ultrasone-pro-2500
- Replies: 6
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Ultrasone Pro 2500 vs. Pro 2900
The beginning of this thread was transferred from a post originally put up on the Pro 2900 Appreciation thread. Just out of the box: The UPS man delivered the PRO 2900 moments ago, and I just gave them a quick listen: stock headphone cord, my old, RAM-modded Samsung DVD-HD841, Virtue...- pataburd
- Thread
- headphones over-ear ultrasone-pro-2500
- Replies: 59
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
buying an ath a700- the bad the good and the ugly please....
hello head-fi, got tired of my hd201 and felt a need to upgrade my cans, i searched for a decent product for under 200$ and i stumbled on the ATH AD700. iv'e been hearing that they have amazing soundstage for the price and that almost bought me but my heart belongs to alt-rock and bassy...- MotherShip
- Thread
- audio-technica-ath-a700-headphones audio-technica-ath-ad700 audio-technica-ath-ad900 fischer-audio-fa-002 headphones over-ear sennheiser-hd-201-headphones ultrasone-pro-2500
- Replies: 7
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Ultrasone HFI-780/580, PRO2500 vs. PRO 900?
I auditioned the PRO900 over the summer and I thought " OH GOD. THIS IS WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR." THAT BASS SLAM. THAT IMPACT. THAT " OH GOD I THINK I JUST WENT DEAF FROM ALL THIS BASS!" Yes, my reaction deserved capslock. That's how mind blowing it was. While I was there, I also tried...- 2enty3
- Thread
- headphones over-ear ultrasone-hfi-580 ultrasone-hfi-780 ultrasone-pro-2500 ultrasone-pro-900
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)