++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum
Mar 15, 2013 at 7:23 PM Post #26,086 of 29,490
Thanks for the reply.  One thing I forgot to mention is that I listen to a decent amount of music with female vocals (from jpop and the like) so would they handle that well?  Also, what would be a decent amp for them; would something like the Schitt Magni work?  I've heard they're rather hard to drive, and I'm not too familiar with amps other than the <$100 portable market.
Additionally, I was thinking about possibly getting a pair of T50RPs then applying BmWr75's Simple Mods to them since it'd leave me with a fair amount of money to spend on an amp.  Is that a decent idea or would I be better off just spending the extra money on something like the K702s and an amp anyway?  Or even Mad Dogs?

When properly powered, the K702 will do female vocals very nicely. Yes, you absolutely need an amp to power the K702 properly. The Schiit Magni works great. I power mine with the FiiO E09K. Another one that's always talked about with those two is the O2 as well. I've tried the FiiO E07K on it and that works just fine too.
Have no experience with the T50RP, so I can't give you any feedback there.
Mar 15, 2013 at 7:26 PM Post #26,087 of 29,490
I like bass and have a deal set up to get a pair for whole sale, but no clue how much they will be right now. I like bass and currently he is checking prices for me fo the Sennheiser momentum, hd598, Audio Technica ath-a900x, and Beyerdynamics dt770 80ohms. Anything alse to look at? Thinking under 400 retail, not planning on over 200 for me
Mar 15, 2013 at 7:31 PM Post #26,088 of 29,490
I like bass and have a deal set up to get a pair for whole sale, but no clue how much they will be right now. I like bass and currently he is checking prices for me fo the Sennheiser momentum, hd598, Audio Technica ath-a900x, and Beyerdynamics dt770 80ohms. Anything alse to look at? Thinking under 400 retail, not planning on over 200 for me

Mar 15, 2013 at 7:39 PM Post #26,089 of 29,490
I like bass and have a deal set up to get a pair for whole sale, but no clue how much they will be right now. I like bass and currently he is checking prices for me fo the Sennheiser momentum, hd598, Audio Technica ath-a900x, and Beyerdynamics dt770 80ohms. Anything alse to look at? Thinking under 400 retail, not planning on over 200 for me

Mar 15, 2013 at 8:02 PM Post #26,091 of 29,490
Yeah. I know them. Just picked up a pair for myself. Haven't followed the most recent iterations of your thread but they seem nothing like what you were first after. Or is this a second pair?
Mar 15, 2013 at 8:42 PM Post #26,092 of 29,490
Hmm. Ok. So you're looking for positional accuracy. Are you using these for competitive gaming or was the CS example just used for reference? Let's summarize: 
Budget is $400. Closed cans for isolation. Want to focus on details and positional audio. Everything is coming out of a Xonar STX.

  • Where/how do you plan on using these can?
  • What kind of music do you listen to and what's the format/bit rate?
  • Will you be running an amp?
  • Do you know what kind of signature you're trying to find?

Yep, sounds about right.
Where do you plan on using these can?
At home, but the computer is rather noise while I play game due to having fans on high speed, and I absolutely hate that background noise so therefor open cans really aren't an option while gaming.

How do you plan on using these can?
Casual listening to music and watching movies, should be suitable for competitive gaming.

What kind of music do you listen to and what's the format/bit rate?
Flac, 16bit. Music tend to change between EDM, Rock, Classical and pop.

Will you be running an amp?
Xonar stx

Do you know what kind of signature you're trying to find?

Budget up to 400$

So what closed cans could work? How much better would a pair of AD900x, or comparable open can, be for gaming compared to suggested headphone? Would I be better of simply trying to reduce the noise from the computer in some way? I'm grateful for any help :).
Mar 15, 2013 at 8:48 PM Post #26,093 of 29,490
I like bass and have a deal set up to get a pair for whole sale, but no clue how much they will be right now. I like bass and currently he is checking prices for me fo the Sennheiser momentum, hd598, Audio Technica ath-a900x, and Beyerdynamics dt770 80ohms. Anything alse to look at? Thinking under 400 retail, not planning on over 200 for me

You can't just like bass. You've gotta give us something else because all of those are pretty capable, except the HD598 at bass. Genres, portable, home use? Something.
Mar 15, 2013 at 8:51 PM Post #26,094 of 29,490
If you do "just like Bass" here's a list from the Basshead thread. These are thought to have the highest ratio of Amplitude and Quality. These are "Basshead" cans. The HE400s are very nice sounding general use 'phones with extended Bass, but also pretty nice vocals. Those are under $400.00. 
Top 5 Currently Available Basshead 'phones (not in any particular order) :
1. M-Audio Q40
2. Ultrasone Pro 900/Signature Pro DJ 
3. Vmoda M-100
4. Sony XB 500/700
5. Nuforce HP800

Mar 15, 2013 at 8:59 PM Post #26,095 of 29,490
So I've been running my new HD439s unamped for the last few days. I'm really liking them, but even after 40+ hours of burn in I feel like the bass could be a little more powerful. Would an amp help? I'm going to try to build a little cMoy here soon, mostly just for the learning experience, but depending on how much it will actually help I may use better or worse parts. (more expensive, obviously)
Thanks again my fellow Head-fi'ers.
Mar 15, 2013 at 9:46 PM Post #26,096 of 29,490
You can't just like bass. You've gotta give us something else because all of those are pretty capable, except the HD598 at bass. Genres, portable, home use? Something.

Use will be mainly rock, little metal too. Portability is a plus but i can figure something out, but they can't be open (depending on the price i still want to try the 598's and if i dont like them i can still sell them and make a few bucks). I like bass, but i like my hd428's which IIRC is fairly neutral.

Will be used with iPad
Mar 15, 2013 at 10:51 PM Post #26,097 of 29,490
They just aren't comparable. One is a closed-back can, has a colored low frequency, is highly efficient, is built to be paired on a portable setup, sounds decent unamped, and is not meant to be taken very seriously. The other is an open-back can, is way more close to neutral than anything listed since your original post, absolutely needs decent amping to sound good, and produces a signature an audiophile would greatly favor. I use them both extensively and I use them for much different reasons.
You need to provide more detail as to what you are looking for.
  1. What's your budget?
  2. Where/how do you plan on using these can?
  3. What kind of music do you listen to and what's the format/bit rate?
  4. What source device will it be coming from and what amp, if any, will you be using?
  5. Do you know what kind of signature you're trying to find?

From what I've read (Cnet, Expert Review, Head Fi MDR-1R vs. Momentum and a few other user reviews) the Sony's are pretty neutral compared to the ones they were compared to.  
This thread is the first place I have read MDR-1R vs Q701 comparisons.  Thanks to everyone for the MDR-1R vs. Q701 comparisons.
-Budget: 600$ (after tax)...for example I read Cnet's review of the Beyerdynamic T90's which are 530$ in Canada, I was set on them until I read Zombie X's DT990 vs T90 comparion.  Most headphones are either not available from retailers with a good return policy (no restocking fee), are a rip off in Canada and I won't buy ones with <2 year warranties.
-Where? Inside only
-Music Format/bit rate: Itunes 256 dl to Apple Lossless & or FLAC, currently most of my music is apple lossless
-Genre's: light rock to heavy metal (faves: Matthew Good, Alexisonfire, Appocalyptica, Faunts, Blind Guardian, Cold Play, Arcturus, Swallow the Sun, Neverending White Lights, Tristania, Katonia, 30S2M,), electronic/dance/trance (A State of Trance), classical (Halo, GOW Assassins Creed OST's (Jeremy Soule, Stephen Rippy, Steve Jablonsky, Martin O Donnel), movie OST's (Inception, Judge Dredd)
-Source: PC with Denon 1713, usually I use my Sansa Clip Zip+Image S4i's (don't plan to use my next pair with the Sansa, but most of my music listening is done on the go currently).  
-Sound Signature: Accurate sound stage, neutral w/o light bass...ideally I would like Denon D2000's with less recessed highs+mids, less sibilance, less bass (not to much) and a better sound stage.  The ear cup screw broke on my Denon D2000's recently so I have been using my Astro A40's and I tried a pair of Sennheiser PC 360+555's and liked the open sound, but disliked the lack of bass.
Maybe from now on every one should fill out the above categories.
Mar 15, 2013 at 11:36 PM Post #26,098 of 29,490
Alright, I'm in the market for a set of cans more suitable to my use. 
Currently have AT Pro700mkII's with m50 pads
What I like about them: Great sound with laptop, huge drivers, very minimal leakage, portable, da BASS
What I don't like: Get uncomfortable fast, sounds like crap with iPhone, seem kinda bulky
Looking for:
Same price range
not a hardwired cable
good quality with iPhone/ipod
comfortable for hours on end
maybe a little smaller
good lows
no/minimal leakage
Most of my headphone use is to and from class everyday and when doing schoolwork. I started with "Studio" Beats by Dre and I honestly liked them better (for use with iphone) because of the amped bass. I listen to 90% rock, electronic, drum n bass, and hip hop
Thanks to all in advance
Mar 16, 2013 at 12:02 AM Post #26,099 of 29,490
There's the usual suspects for this. UE 6000, MDR-1R, Momentum. I'd leave the M100 out because that's definitely a basshead can where as the others listed have a generally good response through all of the frequencies. I suspect you'll like the UE 6000 or MDR-1R. If you don't mind true on-ear cans, check out the M80 as well.

Do you have any recommendations for cans that don't require batteries but still meet the above?

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