Earbuds Round-Up
Oct 16, 2016 at 1:34 PM Post #12,031 of 75,869
Toneking TY2 - this was quite shocking when I first tried it. Bright, trebly and bass light sound, flat but the whole frequency spectrum is strongly shifted towards treble side. Delicate and soft drawing that makes TY2 very detailed and selective. Very good dynamics. By far different presentation from mainstream earbuds like Monk. In fact when I use TY2, every time I still need at least one minute to adjust my brain to its sound. I like it with multiinstrument / multilayer recordings (rock, symphony), I don't like it that much with smaller ensemble recordings (jazz) with instrumental solos or any electronica based genres. Ear fit is square-like (think of Tomahawk) and can be a problem for some.

Both TP16 and TY2 offer what I think is already Toneking signature / house sound which is strong and good quality treble extension. It looks as Toneking is consistent until now when developing its product range and tries to follow typical audio price/sound/product level ratio scenario which is:

(mass, cheaper product / warmer and fun sound) TP16 > Tomahawk > Ting > TY2 (pricier / brighter and analytical  sound)

Both TP16 and TY2 have the same cable and the same case.

Thanks for impressions, sounds like I might like TKY2 whenever it finally gets here... was a little bit worried with all the love for the 650's right after I bought it... but, after all I do have some unreformed treblehead tendencies.
Oct 16, 2016 at 1:38 PM Post #12,032 of 75,869
Oct 16, 2016 at 2:00 PM Post #12,033 of 75,869
  Toneking TP16 - more or less similar to Monk Plus sound. With stock foams it sounds darker than MP, actually to muffled and dark. It definitely benefits from swapping stock foams into MP foams (or even can be used foamless). When comparing both TP16 and MP both with MP foams on, TP16 sounds brighter and cleaner, has better both bass and treble extensions, better resolution. These are not huge differences but I would say TY2 is one level up from MP.
Toneking TY2 - this was quite shocking when I first tried it. Bright, trebly and bass light sound, flat but the whole frequency spectrum is strongly shifted towards treble side. Delicate and soft drawing that makes TY2 very detailed and selective. Very good dynamics. By far different presentation from mainstream earbuds like Monk. In fact when I use TY2, every time I still need at least one minute to adjust my brain to its sound. I like it with multiinstrument / multilayer recordings (rock, symphony), I don't like it that much with smaller ensemble recordings (jazz) with instrumental solos or any electronica based genres. Ear fit is square-like (think of Tomahawk) and can be a problem for some.
Both TP16 and TY2 offer what I think is already Toneking signature / house sound which is strong and good quality treble extension. It looks as Toneking is consistent until now when developing its product range and tries to follow typical audio price/sound/product level ratio scenario which is:
(mass, cheaper product / warmer and fun sound) TP16 > Tomahawk > Ting > TY2 (pricier / brighter and analytical  sound)
Both TP16 and TY2 have the same cable and the same case.

Would you agree that TP16 is a step up from monk+?
It is given a slightly better cable and SQ is overall better, but not a leap.  Sound signature is really close, but more balanced and neutral.
Oct 16, 2016 at 3:24 PM Post #12,035 of 75,869
Crap.......guys I need help......especially for those who have owned the Mojito, does this affect you?

No matter what earbuds I try now (those with similar sound characteristics as Mojito) save for SeaHF320 Ohm V1, I keep going back to the Mojito......I try to forget it whilst listening to other earbuds, but I just can't.......well perhaps until Penon decides to send me back my Cygnus at least..... 

This is literally why i sold my mojito. It was like when i had a set of electrostatics and before i knew it i couldn't enjoy anything dynamic driver based. Even my home stereo with 550 watts of monoblocks couldn't do it for me... But yeah i remember that with the mojito too. To a slightly less extreme degree.
Oct 16, 2016 at 3:45 PM Post #12,036 of 75,869
I think K's 500ohm is closer to Asura 2 in sound signature while BK is closer to Cygnus. Like Asura 2, K's 500ohm is more on the smoother side, but with a deeper bass and a more immersive soundstage, On the other hand BK improves on Cygnus most noticeably on body and texture, especially in bass and lower mid, while still retains some of the upper vocal aggressiveness. As far as sound signature goes, Masya is actually a good mix of the two above. It too has a fairly immersive soundstage like K's 500ohm, but with a brighter upper vocal and treble that is closer to BK. Purely on sound signature, I probably like Masya the most - while it doesn't do some aspects better than BK or K's 500ohm, it is more balanced.

Thanks a lot!! So it's either Masya or K's 500 for me. I tend to the latter, because I loved Asura 2.
but one last thing: What about the fit? Is Masya more comfortable?
Oct 16, 2016 at 9:33 PM Post #12,038 of 75,869
Prolly too early to give final impression but as of now I have around 40 - 50 hour of burn in. And the most change I can hear is around first 10 -15 hour. (or maybe my ear just adjusting,)

I use VE foam. This gives the best fit and also lift a bit of the warmness. Donut and full foam raise the warmth too much. Source; iPhone 5 with O2 amp 3.3x to gain. . Mp3 flac aac & Spotify.

I also have ty hi-z 32 ohm and they share similar signature but of course 320ohm is more refined. But my the biggest complain from ty 32 also inherited; peak around 4-5.7k which to some (or song) might be too hot. 320 however handles this a b little bit better because of the better control and resolution. I hope they will subdue with more burn.

If I were to put ty 320ohm in simple words, they're FULL, WARM, RICH, OPEN and DYNAMIC..

simple comparison

Ty 32 ohm. Similar tune but more congested. Smaller stage. not much richness in texture and warmth in lower range. bass not as big as 320. It's like a simpler and rougher version of 320.

Tomahawk. more immersive than 320. More intense although not as dynamic.. More forward. Very effortless and open sound. Slight Grainy treble and less warm in the lower range. Bass are rolled off rather early but impact is better. Share the same brightness signature with 320. Fit issue.

Rx-1. Sweeter, cleaner and more fluid mids. Highs not as extended as 320. Less intense but more balance from mids to highs. missing kick bass but have good sub bass presence. Stage is quite narrow. The biggest flaw of rx-1 is the missing kick bass. Takes the fun out of it. These days I only use them to watch anime

Monk+ more air. smooth mids and treble but somewhat veiled. . Everything else 320 wins.

She3800. Very fluid mid bass to mids. Too dark compared to 320.

OH by the way.. PRAT on ty 320 are superb. With metals and reggae I can't stop bobbing my head or tapping my feet. It's too much fun. Make you want to crank the volume up high. If the 5k peaks cam be tamed ( I hope so) it'll be da bomb. But being so it can't be used to evaluate music critically.

Hope this helps.

With 320 I now can discern that my iPhone has cleaner sound compared to Samsung S. Time to get new dac for desktop too..

I'm dillematic now, have to choose between Ty hiz 320 ohm that makes me want to buy it, seahf smart 1.0 320ohm , and yuin pk2

Have you listen to those earbud? Yuin pk2 seems legit but i love the cold signature of my smart 1.0 150ohm , even it let me know that stock topping nx3 m2m cable is not good at all to bring all the potention of it. (Compared to fiio nowadays short m2m, it sounds veiled =_=)

So the ty 320 is warm? What about the treble extension? Omg i spend hours everynight just to consider which earbud that i have to buy as an upgrade :/
Oct 16, 2016 at 10:40 PM Post #12,041 of 75,869
Hey guys, I don't see a lot of talking about MusicMaker/Toneking TO300? Is there any reason? Here is a link to the earbuds I'm talking about : Link.
Also, is the K500 balanced, a balanced connector that needs a balanced amp?
Oct 16, 2016 at 11:47 PM Post #12,043 of 75,869
  Hey guys, I don't see a lot of talking about MusicMaker/Toneking TO300? Is there any reason? Here is a link to the earbuds I'm talking about : Link.
Also, is the K500 balanced, a balanced connector that needs a balanced amp?

That's already covered in the list, you can have a look.
K500 balanced, i have ordered on Aliexpress K500, they are not balanced, they have normal 3.5 mm connector, you can check from the pic. Don't go by description.
Oct 17, 2016 at 12:26 AM Post #12,045 of 75,869
Pretty good? For $200+ i would hope it sounds amazing. It says on the penon audio site that they are optimized for "portable devices" which i think means something like an iphone.

If you kept reading, the description also mentioned its use with an amplifier. I'm not sure what you're expecting from these, but if you want "amazing" then I believe your expectations may be unreasonable. For me, these are the best earbuds I've heard and own (amped or not). Are they "amazing"? Not exactly (for me), but they are very good.

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