Sep 23, 2011 at 11:04 PM Post #1,801 of 9,235
Sep 24, 2011 at 1:08 AM Post #1,802 of 9,235
Sep 24, 2011 at 4:36 AM Post #1,803 of 9,235

Is it my imagination or did their MSRP prices actually go up? Seriously, look at something like the Senn RS180... $500 regular price? Yeesh, even at half price the price is still lower than that. 

Future Shop is infamous for this sort of thing. They mark their MSRP up and then a couple of weeks later they post a supposed huge sale with some limited number items actually on sale while others are just marked as on sale but they're actually just being sold at the old price before the MSRP markup. They do it this way because then technically they can call it a sale and can't get in trouble for false advertising. There was a huge hub bub a few years ago concerning their computers when the better business bureau was pushing that they be investigated for false advertising. Apparently they were running flyers with systems slashed at ridiculously low prices but what the flyer didn't tell anyone was the advertised system was only of limited quantities Canada wide. People would get there hoping to buy the for sale system and would find out the system was sold out. Salesmen would then show them something else and give them this system is a far better system for the money story. In short they were playing the bait and switch game. The next time you get a Future Shop on sale flyer check some of the advertisements more closely and you'll see they now have the limited quantities disclaimer print on some of the sale items to avoid anymore legal hassles. I've noticed they're not as bad for this sort of thing anymore since BestBuy took them over.
Sep 24, 2011 at 9:05 AM Post #1,804 of 9,235

Future Shop is infamous for this sort of thing. They mark their MSRP up and then a couple of weeks later they post a supposed huge sale with some limited number items actually on sale while others are just marked as on sale but they're actually just being sold at the old price before the MSRP markup. They do it this way because then technically they can call it a sale and can't get in trouble for false advertising. There was a huge hub bub a few years ago concerning their computers when the better business bureau was pushing that they be investigated for false advertising. Apparently they were running flyers with systems slashed at ridiculously low prices but what the flyer didn't tell anyone was the advertised system was only of limited quantities Canada wide. People would get there hoping to buy the for sale system and would find out the system was sold out. Salesmen would then show them something else and give them this system is a far better system for the money story. In short they were playing the bait and switch game. The next time you get a Future Shop on sale flyer check some of the advertisements more closely and you'll see they now have the limited quantities disclaimer print on some of the sale items to avoid anymore legal hassles. I've noticed they're not as bad for this sort of thing anymore since BestBuy took them over.


Is it my imagination or did their MSRP prices actually go up? Seriously, look at something like the Senn RS180... $500 regular price? Yeesh, even at half price the price is still lower than that. 

yeah prices are definitely "more than full" ones. But some of the deals are still decent, assuming that you can find someone to get it with- at least for Canada. S4- 60 bucks, HD558s 125 etc.
Sep 24, 2011 at 10:58 AM Post #1,806 of 9,235
Sep 24, 2011 at 12:43 PM Post #1,808 of 9,235

20% off Westone from authorized dealer  Use code "AMPD".

How long is this deal for because its working for everything on the site!
Sep 24, 2011 at 1:29 PM Post #1,809 of 9,235
20% off Westone from authorized dealer  Use code "AMPD".


Sep 24, 2011 at 1:38 PM Post #1,810 of 9,235

How long is this deal for because its working for everything on the site!

Don't ask questions.  Hurry and fill your cart and check out.  Can't believe it also works with Grado which is very rare indeed.  Crazy - coupon works for all headphones including the RS1i, Edtion8, and T5p.
Sep 24, 2011 at 4:38 PM Post #1,811 of 9,235
Sep 24, 2011 at 7:30 PM Post #1,813 of 9,235
In California, Fry's Electronics (a warehouse style electronics retailer) pulls the same stunt with their weekend ads. They'll have a few outstanding deals but maybe only a dozen or so available at each location so you drive out there only to be told they're sold out and are subsequently offered something else. Also, they tend to have a lot of returned/refurbed items on the shelf, which in many cases are not quality checked to see if they actually work, so you drive home with some defective piece of kit (gpu, hard drive, cable, etc). I've taken to shopping at newegg, even if fry's occasionally has better prices.
Also, $40 bucks for the A151 is a great price. I was very happy with then for $50 a few months back

Future Shop is infamous for this sort of thing. They mark their MSRP up and then a couple of weeks later they post a supposed huge sale with some limited number items actually on sale while others are just marked as on sale but they're actually just being sold at the old price before the MSRP markup. They do it this way because then technically they can call it a sale and can't get in trouble for false advertising. There was a huge hub bub a few years ago concerning their computers when the better business bureau was pushing that they be investigated for false advertising. Apparently they were running flyers with systems slashed at ridiculously low prices but what the flyer didn't tell anyone was the advertised system was only of limited quantities Canada wide. People would get there hoping to buy the for sale system and would find out the system was sold out. Salesmen would then show them something else and give them this system is a far better system for the money story. In short they were playing the bait and switch game. The next time you get a Future Shop on sale flyer check some of the advertisements more closely and you'll see they now have the limited quantities disclaimer print on some of the sale items to avoid anymore legal hassles. I've noticed they're not as bad for this sort of thing anymore since BestBuy took them over.

Sep 25, 2011 at 2:00 AM Post #1,815 of 9,235
Ahh I'm so devastated I missed the HD-25 sale, Now I know why I've been off these forums for like 2 months, I see this thread and I'm about to buy a UM2 with the coupon and free amp! and now considering the IE8i too! Someone help me out lol

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