The discovery thread!
Jan 20, 2013 at 4:47 PM Post #6,106 of 105,903
I would have said the HE400 since I have yet to hear any genre this headphone can't handle but as the AD900X breaks in some more, I would have to give the nod to them.  At first, classical music and vocals from a few opera tunes I played sounded stunning.  Now the bass has become fuller so I am throwing electronic music at it I am enjoying it immensely as well.  It just sounds so open and lively.  I would consider the HE400 dark compared to these.  I won't even add the HE500 to the equation since I prefer the HE400's over them.  Sorry to add to the hype but after hearing these, the FXZ series won't get too much head time from me.  

And here i was had my heart set on those FXZs but now i don't even know anymore.
Great stuff Danny keep them "hypes" i mean impressions coming, really diggin' them.


Jan 20, 2013 at 4:49 PM Post #6,107 of 105,903
A900X came out last year with a new improved dampening system using Aluminum cups. It is the closed version of the 900X series.. More bass with a very nice AT house tuning. Fairly wide stage and detailed sound with a solid bass end to compliment the sound. The pads are pleather and are angled as is the AD900X.
This is the cushion type pads for the AD900X. With a cloth cover that is not irritating like velours. So super comfy. Like pillow type comfy. A900X is not even close to the comfort level of these. That is the one strike against them. I didn't have issues but many guys on the A900X thread was having comfort issues.
There will be none on the AD900X..

Jan 20, 2013 at 4:54 PM Post #6,109 of 105,903
Regardless of price, please rank the HE-500, HE-400 and AD900X in order of preference with a "just one headphone for all genres" criterion.

I would have said the HE400 since I have yet to hear any genre this headphone can't handle but as the AD900X breaks in some more, I would have to give the nod to them.  At first, classical music and vocals from a few opera tunes I played sounded stunning.  Now the bass has become fuller so I am throwing electronic music at it I am enjoying it immensely as well.  It just sounds so open and lively.  I would consider the HE400 dark compared to these.  I won't even add the HE500 to the equation since I prefer the HE400's over them.  Sorry to add to the hype but after hearing these, the FXZ series won't get too much head time from me.  

Don't be sorry.  You ought to read what I just wrote at (or to) Dsnuts.  Please, keep me updated and answer my questions.  With your help I should soon find out if these are the right upgrade to what I have now.  And here I go with my next question.
Are these better than the HE-400 for EDM music?
Jan 20, 2013 at 4:58 PM Post #6,110 of 105,903

....I truly doubt you will be disappointed from them at all. They have completely surprised me like nothing else I have purchased as of late....

....You guys will never believe what you can get for this cash. The sound quality is super quality. It has a sound to it that is just shocking.. Ericp. Man if you heard what these sound like.. I am gonna cut to the chase. These are the best sounding cans I have ever heard in my life.  That A900X for the cost is nice but a bit more gets you this.. It is a wonderful sounding can like you guys would not believe..Any live unplugged album will sound live. As Danny puts it. I likes this description.
I know all you guys that read this have followed some whacky cheapo stuff. I am telling every single one of you guys. Get them with my highest recommendation for anything I have ever recommended here at Headfi....

HA, HA, HA.  You post impressions like this one, every other month.....and I have no reason not to believe you every time!  So, if you get me hyped up on these and I get them, I will be sad to lift up my eyes and realize that the discovery train left me behind and very quickly got to a new paradise that is the best ever and much better than the place where I got off.  HA, HA.  Maybe I should just get them all to keep this from happening to me.
Are these ATH headphones so good that it is highly unlikely that they will be bested by the next discovery?  Convince me.  I want to be convinced, if that is the case.  HA, HA.
Jan 20, 2013 at 5:02 PM Post #6,111 of 105,903
If I had the headphones Danny has I could have answered your question. The only Open bassy one I have is the Fischer FA-011..These are good cans but is easily out classed by the AD900X.
Jan 20, 2013 at 5:03 PM Post #6,112 of 105,903
I would have said the HE400 since I have yet to hear any genre this headphone can't handle but as the AD900X breaks in some more, I would have to give the nod to them.  At first, classical music and vocals from a few opera tunes I played sounded stunning.  Now the bass has become fuller so I am throwing electronic music at it I am enjoying it immensely as well.  It just sounds so open and lively.  I would consider the HE400 dark compared to these.  I won't even add the HE500 to the equation since I prefer the HE400's over them.  Sorry to add to the hype but after hearing these, the FXZ series won't get too much head time from me.  

And here i was had my heart set on those FXZs but now i don't even know anymore.
Great stuff Danny keep them "hypes" i mean impressions coming, really diggin' them.


HA, HA.  The very same thing happened to me.  I am glad I did not get off the train at the FXZ200 station.  But, I had my doubts about those.  Something never clicked into place.  Gut feeling?  Maybe.
Jan 20, 2013 at 5:10 PM Post #6,114 of 105,903
If I had the headphones Danny has I could have answered your question. The only Open bassy one I have is the Fischer FA-011..

There is one thing that I know for sure and I posted it before.  Over the ear headphones will not sound right if they are closed.  It is impossible to take all the cave-like (boxy) sound from them.  Also, I do not buy into the argument about the impossibility of having big bass with open headphones.  It should be done and it can be done.  Are these IT?  I am a basshead of the xtreme kind.  But, if bass impact is right there in the "awesome layer" and there is no cave-like sound and there is no muddiness (mud),  I might be happy with these ATHs even if they do not reach the xtreme level that I want.
Jan 20, 2013 at 5:19 PM Post #6,115 of 105,903
There is one thing that I know for sure and I posted it before.  Over the ear headphones will not sound right if they are closed.  It is impossible to take all the cave-like (boxy) sound from them.  Also, I do not buy into the argument about the impossibility of having big bass with open headphones.  It should be done and it can be done.  Are these IT?  I am a basshead of the xtreme kind.  But, if bass impact is right there in the "awesome layer" and there is no cave-like sound and there is no muddiness (mud),  I might be happy with these ATHs even if they do not reach the xtreme level that I want.

haha tell that to cute and his modded S500s. The man is my inspiration for not caving in for much more $$$ headphones. If he buckles and sells his S500s for these ATHs hoho. GG!!!

Yeppp Alberto, i believe open cans can have the big bass and slam of closed cans as well. The tech is there it seems. Would not be basshead levels but will more than make a basshead happy is what i am looking for as well.
edit: that was why those open somics seems so promising for cheap. haha But Ds is gonna probably flame my @ss for bringing those cheapos up in light of these godly ATHs. LoL Flame suit ON!
Jan 20, 2013 at 5:31 PM Post #6,116 of 105,903
If I had the headphones Danny has I could have answered your question. The only Open bassy one I have is the Fischer FA-011..These are good cans but is easily out classed by the AD900X.

That is OK.  You are still gonna help everyone quite a bid in drawing a picture of these ATHs SQ.  You have listened to enough headphones to be qualified to help.  The thing to be careful with, is not omitting weaknesses just because the enjoyment of a given pair of headphones/IEMs is great.  Being too romantic about a new toy is what causes the hype/FOTM effect.  It is not good for that to happen.  So, being objective while having fun is the right combination of attributes to be a good guide for others in their search for the right ones; yea, the right ones!
Jan 20, 2013 at 5:32 PM Post #6,117 of 105,903
The bass is more closer to a neutral level on the AD900X. It does have I would guess to be around 3-4db increase in bass but the sub bass is awesome. It does hit them low notes. Has a overall balance to it that I find intoxicating..The A900X closed cans has the bigger punch fuller bass end and for a closed can has a real nice clean sound to them as well. But these open cans do the one thing they were made for which is give an outstanding sound stage. Just amazing,.
Jan 20, 2013 at 5:47 PM Post #6,118 of 105,903
There is one thing that I know for sure and I posted it before.  Over the ear headphones will not sound right if they are closed.  It is impossible to take all the cave-like (boxy) sound from them.  Also, I do not buy into the argument about the impossibility of having big bass with open headphones.  It should be done and it can be done.  Are these IT?  I am a basshead of the xtreme kind.  But, if bass impact is right there in the "awesome layer" and there is no cave-like sound and there is no muddiness (mud),  I might be happy with these ATHs even if they do not reach the xtreme level that I want.

haha tell that to cute and his modded S500s. The man is my inspiration for not caving in for much more $$$ headphones. If he buckles and sells his S500s for these ATHs hoho. GG!!!

Yeppp Alberto, i believe open cans can have the big bass and slam of closed cans as well. The tech is there it seems. Would not be basshead levels but will more than make a basshead happy is what i am looking for as well.
edit: that was why those open somics seems so promising for cheap. haha But Ds is gonna probably flame my @ss for bringing those cheapos up in light of these godly ATHs. LoL Flame suit ON!

That is exactly what I thought about the Somics!  When the big bass and the grill get together we are in for a bass treat with all the other good stuff that non-bassy and open headphones have, as well.  That is the best of all worlds.  You have to let some sound get out of the phones when they are bassy.  Otherwise you will get mud all over the place and boxy sound on top of that.  IEMs do better at this than closed cans.  But, they have the disadvantage of lesser sound impact because they are smaller.
Don't get me hyped up (and you can't).  Just convince me.  If there are reasons to be a believer in these ATHs I will get convinced, then.
Jan 20, 2013 at 6:38 PM Post #6,119 of 105,903
That is exactly what I thought about the Somics!  When the big bass and the grill get together we are in for a bass treat with all the other good stuff that non-bassy and open headphones have, as well.  That is the best of all worlds.  You have to let some sound get out of the phones when they are bassy.  Otherwise you will get mud all over the place and boxy sound on top of that.  IEMs do better at this than closed cans.  But, they have the disadvantage of lesser sound impact because they are smaller.
Don't get me hyped up (and you can't).  Just convince me.  If there are reasons to be a believer in these ATHs I will get convinced, then.

.......somehow i already knew you were onto those somics as well. haha The bass seems real promising from others' impressions. But still cheapos like that i am kinda turned off to nowadays cuz as my superluxes have taught me what "premium" truly feels like LMAO.

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