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    • Gah73
      Gah73 reacted to Ozboyblu's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      Sound Rhyme SR9 Disclaimer- I’m a Hobbyist Not a Reviewer. First thing I said when I listened to a few test tracks. - “ Maximum ...
    • Gah73
      Gah73 reacted to emdeevee's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      Cross-posting from Watercooler: After long consideration and testing, I decided to compliment my P6Pro with Sony WM1Z. In fact, after...
    • Gah73
      Gah73 reacted to Bosk's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      Desperate for a PWA Orpheus cable but you're slightly short of $5,000 in spare change? No problem! NiceHCK's DragonScale 2 looks close...
    • Gah73
      Gah73 reacted to GroovyAudio's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      I think you'll like it. For me the midrange is so so special, I can't find words to describe it but it's unique and soundstage is just...
    • Gah73
      Gah73 reacted to Bosk's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      I've been using earphones for 18 years and never tried CIEMs... until now. You're invited to read about my experience with the utterly...
    • Gah73
      Gah73 reacted to DynamicEars's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      I still have the Mest mkI that I bought 3 years ago maybe? and become my daily until now. Tried Mk2 too, and Mest Indigo (limited) that...
    • Gah73
      Gah73 reacted to baskingshark's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      Yeah earbuds are much cheaper than IEMs in the equivalent tiers. Eg sub $10 can be considered budget and there are $1 earbuds like the...
    • Gah73
      Gah73 reacted to ToneDeafMonk's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      I am not sure if this is the same tuner as the Myer-Audio and Pula gear but what's cooking looks tasty as well. It also look like the...
    • Gah73
      Gah73 reacted to Ineras's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      Just under $10 for 3 pairs. Small discount if ordering 3 sets or more.
    • Gah73
      Gah73 reacted to Dsnuts's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      Independence day cometh. My fireworks right here. ASOS+X cable + H60 + Fiio K9 Pro
    • Gah73
      Gah73 reacted to baskingshark's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      The Binary Acoustics Dyna Quattro is a 4 DD set. For the measurement inclined, the 4 DDs measure 10mm, 8mm, 6.8mm and 6mm. It comes...
    • Gah73
      Gah73 reacted to NymPHONOmaniac's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      Theres my review of Simgot EM10: Tbh, Simgot will fly high...
    • Gah73
      Gah73 reacted to NymPHONOmaniac's review on item Simgot EM10 with Like Like.
      TONALITY: 8.5/10 TECHNICALITIES: 8.8/10 TIMBRE: 8.2/10 SOUNDSTAGE: 8/10 IMAGING: 8.2/10 MUSICALITY (subjective): 8.2/10 CONSTRUCTION...
    • Gah73
      Gah73 reacted to AudioSeeker's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      Side by side:
    • Gah73
      Gah73 reacted to Jon995's post in the thread The discovery thread! with Like Like.
      Hi everyone. I don't get many chances to post on head-fi due to being a full time home carer for a family member, but I do read in spare...
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