The discovery thread!
Sep 19, 2016 at 8:42 AM Post #32,566 of 104,748
  Hi all audiophiles!
Together with a group of students at KTH in Stockholm I am researching the use of headphones, to gather knowledge in the subject for a school project. We would be sincerely grateful if you were to answer our short survey, concerning your experiences.
You will find the survey through the following link:
I look forward to your reply and I apologize in advance if the questions are too low-fi for this forum!

Just did 

Sep 19, 2016 at 10:06 AM Post #32,567 of 104,748
  I'm still waiting on some more comparisons of the DZ7 and second opinions.  I'm very tempted to pull the trigger on these, as a service to others (justifying the expense), but at the same time, I'm very eager to hear about how the iSine 10 is going to sound.  The iSine will be a safer bet, for sure, and I'm positive it will have a much better resale value.  But, if the DZ7's were good enough, then why would I ever sell them?
Is anyone planning on taking a stab at the DZ7 or even the DZ8's, or is it going to have to be up to me to take one for the team?

The DZ7 is still very high on my list of great listening experiences from an IEM, and I pretty much don't travel anywhere daily without it (and/or my ORIVETI PRIMACY earphone). I save the U-12 and my Aurisonics for special occasions at home or out of state usually. Unfortunately, I don't know if anyone else has bitten on the DZ7 in our group besides me, and I don't plan to really write anymore about it than what I've already have (I stated that it's the best bang-for-the-buck that I own at the moment - although it's over $300). So I think you might have to take one for the team if you're curious about it. Many of us long-time members have taken one for the team on too many occasions, so it's time for some of you newer members to do the same. 
I have no interest in trying the DZ8, but I do think I will be hearing some of Aurisonics earphones under the Fender brand in the near future, and I'm excited about that (Dale's creations have always been some of my favorite earphones). Happy listening. 
Sep 19, 2016 at 1:34 PM Post #32,568 of 104,748
Any other phishing scam you are currently running?
No? Too bad.
If the KTH in Stockholm would do this or you on their behalf, it should be official and easy to be recognized as such.
If not - forget it.
Sep 19, 2016 at 2:39 PM Post #32,569 of 104,748
Hello, first post here. Just wanted to concur with what @ericp10 has said about the DZ7. Note that I'm still a beginner when it comes to high end audio equipment and I haven't been able to compare them with a lot.
I've had them for about 3 weeks now and they are simply amazing! The soundstage is extremely wide and instrument separation is out of this world. They handle mids beautifully and listening to my two favourite genres, 20th century classical and progressive house, has been pure bliss. Vocals and highs are also extremely clear. The bass is tight and adequate, but these IEMs are not for bassheads. I was actually a bit disappointed at first transitioning from my Ostry KC06a which are notorious for their bass, but after about ~200 hours of burn in, the bass became a lot better. Overall I would say they have a pretty neutral sound, which suits me, but again I'm not exactly an expert when it comes to sound warmth...
These easily outperform my Audio Technia A900s and my pal's Shure SE846 which are the only "high end" pieces I have been able to compare to.
In terms of comfort and build quality, I have no complaints. Jim shipped a whole bunch of ear tips including the Comply-esque foam ones, which I use. Also I love the stars face which makes them look awesome.
I can't attach an image of them for proof (new account), so I'll link to a picture here:
Many of us long-time members have taken one for the team on too many occasions, some it's time for some of you newer members to do the same.  


Sep 19, 2016 at 3:35 PM Post #32,570 of 104,748
Sticking a Dolphin in your ears!
First Impressions 
Here we have a chinese iem offering that once again beggars belief that headphones of this quality can exist for this amount of coin! Something like this was unheard of even a few months ago. What the heck is going on? I can’t even imagine how the chinese iem market will look in a few weeks, never mind a few months!
For the better part of a week now, I have been testing two new samples, courtesy of AK Audio, so a big thank you to them for giving me this opportunity. The iems in question are the Super Dolphin 6BA (I will shorten it to Dolphin for sake of brevity) and the AK 2016 Custom 6ba iem.
                                        The Dolphin                                                           AK 2016 Custom 6BA

I will be talking about the Dolphin today, which uses 6 balanced armature drivers. It is available with either MMCX or 2 Pin cable connectors (my unit has the 2 pin connector). 
This is my first experience with a 2-pin connector and suffices to say I won’t be going back to M
MCX anytime soon. A common point of failure for many iems with removable cables is the connector, and MMCX connectors are more prone to issues developing over time. 
The Dolphin’s rock solid and sturdy connector ensures that this iem will last a long time.
The included cable is very soft and supple, easy to manage and not prone to tangling. Even the memory wire portion, that rests over the ear, is pleasantly flexible and not in the least bit annoying. The cable itself has a braid and terminates in a 90 degree L jack. The strain reliefs on both ends are very well done so the cable should hold up like a champ.
The Dolphin housing/shells are black, adorning the name in red and blue. The faceplate is made a multiocolor pattern shell (not sure what the technical term would be) but eye catching and pleasing nonetheless.
While the shells are a tad on the big side, they are comfortable once inserted into your ears. The Dolphin sports a durable build quality and sturdy construction, ensuring that it will easily withstand the rigors of daily use.
The Dolphin has an insane amount of sound isolation, especially when you use tips that give an optimal seal. I was on the subway yesterday and I couldn’t hear ANY outside sounds while the Dolphin was playing music. And mind you, this was at a low volume. This makes them perfect for long noisy commutes, where you can easily enjoy your music at lower volumes and not damage your hearing in the process.

So that's all good and dandy but how do the buggers sound? Well in one word: Impressive! Allow me to tell you why :)
Overall the Dolphin is a clean and airy sounding iem, with a breathtaking midrange and tight bass that has great impact. I felt that it also had a slight emphasis on the mids, making a perfect complement to the airy and well extended treble.
The treble is just about perfect to my ears, very extended and airy without being bright or peaky in the slightest (I am quite treble sensitive). The Dolphin’s treble strikes a delicate balance between sounding analytical and sounding musical. It has great resolution and tons of micro-detail. All the elements of a song are there, easy to delineate and follow individually from beginning to end. All the details are there, but they are not pushed in your face. I am not quite sure how they pulled off the treble without sounding cold and analytical but that’s china for ya. 
The Dolphin has a natural soundstage that is more true to life and not exaggerated. It is not limited to inside your head and definitely sounds out of head, possessing more width than height. But what impressed me most was the sense of depth the Dolphin portrayed, it felt as if you are peering into the record; As if your music was being played in a room, positively cavernous!
In addition to its impressive sense of depth and staging, it has incredible separation and layering of instruments that make you feel as if you are enjoying a live performance. Accurate positioning of sonic cues make for a believable and natural sonic presentation that will leave you wanting more.
This leads to the star of the show, the midrange! This one really took me by surprise because how fantastically it renders female vocals, positively ethereal. If you enjoy female vocals AT ALL you really owe it to yourself to hear the Dolphins, it is simply breathtaking. The way in which it renders the details, vocal textures, ambience and atmosphere is something I have yet to hear on other headphones
The Dolphin is not a one trick pony however, if you are a metal head this is also the iem for you. The way distortion guitars are so textured and detailed is simply mesmerizing. Drum hits come through loud and clear with great impact, giving the iem great PRaT.
The bass is neutral with no bloom or midrange leak to speak of. It is tight and punchy with impressive impact, quickly getting out of the way when its not called for. It is distinct from the rest of the mix but not emphasized in anyway but still easy to hear in your music. While the Dolphin sounds good with EDM, its not going to give you the bumping bass you need to really enjoy electronic music.
The Shells look stunning, one of the prettiest iems I have seen coming out of China​

So overall, the Dolphin is light and quick on its feet, think Philadelphia Cream Cheese light lol. It is quite revealing without coming across as analytical, retaining a surprising sense of musicality, with impressive depth and a holographic presentation. The Dolphin is an all rounder that will sound great with most music but really shines with Female Vocals and Metal. I will say it again, if you are as big a fan of female vocals or metal as I am, you should give the Dolphin a listen! Heck these are even great for monitoring given how balanced they are from top to bottom. And lastly, for those of you who are massive Havi B3 Pro 1 fans like myself, you are sure gonna get a kick out of the Dolphin!
You would think that the Dolphin would eviscerate lower quality music files, right? WRONG. It is surprisingly forgiving of poorly encoded files, which means that your cheapo mp3s should sound just fine. Furthermore, the Dolphin scales with better gear so it will grow along with your collection. While it sounded great running straight out of my Macbook Pro and BlackBerry Z30, it was noticeably better out of something like FiiO X7 with line out to VE RunABOUT 2.0. Heck it sounded awesome sauce out of my Sansa Clip+ (<3 <3).
I avoided saying anything during first few days because I wanted to make sure that it was not new toy syndrome or a honeymoon phase, because if you can’t tell by now, I absolutely love the Dolphin! It does a lot of things right and really shines when driven out of a good source. This is the real McCoy, proving that you really ndon’t have to spend thousands to get top tier quality sounds!
Official thread:
Where they can be bought:  
**As always YMMV. I have tried to capture how the Dolphin sounds to the best of my ability and as accurate as possible. These are my impressions and should be taken as such. I reserve the right to change my opinion as time goes on.**

Sep 19, 2016 at 4:32 PM Post #32,571 of 104,748
Sticking a Dolphin in your ears!
First Impressions 
Here we have a chinese iem offering that once again beggars belief that headphones of this quality can exist for this amount of coin! Something like this was unheard of even a few months ago. What the heck is going on? I can’t even imagine how the chinese iem market will look in a few weeks, never mind a few months!
For the better part of a week now, I have been testing two new samples, courtesy of AK Audio, so a big thank you to them for giving me this opportunity. The iems in question are the Super Dolphin 6BA (I will shorten it to Dolphin for sake of brevity) and the AK 2016 Custom 6ba iem.
                                        The Dolphin                                                           AK 2016 Custom 6BA

I will be talking about the Dolphin today, which uses 6 balanced armature drivers. It is available with either MMCX or 2 Pin cable connectors (my unit has the 2 pin connector). 
This is my first experience with a 2-pin connector and suffices to say I won’t be going back to M
MCX anytime soon. A common point of failure for many iems with removable cables is the connector, and MMCX connectors are more prone to issues developing over time. 
The Dolphin’s rock solid and sturdy connector ensures that this iem will last a long time.
The included cable is very soft and supple, easy to manage and not prone to tangling. Even the memory wire portion, that rests over the ear, is pleasantly flexible and not in the least bit annoying. The cable itself has a braid and terminates in a 90 degree L jack. The strain reliefs on both ends are very well done so the cable should hold up like a champ.
The Dolphin housing/shells are black, adorning the name in red and blue. The faceplate is made a multiocolor pattern shell (not sure what the technical term would be) but eye catching and pleasing nonetheless.
While the shells are a tad on the big side, they are comfortable once inserted into your ears. The Dolphin sports a durable build quality and sturdy construction, ensuring that it will easily withstand the rigors of daily use.
The Dolphin has an insane amount of sound isolation, especially when you use tips that give an optimal seal. I was on the subway yesterday and I couldn’t hear ANY outside sounds while the Dolphin was playing music. And mind you, this was at a low volume. This makes them perfect for long noisy commutes, where you can easily enjoy your music at lower volumes and not damage your hearing in the process.

So that's all good and dandy but how do the buggers sound? Well in one word: Impressive! Allow me to tell you why :)
Overall the Dolphin is a clean and airy sounding iem, with a breathtaking midrange and tight bass that has great impact. I felt that it also had a slight emphasis on the mids, making a perfect complement to the airy and well extended treble.
The treble is just about perfect to my ears, very extended and airy without being bright or peaky in the slightest (I am quite treble sensitive). The Dolphin’s treble strikes a delicate balance between sounding analytical and sounding musical. It has great resolution and tons of micro-detail. All the elements of a song are there, easy to delineate and follow individually from beginning to end. All the details are there, but they are not pushed in your face. I am not quite sure how they pulled off the treble without sounding cold and analytical but that’s china for ya. 
The Dolphin has a natural soundstage that is more true to life and not exaggerated. It is not limited to inside your head and definitely sounds out of head, possessing more width than height. But what impressed me most was the sense of depth the Dolphin portrayed, it felt as if you are peering into the record; As if your music was being played in a room, positively cavernous!
In addition to its impressive sense of depth and staging, it has incredible separation and layering of instruments that make you feel as if you are enjoying a live performance. Accurate positioning of sonic cues make for a believable and natural sonic presentation that will leave you wanting more.
This leads to the star of the show, the midrange! This one really took me by surprise because how fantastically it renders female vocals, positively ethereal. If you enjoy female vocals AT ALL you really owe it to yourself to hear the Dolphins, it is simply breathtaking. The way in which it renders the details, vocal textures, ambience and atmosphere is something I have yet to hear on other headphones
The Dolphin is not a one trick pony however, if you are a metal head this is also the iem for you. The way distortion guitars are so textured and detailed is simply mesmerizing. Drum hits come through loud and clear with great impact, giving the iem great PRaT.
The bass is neutral with no bloom or midrange leak to speak of. It is tight and punchy with impressive impact, quickly getting out of the way when its not called for. It is distinct from the rest of the mix but not emphasized in anyway but still easy to hear in your music. While the Dolphin sounds good with EDM, its not going to give you the bumping bass you need to really enjoy electronic music.
The Shells look stunning, one of the prettiest iems I have seen coming out of China​

So overall, the Dolphin is light and quick on its feet, think Philadelphia Cream Cheese light lol. It is quite revealing without coming across as analytical, retaining a surprising sense of musicality, with impressive depth and a holographic presentation. The Dolphin is an all rounder that will sound great with most music but really shines with Female Vocals and Metal. I will say it again, if you are as big a fan of female vocals or metal as I am, you should give the Dolphin a listen! Heck these are even great for monitoring given how balanced they are from top to bottom. And lastly, for those of you who are massive Havi B3 Pro 1 fans like myself, you are sure gonna get a kick out of the Dolphin!
You would think that the Dolphin would eviscerate lower quality music files, right? WRONG. It is surprisingly forgiving of poorly encoded files, which means that your cheapo mp3s should sound just fine. Furthermore, the Dolphin scales with better gear so it will grow along with your collection. While it sounded great running straight out of my Macbook Pro and BlackBerry Z30, it was noticeably better out of something like FiiO X7 with line out to VE RunABOUT 2.0. Heck it sounded awesome sauce out of my Sansa Clip+ (<3 <3).
I avoided saying anything during first few days because I wanted to make sure that it was not new toy syndrome or a honeymoon phase, because if you can’t tell by now, I absolutely love the Dolphin! It does a lot of things right and really shines when driven out of a good source. This is the real McCoy, proving that you really ndon’t have to spend thousands to get top tier quality sounds!
**As always YMMV. I have tried to capture how the Dolphin sounds to the best of my ability and as accurate as possible. These are my impressions and should be taken as such. I reserve the right to change my opinion as time goes on.**

Excellent man you have a really brilliant writing skills and as for the Dolphin they are already in my short list and i am just waiting for an honest review on them and your early impressions make me crazy to have them but i think it better if i wait little more until your final thoughts comes out,  please write a few words more on the soundstage,  are you think they have a 360 degree soundstage,  and how you compare them with DZ7,  thanks. 
Sep 19, 2016 at 7:29 PM Post #32,572 of 104,748
  Excellent man you have a really brilliant writing skills and as for the Dolphin they are already in my short list and i am just waiting for an honest review on them and your early impressions make me crazy to have them but i think it better if i wait little more until your final thoughts comes out,  please write a few words more on the soundstage,  are you think they have a 360 degree soundstage,  and how you compare them with DZ7,  thanks. 

Thanks man I really appreciate the kind words! To be honest I have already used them more than a week at this point, and I took extra time before posting to make sure no long term issues popped up and it seems to be smooth sailing thus far. I don't anticipate my final review deviating from my impressions, the main difference being the comparisons against other iems and fleshing out my impressions if required. 
Anyways my impressions will get buried quickly amongst new posts so I made a thread for it if you would like to check it out and please feel free to ask any questions I will try my best to answer them.
I haven't heard the DZ7 as of yet so I can't comment on it. The Dolphin soundstage sounds diffuse and spread out in front of you. While It doesn't really give a 360 degree soundstage you can feel that certain song elements are located behind you but nothing like a sphere around your head. Hence why I feel its more natural and true to life :)
Sep 19, 2016 at 9:04 PM Post #32,573 of 104,748
Thanks man I really appreciate the kind words! To be honest I have already used them more than a week at this point, and I took extra time before posting to make sure no long term issues popped up and it seems to be smooth sailing thus far. I don't anticipate my final review deviating from my impressions, the main difference being the comparisons against other iems and fleshing out my impressions if required. 
Anyways my impressions will get buried quickly amongst new posts so I made a thread for it if you would like to check it out and please feel free to ask any questions I will try my best to answer them.
I haven't heard the DZ7 as of yet so I can't comment on it. The Dolphin soundstage sounds diffuse and spread out in front of you. While It doesn't really give a 360 degree soundstage you can feel that certain song elements are located behind you but nothing like a sphere around your head. Hence why I feel its more natural and true to life :)

Thanks for reply and please share the link to Dolphin's thread, 
Sep 20, 2016 at 10:23 AM Post #32,577 of 104,748
  @RedJohn456 I would call that look "mother of pearl". They look really nice.

I think it looks very much like the inside of a Red Abalone shells

Abalone Jewelry


Sep 20, 2016 at 9:05 PM Post #32,579 of 104,748
I am very much tempted to drop the dough on the DZ8, but i do have a pair of Andromedas coming in this month.

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