RedJohn456 reacted to Moris Renar's post in the thread Introducing the Questyle M15 & the brand new Questyle Shop! with Like.Ayo deshi 🤝 The revision happened sometime around Q2-Q3 of 2022. The chances of getting an old one right now are pretty slim. Unless...
RedJohn456 replied to the thread Introducing the Questyle M15 & the brand new Questyle Shop!.Good to see a fellow deshi, I was thinking of picking up an M15, how can you make sure you are buying the newest version?
RedJohn456 reacted to Moris Renar's post in the thread Introducing the Questyle M15 & the brand new Questyle Shop! with Like.Here's a side by side picture of the new v1.1 and the old v1.0 To my ears the v1.0 has noticeable more metallic treble
RedJohn456 replied to the thread Audeze - Maxwell Gaming Headsets! (latest: Firmware v63 and HQ v109).I haven't been using my maxwell as much lately as I have been struggling with the comfort and weight distribution. The strap size that...
RedJohn456 replied to the thread Audeze - Maxwell Gaming Headsets! (latest: Firmware v63 and HQ v109).Apologies if this has been asked but has anyone tried Dekoni nuggets with the audeze headband? both headband notches dont work well for...
RedJohn456 replied to the thread Beyerdynamic DT 150: Bloody Brilliant!.The avatar will forever be used on this forum for sure :). I regret selling my k7xx since I found out they discontinued it. I have an M1...
RedJohn456 reacted to Baycode's post in the thread Beyerdynamic DT 150: Bloody Brilliant! with Like.Hi @RedJohn456 ! :pray: I have been enjoying AKG K7XX, AKG K400 and Sennheiser HD-250 Linear1 lately! I am listening to the speakers...
RedJohn456 replied to the thread Beyerdynamic DT 150: Bloody Brilliant!.B, really good to see you around my friend, long time no see! Hope you been keeping well :) Glad to see you still enjoying the DT150! I...
RedJohn456 replied to the thread Sony MDR-MV1.dang, was hoping the MDR V1 would take the ma900s place in my stable, I sold it off but if it comes down to it I might just bite the...
RedJohn456 replied to the thread Sony MDR-MV1.Sony Fanboy checking in, will be keeping a close watch. After many years of ownership, I sold my MA900 earlier this year, and I knew...
RedJohn456 replied to the thread Audeze - Maxwell Gaming Headsets! (latest: Firmware v63 and HQ v109).Holy smokes, never seen a review this strong from Resolve, all aboard the hype train!
RedJohn456 replied to the thread Audeze - Maxwell Gaming Headsets! (latest: Firmware v63 and HQ v109).I hope everyone who received their Maxwell, have been enjoying them in good health. After trying to use these headphones...