The discovery thread!
Sep 12, 2016 at 9:29 AM Post #32,551 of 107,131
Sep 12, 2016 at 11:32 AM Post #32,552 of 107,131
I really don't know how you are getting all of these reviews done! Not only that, I couldn't imagine trying to compare the sound from all of these dacs. I just couldn't do it!

Anyway, that's another great review - thanks. The Hersus seems like another great DAC. And yet another one for you to eventually compare to the $75 Zuperdac lol!

p.s. it's cool to see a high quality dac like that built in Kelowna Canada (kind of in my neck of the woods).

Thanks mate! Yeah, this little thing was really a pleasant surprise I love it.

Honestly comparing sources is much more time consuming to me than IEM's or headphones. The differences are much smaller to my ears, especially at the price points we're talking about here. That being said I'm still surprised that the difference is there (I mean it's just so much you can do with a DAC- and a amp chip) and so far I've only come across two units sounding so similar that I couldn't tell the apart (HifiMe 9018 and Geek Out 720).

Go Canada go :wink:
Sep 12, 2016 at 1:05 PM Post #32,553 of 107,131
The elections are boring (in comparison lol), but yeah, it ain't such a bad place :)

True… we need more bench brawls on the campaign trail

Sep 13, 2016 at 11:59 AM Post #32,555 of 107,131
Sometimes it's fun to go back and listen to an IEM you've hung onto, but not listened to in a while. I just picked up some new Trinity Kombi tips, so I thought it would be fun to give them a test run on some of IEMs that have been stashed away in my collection. The first pair I grabbed was the Sony MH1c.
I forgot how enjoyable these were to listen to. Yes, they're very V shaped, but it doesn't mean that there's anything lacking, it's just a relaxed and very unoffensive sound signature. There were a few things I totally forgot about with these.
First, I forgot how much bass these little microdrivers have. Man...there are a lot of newer dual driver setups I've listened to that don't have the kind sub-bass and compression these itty-bitty single drivers have.
Second, The presentation is so...intimate. It's not like the soundstage is narrow, it's just up close. The best analogy I can give is the difference between listening to a band in a concert hall vs. a small club. All of the sound is there, but it's just, closer.
Third and finally, THIS DAMN CABLE. I forgot how much this flat J cable sucked. No matter how you position it, its ALWAYS getting in the way. GRRRRR.
Turns out I might actually start using these more than I have been. They're still really great.
Sep 13, 2016 at 12:54 PM Post #32,556 of 107,131
  Third and finally, THIS DAMN CABLE. I forgot how much this flat J cable sucked. No matter how you position it, its ALWAYS getting in the way. GRRRRR.

My main grouse (bolded part) along with that air-tight sealing these IEMs (and those sony tips) provided to my ears (which at times gave me the feelings of nausea just after few minutes of listening).
Just couldn't able to find a working tip(s) that wouldn't be too tight for my ears (stock ones are very problematic, in this aspect).
Sep 18, 2016 at 11:41 PM Post #32,557 of 107,131
Another new one.
 Interesting design, and seems very compact.
 Kinda like the black and orange look, not sure though.

"ELECOM Torus External Magnet Driver"
I love this description :
"We go berserk in dynamic and realize low tone which no is good for by adopting large neodymium magnet of φ 6.0mm by gaijikatajikikairo."
a 6mm torus magnet for an 8mm driver is , yes I agree= berserk

"We lose rear housing and do into Hachigata form that sound in chamber spreads in various directions and reduces outbreak of standing wave."
Plus looks like 2 tip depth settings on the posts, etc etc
Sep 19, 2016 at 1:02 AM Post #32,558 of 107,131
I'm still waiting on some more comparisons of the DZ7 and second opinions.  I'm very tempted to pull the trigger on these, as a service to others (justifying the expense), but at the same time, I'm very eager to hear about how the iSine 10 is going to sound.  The iSine will be a safer bet, for sure, and I'm positive it will have a much better resale value.  But, if the DZ7's were good enough, then why would I ever sell them?
Is anyone planning on taking a stab at the DZ7 or even the DZ8's, or is it going to have to be up to me to take one for the team?
Sep 19, 2016 at 1:06 AM Post #32,559 of 107,131
  I'm still waiting on some more comparisons of the DZ7 and second opinions.  I'm very tempted to pull the trigger on these, as a service to others (justifying the expense), but at the same time, I'm very eager to hear about how the iSine 10 is going to sound.  The iSine will be a safer bet, for sure, and I'm positive it will have a much better resale value.  But, if the DZ7's were good enough, then why would I ever sell them?
Is anyone planning on taking a stab at the DZ7 or even the DZ8's, or is it going to have to be up to me to take one for the team?

How about the DZX?

Sep 19, 2016 at 1:19 AM Post #32,560 of 107,131
Sep 19, 2016 at 1:24 AM Post #32,561 of 107,131
Crap, yeah, then add that one, too.  But, i still don't see any impressions and, my favorite, comparisons (with hopefully headphone(s) I own/have owned)...
Sep 19, 2016 at 2:21 AM Post #32,562 of 107,131
How would you even order those and how much do they want? Curiously I Googled the bigger driver one, EHP-CB200ARD, and found it through Amazon Japan. According to the conversion they want $500 USD which would be insane
Sep 19, 2016 at 4:31 AM Post #32,564 of 107,131
LURK650 :
You are adding an extra digit.
 I see ~3800 yen which is around $38 roughly :)
They'll eventually show up on ebay etc. Ordering using a 3rd party Japanese forwarder usually involves extraneous fees.
Time will tell if they are any good.
Sep 19, 2016 at 8:09 AM Post #32,565 of 107,131
Hi all audiophiles!
Together with a group of students at KTH in Stockholm I am researching the use of headphones, to gather knowledge in the subject for a school project. We would be sincerely grateful if you were to answer our short survey, concerning your experiences.
You will find the survey through the following link:
I look forward to your reply and I apologize in advance if the questions are too low-fi for this forum!

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