The discovery thread!
Jan 16, 2014 at 2:59 AM Post #19,246 of 106,583
  Okay sf, I just went through a vigorous A/Bing with the daft punk Doing it right, Ace hood's bugatti song, and one of my favorite video game music for rumble, thumps, and subbass goodness.
Ace Hood Bugatti

KEF M200
Ace Hood Bugatti - When I heard the first thumps from what sounding like a car's subwoofer, I thought the punch was okay at best, and due to the lushness of the bass, it was hard to hear some clarity from the thumping and beats that I heard from his $1.2 million car. As the song continues, the bass quality was good and lush, but my ears craved for some power, some clarity from the bass that could signify the power that is bass!
Sony H-3s
Ace Hood Bugatti - NOT as lush and smooth as I thought, the thumps and the car's "woofing" has more clarity in the subbass region, and I could clearly feel the rumble better than the m200's. I could clearly become immersed by the thrill of the run from the bass impact throughout the song. If I had to use a tool to compare the two, the thumps you feel when hitting the desk with your fist is weaker and not as solid compared to a and a liquid filled bottle hitting the desk, you can tell that the bottle's solid structure has a tighter and clearer output of that thump you want, and that's what the sony h-3s do. to make you believe that the h-3s are good enough for your bassy music. 
It's not a huge difference, but it is a difference easy to spot with a good ear, mine is alright and I almost thought they were similar, but the sony's bass isn't as lush and instead, clearer as well as punchier than the m200s. I'd say about... 
h-3 thump and rumble >> Kef's
This much. This also goes with the bass impact as well. Though, to be honest, the impact levels were similar, but the h-3s were harder impacts due to its clarity, the same goes for the songs below.
M200's rumbly subbass: I heard only bass, obviously as the song intended that, and the rumble power was great imo, I definintely heard the lush present in this game song, but I didn't mind, as long as I felt the ear massage that I craved for. Unfortunately, the volume had to be a LOT louder than the h-3s to match the dbs, and I'd say it's almost a tie.
H-3's subbass: Same as above, but I did hear a good deal of clarity. The fullness was similar to the m200's, but the m200's bass was a bit more in your face with that full lushness that is presented, but the h3's sound controlled, but a bit muddy. That doesn't mean it loses to the kefs, as the clarity outpaces the m200's, it isn't razor sharp, but it is sharper than what the m200 delivered.
Daft Punk Doing it right
M200's subbass and punch - I have to say, I always thought the kefs did it correctly in this recording. The bass was full, it was subtle at first, and then aggrandized itself with its intimidating rumble prowess. Unfortunately, I do hear the thumps pretty weak due to the thickness of the bass
H-3's subbass and punch - With these, I feel as though I heard a new level of refinement. The bass isn't as silky as the m200's (I retract my statement about it sounding satin, as it is not even close to that, and it's barely silky), but it is powerful and articulate in its notes. I do hear a bit of muddly bass, but not much. The hits were not powerful enough to threaten my ears and chest, but it was better in its delivery of a sense of power than the kef's. The kef's didn't have that nice thump that I would have liked to hear from an iem, and like the m200s, the h-3s also sounded full with just the right amount to keep the bass powerful enough to satiate a basshead.
At least, some bassheads. I feel as though there is an iem that can deliver more crisper and stronger bass impact, I hope I get to hear that one day, but at the moment, I take back what I said about the h3s being soft. It must have been my disappointing in hearing nearly no bass in some songs, but then again, that is a greaat thing. It adjusts itself to the recording. The Jpop I listen to doesn't have that much bass, and so the h-3s will deliver exactly what was recorded without a problem.
I hope that was good, if not, I will improve it and continue to A/B them.
I'm also adding more songs soon. These were not the only ones. I also listened to Mr.porter's 'Wassup' and Kavinsky's Protovision. The thumps weren't as immersive as I hoped, but it is the recording's original bass levvels that prevented both the kefs and h-3s to show my ears which had the better clarity.
I don't think you'll be disappointed with the strength of kicks and thumps and the bass impact eespecially, sf. Only if it was the same price as the kefs, however. The mids and highs are astoundingly different, as they are what embody the sonys, along with its great bass.
Going to bed, see you guys, and hopefully you guys can enjoy a good day tomorrow.

Interesting read, vlenbo. You have a good night meng.
Jan 16, 2014 at 3:04 AM Post #19,247 of 106,583
  Okay sf, I just went through a vigorous A/Bing with the daft punk Doing it right, Ace hood's bugatti song, and one of my favorite video game music for rumble, thumps, and subbass goodness.
Ace Hood Bugatti
KEF M200
Ace Hood Bugatti - When I heard the first thumps from what sounding like a car's subwoofer, I thought the punch was okay at best, and due to the lushness of the bass, it was hard to hear some clarity from the thumping and beats that I heard from his $1.2 million car. As the song continues, the bass quality was good and lush, but my ears craved for some power, some clarity from the bass that could signify the power that is bass!
Sony H-3s
Ace Hood Bugatti - NOT as lush and smooth as I thought, the thumps and the car's "woofing" has more clarity in the subbass region, and I could clearly feel the rumble better than the m200's. I could clearly become immersed by the thrill of the run from the bass impact throughout the song. If I had to use a tool to compare the two, the thumps you feel when hitting the desk with your fist is weaker and not as solid compared to a and a liquid filled bottle hitting the desk, you can tell that the bottle's solid structure has a tighter and clearer output of that thump you want, and that's what the sony h-3s do. to make you believe that the h-3s are good enough for your bassy music. 
It's not a huge difference, but it is a difference easy to spot with a good ear, mine is alright and I almost thought they were similar, but the sony's bass isn't as lush and instead, clearer as well as punchier than the m200s. I'd say about... 
h-3 thump and rumble >> Kef's
This much. This also goes with the bass impact as well. Though, to be honest, the impact levels were similar, but the h-3s were harder impacts due to its clarity, the same goes for the songs below.
M200's rumbly subbass: I heard only bass, obviously as the song intended that, and the rumble power was great imo, I definintely heard the lush present in this game song, but I didn't mind, as long as I felt the ear massage that I craved for. Unfortunately, the volume had to be a LOT louder than the h-3s to match the dbs, and I'd say it's almost a tie.
H-3's subbass: Same as above, but I did hear a good deal of clarity. The fullness was similar to the m200's, but the m200's bass was a bit more in your face with that full lushness that is presented, but the h3's sound controlled, but a bit muddy. That doesn't mean it loses to the kefs, as the clarity outpaces the m200's, it isn't razor sharp, but it is sharper than what the m200 delivered.
Daft Punk Doing it right
M200's subbass and punch - I have to say, I always thought the kefs did it correctly in this recording. The bass was full, it was subtle at first, and then aggrandized itself with its intimidating rumble prowess. Unfortunately, I do hear the thumps pretty weak due to the thickness of the bass
H-3's subbass and punch - With these, I feel as though I heard a new level of refinement. The bass isn't as silky as the m200's (I retract my statement about it sounding satin, as it is not even close to that, and it's barely silky), but it is powerful and articulate in its notes. I do hear a bit of muddly bass, but not much. The hits were not powerful enough to threaten my ears and chest, but it was better in its delivery of a sense of power than the kef's. The kef's didn't have that nice thump that I would have liked to hear from an iem, and like the m200s, the h-3s also sounded full with just the right amount to keep the bass powerful enough to satiate a basshead.
At least, some bassheads. I feel as though there is an iem that can deliver more crisper and stronger bass impact, I hope I get to hear that one day, but at the moment, I take back what I said about the h3s being soft. It must have been my disappointing in hearing nearly no bass in some songs, but then again, that is a greaat thing. It adjusts itself to the recording. The Jpop I listen to doesn't have that much bass, and so the h-3s will deliver exactly what was recorded without a problem.
I hope that was good, if not, I will improve it and continue to A/B them.
I'm also adding more songs soon. These were not the only ones. I also listened to Mr.porter's 'Wassup' and Kavinsky's Protovision. The thumps weren't as immersive as I hoped, but it is the recording's original bass levvels that prevented both the kefs and h-3s to show my ears which had the better clarity.
I don't think you'll be disappointed with the strength of kicks and thumps and the bass impact eespecially, sf. Only if it was the same price as the kefs, however. The mids and highs are astoundingly different, as they are what embody the sonys, along with its great bass.
Going to bed, see you guys, and hopefully you guys can enjoy a good day tomorrow.

^ HOLY SCHIITT thanks a ton for this write-up. Appreciate the effort meng!!!

Hmmm, i am in no rush in getting them though it's just that when the prices on them drop, it would be sweet to grab a set is all. haha
Am kinda over that basshead iem/ can phase already but if the price is right and they are as amazing as some peps say they are then it's worth a try.

Jan 16, 2014 at 3:12 AM Post #19,248 of 106,583
It is strange to me that sometimes things happen for a reason and I remember reading about Sony coming out with a brand new XBA-Hybrid series and it immediately got the attention of the collective at headfi.
After all it is SONY we are talking about..But when it comes to sound SONY is not going to back down to the likes of the many headphone manufactures based out of Japan or anywhere else for that matter...It seems just about everyone is experimenting with that magical mix of BAs and Dynamics and it was only a matter of time before SONY got in on the action.  The idea is to throw in the detail and the precision of Balanced armatures and then throw in a big Liquid Crystal Polymer 16mm Diaphragm..On paper that sounds quite exotic..In reality it is a smashing success! Read on.
For the guys that own one of many hybrids that are available in the market. All I can say is these are exciting times..There are so many new products that are coming out and while I had the opportunity to grab one of the earlier hybrids. I waited and saved a little here and there waiting for the right one. But a little curve ball was thrown my way.. During the recent Holidays there was such a fantastic deal for the most recent headphone from Shure.I had to jump on the deal..
The SRH1540s are an extremely enjoyable and immersive sounding headphone that have quickly shot up to the top of my headphone heap with ease..Not since the first time I heard my Denon D2000s have I enjoyed a bassy sound signature as much..As you guys know big bass usually means sacrificing something else in the sound...Not so with the SRH1540s..It gives a southern style helping of Bass with a lush smooth sound experience that just makes everything I hear from them sound too good to be true. I suppose you do have to be a fan of bass to fall for the sound. But for the guys that are. The cans will blow your mind. Lol.
Fast forward to the H3s..
The sound signature of these H3s are very similar to my SRH1540s... I enjoy my SRH1540s so much I was eager to get a H3 just because from sound descriptions the H3 sounded similar to that of the SRH1540s..The H3s are in fact the earphone version of what I am hearing out of my SRH1540s..It was immediately evident that there are more than a few similarities in sound tuning of both phones...
I still would place my SRH1540 as the most enjoyable/ technical sound out of all my phones but the recent discoveries of the Doppios and now these H3s have shown me one thing..The advances of in ears are astonishing perhaps more so now a days.
To me the effort put into an in ears design in sound has to be a daunting task. How do you please the masses that listen to so many types of music. Who do you please..What type of sound are you going for?..To me the tuning on these newer phones makes complete sense. These aren't a reference type sound or tuned like monitors..The H3 has one goal for the listener.. That is to truly enjoy what your listening to with a sound quality that does not skimp on anything.. Stage is full, large and dimensional and all enveloping..In fact you are literally stuffing your ears with multi speakers so it better have all of it..And all of it, it does! .With the size of the drivers in the H3s it would have been easy to overdo the bass end. The quality of the low end is there but no where near as bloated or skewed as some guys may make the bass end out to be. Overnight burn in and most of the out of box bloat is gone..To get this full warm smooth sound. It is a guess but I have a feeling the Dynamics in these phones are not just tuned for bass but also for the mids..That is the only way they are gonna get this fullness to happen..
The sound characteristics seems to be leaning more torward the Dynamic end smoothness and warmth more so than the BAs clinical like leaner presentations.. But the BAs are picking off the details and providing that bite and shine with the top layers of the sound which adds absolute dimension to the sound, which was placed on top of the big Dynamic just for this reason.. The end results?..You get all the fixens with your 16oz Porter house steak..Refinements abound,.Detail that starts with the highest of notes to the lowest of sub bass notes. Depth, fullness, articulation, and a good helping of some solid textured bass. An absolutely wonderful sounding pair of in ears from SONY..
How do the Doppios fair now that I got my H3s? To be continued..
Jan 16, 2014 at 3:47 AM Post #19,249 of 106,583
  It is strange to me that sometimes things happen for a reason and I remember reading about Sony coming out with a brand new XBA-Hybrid series and it immediately got the attention of the collective at headfi.
After all it is SONY we are talking about...But when it comes to sound SONY is not going to back down to the likes of the many headphone manufacturers based out of Japan or anywhere else for that matter...It seems just about everyone is experimenting with that magical mix of BAs and dynamics and it was only a matter of time before SONY got in on the action.  The idea is to throw in the detail and the precision of Balanced Armatures and then throw in a big Liquid Crystal Polymer 16mm Diaphragm...on paper that sounds quite reality it is a smashing success! Read on.
For the guys that own one of many hybrids that are available in the market, all I can say is these are exciting times...There are so many new products that are coming out and while I had the opportunity to grab one of the earlier hybrids, I waited and saved a little here and there waiting for the right one. But a little curve ball was thrown my way... During the recent holidays there was such a fantastic deal for the most recent headphone from Shure. I had to jump on the deal...
The SRH1540s are an extremely enjoyable and immersive sounding headphone that have quickly shot up to the top of my headphone heap with ease... Not since the first time I heard my Denon D2000s have I enjoyed a bassy sound signature as much. As you guys know big bass usually means sacrificing something else in the sound....ot so with the SRH1540s. It gives a southern style helping of bass with a lush, smooth sound experience that just makes everything I hear from them sound too good to be true. I suppose you do have to be a fan of bass to fall for the sound. But for the guys that are, the cans will blow your mind. Lol.
Fast forward to the H3s...
The sound signature of these H3s are very similar to my SRH1540s... I enjoy my SRH1540s so much I was eager to get a H3 just because from sound descriptions the H3 sounded similar to that of the SRH1540s. The H3s are in fact the earphone version of what I am hearing out of my SRH1540s. It was immediately evident that there are more than a few similarities in sound tuning of both phones...
I still would place my SRH1540 as the most enjoyable/technical sound out of all my phones, but the recent discoveries of the Doppios and now these H3s have shown me one thing: the advances of in-ears are astonishing perhaps more so nowadays.
To me the effort put into an in-ear's design and sound has to be a daunting task. How do you please the masses that listen to so many types of music. Who do you please? What type of sound are you going for? To me the tuning on these newer phones makes complete sense. These aren't a reference type sound or tuned like monitors. The H3 has one goal for the listener. That is to truly enjoy what your listening to with a sound quality that does not skimp on anything. Stage is full, large and dimensional and all fact you are literally stuffing your ears with multi speakers so it better have all of it. And all of it, it does! With the size of the drivers in the H3s it would have been easy to overdo the low end. The quality of the low end is there but no where near as bloated or skewed as some guys may make the bass end out to be. Overnight burn in and most of the out-of-the-box bloat is gone. To get this full warm smooth is a guess but I have a feeling the Dynamics in these phones are not just tuned for bass but also for the mids. That is the only way they are gonna get this fullness to happen.
The sound characteristics seems to be leaning more torward the dynamic end's smoothness and warmth; more so than the BAs' clinical, leaner presentation. But the BAs are picking off the details and providing that bite and shine with the top layers of the sound which adds absolute dimension to the sound, which was placed on top of the big Dynamic just for this reason. The end result? You get all the fix-ins with your 16oz Porter house steak. Refinements abound, with detail that starts with the highest of notes to the lowest of sub bass notes. Depth, fullness, articulation, and a good helping of some solid textured bass. An absolutely wonderful sounding pair of in ears from SONY.
How do the Doppios fare now that I got my H3s? To be continued..

Corrected it!
...Sorry, my GN sense was overcoming me. But the write up is awesome. You go, Mr. Ds!
Jan 16, 2014 at 4:23 AM Post #19,250 of 106,583
When you're looking for the Havi B3, talk to Bhazard. He's your man.

But he said not to buy any, since they [the sellers] seem to have stopped selling the Pro as of late.

The Xiaomi is great, and you wouldn't be disappointed. What're you lookin' for in a budget earphone? 

As great as the m200 are, I would like something with an easy fit for the subway... Im considering getting the eph100 again
Jan 16, 2014 at 4:26 AM Post #19,251 of 106,583
As great as the m200 are, I would like something with an easy fit for the subway... Im considering getting the eph100 again

excellent choice. I'm considering acquiring the same IEM. 
Jan 16, 2014 at 4:56 AM Post #19,252 of 106,583
WOW, you know you're in the wrong part of the world when you wake up and theres over 100 unread posts in one thread!
No point in even trying to find all the post I would like to quote to comment on them so I just list some thoughts and since I'm a obstinate son of a bitch I'm going to disagree with just about everyone:
Altough I really enjoy the CKN70's as well I do prefer the Piston's due to it's better bass and more air. My Piston's has more the 50 hours on them now so that might be a part of explaining this, other explanation will of course be different taste/preferences. As I mentioned earlier I think the Piston's are equally good as my Monster Gratitudes wich originally was sold for oves $200 so at least the compete with some $200 IEM's.
In oppsoite to some other(s) I really enjoy the Piston's direct from the Fiio X3, best match to my ears so far. Now if I could only find that Ipod toch of mine...................
How one can read the last 10 pages of this thread and come to the conclusion that the hype of the $19 Piston's is just hype is beyond my understanding. I've got both the Piston's and the Havi B3 and they are VERY different but as for now I would not rate the B3's higher.
Eric: I really appreciate the comparision between the CKN70 and IM70!
Vlenbo and DS: Nice write-ups!
ThatBeatsguy: Well played in the quoting game, now that's Forum Post Etiquette 

Bhazard: Enjoy Vegas, crazy place!
Those AX35 really sounds temtpting, I'm hoping for more impressions soon.
Jan 16, 2014 at 5:15 AM Post #19,253 of 106,583
  WOW, you know you're in the wrong part of the world when you wake up and theres over 100 unread posts in one thread!
No point in even trying to find all the post I would like to quote to comment on them so I just list some thoughts and since I'm a obstinate son of a bitch I'm going to disagree with just about everyone:
Altough I really enjoy the CKN70's as well I do prefer the Piston's due to it's better bass and more air. My Piston's has more the 50 hours on them now so that might be a part of explaining this, other explanation will of course be different taste/preferences. As I mentioned earlier I think the Piston's are equally good as my Monster Gratitudes wich originally was sold for oves $200 so at least the compete with some $200 IEM's.
In oppsoite to some other(s) I really enjoy the Piston's direct from the Fiio X3, best match to my ears so far. Now if I could only find that Ipod touch of mine...................
How one can read the last 10 pages of this thread and come to the conclusion that the hype of the $19 Piston's is just hype is beyond my understanding. I've got both the Piston's and the Havi B3 and they are VERY different but as for now I would not rate the B3's higher.
Eric: I really appreciate the comparision between the CKN70 and IM70!
Vlenbo and DS: Nice write-ups!
ThatBeatsguy: Well played in the quoting game, now that's Forum Post Etiquette 

Bhazard: Enjoy Vegas, crazy place!
Those AX35 really sounds temtpting, I'm hoping for more impressions soon.

     Hmph, I get the same problem...It's morning for the 'Muricans when I'm asleep. And dem 'Muricans post fast
And thanks for the compliment! Don't wanna be a n00b no more; gotta be the Pro like dem (quoting Masa' Walka) "pro Beaters" I got up in my avi.
Jan 16, 2014 at 5:22 AM Post #19,254 of 106,583
Got back to my OM Audio IEP's, and really loving them through my X3. The details and bass is immense, and I get a much more level sound with them through my X3 than I do with my Piston or 770X. Korn really shines. So does Dimmu Borgir and Children Of Bodom. 
Jan 16, 2014 at 5:24 AM Post #19,255 of 106,583
So excited when I saw the update on my tracking that shows my DUNU DN-1000 has left San Francisco. This means I can make my comparisons by Saturday. Until then I got the OM Audio, Piston, and UE 700 to keep my time. 
Jan 16, 2014 at 5:28 AM Post #19,256 of 106,583
  So excited when I saw the update on my tracking that shows my DUNU DN-1000 has left San Francisco. This means I can make my comparisons by Saturday. Until then I got the OM Audio, Piston, and UE 700 to keep my time. was in da 'Frisco? You better be lucky Walcer didn't get's his joint, you know.
Jan 16, 2014 at 5:42 AM Post #19,257 of 106,583
Yup. Have you ever gone back and realized just how much money you blew in the process as well? lol If you're still here, it was worth it. 

Yeah, but, I start hitting the $200-300 range, I plan to settle on something for a while. From there, I will probably go custom down the line. For now, though, I am enjoying the ride and adventure.
Jan 16, 2014 at 5:44 AM Post #19,258 of 106,583
Yeah, but, I start hitting the $200-300 range, I plan to settle on something for a while. From there, I will probably go custom down the line. For now, though, I am enjoying the ride and adventure.

I'm hoping the DUNU do that very thing for me. I wanna wrap this buying IEM stuff for awhile. 
Jan 16, 2014 at 6:29 AM Post #19,259 of 106,583
I don't get the hype of the Sony MH1c, They're good in some area's (Instrument separation, detail) but I find them quite thin sounding and not as clear and balanced as the VSD1s. I love the clarity and the upper region of the vsd1s, the drum kit especially. What I don't like is the mid-bass, the sound of the vsd1s is so smooth and detailed, it's like a beautiful lady in a red silk dress, but she is wearing army boots. The mid-bass just doesn't fit in the sound signature of the vsd1s.
The Xears Xe200pro are still one of the most enjoyable, earphones to listen too. excellent sound-stage, sub-bass and  overall balance. They are just not as clear and detailed as the VSD1S. 
I wished the Vsonic vsd1s and the Xears Xe200pro made a love baby. That would be perfect...
It's a shame, as a student, I can't afford to shell out 150 euro for some proper IEMs (GR07BE?) or 500 euro for some Custom IEMs
My Quest for affordable (<$50) and good sounding continues! Next up, the Pistons.

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