Orthodynamic Roundup
Sep 6, 2012 at 5:45 PM Post #20,431 of 27,185
Sep 6, 2012 at 6:17 PM Post #20,432 of 27,185
Sep 6, 2012 at 6:23 PM Post #20,433 of 27,185
Gave the HOKs another go from the speaker outs - the drivers started heating up quite noticeably.... The volume wasn't even close to loud.
I figured since the HOK (v. 1) has no bass to dampen and open-backed cups too, why put in any dampening. 

1 ) Wow! That's very strange. Possibly a strong DC offset at the speaker outs? Beyond that, I got nothin'. The impedance is high enough that you'd have to have lots and lots of voltage to pull enough current through the drivers for noticeable heating. 
2 ) Egggggg zackly. Well, you might put in something to kill reflections from the sides of the cup, but meh.
Sep 6, 2012 at 7:04 PM Post #20,434 of 27,185
1 ) Wow! That's very strange. Possibly a strong DC offset at the speaker outs? Beyond that, I got nothin'. The impedance is high enough that you'd have to have lots and lots of voltage to pull enough current through the drivers for noticeable heating. 

Hmm. It's possible I got some of the HOK wires mixed up when I was absent-mindedly connecting them to the speaker outs - would that potentially cause issues? I may not have caught the sound being off since I was also messing around with pads and would've expected an imbalance.
I was planning on connecting an electret transformer box to those speaker outs, but maybe I should invest in a multimeter first...
Invested in a multimeter.
Sep 7, 2012 at 2:42 AM Post #20,436 of 27,185
Gave the HOKs another go from the speaker outs - the drivers started heating up quite noticeably and actually got to sounding progressively worse as I let them play. The volume wasn't even close to loud.
They sound fine (HOK fine) now from the headphone out and don't heat up, so not sure what was going on there.
In happier news, I took out all dampening from the HOK cups, and the back disc as well, and instead put in a very slim disc of cotton to break up some waves that might bounce off the non-vented middle part of the cup. I figured since the HOK (v. 1) has no bass to dampen and open-backed cups too, why put in any dampening. The sound is decent and somewhat enjoyable. Soundstage is pretty decent as well.

YAY you went open back! 
 Honestly I don't know how you managed to keep opening them up and not severely damaging the things. I am scared to open mine again, but probably should to change up the damping scheme ( these are V1 and opened also ) and change the type of putty I used. I think the tabs are half shot on these so I rely on the putty to hold it tightish and next time a ring of black electrical tape for cup sealing at the baffle joint.
  What sort of bass drop did you notice probably minor I'm guessing
 These things certainly have a nice sound, even if it's not ideal it is still very enjoyable I definitely agree.
So this is a potential project I'm planning... but I'm a bit afraid to move forward.
What do you guys think?

I really think you should try this.
It is always possible .
I wonder though if you used an extension and cut carefully into that layer instead where the driver slips out of the sides just barely. You could then also have space for the plug jack maybe and also leave the stock parts for the shell intact. If you did this then you can also sand off and contour the parts where the driver sticks out to the edges of the shell and paint them white .
As far as a solution one would be to somehow extend the baffle up by 3,4 or 5 mm higher. How you go about this is going to be the hard part.
By the way it actually works.
I successfully increased spacing on the Pro30's to fit additional modding junk inside, also did the same with 2 Pioneer Loop projects.
 In the Pro30's cut 2 rings of white dense neoprene so it acted like an extension and just happens it may also be a vibration controller.
 For the Loops I stacked 3 rings of some black rubber gasket material on each cup.
 Trouble is with yours it looks like there may not be enough of a lip to seat them in without them slipping off it as you tighten down the screws. 
Of course you will have to locate extra length screws I may also be able to help you there.
Possibly best to to make extensions with harder and gluable ( easily cut ) white styrene sheeting it will hold a shape and can be glued together to increase height. Modellers do some amazing stuff with it, just so happens i have all of the above you can PM me for details about free samples enough to try out and make this work I think.
Either that or i may be able to track down some thicker aluminum sheeting that will take a fair bit of time though to trim down and get to shape. But that's another option.
The white neoprene ( which may not seat ) , the White styrene sheets, or the silver aluminum will also all match the colour scheme.
Sep 7, 2012 at 2:58 AM Post #20,437 of 27,185
about that t50rp transplant, cut a CD as an "additional part" for the baffle, and stick it to the stock baffle?
Sep 7, 2012 at 3:52 AM Post #20,438 of 27,185
BTW did someone from here grab that new in box MCS 8710 a few days ago?
Sep 7, 2012 at 7:12 AM Post #20,439 of 27,185
The multimeter I got was a cheap one (budget got squandered on the electrets), but looking at the settings, it should in theory be able to measure the DC offset on the amp. Won't know until Monday, though.
This pair of HOK doesn't seem to mind being opened repeatedly. I've intentionally broken off a plastic strand next to one of the clip holes so I can more easily lift the baffle up with a screwdriver. But the pads didn't survive so well, they wore out pretty fast from being taken off and put back on again. I don't think the bass changes much with having the phones open vs. closed - at least I don't remember noticing.
Sep 7, 2012 at 12:54 PM Post #20,440 of 27,185
Yes, I recall noticing the same thing, with some disappointment. 
I trust someone has pointed out the "DC Offset And You" sticky thread on AK.
And a tip of the hat to Nick for his legendary generosity.
Sep 7, 2012 at 5:35 PM Post #20,441 of 27,185
Yep, went through some of the contents in that AK thread. Seems a lot of people on there describe cracks and pops as their chosen type of distortion from high DC offset, but it wasn't quite like that with the HOK. It sounded (in both channels) more like the highs were gradually disappearing and the sound became boomier as I let them play - noticeably so. And I remember there being a slight low background hum that I don't hear when the phones are plugged into the phone output on that amp.
I don't remember having these problems the first time I had the HOK to the speaker outs, but maybe I didn't play them long enough.
Sep 7, 2012 at 8:25 PM Post #20,442 of 27,185
Sep 8, 2012 at 2:21 AM Post #20,443 of 27,185
Check the DC resistance of the HOK's channels, too, just to make sure. As we say here in southern North America, somethin' ain't right.
Nick, I'm not convinced yet that those are orthos, but who knows, maybe someone decided to make a low-cost driver like the SFI over in Germany. It's not a hard/fast rule, but usually when you see tone controls on a headphone, it's a cheap POS. Usually. Speaking of SFIs, is that guy doing the military headphone transplants using bulk-packed SFIs ? or do my ears deceive me?
Sep 8, 2012 at 4:27 AM Post #20,444 of 27,185
Nick, I'm not convinced yet that those are orthos, but who knows, maybe someone decided to make a low-cost driver like the SFI over in Germany. It's not a hard/fast rule, but usually when you see tone controls on a headphone, it's a cheap POS. 

Sep 8, 2012 at 11:31 AM Post #20,445 of 27,185
yeah that's what I thought too. I had seen a similar one before and obviously not bothered because of that. Only thing is the fella also has some orthos in his profile so I figured that he at least knows what they are and sound like. That doesn't guarantee anything.
I asked him for more pictures just out of curiosity... can't hurt to ask .
Maybe it says High Velocity on it or something and they got mixed up.
Only ortho I can think of that uses a tiny volume thing is that PMB.
Also the bulk packed SFI thing no clue what's going on there if that's what is in the picture they put up.
Is that even a real picture of those drivers?  40 mm 32 ohm they said.

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