Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Aug 14, 2013 at 11:54 PM Post #15,811 of 48,601
Just a heads up for any people buying from a certain infamous group buy site. Their time between the end of the sale and delivery will be considerable. I've purchased multiple times from them and each time it has been a wait of at least 2-3 weeks, sometimes even longer. I think my Aune T1 shipped about 4 weeks after purchasing, and I got in early on that buy as well. Not to try and scare people off from a great price, but I want to let you all know what you'll be in for.
Aug 14, 2013 at 11:59 PM Post #15,812 of 48,601
Just a heads up for any people buying from a certain infamous group buy site. Their time between the end of the sale and delivery will be considerable. I've purchased multiple times from them and each time it has been a wait of at least 2-3 weeks, sometimes even longer. I think my Aune T1 shipped about 4 weeks after purchasing, and I got in early on that buy as well. Not to try and scare people off from a great price, but I want to let you all know what you'll be in for.

Especially those after the first 48 because theywill be acomparing later order from a different supplier.

It does take a while. Just forget you bought them and be pleasantly surprised when they finally arrive.
Aug 15, 2013 at 1:31 AM Post #15,813 of 48,601
@Vicx - nice goat
Aug 15, 2013 at 4:51 AM Post #15,814 of 48,601
It feels so good I could cry! maybe I will..


honestly I cried the first time I listened to my k701's and fiio e12, it was so good
and I cried again at the humble bundle, so many games, so little $$$ wow!
Aug 15, 2013 at 12:16 PM Post #15,817 of 48,601
And you'll get them a lot faster
Aug 15, 2013 at 2:38 PM Post #15,818 of 48,601
They are $215 on the link I posted earlier, which is still a great deal. I decided to buy them :D. The link is the overstock one.

Thank you for that. I'm currently rocking the HD598 but after reading a few reviews, the X1's seem like a better set so I ordered them. At $292+ (Amazon) I would probably pass but at $215 I just couldn't. My HD598's cost me more then that and if these are better I'm all for it.
Aug 15, 2013 at 4:58 PM Post #15,819 of 48,601
I have the chance to buy either a magni or an Asgard2 for the Fidelio X1s. Would the magni suffice since there is no gain switch on the amp or should i just go for the Asgard 2 since it has a switchable gain? My source would be my Titanium HD through the RCA out. Im worried the Asgard might be too overkill on teh X1s since the impedence is so low.
Aug 15, 2013 at 5:25 PM Post #15,820 of 48,601
The Asgard 2 is probably overkill, though it'd be more future proof. With the Magni, you'll more than likely have to lower the PC master volume a little to give the volume knob some play, due to how sensitive the X1 is.

If it's just for the X1, the Magni will suffice.
Aug 15, 2013 at 6:02 PM Post #15,821 of 48,601
Just got back from playing various gametypes in Halo 4 with the DSS, my tube amp, and the Q701. Makes such a HUGE difference from stereo speakers, I had to switch back to the headphone setup after just one game. The headband bumps aren't bothering me today.

I would consider the X1, but if I'm honest with myself I feel very fulfilled in what I have. I also realize that I'm a big fan of the Q701's mild dampening factor (and the dampening factor of a clean, low output-impedance amp), the hiss is substantially louder straight out of a Turtle Beach DSS to a more "normal" 32 ohm headphone.
Aug 15, 2013 at 6:07 PM Post #15,822 of 48,601
The Asgard 2 is probably overkill, though it'd be more future proof. With the Magni, you'll more than likely have to lower the PC master volume a little to give the volume knob some play, due to how sensitive the X1 is.

If it's just for the X1, the Magni will suffice.

Thanks for the advice! I ended up spoiling myself and just sent payment for the asgard2 since i can use my IEMs on em and when i upgrade/purchase to an ortho (mad dogs or he-400) i'll be set. 
Aug 15, 2013 at 7:03 PM Post #15,823 of 48,601
MLE, have you read the news about GTA Online? I am amazed at how R* is going to accomplish this on current generation consoles. It really makes me believe they are already remastering it for the nex-gen version... without announcing it.
Aug 15, 2013 at 7:22 PM Post #15,824 of 48,601
I never played through a GTA game in my life. Just never got into them. Saw all my friends playing and it just didn't interest me. I might try V, if only because Sleeping Dogs kind of got me interested I that type of game.
Aug 15, 2013 at 7:25 PM Post #15,825 of 48,601
I never played through a GTA game in my life. Just never got into them. Saw all my friends playing and it just didn't interest me. I might try V, if only because Sleeping Dogs kind of got me interested I that type of game.

Word? Never a GTA in your life? Blasphemy!!! lol
If Sleeping Dogs got you somewhat into it, you should love the GTAs. The combat, however, is nothing it... really clunky, actually. It's what makes SD so unique, the way they were able to incorporate a batman-like combat system into an open world GTA type of game.

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