Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Dec 31, 2012 at 5:58 AM Post #10,246 of 48,581
For now, we have to live with the Q701 as the alternative. :wink:

Not sure how much soundstage is gonna be lost with the K702/65, but I'm gonna find out soon enough. :wink:

A bridge between the Q701 and HD650 sounds SO ideal.
Dec 31, 2012 at 6:29 AM Post #10,247 of 48,581
For now, we have to live with the Q701 as the alternative.

Ya, I've seen several posts where people say the Q701 is the closest thing to a mini HD800. 
Still, I'm all for more open veloury headphones with big soundstages coming out.  Keep them coming.
When is AKG going to make a K80x? 


Dec 31, 2012 at 8:25 AM Post #10,249 of 48,581
If it helps any to make you feel better, it took me a month to settle on my AD700 headphones (and another month to actually receive them...), and then a few YEARS to decide on jumping to the Q701. Thinking is good (and so is saving money), but so is living your life

Isn't your Alienware a laptop? In that case, I don't think you can use an internal sound card like the Titanium HD or Asus Xonar DG/DX anyway. If you live in America, then you can find the USB external DAC like the ASUS Xonar U3 for cheaper than $50... Black Friday may be over, but you can still buy it for $35 new or $28 refurbished. None of those would work with a console. If you really just wanna hear a sample of Dolby Headphone, why spend $$$? Mad has a perfectly serviceable YouTube video linked at the top of his guide that already has Dolby Headphone baked in. Try listening to that first before you buy!
The other thing, which is true for all audio, is your own ears are ultimately the best judge of what you'll enjoy. Everyone's ear is shaped and damaged differently, lol, so we all respond to sounds differently. IMO there is a small caveat to that, I think Surround processed audio takes a bit of time to get used to... I had to play/watch for a bit before I stopped concentrating to "hear the effect" and instead watch the media and let instinct fool me for surround placement.
Back to unique ears, I think your ear will determine if you prefer Dolby Headphone, CMSS-3D, THX TruStudio, Silent Cinema etc, and that is the main audio difference between the Mixamp and Recon3D IMO. I happen to like my Recon3D (I use it with my Xbox and PC running Mac or Windows), and my ears actually put TruStudio ahead of DH, and CMSS-3D doesn't work for me very well. NamelessPFG likes CMSS-3D best. So, just keep in mind YMMV. One thing I do notice with the Recon3D, dynamics and depth definitely improved on my Q701 by adding a powerful headphone amp. The Recon3D was perfectly suited by itself for the AD700 though, and the bass boost was a welcome option for that headphone as well. I saw Nameless selling his Recon3D at a very good price, bargain compared to the Mixamp.
Regardless whether you get a Xonar U3, Mixamp, Recon3D, DSS or something else, you're going to feel like you're missing something with harder to drive headphones like the Q701 (apparently the Beyer DT990 32Ω too, and all higher impedance headphones), so you'll eventually want an external headphone amp. All of the surround processors I mentioned have a built-in amp only about as powerful as an iPod classic (Mixamp may be a bit more, and I suspect the Recon3D is "capped" to prevent hiss), so I have come to view them JUST as a processor component, and I use an extra amp when I want to get serious
MLE amped his Mixamp with a FiiO E17 for a good ling time, using the E17 just as an amp. Ultimately, the E11 is a cheaper and more powerful amp, because it's only an amp, but Mad wanted the E17 to also use in stereo with music from the computer. An E9k (or Magni) is even more powerful, probably good enough to "stay" as a final headphone amp.
What would I recommend? Buy nice things so you don't have to upgrade later, and buy things separate as you are able to afford them. Like, a powerful stand alone amp can be used with soundcard or audio processor for consoles, but if you get an E17 and then an upgraded Amp or soundcard then half of the E17's features become redundant.

Thanks for the reply! For the "asus sonar U3 or creative x-fi titanium HD", I was talking about the USB version!
I have already tried the video on the fist page of thirs thread, and well I like the effect of DH! But if you get a good surround effect with the Recond 3D, then it's probably the better option as it cost 3x less than a mixamp in France -_-
I guess that Recon3D + amp + Q701 is a good option! I don't really know for pc gaming or movies what would be the best between a recon3D or a sonar U3? (it seems that an usb sound card is better for pc than the recond 3D in the Nameless Guide...)
I don't want a portable amp as I already have in-ear headphones, the headphone will stay at home! E9 could be a good solution but it's quite overprice in France -_- and don't send it here!
By the way, did someone tried gaming with in-ear headphones? I wonder in fact if the headphone will make a clear difference with my in-ear headphone (Monster Turbine Pro Copper).
Dec 31, 2012 at 8:40 AM Post #10,250 of 48,581
God ****it. So I'm sitting here watching Looper on Blu-Ray, and the Yuin G1A is distorting the bass like crazy. Sigh. Like super crackling. I'll record it so people don't think I'm crazy.

I have the worst luck with headphones, I swear.


Some of the rattling is from the movie itself, but the highest pitch rattles is the clipping.

Tried it with my KSC35/75 and HE400, and I don't get the distortion. Not to mention the left driver rattles on all bass. I expect a little rattle from clip-ons, but not all bass frequencies.
Dec 31, 2012 at 9:02 AM Post #10,251 of 48,581
Yeah, the Mixamp basically bakes the DH magic into the 3.5mm headphone output, whether you plug your headphones in or you plug in a headphone amp (like e9k). An dedicated amp doesn't process the sound... It just provides more current and voltage, just supplying enough "juice" for headphone drivers to meet their potential.
From what little I've read on the E9(k) and Magni, my 2nd hand opinion would be the E9k would be very similar but perhaps more pleasing with the somewhat bright DT990. I chose a tube amp so I could color the sound a bit and sweeten the highs and sense of space, it's been working well for me.
P.S. not a dumb question
just plug in a cable between the DSS output and the amp's input, DSS volume at like 80%

Thanks that's helpful. And that diagram too!
Now just gotta bring myself to drop 110 pounds on the E9 :p My plan to justify it is, if the amp doesn't help, then I can always return it.
Dec 31, 2012 at 11:13 AM Post #10,254 of 48,581
Thanks for the reply! For the "asus sonar U3 or creative x-fi titanium HD", I was talking about the USB version!

I have already tried the video on the fist page of thirs thread, and well I like the effect of DH! But if you get a good surround effect with the Recond 3D, then it's probably the better option as it cost 3x less than a mixamp in France -_-
I guess that Recon3D + amp + Q701 is a good option! I don't really know for pc gaming or movies what would be the best between a recon3D or a sonar U3? (it seems that an usb sound card is better for pc than the recond 3D in the Nameless Guide...)
I don't want a portable amp as I already have in-ear headphones, the headphone will stay at home! E9 could be a good solution but it's quite overprice in France -_- and don't send it here!

By the way, did someone tried gaming with in-ear headphones? I wonder in fact if the headphone will make a clear difference with my in-ear headphone (Monster Turbine Pro Copper).

Creative makes an X-Fi Surround 5.1 USB sound card, as well as a few other USB "sound cards" (the Recon3D would fall into this category, it's also from Creative), but in your defense I have seen the Titanium HD description text accidentally put onto a product page for the X-Fi surround 5.1 USB.

As far as movies go, DH was designed for movies and does well, and THX TruStudio Pro (which is what the Recon3D uses) was kinda designed with both gaming and movies in mind. Again, I won't say which is better since that depends on your ears, BUT I enjoy watching movies with my Recon3D and had a great time watching "Aliens" a few days ago.

As far as gaming goes, DH still applies the same sound, but has a limitation carried over from it's "designed for movie" heritage: the surround is really just a flat 2D surround to the sides, front, and back of you. Most of the time that's fine, and all that console games are capable of anyway, but for SOME games on PC, Creative's cards can create 3D surround so you can hear helicopters flying overhead or water flowing under your feet. That's a big reason Nameless prefers Creative's cards, particularly the internal X-Fi soundcards because those have the best support. Sadly though, most of the latest PC games don't offer full 3D surround as an option because the games were first designed for Xbox 360 or PS3 which only support 5.1 or 7.1 surround (2D), but if you want to play a game like Half-Life 2 or Bioshock, the 3D experience is there. I need to ask Nameless if Borderlands 2 has support for one of the 3D codecs.

So, most of the time, the U3 & Recon3D have equal surround potential, except with older games. But then, the Recon3D connects with either PC or Console, so it is more versatile, and the Recon3D also has the benefit that you can adjust settings on the PC and save them to use with your console.

Which do you think you want? The U3 is cheapest, the Recon3D works with PC and console, and apparently the Mixamp is 3x the cost. I hope I wrote clearly enough, je ne ecrit pas en français parce que je ne parle pas avec un personne pour dix ans.

Oh, and Mad did game a bit with in-ear headphones, and I've heard a few binaural (natural surround) recordings with my Etymotic ER6i IEMs. I think Mad's impressions are in his guide, I agree the soundstage is small (doesn't seem like the sounds are naturally coming from outside your head), but the illusion of direction DOES work well with detailed earphones. Astro and Etymotic both made gaming IEMs.
Dec 31, 2012 at 11:15 AM Post #10,255 of 48,581
Yeah, the RE0s worked well for gaming, though it's not a replacement for full sized headphones, or even clip-ons.
Dec 31, 2012 at 11:38 AM Post #10,256 of 48,581
right now i have a hot audio bit perfect dac and then a grado sr60i and a sennheiser 598. When i'm playing seriously, the 598s are great, but i think the 60s are very fun to game with. I was thinking about buying a higher end grado for fun, but my 60's cable is a mess and i don't want to invest a lot of money on cans that have a tendency to tangle and can't easily be replaced. So i was wondering if anyone had a suggestion for something that had similar audio characteristics to a grado, in the $150-$300 range, without the cable problems; also don't want to have to buy a better amp, and needs to be open back because i can't hear phone with closed.  Might just wait until i can afford the hifiman 400s... anyone know if my dac's built in amp would be sufficient for them?
Dec 31, 2012 at 12:02 PM Post #10,257 of 48,581
Just ordered an E09K for my DT990's, currently running off a DSS2. Hoping this provides a bit more refinement to the current sound.
Does anyone here use Apple TV for streaming movies? I've got some 5.1 movies on my Macbook that I'd like to stream through Apple TV. But when I plug the optical plug from the DSS2 into the Apple TV optical port, the Dolby Digital signal doesn't light up. So I'm thinking the dolby signal somehow isn't making it through the DSS2...hmm.
Dec 31, 2012 at 12:13 PM Post #10,259 of 48,581
Who did? I know I've seen this diagram before. It's very complete and useful for setup, but at first glance might scare off anyone who just wants a simple setup. I admit, I wish I could just plug my headphones straight into the Xbox and get glorious sound, but I also know how many corners were cut in the Xboxx 360 build, and would find an 3.5 mm out on a console 

I hate to say it but if someone finds that diagram to hard to follow they probably shouldn't be on head-fi. Technology is only getting more complicated and to get the most out of what you have is, I feel, always going to take some tweaking to get it just right. 
I just received my Sennheiser PC360, and when used with the Astro Mixamp, these definitely have the BEST positioning I have ever heard from a gaming headset. I own the Astro A30/40 and the Turtle Beach X41s, and these are a DEFINITE step up from the Astro headsets. The mic is crystal clear, people were surprised by how clear my voice was compared to the Astro mic that I had previously been using. I play on both Xbox 360 and PC.
Build quality is stellar, the headset feels solid (moreso than the A30 and A40). The headset is very comfortable, more than the A30 and A40 due to the material for the padding being softer thicker. Being an open backed headset, these do not isolate amazingly, but as I play in a quiet environment, it is not an issue for me. 
If you are looking for a new headset and already have a mixamp or soundcard, GET THE PC360. You won't regret it.

Thats good to hear, the PC360 are on the top of my want list when I have an abundance of money. 
God ****it. So I'm sitting here watching Looper on Blu-Ray, and the Yuin G1A is distorting the bass like crazy. Sigh. Like super crackling. I'll record it so people don't think I'm crazy.
I have the worst luck with headphones, I swear.Some of the rattling is from the movie itself, but the highest pitch rattles is the clipping.
Tried it with my KSC35/75 and HE400, and I don't get the distortion. Not to mention the left driver rattles on all bass. I expect a little rattle from clip-ons, but not all bass frequencies.

For what you paid for the G1A that is unacceptable. If I remember correctly you said they were not a large increase in quality over the Koss clip-ons so that build quality should at least be higher to justify the cost. Maybe they will by like my Koss DJ100/TBSE where they start out high and then drop down to a reasonable price, that would make sense because then they would be able to compete with the Koss clip-on market. 

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