Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Dec 19, 2012 at 7:37 AM Post #9,871 of 48,579
Drivers, housing, pads, amping, sound signature, all affect soundstage.

One example: Warmer headphones tend to have a smaller soundstage than brighter headphones.

Angled pads tend to have more soundstage than pads that are even all around.

Deep cups tend to have more soundstage than shallow cups...

So many reasons.
Dec 19, 2012 at 9:35 AM Post #9,872 of 48,579
MLE, amping's effect on soundstage isn't some weird increase in soundstage, but its a decrease in crosstalk coming from the previous amplifier. That said, the NwAvGuy O2 is a very good amp for gaming, but, only true idiots would specialize amps for different audio applications.
Dec 19, 2012 at 9:40 AM Post #9,873 of 48,579
I didn't say amping = increased soundstage. I meant it does affect soundstage like all the things I mentioned.

And I dunno what you mean by true idiots using amps for specialized reasons. That's basically like headphones. People like to use devices to alter or offset specific proficiencies/deficiencies in the sound chain. Don't know what's idiotic about that. That's just a subjective approach to audio. We all have our preferences. Sure there is being objective, but that's just one way to enjoy audio.
Dec 19, 2012 at 10:01 AM Post #9,874 of 48,579
Got my SLYRs this afternoon and have been playing around with it for a while now and I've come to a few conclusions
- They just BARELY fit my head. I would be happy if they had at least one extra notch on each arm.
- Soundwise, they're pretty musical. Just read MLE's impressions on them.
- The finish on the SLYRs headband is a textured matte plastic. Seems pretty durable. The plastic on the earcups kinda feels cheap.
- The SLYR mixer works as a generic pc sound card if you plug it into your pc.
- The headphone cable is 5ft, I personally like the length.
- The mixer cable if really effing long.
- I like the design of the strain relief but it also makes it hard to grip the cable when you want to pull it out.
- I wish the earpads were slightly bigger.
- The mixer will not work if plugged into a usb wall adapter. I tried a 500ma and a 2a and neither worked. It must be plugged in a pc, ps3, or xbox.
- Hooked up the mixer to my receiver's headphone port and played fine with it being fed DH.
- The mixer has 3 EQ settings and you must use 1 at all times,"Bass Mode", "Supreme Mode", and "Precision Mode". I find that the bass mode and precision mode is overly aggressive with the bass boost and treble boost. "Supreme Mode" seems to be the flat EQ.
- The mixer hooked up to my receiver, bass mode introduces a slight hum and precision mode brings in some hiss. Played it supreme mode (middle EQ) and it didn't mess with the DH but there is very slight hiss still but it's a non factor.
- Mixer hooked to my receiver and xbox controller and chat worked fine.
- If you want to use the SLYR with a mixamp and amp combo you're going to need a TRRS splitter so you can have a separate jack for your mic and headphone. You'll also need the headset splitter.
- I have to have the headband sit slightly more forward than usual to get a comfortable fit.
- Totally worth $40 :)
Edit: for the mixer, you can also play your mp3s on your computer while it's being fed game audio. You can adjust the balance of the 2 sources with the thumb stick on the mixer. Haven't tried this with it also being fed a chat channel yet.

Thanks for the comments, especially about the mixer. Strongly thinking of keeping the receiver I just snagged.
Dec 19, 2012 at 1:20 PM Post #9,875 of 48,579
The two digits after the CECH* part just indicate the region the console was sold and set for.
The HDFury was originally a DVI-HDCP/HDMI video DAC, but it looks like later models added a digital passthrough stripped of HDCP. They've grown into very versatile devices...and very expensive ones, at that. (The latest models would easily cost me more than the FW900 did.)

Quite an informed person you are. That's interesting. Ah, that's pretty sweet. Actually, that's really useful if I ever wanted to record PS3 through HDMI. How expensive?
Dec 19, 2012 at 1:31 PM Post #9,876 of 48,579
Dec 19, 2012 at 1:38 PM Post #9,877 of 48,579
just found out they're a $200 headphone with dual drivers and they also having coming out some crazy ass looking 7.1 full wireless gaming headphones with touchscreens built into them for i don't know what.
Dec 19, 2012 at 1:52 PM Post #9,878 of 48,579
Ok, after ~4 hours of messing with all sorts of stuff and searching around, I'm 99% sure this DOES NOT work. The sound card is meant to mix audio from a PC and the hdmi video input. I'm not blaming you, as it was my responsibility to do research on something before I purchased it (thought you knew what you were talking about and the auction was ending), but PLEASE for future reference, know and have experience before you post something. People come to these forums looking for solutions to problems. I'm now stuck with a sound card I have no use for and wasted ~4 hours of my life, lol.

Well, I was never sure if it would work. That's the only way I knew of making it happen. That's the only way I knew to get MyEars on the PS3. I never said that I had this setup. I just posted something that I thought might work. Sorry I didn't add a disclaimer saying that it was a theory. I guess that means hooking up a PS3 to an Auzentech with CMSS-3D would produce the same results. Also, dunno if you knew or not, but I'm new here. Most people know I'm new. If you checked my profile you could see I'm new. I'm human. I'm going to make mistakes. As for my replies, yeah, I generally don't sum up the entire paragraph and reply to it as a whole. I do that time to time, but only when it means I'm not going to be missing out on any certain detail. I'm working on it all. At least I'm not that generic one word texter that replies to everything you say with "k", or some crap. I try to be thorough and take care with each and every reply I make. Anyway, so, it goes from the video card to the sound card? I'm not sure I follow. Yes, I always do my research. It was a work in progress for me. As soon as I got the money, I was going to try it. I thought I did too. I thought it would work. That's the only way I knew of getting it to work. I didn't say I've done this before, and it sounds amazing! Maybe you can still return the item? If the seller has no returns for the return policy, then idk, contact Paypal stating that something doesn't work (your setup). In any case, with something like this, you don't wanna buy something with a no return policy. It was a hasty, unsure, but promising, purchase. It's apparently something you really were interested in, went out on a limb and the limb broke. I can't mend the tree, but maybe I can mend your back. <3 LOL, seriously though, maybe you can work something out. I hate that I caused something like this for you, as it will probably come back at me, but oh well. At least you have a really nice sound card for your computer? It's really rare as well, having that HDMI in/out, so if you did sell it, it would probably have high resale value, maybe even more than what you paid for it, idk. It comes with Dolby HP too I believe. Duly noted, but as I tried to say, this was experimental. It was an idea. Yeah. Everything happens for a reason. If four hours and some money is all you wasted, then I'd say you could have much worse losses. I've made some purchases where I've pretty much wasted my money, but hey, it's replaceable. Time isn't replaceable though, but, we all learned something I guess.
Omg, I tried that MyEars awhile back. I thought it was garbage. It was the worst virtual surround I heard.

A day late and a dollar short, but good to hear your input nonetheless.
To be fair, i don't think he ever actually said he tried that setup himself... Just went on and on about it in that rambling fashion of his which makes his replies unintelligible. You frequent boards like this enough and you learn to take everything with a grain of salt, or at least to verify stuff and figure out who's opinions are in tune with your own.

See above, but that's right, I did not. Did I? I went on and on about it? I ramble, as well as having my own way of rambling? Wow. I'm working on the replies. They're actually all pretty intelligible, but the way I reply, piece by piece, sometimes just doesn't come out right. That's right though.
lol jeez soamusing777 is making quite a name for himself on these forums....
im sure he meant well though, probably just wasnt sure?

I guess I'm infamous, rather than what I'd like to be. Oh well, it's the internet. Everything will work itself out in time. Still doesn't help my rep since I plan on becoming the world's healthiest man one day, lol. I've actually pretty much only posted here, with a few replies in another thread. I did mean well and wasn't sure, see above.
Dec 19, 2012 at 2:25 PM Post #9,879 of 48,579
Ok, just tried Modern Warfare 2 on PS3 with Earforce DSS and Samson SR850. I think Dolby Headphone is not for me. I just don't like the effect or results. Thank goodness that I held out and didn't go out and buy the Astro A40s. I would have been wasting my money. I just ordered the SLYR for $40 and will enjoy my stereo headset.
On another note, I don't know what happened between Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3, but Modern Warfare 2 has much better sound effects than Modern Warfare 3. It feels likey used toy gun sounds in Modern Warfare 3.
Makes me really excited about Respawn's new game. I really enjoyed Modern Warfare 2's semi-open environments.
Now just to save up some money for the Hifiman HE-400 and Phillips Fidelio X1.
Dec 19, 2012 at 2:37 PM Post #9,881 of 48,579
Quite an informed person you are. That's interesting. Ah, that's pretty sweet. Actually, that's really useful if I ever wanted to record PS3 through HDMI. How expensive?

It starts at around $130-140 for the earliest generations, up to $400 (!) for the latest HDfury4, or even $500 (!!!) for that same HDfury4 bundled with some extra devices.
By comparison, the FW900 only cost me $250 on the local craigslist. (Pricing naturally varies on such a discontinued product, but some people will gladly pay $1,000+ for one in tip-top shape.)
You could easily just buy a new display with HDMI input for as much as one of those HDfury devices, but if you're a CRT diehard who wants to keep using such prized displays, especially at gaming where they still excel above all else, or just strip the HDCP so you can use the HDMI input on a video capture device, then there aren't any alternatives I know of out there.
Dec 19, 2012 at 2:46 PM Post #9,882 of 48,579
Dunno why people avoid the first video on the first post. Its basically wbat DH is. No need to buy to see if it works for you.
Dec 19, 2012 at 3:31 PM Post #9,883 of 48,579
Well, I was never sure if it would work. That's the only way I knew of making it happen. That's the only way I knew to get MyEars on the PS3. I never said that I had this setup. I just posted something that I thought might work. Sorry I didn't add a disclaimer saying that it was a theory. I guess that means hooking up a PS3 to an Auzentech with CMSS-3D would produce the same results. Also, dunno if you knew or not, but I'm new here. Most people know I'm new. If you checked my profile you could see I'm new. I'm human. I'm going to make mistakes. As for my replies, yeah, I generally don't sum up the entire paragraph and reply to it as a whole. I do that time to time, but only when it means I'm not going to be missing out on any certain detail. I'm working on it all. At least I'm not that generic one word texter that replies to everything you say with "k", or some crap. I try to be thorough and take care with each and every reply I make. Anyway, so, it goes from the video card to the sound card? I'm not sure I follow. Yes, I always do my research. It was a work in progress for me. As soon as I got the money, I was going to try it. I thought I did too. I thought it would work. That's the only way I knew of getting it to work. I didn't say I've done this before, and it sounds amazing! Maybe you can still return the item? If the seller has no returns for the return policy, then idk, contact Paypal stating that something doesn't work (your setup). In any case, with something like this, you don't wanna buy something with a no return policy. It was a hasty, unsure, but promising, purchase. It's apparently something you really were interested in, went out on a limb and the limb broke. I can't mend the tree, but maybe I can mend your back. <3 LOL, seriously though, maybe you can work something out. I hate that I caused something like this for you, as it will probably come back at me, but oh well. At least you have a really nice sound card for your computer? It's really rare as well, having that HDMI in/out, so if you did sell it, it would probably have high resale value, maybe even more than what you paid for it, idk. It comes with Dolby HP too I believe. Duly noted, but as I tried to say, this was experimental. It was an idea. Yeah. Everything happens for a reason. If four hours and some money is all you wasted, then I'd say you could have much worse losses. I've made some purchases where I've pretty much wasted my money, but hey, it's replaceable. Time isn't replaceable though, but, we all learned something I guess.

Sorry, when someone says "I only know one way". That generally means they know it works. Also, just because you are new here, doesn't mean you didn't have previous experience with that sound card. Regardless, it is done and over with now. Also, my apologies for the rant, I've been heavily sleep deprived thanks to our 1 month and have been in a bitter mood. Back on topic we go.
Just got my 3rd pair of the Monoprice headphones in, CS insists that I received 2 faulty units and demanded for me to try a 3rd, we'll find out soon enough. PLYR 2 headset due to arrive tomorrow, first impressions to follow.

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