Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Jul 7, 2012 at 1:04 PM Post #6,196 of 48,583
First, thanks for putting together this guide!  I'm hoping you can give me some guidance.
I'm a recreational gamer, so my needs are somewhat different. My current setup is a PC with an X-Fi sound card (CMMS-3D, equivalent to Dolby Headphone) and replacing a Plantronics Audio90, which had super comfortable foam pads but terrible sound. I play all types of games (RPG, FPS, RTS, Action), and am looking for something fun, comfortable, with some sound isolation (I'm in the family office, so fully-open is out, as are my Logitech Z-5300e 5.1 speakers).  I'd like something with good spacial positioning, so I can localize sounds, but I don't play competitively, so I prioritize clear dialog and a more fun (bassy?) sound over being able to pinpoint footsteps through explosions.  I'm looking for either a headset or headphones and a mic, and would prefer non-pleather pads.
What would be some of the best options for me in the $30-$200 range for fun, comfortable, semi-open/closed headphones/headsets?  Thanks.

Dt770 32ohm to 250ohm, Ultrasone HFI-750. Might be worth researching or getting opinions on.
Jul 7, 2012 at 1:13 PM Post #6,197 of 48,583
First, thanks for putting together this guide!  I'm hoping you can give me some guidance.
I'm a recreational gamer, so my needs are somewhat different. My current setup is a PC with an X-Fi sound card (CMMS-3D, equivalent to Dolby Headphone) and replacing a Plantronics Audio90, which had super comfortable foam pads but terrible sound. I play all types of games (RPG, FPS, RTS, Action), and am looking for something fun, comfortable, with some sound isolation (I'm in the family office, so fully-open is out, as are my Logitech Z-5300e 5.1 speakers).  I'd like something with good spacial positioning, so I can localize sounds, but I don't play competitively, so I prioritize clear dialog and a more fun (bassy?) sound over being able to pinpoint footsteps through explosions.  I'm looking for either a headset or headphones and a mic, my use would be 90% gaming, and would prefer non-pleather pads.
What would be some of the best options for me in the $30-$200 range for fun, comfortable, semi-open/closed headphones/headsets used exclusively for gaming?  Thanks.

Which model X-fi card is it?
The Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 250-Ohm headphones ($155-$180) and a decent headphone amplifier that you can plug into the X-Fi's headphone jack.
Jul 7, 2012 at 1:25 PM Post #6,198 of 48,583
Which model X-fi card is it?
The Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 250-Ohm headphones ($155-$180) and a decent headphone amplifier that you can plug into the X-Fi's headphone jack.

I have the X-Fi XtremeGamer and I currently have the mic plugged into the optical/multi-use port on the back with the headphones plugged into the case's front audio expansion jack. Unfortunately, if I plug the mic into the case's front audio jack, my voice is too quiet and garbled, so I need to use the optical/multi-use port on the back for the mic, and thus can't use a headphone amp (I assume the amp is needed to drive higher ohm headphones?).
Jul 7, 2012 at 2:42 PM Post #6,199 of 48,583
Dt770 32ohm to 250ohm, Ultrasone HFI-750. Might be worth researching or getting opinions on.

I couldn't find the DT 770 32ohm, only the DT 770 Pro 80 and Pro 250 (out of which I believe I would want the 80, since I don't have a headphone amp?). Is the Ultrasone HFI-750 this headphone here? If so, it's a possibility, but at $250 (+$30 for a mic) I'd like to see if there's something comparable for less. 
Jul 7, 2012 at 2:46 PM Post #6,200 of 48,583
I have the X-Fi XtremeGamer and I currently have the mic plugged into the optical/multi-use port on the back with the headphones plugged into the case's front audio expansion jack. Unfortunately, if I plug the mic into the case's front audio jack, my voice is too quiet and garbled, so I need to use the optical/multi-use port on the back for the mic, and thus can't use a headphone amp (I assume the amp is needed to drive higher ohm headphones?).

On the back panel of the Xtreme Gamer
The mic is plugged to the cards mic/optical (white) port.
So you could plug the headphone amplifier into the green line-out/headphone output port.
Also the Audio Technica ATH-A900s are not really bassy, but should work plugged into the Xtreme gamer without the need for an amplifier.
Jul 7, 2012 at 3:03 PM Post #6,201 of 48,583
Yes, the mic is plugged into the optical port.  I currently have my speakers (Logitech Z-5300e 5.1) plugged into the sound card's three output ports. The back of the case is somewhat inaccessible, so unplugging the speakers to plug in the amp is right out. I'm guessing plugging the amp into the case's front headphone port would not work well? What's the benefit to the amp, vs just getting lower ohm headphones that don't need it?
How do the DT 770 Pro 80 compare to the DT 770 Pro 250, or the ATH-A900?
I've also seen the Sennheiser HD 558, PC 350, and PC 360 recommended. How do those compare to the above for gaming and comfort (I've heard some about Sennheisers being very clampy, but the A900s getting hot)? 
Any other models I should be looking at? Is there something cheaper that's comparable, or do the cheaper headphones all sacrifice sound or comfort?
Jul 8, 2012 at 10:50 AM Post #6,202 of 48,583
The pc360s are open so probably not great for your needs. The 350s aren't the most "fun" as they have very little bass(I've had them for a few years). I'm getting my hm5's on Monday/tomorrow and will let you know how they are for gaming. Dt770's do sound like a good choice as well for your needs. I'm thinking with the 80ohm you could get away without an amp but the 250 you definitely would need one. As I said I have pc350s which are 150ohm and occasionally wouldn't use my amp and it wasn't bad. An amp will give you more bass from the drivers getting more power and should sound cleaner all around though.
Jul 8, 2012 at 11:05 AM Post #6,203 of 48,583
Going cheaper will almost always sacrifice something. If you're only going to use them for gaming and never music you could spend $100 on something and be satisfied but if you don't mind spending the extra cash on a good quality set it will make you much happier. If you read the ops review CAL! On the first page it seems like it would work well. Might be worth looking into for quite a bit cheaper
Jul 8, 2012 at 11:58 AM Post #6,205 of 48,583
Excuse my newbness, but could you guys explain how open, semi-open, and closed headphones are in real life? If using open headphones, can everyone else in the room with me really hear what I'm hearing the same as if I was using speakers or something, thus defeating the point of me using headphones? If using closed headphones, would I still be able to chat with my wife sitting 4 feet behind me, or would it isolate so much that we have to use Vent even in the same room?
Any advice to how the CAL! would compare to the Samson SR850/Superlux HD668B + AKG velour pads, since they come out to be about the same price? 
I'd honestly only use the headphones for gaming, and maybe the occasional movie / anime. I'm not an audiophile, so I don't want to spend more than I have to, but don't mind spending more for a better product that will make me happier in the end.  What would I gain stepping up from something like the CAL! to the DT 770 Pro 80?
Jul 8, 2012 at 12:04 PM Post #6,206 of 48,583
After much time with the Ultrasone PRO 550s, while they're fun, they're not as nice as the Q701s. While they do have more of a bass impact, it feels... fake. This is more abundantly clear when I'm listening to music... including Dub Step and Trance... which you would think would sound better with the 550s, but to me, it makes it worse as it masks all the other sounds.
I'm going to try the 990s Pros next :)
Jul 8, 2012 at 12:25 PM Post #6,207 of 48,583
This post is long overdue for me, but I have been stalling cause I don't want to get yelled at. :) I have done so much reading my head is swirling.
I see a lot of people saying that the 250ohm DT770 needs an amp. I run the DT990pro off my mixamp so I am wondering what the DT770 does so differently that it definitely needs this extra power?
I am getting the E17/E09K combo on Monday/Tuesday. So then I will get to experience the DT990 with full power.
The hunt for a closed headphone continues and I have a few questions.
DT770pro 250ohm vs 600ohm with my amp does anyone have  an opinion on these with Dolby? I have read Zombie's thread that the 600ohm is more refined. Are the 600's worth the extra $100?
T70 anyone tried these? I realize they lack bass impact (like the Q701) but can reach really low. I can get them open box for 399CAD right now.
AKG550 has anyone attempted gaming with these headphones, yet? I LOVED the Q701 but they were useless for my situation and noise level in my tiny apartment. Summer is coming do they sweat? Can you lay down and relax with them on without breaking the seal?
Pro900 I am not going to ask any questions I am just going to wait patiently for your opinion MLE.
Are there any other headphones I should read about? My budget is about 500dollars CAD. Must pair with the E09K. Please don't suggest Denon's I would LOVE to get a pair but due to there isolation they are definitely a no go. Hoping the new generation either goes fully open or fully closed. I am one of the only people that loves the look of the 7100.
My needs are 1. Isolation 2. Soundstage(positional immersion) 3. Clarity 4. Bass
I play a lot of Dead Island and love hearing the Thugs and infected scream only to realize they are miles away due to the DT990 awesome soundstage depth. I will also be playing a TON of Borderlands2 when it arrives. So nothing competitive.
I have also started listening to a ton of Vocal/Liquid Drum and Bass, and Chillstep. (Netsky for example)
Jul 8, 2012 at 1:06 PM Post #6,208 of 48,583
First, ALL Beyerdynamic headphones (the popular ones) need an amp. The DT770 Pro 80 is the easiest to drive, but it STILL needs power. It sounds really harsh and thin, and very loose in the bass area without an amp.

Second, even the 32ohm Beyers need amps (harder to juice than the 80ohm, IMHO).

If you have the Mixamp, the 80ohm should be fine for gaming, if you want a LOOOOOT of bass. It can sound very muddy at times. The 32ohms felt as hard to drive as the 250ohm.

Third, the 600ohm DT770... well, the one I got wasn't refined at all. It had as much bass at the 80ohm, possibly even more so. I think I got a fluke 600ohm, so I honestly feel like deleting the listing of the 600ohm on the first page.
Jul 8, 2012 at 1:21 PM Post #6,209 of 48,583
See this is what worries me. Was the 600  ohm with your E9 setup? I am concerned the E9 doesn't have the power to run the 600s properly. So maybe I am better off with the (balanced) 250 ohm. If i go that route. Or maybe you did get a weird pair. /shrug
Jul 8, 2012 at 1:24 PM Post #6,210 of 48,583
The E9 has enough power for 600ohm, but 600ohm cans can benefit from even more power. Also, the E9 isn't a good match for harsh headphones, which pretty much is all the popular Beyers. The E9 is better for headphones with a smoother treble. If you don't mind not taming any harsh treble, then the E9 is fine as a means to have power for cheap.

In any case, the 600ohm DT770 I got sounded bass bloated to hell off anything I plugged it into. Something was definitely off compared to what everyone else has said of the 600ohm DT770s.

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