Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Jul 7, 2012 at 1:25 AM Post #6,181 of 48,581
If you live in the states, go for the HM5. Should be the same exact thing, but cheaper and readily available in the states. The FA-003 is a bitch to order and wait for. (through Russia, pains, etc). That is, unless you're buying them used through here at Head-fi...

Too bad the HM5 doesn't come with the extra velour pads like the FA-003. I'd have probably bought them by now had they came with those.

Speaking of anime... all the new ones are starting to come out this week. I better get on that...
Jul 7, 2012 at 1:35 AM Post #6,183 of 48,581
That's a great price... too bad they're equipped with pleather, and are out of the country.
Jul 7, 2012 at 1:38 AM Post #6,184 of 48,581
Yeah. They were below $50 (slightly) giving cheaper shipping, then they got mentioned on here and went to $50 with the higher shipping bracket. Now they're $80 and out of stock. So the typical flavor of the month ruining pricing :p But yeah, I agree with you MLE. If these had the velour pads that the FA-003 came with I'd have purchased them a long time ago.
Jul 7, 2012 at 1:39 AM Post #6,185 of 48,581
Not sure they are out of stock. The website is a bit confusing with their icons. Looks like they are limited... o_O

The currency is Aussie money. Not sure how that $80 is in American dollars. edit: Hmm, around the same.

Not sure I wanna deal with shipping from Australia.
Jul 7, 2012 at 1:42 AM Post #6,186 of 48,581
Guess I didn't realize the hm5 was the same thanks. If you wouldn't mind let me know if there are any good animes in a pm or something. I'm into all kinds but have haven't kept up on it much in a year or so except the big name titles. The lack of good stuff (anime and otherwise)on Netflix and hulu is hurting. Glad I just got game of thrones to watch!
Jul 7, 2012 at 1:43 AM Post #6,187 of 48,581
I basically just sift through Animetake, and whatever they put up recently. XD

Yeah, try the HM5. Let us know how it goes for you.
Jul 7, 2012 at 1:45 AM Post #6,188 of 48,581
Not sure they are out of stock. The website is a bit confusing with their icons. Looks like they are limited... o_O
The currency is Aussie money. Not sure how that $80 is in American dollars. edit: Hmm, around the same.
Not sure I wanna deal with shipping from Australia.

At the $50 mark, shipping was $20. When it was just under $50, shipping was $7.50.
Jul 7, 2012 at 1:48 AM Post #6,189 of 48,581
I don't mean the price of shipping, just waiting for something shipped from Australia. I heard Australia is a bit finicky with what goes in/out of the country.
Jul 7, 2012 at 1:58 AM Post #6,190 of 48,581
My hm5 and zalman mic should be here Tuesday thanks to amazon. There a different mic I should've gone with? Also while I'm here (and lazy) good break in recommendations for headphones? I just tended to use mine a lot, will that be sufficient?
Jul 7, 2012 at 2:12 AM Post #6,191 of 48,581
Ugh... Zalman... CANCEL!!! Get the Antlion Modmic, if you can afford it. The Zalman is absolute garbage. I bought it when it was expensive, and I had to scream just for it to pick up my voice.

Seems the modmics aren't for sale at the moment. (They are upgrading the site)

If you're patient, Dealextreme sells a very good clip-on like the Zalman, that actually works, and is cheaper. It takes like a month for it to get to you though.

Works like a charm. I know for sure the DX mic is wonderful. Owned two, and both were as good as my PC360's built in mic, IMHO.
Jul 7, 2012 at 2:19 AM Post #6,192 of 48,581
Ugh... Zalman... CANCEL!!! Get the Antlion Modmic, if you can afford it. The Zalman is absolute garbage. I bought it when it was expensive, and I had to scream just for it to pick up my voice.
Seems the modmics aren't for sale at the moment. (They are upgrading the site)
If you're patient, Dealextreme sells a very good clip-on like the Zalman, that actually works, and is cheaper. It takes like a month for it to get to you though.
Works like a charm.

In the budget and looks awesome! Currently unavailable on amazon and their web page though :frowning2: I'll deal with the zalman until they get it back and do a swap since amazon has a great return policy. Really appreciate the recommendations. Thanks again.

Haha yeah I'm impatient that's why I have amazon prime that and a mic is pretty important:p
Jul 7, 2012 at 2:45 AM Post #6,194 of 48,581
Not better, maybe just different. I hear the antlion is very sensitive. I haven't heard it myself.

The PC360 mic doesn't sound the same as the DX clip on. The DX clip on picks up voices just as well, but has a different tonal balance. Brighter, I guess. Your voice sounds more natural with the PC360's mic. To me, I don't care about that. As long as I'm understood clearly, I could care less about whether my voice is realistic or not.
Jul 7, 2012 at 12:57 PM Post #6,195 of 48,581
First, thanks for putting together this guide!  I'm hoping you can give me some guidance.
I'm a recreational gamer, so my needs are somewhat different. My current setup is a PC with an X-Fi sound card (CMMS-3D, equivalent to Dolby Headphone) and replacing a Plantronics Audio90, which had super comfortable foam pads but terrible sound. I play all types of games (RPG, FPS, RTS, Action), and am looking for something fun, comfortable, with some sound isolation (I'm in the family office, so fully-open is out, as are my Logitech Z-5300e 5.1 speakers).  I'd like something with good spacial positioning, so I can localize sounds, but I don't play competitively, so I prioritize clear dialog and a more fun (bassy?) sound over being able to pinpoint footsteps through explosions.  I'm looking for either a headset or headphones and a mic, my use would be 90% gaming, and would prefer non-pleather pads.
What would be some of the best options for me in the $30-$200 range for fun, comfortable, semi-open/closed headphones/headsets used exclusively for gaming?  Thanks.

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